Does Erika know Takamahara?

To be honest, Lu Mingfei was skeptical about this.

Although the contact time is very short, Lu Mingfei has already judged what kind of girl Erika is.

This is the simplest person Lu Mingfei has ever seen.

Not only her personality, but also her common sense of daily life and her past experiences, Erika is as clean as Shirayuki.

So Lu Mingfei didn't have any expectations to get Gao Tianyuan's information from her.

【Lu Sang doesn't believe it! 】

Erika asked angrily.

Pure and simple, this girl's mind is surprisingly sharp, obviously Lu Mingfei's expression and eyes are well controlled, but Eri Yi still reads the clue.

"Hahaha, how come."

"However, it doesn't matter whether Erika finds Gao Tianyuan or not, I will definitely not send you back."

Lu Mingfei was serious.

"At least, until Erika wants to go home."

Erika smiled happily, her eyes were bright. It is said that the baby's eyes were the brightest and cleanest when they first came into this world. Later, when they grew up, they fell and shed more tears. Originally, they were bright Eyes clouded with dust, like dimmed stars.

And Erika's eyes are as clean and bright as a baby's.

【Can't. 】

Unexpectedly, Erika refused.

[Eriyi can't take other people's things for nothing. 】

[Lu Sang's is not allowed either. 】

[We exchange. 】

[Eriyi will tell you where Gao Tianyuan is. 】

[You promised Eri that you would not send Eri back. 】

【OK? 】

Lu Mingfei saw a serious and expectant look in the girl's eyes.

It's like a child who made an appointment with his parents to go to the amusement park if he got good grades in the final exam.

The mood of anticipation is simple and pure.

So Lu Mingfei nodded.


He thought of the gang transactions he saw in Kyushu and found it interesting, so he said with a smile.

"One-handed payment, one-handed delivery."

Erika has her rules.

The girl stretched out her little finger and shook it at Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized.

It seems that some agreed methods are common no matter which world they are in.

"A pull hook?"

Erika nodded vigorously.

Lu Mingfei stretched out his little finger, and held Eriyi together.

Lu Mingfei controlled his strength, as if what he was holding was not the little finger, but high-quality porcelain, warm and flawless, but so fragile that it needed to be carefully cared for.

"Hook, hang yourself, 100 years, don't change."

The little fingers that are held together shake and shake, and the whole world holds its breath. The boy and the girl make a contract at this moment, and they will never leave, even forever.

The appointment is made.

When the little finger parted, Lu Mingfei felt a little lost for some reason.

【Wait a moment! 】

Erika quickly picked up the notebook and pen.

The girl who lowered her head and wrote, her face was slightly red.

【I'll show Gao Tianyuan to Lu Sang right now! 】


Lu Mingfei said.

"I'll be looking forward to it."

Speaking of which, even Lu Mingfei didn't realize when his patience was so good.

Didn't they just start fighting in Kyushu before?

After thinking about it, maybe it is the influence of different time and space homotopes.

Quantum entanglement or something.

Because of the relationship between the mixed race Lu Mingfei and Eri Yi, it affected himself as a warrior Lu Mingfei.

That's right, that's it.

Lu Mingfei thought he had found the correct answer.

However, he couldn't help being curious again.

How deep is the relationship between the mixed race Lu Mingfei and this Erika?
Even the same body of different time and space can affect itself.

【found it! 】

Erika held up the notebook excitedly.

Lu Mingfei's spirit was shaken, and he threw all the boundless reverie out of the sky.

Unintentionally inserting willows and willows into shades, but I didn't expect it to be rewarding.

Lu Mingfei took the phone.

"This is……"

[Map. 】

Lu Mingfei looked at the phone again as if confirming.


Erika shook her head helplessly.

Lu Mingfei was in a delicate mood. Is this, being rejected?
【Let me teach you. 】

Eliyi rubbed against each other, and sat next to Lu Mingfei, they were next to each other.

