Chapter 494
The carriage was very quiet, and there was great joy and sorrow in a short period of time, and the passengers were very tired.

Many people have fallen asleep.

He sat down gently, and Sakurajima Yuki, who was sleeping with her head leaning against the glass, was startled awake, seeing Lu Sang sitting next to her, she suddenly smiled like a flower.

"you are back!"


He smiled apologetically.

"Did it bother you?"

Sakurajima Yuki shook her head lightly, with a few strands of hair sticking to her cheeks, she had the delicacy of a girl who just woke up from sleep.

"No, I'm a light sleeper, it has nothing to do with Lu Sang."

Sakurajima Yuki hesitated for a moment, looked at Lu Sang, and spoke with determination.

"I'm sorry, it's like this..."

Lu Sang is very powerful, and I always feel that he has wisdom that doesn't match his young face. Before Sakurajima Yuki finished speaking, Lu Sang seemed to know what she was going to say next, and saw Lu Sang put his index finger in front of his lips, smiling look at her.

I can't say it.

Sakurajima Yuki came to a sudden, and also smiled, gestured in front of her mouth, and then nodded.

It's a secret.

Sakurajima Yuki thought.

I felt like someone had set off fireworks in my heart.

There is still a long way to go to the next stop.

Sakurajima Yuki was very tired and fell asleep, her head tilted little by little until it leaned against his shoulder.

When Sakurajima Yuki woke up, it was dawn.

She was stretching, every cell in her body was cheering, which was a sign of being full of sleep, her brain was as relaxed as if it had been washed by water, Sakurajima Yuki seemed to be reborn.

It was such a good sleep.

Sakurajima Yuki narrowed her eyes and thought.

I feel like there is hope in life.

Only then did Sakurajima Yuki realize something was wrong.

Sure enough, she saw wet saliva on Lu Sang's shoulder next to him.

His face flushed instantly.

"Good morning."

Hearing Lu Sang's gentle voice, Sakurajima Snow was so ashamed that she wanted to jump out of the car.

"Morning... good morning."

"Miss Sakurajima, you've arrived."

Sakurajima Xue heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that Lu Sang didn't care, it was great.

Sure enough, the arrival announcement sounded.

In the distance outside the window is the snow-capped Mount Fuji and the continuous sea of ​​trees below the mountain.

Get off at this stop and go to Aokigahara Tree Sea.

Sakurajima Yuki lowered her head, thinking about something on her mind.

People in police uniforms walked past the compartment, followed by a few suspicious-looking black windbreakers. They wore sunglasses, covered their eyes, and exuded a strong aura. Passengers who looked around curiously lowered their heads, as if they were looking too much. If you look twice, you will be killed by the black windbreaker.

A child murmured, "That's cool."

His mother immediately covered his mouth.

Sakurajima Yuki glanced at the black windbreaker and the policeman from the corner of her eye, it was just a glance, the black windbreaker turned her head to look back, Sakurajima Yuki's heart was pounding and she clenched the corner of her clothes tightly.

This is no ordinary Yakuza!
Sakurajima Yuki thought in a panic.

In front of the black windbreaker, the debt-collecting guy Sakurajima Yuki had seen was just like the cockroach in the sewer. It obviously scared Sakurajima Yuki to hide in the room and dare not come out, but now, in her opinion, that kind of A guy with the word "violent" written on his face is not worthy of being supported by a black windbreaker.

It was the first time for Sakurajima Yuki to see a villain that even the police had to treat with care.

It must be a great big man.

Sakurajima Yuki kept praying in her heart, hoping that Hei Fengyi would leave quickly.

It was probably heard by a demon or a devil, as if to play tricks on Sakurajima Yuki.

The worst has happened.

The footsteps were getting closer.

Don't think about it, the footsteps at this time can only be them.

Will it be killed?

Sakurajima Yuki thought about all kinds of tragic death, her face was pale.

"Hello, please show me your ID."

Sakurajima Yuki almost jumped up.

At this time she heard the sounds of nature.

It was Lu Sang's voice.


It was very strange, just for a moment, Sakurajima Yuki felt her heart settle down.

Perhaps Lu Sang's voice was too calm.

Or maybe it was Lu Sang's miraculous performance last night.

Sakurajima Yuki felt that there was nothing to be afraid of.

She even looked up and glanced at it.

Sakurajima Xue saw Lu Sang take out a card, which seemed to have something printed on it.

A miracle happened again.

The black windbreaker was supposed to be business-like, but when Lu Sang took out the card, his attitude changed immediately.

The waist of the black windbreaker was bent down, and he took it respectfully with both hands, glanced at it hastily, and returned it immediately.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your rest!"

Sakurajima Yuki's already surprised head went blank.

She only heard Lu Sang hum, and the black trench coats still bowed their heads, and walked away slowly backwards.

Oh my goodness.

