Chapter 324 Peace Talk
Everything that the church reveals is thought-provoking.

The clear water that corrupted the half-breed, the blue fire that the priest finally ignited.

This is the result of the follow-up interrogation. The priest Lu Mingfei and Caesar captured in the dark church before leading the congregation to celebrate mass was not the person in charge of the church in Las Vegas, nor was his true identity a priest. The one who ignited the blue fire in the car rushing to the airport is the real priest.

The difference between false priests and real priests is obvious. The former, like ordinary congregants, drink clean water that induces corruption. In addition, they also call this holy water. The status of real priests is more noble, they know more secrets, and they can also use link roads. Mingfei also had to be careful with Lan Huo.

After the Xuanwu siege was placed on the true priest, Lu Mingfei sensed that his soul was blown into the wind and crumbling, judging from this, does it mean that the fuel of the blue fire is the soul?
Lu Mingfei has never seen similar power in the dragon hybrids. The realm of the soul has always been a forbidden area for hybrids. How did the priest do it?
The most interesting thing is the attitude of the priest. Judging from what he said before he died, he seems to know the Lord of Bronze and Fire very well, and it is different from the information held by the secret party. They should worship dragons extremely, but according to Lu Mingfei’s analysis of his experience dealing with the church, although the people in the church are all lunatics, it’s hard to see their awe of dragons from them. The reason for this is also unclear, it is intuition, the intuition of a warrior.

The false priest has limited information. The real priest will not be able to wake up for a while after being sealed by Xuanwu Law. On Mingfei's shoulders, although martial arts is a killing technique, there are all kinds of mysteries in the depths. As for the priest's injury, Lu Mingfei thought to himself that when he became a foreigner, there would probably be healing methods, and he wanted to get it from him. The news about the church will have to wait for a later date.

Properly place the priest, and it is currently placed in the Destiny Casino, which is a stronghold of Solitaire. Cassel is negotiating urgently with Solitaire, either borrowing the channel of Solitaire to transport him out, or returning with Lu Mingfei and the others after the auction is over.

The problem now is that the church has not given up. Although their direct power in Las Vegas has been wiped out, their influence is still there. There were three mixed-race organizations involved in the establishment of the city, one was playing cards, One is Flying Pigeon, and the other is the Angre family. They have also played the role of behind-the-scenes masters in Las Vegas in the following years.

The current situation is that the playing cards are on the side of the secret party, and the flying pigeons are ambiguous and neutral. The focus is on Angele. This mixed-race family seems to have a very close relationship with the church. It was also the one who cleared the way for the priest to rush to the airport. They, after Kassel and his party wiped out the church, the Angele family frequently mobilized their forces, and the men in black brought their weapons and concentrated on the family stronghold, creating a chilling scene.

Solitaire and Angele, two mixed-race organizations are about to use this city as a battlefield to start a war.

Lu Mingfei took a nap and recovered his spirit.

Caesar was injured, and refused the doctor's treatment at that time, and forced to lead Lu Mingfei and the priest back to the casino. He looked fine, but Nuo Nuo slapped his bleeding back with a stinking face, and the corners of Caesar's mouth twitched. Twice.


Nuonuo picked up the medical kit, found a room, closed the door, and started treating Caesar's wound.

Mr. K was very busy, and he only saw Lu Mingfei once after he woke up, and then hurried back to his office to arrange staff.

Ye Sheng and Yaji went back to the stronghold of the executive department. As Kassel's commissioner stationed in Las Vegas, they needed to cooperate with the actions of the cards and participate in the battle when necessary.

Cassell's reinforcements are already on their way. Although Lu Mingfei said no, Schneider judged that the situation in Las Vegas needed more manpower. Facts have proved that his judgment was correct.

Lu Mingfei is very strong, but as the old family of this city, the energy that Angele can use is not comparable to that of the church. They can open up battlefields in any street, bar and hotel. As long as they want, Lu Mingfei can fight one by one. Pull out the stronghold of the church, but the same method cannot be used to deal with Angele. They have no stronghold. In other words, Las Vegas is their stronghold. Unless the city is destroyed, they want to ask Angele to stop , There is really no good way to rely on Lu Mingfei alone.

Between organizations, in the war between two forces, personal bravery is secondary, or Lu Mingfei can adopt beheading tactics to accurately snipe the leaders and heirs of the Angore family.