Lu Mingfei looked at Eliyi and opened the map software, entered "Gao Tianyuan", and clicked search.

The results pop up quickly.

"The target that meets the search criteria is 3.5 kilometers away from you."

Lu Mingfei looked at the words Gao Tianyuan on the screen and remained silent.

Erika was very happy.

[Look, I found it. 】

Lu Mingfei remained silent.

Now he really doesn't know what to say.

Lu Mingfei never expected that Huiliyi would find Gao Tianyuan by... searching directly on the map software. should I put it.

Erika, this is not wrong.

After all, what she found was Gao Tianyuan, the height of Gao Tian, ​​the sky of heaven and earth, and the origin of the reason.

That's a good word.

Lu Mingfei's expression was complicated, he didn't know how to explain it to Erika, what did he say, Gao Tianyuan I was looking for was the one in the myths and legends, map navigation is impossible.

Imagine a day when map navigation broadcasts like this.

"Flying straight for five thousand miles, Nantianmen, please turn on the converter and align it with the time in the sky."

So weird.

With the complicated expression still on his face, Lu Mingfei's heart skipped a beat.

and many more!

Could it be a blindness?
Lu Mingfei recalled seriously.

At that time, what I heard was indeed "Go to Gaotianyuan".

There is no requirement for that voice, it must be the one in the myth.

and so……

Lu Mingfei's gaze gradually became strange.

Maybe, this map refers to where I am going...

The rattling sound of waving the notebook.

Lu Mingfei woke up startled.

Erika looked at him angrily.

【What's wrong!What's wrong!What happened to Lu Sang! 】

It seems that I was distracted just now, which made Erika worry.


Lu Mingfei said.

Then Lu Mingfei smiled and shook the phone.

"Erika is too powerful."

"This one."

"It really helped me a lot."

Erika's angry look disappeared in an instant.

【Really! 】

【Did you really help Lu Sang? 】

"Well, of course.

【great! 】

Erika smiled happily.

[Then, exchange. 】

【Lu Sang wants to agree to Eliyi. 】

"Good good."

"I promise."


Lu Mingfei raised four fingers.

"I, Lu Mingfei, swear that I will never send Erika home."

"No one can take Erika away from me, Lu Mingfei."

"If you break this oath, you will be struck by lightning."

Eliyi listened intently to Lu Mingfei's words.

[I remember it all! 】

"So, Erika, don't worry."

【Uh-huh! 】

I don't know what Erika thought of, so she laughed and buried her head in the rustling drawing on the paper, and it was completed quickly.It was a stick figure, a little monster with its teeth and claws open, spraying fireballs, and opposite it was a guy with two horns on its head. In case Lu Mingfei would not understand it, Erika thoughtfully added explanatory text.

One is a little monster and the other is a big devil.

The big devil held up the white flag and waved it back and forth.

The little monster spewed fire balls, showing off its might.

【Are you scared. 】

"I'm afraid to die."

[Hum. 】

Lu Mingfei decided to go to Gaotianyuan tomorrow. Before that, there are still problems to be solved.

The appearance of painted pear clothes.

The red maiden costume, and the ethereal temperament of Eri Yi, are too recognizable. Now the eight families of Snaki are all over Japan looking for their eldest lady. It is conceivable that if Lu Mingfei went out directly with Eri Yi, it must be Call wherever you go.

It's too troublesome, and there's something wrong with it, whoever takes a girl out to feel the atmosphere of the battlefield, no matter how incomprehensible the style is, it won't go to this level.

As for going out alone, leaving Liue Liyi at home alone, such an option has never appeared in Lu Mingfei's mind.

Erika finally ran away from home, not because she wanted to go to jail in another place.

When it comes to changing faces, Lu Ming thinks of Liuli Kazama non-naturally.

Compared with his combat power, Lu Mingfei was more impressed by this fierce ghost and dragon king because of his amazing disguise skills.