What kind of big shot is Lu Sang coming from!
Sakurajima Yuki secretly glanced at the man sitting next to her.

I always feel that Lu Sang's whole body is shrouded in mystery.

It's hard to see through.

There are many people peeking at Lu Sang in the carriage.

He remained unperturbed.

A man wearing a hood came out in a black windbreaker.

Many passengers only realized later that what happened last night was real, not a joke, nor a dream.

A strong backlash welled up in my heart.

Last night was really a walk before the gate of hell.

The train started again, and Sakurajima Yuki thought about the scene where Hei Fengyi did not forget to say goodbye to Lu Sang not long ago before leaving. They bowed their waists and lowered their heads, and their respectful posture made people think that the person opposite was the godfather in the movie.

Speaking of which, it might not be that Lu Sang is the godfather.

"Miss Sakurajima, Miss Sakurajima."

Sakurajima Yuki came back to her senses and was a flight attendant.

"You need a replacement ticket."

"Okay, okay."

It was done in a hurry, and then, Sakurajima Yuki sat on the seat without saying a word, and her mood was different. At first, she could talk to Lu Sang and invite him to have tea cakes, but now, Sakurajima Yuki smiled wryly. , now she only feels that she was really courageous before.

Occasionally, I glanced at it from the corner of my eye and found that Lu Sang was looking at the map of Tokyo seriously. Sakurajima Yuki couldn't understand, why look at the map of Tokyo?
Perhaps this is the way the great man relieves his loneliness.

"The stop ahead, the terminal..."

The train slowed down slowly.

Sakurajima Yuki who was immersed in her thoughts took a long time to recover.

Subconsciously looking to the side, it was empty.

Sakurajima Yuki felt lost.

She quickly looked around, and soon, her eyes locked on a figure outside the window.

It's Lu Sang!
Sakurajima Yuki held the phone.

Must, must have a contact number!
Sakurajima Yuki ran out of the carriage, tripped and almost fell.

She stabilized her figure and scanned her surroundings.


There is no Lusang anywhere...

Sakurajima Yuki did not give up, she chose the direction where Lu Sang had left when she glanced at it before, and ran wildly.

After running for an unknown amount of time, Sakurajima was out of breath, and a wall blocked his way.


Sakurajima Yuki gasped violently.

Just think of it as a dream.

Sakurajima Yuki said to herself.

She tried to calm down.

Next... what to do next.

By the way, the sea of ​​trees.

Sakurajima Yuki remembered that the destination of her trip was actually the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara.

Originally, it was like this.

Sakurajima Yuki hesitated.

Do you want to go now?

Buy a ticket, go back to the car...

Sakurajima Yuki suddenly woke up.

my bag!
I ran too fast just now and left my bag in the car.

Sakurajima Yuki wanted to go back and get it. there still a need to take it?

Sakurajima Yuki knew exactly what was in the bag, the suicide rope, and the suicide note.

Speaking of the signing of the suicide note, Sakurajima Yuki thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't think of a person who could accept her suicide note.

Relatives, friends, such existence is too extravagant for Sakurajima Yuki.So, what Sakurajima Yuki wrote in her suicide note was.

"To the world"

Taking back the bag means that Yuki Sakurajima will return to the sea of ​​trees and continue the unfinished plan.

But this kind of thing, death, suicide...

Thinking of Lu Sang, Sakurajima Snow wavered from her originally firm thoughts.

The phone rang.

Sakurajima Yuki subconsciously opened it.

After seeing the above content clearly, Sakurajima Yuki fell silent.

"Your bank account received a..."

Sakurajima Yuki counted several times, that's right, it wasn't vertigo.

Has anyone transferred the wrong money?

Another text message.

"Go forward, turn left at the first intersection, and there will be someone waiting for you next to a pot of green plants."

"He can change your identity for you."

"Keep the money."

"What kind of life you want to live in the future is up to you."

"No one will associate you with Sakurajima Yuki again."

"Finally, that adult has a word for you."

Sakurajima Yuki covered her mouth with tears in her eyes.

“The tea cakes are delicious.”

Tears dripped down.

Sakurajima Yuki suddenly realized.

Until now, she only knew Lu Sang's last name, not even her full name.

By the way, that!
she remembered.

At that time, the card that Lu Sang showed to Hei Fengyi, the pattern on it.

It is gentian.


"sorry to bother you."

"Where is it, since Brother Lu spoke, he must go all out. This is a matter of course."

There was a young boy's clear voice on the phone, and Lu Mingfei seemed to see Kazama Liuli smiling in front of him.

"Speaking of which, Miss Sakurajima, is there anything special?"

Kazama Ruri laughed.

"Of course, it doesn't have to be answered, it's just my personal curiosity, curiosity."

"It's nothing."

Lu Mingfei said.

"meet by chance."

"meet by chance?"