But if you want to do this, you need to have information. If you want to know with your knees, Patriarch Angele's information must be the top secret of the other party. If this level of information can be easily obtained by playing cards, there is no need to fight this war.

As for Mr. K, if Lu Mingfei was not here, he would have already activated a safe house of some cards.

Ling woke up. After a careful examination by the doctor, the result was gratifying. The girl did not have any sequelae. She is in good health and very healthy.

It's just that her spirit hasn't recovered yet, and she fell into a deep sleep not long after waking up.

Lu Mingfei tucked her in the quilt, got up quietly, and gently closed the door.

He went to Mr. K's office.

The corridor is very empty, all the card players have been sent out, and the defense force around Mr. K is basically zero. This is not because of his arrogance, but because of Lu Mingfei, who learned the details of Caesar and Lu Mingfei's actions from Ivan , coupled with his trust in the title of Kassel S-Class, Mr. K even looked forward to Angele's people beheading him, and really wanted to see what their faces would be when they met S-Class.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"

"Please come in."

Mr. K behind the desk looked up and smiled when he saw Lu Mingfei.

"Is there a problem?"

"I want to know what I can do next."

Lu Mingfei sat down opposite him.

"About your arrangement, I have some ideas here, please take a look."

Mr. K pushed his black leather notebook over, and Lu Mingfei looked down at it. At that moment, the office door slammed open.

Their reaction was quick. Mr. K drew out his pistol, retreated to the corner, and looked at Lu Mingfei again. He turned his head, his muscles tensed, and he relaxed again just before he was about to make a move.

Mr. K snapped sullenly.

"Ivan, what are you doing!"

They thought it was Angele's people, and they were all ready to do it. They didn't expect that it was Ivan who opened the door recklessly. This card leader's student was panting quickly, with sweat on his forehead. He blurted out something, but Noticing that there were other people in the office before that, his eyes swept across Lu Mingfei without a trace.

"Okay, S-class is not an outsider, just say what you want."

Ivan nodded, and he spoke concisely.

"Angere invited us to have peace talks."

"Peace talk?"

Mr. K was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, they were still in an unstoppable posture before, so why are they suddenly about to negotiate peace.

Ivan glanced at Lu Mingfei and pondered for a moment.

"They hope that representatives of the Casoteric party will also participate."

Mr. K also looked at Lu Mingfei.

The older generation of mixed races, as well as all organizations with a long history, are used to calling the secret party instead of Kassel.

They don't care about the current relationship between the secret party and Kassel. In the eyes of these people, Kassel is the secret party of this era, the sharpest knife in the mixed race society, the most determined dragon slayer organization, and it is also an embryo killer and a lunatic .

The representative of the secret party is naturally their S-rank, Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei did not hesitate.

"I attended."

Mr. K pondered.

"I have a deep friendship with Mr. Angers. He is an admirable fighter and a respectable predecessor."

Lu Mingfei thought of the coquettish old man who danced with his arms around a young girl at the ball, was he admirable?Heartfelt respect?Who are you talking about?
Taking a closer look at Mr. K's face, this seriousness does not seem like sarcasm. Lu Mingfei was surprised. Could it be that this card leader really thinks Angers is worth relying on?

Probably distance creates beauty. Lu Mingfei and Anger are too close, so it is impossible to see that the reason why this legendary dragon slayer is revered as a legend must have his reasons. Dancing with a little girl on a private jet doesn't affect the fact that he is a hero in the slightest.

Compared with Angers' life span of more than a century, Mr. K is indeed just a junior.

When he mentioned the legendary dragon slayer, he naturally took on a longing tone.

"The last era was named after him, and the secret party's influence in the mixed-race world is unprecedentedly strong."

"Now, I think it's necessary to confirm again."

He looked at Lu Mingfei seriously.

"Are you ready to stand in front of the stage?"

"As an agent of the Secret Party."

The contact between Lu Mingfei and Solitaire before was at best just a normal communication between the two organizations, and it was not at the level of the mixed-race society.

This time is different.

Angele's invitation letter was sent to Flying Pigeon and Secret Party at the same time.

If Lu Mingfei appeared on such an occasion, his words and deeds would not represent himself, but the secret party.