Kazama Liuli was a little surprised, but after thinking that the person who said this was Lu Mingfei, she felt relieved for some reason.

Before hanging up the phone, Kazama Ruri seemed to think of something.

"Speaking of which, Brother Lu, are you going to Genji Heavy Industry now?"


"Then I wish you the best of luck."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Mingfei glanced across the street.

It was already dark at this time, and the bustling Tokyo showed another face to the world. The face was full of tired office workers, and youthful middle school girls who wore short skirts in winter. The small stall cart with food aroma is the busiest time of the day.

Lu Mingfei looked like a real traveler, walking and watching, looking around curiously, the middle school girl who was holding oden, chattered, occasionally cast a glance in Lu Mingfei's direction, and started to fight happily again.

What a time.

Lu Mingfei thought.

The boss with a towel tied on his forehead beat the dough, his thick arms were full of strength, and the dough was extremely docile in his hands.

After finishing the work at hand, the boss looked at the boy in front of the booth and grinned.

"Guest, would you like a bowl of ramen?"

Lu Mingfei looked at the boss with a smile, feeling the terrifying prestige of the other party, as if an ancient dragon was entrenched here.

"Well, a bowl of ramen."


The boss smiled honestly.

Lu Mingfei sat on the chair.

"Your ramen!"

The boss held the bowl with both hands, and walked quickly in small steps.

"Thank you."

Lu Mingfei, who was sitting upright, nodded slightly.

"Guest, take it easy!"

The boss went back to guard the stall.

Lu Mingfei moved his chopsticks and laughed.

"good to eat."

He saw that there would be no guests, so he greeted the boss.

"Come over and have some food."

The boss was about to wave his hand.

"My treat."

Lu Mingfei said.

The boss looked around hesitantly, and nodded, seeing that there were indeed no customers.


Lu Mingfei sat opposite the boss.


Disposable cups bumped together.

Lu Mingfei and the boss tacitly agreed to do it all.

They chat with each other.

It seems that the boss hasn't had a good chat with anyone for a long time, and as soon as he opened the phone, he began to chatter.

"That's weird."

What's the matter with the boss, very puzzled.

"Boy Lu, where have we met before?"

"What's the matter, uncle?"

"That's right, I always feel that you are very kind, Lu boy."

As he spoke, the ramen stand owner frowned, puzzled.

"But I probably haven't seen you before..."

He knocked on the pitch, as if he could recall something by doing so.

Lu Mingfei smiled.

"Perhaps it's because of eye contact?"


The boss thought for a while, and his frown relaxed.

He nodded.

"Makes sense."

"Come here."

"Boy Lu, just do it for your eyes, let's continue."

A bowl of noodles, two cases of wine.

They drank to their heart's content.

Suddenly there was a commotion.

The girls screamed with excitement.

They ran, pointing to the distant sky.

Lu Mingfei and the boss looked up.

Two helicopters hovered beside the sky tree, there seemed to be people on it, it was too far away to see clearly, only a blurry point remained.

Lu Mingfei heard the excited discussions of the girls around him.

"So romantic!"

"He even proposed on the sky tree!"

"Which European country's prince is this?"

"If I were that girl, I would be willing to die right now!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"It's so romantic!"

Lu Mingfei narrowed his eyes.

The eyes change on their own, growing some inhuman structures, increasing the lighting efficiency, and increasing the viewing distance.

So he saw it.

Standing at the top of the Sky Tree, with short golden-like hair fluttering in the wind, he was a proud man.

Oh, it's you.

Lu Mingfei thought.

He has read the profile of this person, Caesar Gattuso, who has a good relationship with Lu Mingfei in this world.

"Marriage proposal, marriage proposal!"


"Look at the live broadcast!"

The TV shows the footage of the helicopter, the man like a lion said proudly.

"Marry me, Nuonuo!"

This is said in Chinese.

The camera did not capture the heroine, only the girl's voice came out.


The girl's tone of indifference, with a faint smile.

The scream suddenly became high-pitched.

The girls smiled and hugged each other.

As if they were the heroines.

The alleys were flooded with a sea of ​​joy.

There are only two people who are out of place.

"Uncle, you don't seem to care much."

"Haha, boy Lu, I've seen this kind of scene a lot!"


Lu Mingfei's eyes were piercing.

The boss on the opposite side smiled like a hero.

The next sentence reveals itself.

"In the movie."

Lu Mingfei shook his head.

"Come, come, drink."


The grand scene with the sky tree as the stage failed to attract the attention of these two people. It seemed that they would rather focus on cheap wine than propose marriage.

Finally, the wine ran out.

"Boss, let's go."

Lu Mingfei put down the money and waved his hand.

The boss counted one by one, with a simple and honest smile.

"By the way, just ask."

Lu Mingfei turned his head.

"How about Genji Heavy Industries?"

(End of this chapter)

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