Maybe Lu Mingfei said a few more words to Anglie's Patriarch, smiled, and even the order of his communication with the three organizations could be interpreted by interested people with no less than ten intentions.

If things go wrong, before dawn tomorrow, the news that the Secret Party intends to take control of Las Vegas will be buzzing on the Hunter website.

So before attending, Lu Mingfei had a phone call with Anger.

Ye Sheng Yaji and even Mr. K here.

Schneiderman Stein over there even, oh why is Professor Guderian still in his pajamas?

Everyone's eyes are always cast on him intentionally or unintentionally. On a serious occasion related to the image of the secret party, what kind of strange guy has mixed in among us!

After Lu Mingfei briefly explained the situation, he asked Angers.

"What do you think about this, principal?"

Angers was thinking, lit a cigar for himself, and blew a smoke ring.

Lu Mingfei: ...

He glanced at Mr. K next to him out of the corner of his eye, take a look, this is the senior you admire.

"Schneider, Manstein."

Angers originally wanted to continue calling Guderian, but stopped when he saw the cute pompom on the man's nightcap.

Why is this guy here?

Angers reacted.

Oh, by the way, today is the countermeasure hall for their three rotations, and it just happened to be closed.

It seems that I have to introduce new regulations. Students have school uniforms, and faculty members have to dress formally. What kind of pajamas are worn during working hours?

Thinking of this, Anger's heart suddenly moved.

Wait, Guderian... It seems that he is not a tenured professor of Kassel.

Angers shook his head secretly, not thinking about it any more.

"Tell me what you think."

Several people spoke one after another, and everyone basically agreed that Lu Mingfei represented the secret party, but hoped that an emergency training could come to teach Lu Mingfei about etiquette and speaking skills.

In the end, he circled around and returned to Lu Mingfei and Ange.

"Mingfei, what do you mean?"

"It doesn't matter."

Lu Mingfei said.

"If they want peace talks, I will make peace talks. If they want war, I will give them war."

"However, I heard that I represent the Secret Party or something."

"I just wanted to ask the principal."

Ange smiled kindly.

He nods.

"If you want war, give them war, fine, fine."

"As expected of our S-Class."

"Mingfei, just now you said that the time for their invitation is set at four o'clock in the afternoon, right?"

Angers raised his wrist and glanced at his watch.

"Forget about the training, our Mingfei doesn't need it."

"Is Caesar there, Caesar?"

"The senior is injured, he is resting, principal."

"Then you can help convey it."

"Just talk about the principal's task, ask him to take you to buy two sets of clothes."

"There's no need for anything else, Mingfei. I've heard about what happened to you last night. That's good. Etiquette is secondary."

Ange waved his hand nonchalantly.

"The most important thing is your strength."

"You are S-rank, you don't need to use carefully crafted tone and etiquette skills, if you want them to listen to you well, you can use your fists."

Angers proudly imparted his experience to his S class.

"There is no more effective negotiation technique than fists. Believe me, there is none. If the other party still has objections, don't think about it. They must be doubting whether your fists are hard enough."

"Then let them see, Ming Fei, why you are S-rank."

Lu Mingfei nodded thoughtfully.

"I probably understand what you're talking about, Headmaster."

The faces of the people around were a little weird. Those who knew it were the two S-ranks of the secret party, but those who didn't know thought it was the big gangster who taught the little gangster how to fight on the street.

Fight at every turn, fight at every turn, can you solve everything with your fists!Don't be naive!

Of course, if you want to ask Angers this way, his answer is probably no.

"Fist? No, no, I have a jackknife."

At the end of the call, Professor Guderian, who was suspected to be sleepwalking, went online suddenly, and he began to chat enthusiastically with Lu Mingfei. This guy was very excited every time he met Lu Mingfei, and his eyes would tear up when he talked. Professor Guderian, who is about to come to the end of his life, will finally remember that it was a sunny morning many years ago, and he was so close to becoming an S-level tutor, and he was also so close to his tenured professorship.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, tenured professor, if it wasn't for that incident back then, if Finger graduated successfully, he would probably have gotten what he wanted.

"That's right, Mingfei."

Guderian said.

"Where's Fingal? How's he?"


Lu Mingfei thought of Norma's investigation materials, those wonderful shops that Finger searched and searched again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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