However, Eliyi is also the eldest lady of the Sheqi Ba Family, and Lu Mingfei would not do such a stupid thing by asking the dragon king of the fierce ghosts to change her appearance.

go out for a while.

Buy something, enough is enough.

Lu Mingfei thought.

Erika covered her mouth and yawned.

It was very late, and Erika was sleepy.

[Lu Sang, can Erika take a shower first? 】


Erika took out the little yellow duck from her bag, put it on her head, and was about to untie her maiden clothes.

Lu Mingfei quickly stopped him.

Erika seemed to have just thought of something, blushed, and pushed Lu Mingfei out.

Sure enough, as expected of the eldest lady of the Sheqi Ba Family, Eliyi's bloodline is at least at the same level as Kazama Liuli's. Even with Lu Mingfei's physique who embarked on the Dragon Blood Martial Arts, he couldn't resist, and was easily defeated. Erika was pushed away.

The sliding door slammed shut in front of him.

Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand, but stopped talking.

After a while, Lu Mingfei sighed.

I always feel like I have become some kind of strange guy in the eyes of Erika.

Forget it, let's go shopping first.

Lu Mingfei, who had a lot of inner activities, didn't notice that his thoughts were slowly changing, and he had more thoughts that only half-race Lu Mingfei would have.

At the moment he is distressed.

Purchasing, purchasing.

Lu Mingfei was in deep thought.

What should I buy?

Lu Mingfei also saw it in the safe house just now, Erika only carried a big yellow mouse bag, unless this bag has the characteristics of mustard seed, otherwise it can't hold much.

Then Eriyi's daily necessities, as well as a change of clothes, all have to be bought.

Wait, girl's change of clothes...

Which are there?

Lu Mingfei found himself in a difficult situation standing on the busy streets of Tokyo.

Girls in sailor suits walked by in groups of twos and threes.

Why don't you go up and ask?

No, no.

too weird.

Lu Mingfei looked around and locked on a shopping mall.

Go ahead and have a look.

For some reason, the general, who has never changed his face even when he was running through thousands of troops in Kyushu, is now just going to a shopping mall to buy clothes, but his heart is so heavy.

Especially when Lu Mingfei was standing in front of a women's underwear store, he felt even heavier.


The shopping guide lady has excellent professionalism, even if she is only facing Lu Mingfei, or a man, she still doesn't change her face.

"Excuse me, did you buy it for your girlfriend?"

"It's okay, boys often come here alone, it's normal."

"That's right, let me ask you."

"What's your girlfriend's size?"


Lu Mingfei looked at the row of dummies and the different sizes of the dummies, and fell into deep thought.

For Erika... how old is it?
Lu Mingfei didn't know how he got out of the store.

Maybe it's more appropriate to use floating.

Lu Mingfei looked at the large and small packaging bags in his hand in a daze.

The shopping guide lady smiled brightly at the door.

She has been in this business for so many years, and this is the first time she has seen a customer like Lu Mingfei.

Generally, if boyfriends forget the size or don’t know it, they will call directly to ask.

This one is good, just come with two sets of all sizes.

If there are more customers like Lu Mingfei, how much commission should I get? By then, I can buy any lipstick if I want to buy it!
The black card was twirling between Lu Mingfei's fingers. It was given by Jiude Mai. Every time the card was swiped, it looked like the emperor Gai Yuxi.

If it wasn't for the lack of time, Lu Mingfei even believed that the boss would fast and take a shower and then swipe his card.

They looked at Lu Mingfei in the wrong way, and they probably wondered where this big shot came from.

What they didn't know was that Lu Mingfei still had a chapter in his pocket for such a card, which was given by Kazama Liuli.

Probably in the eyes of Mai Tokutoku and Ruri Kazama, it would be strange if someone like Lu Mingfei had to worry about money.

Lu Mingfei didn't know how much these two black cards could do. He only remembered that Mai Jiutoku and Ruri Kazama said that with these two cards, problems that can be solved with money are not considered problems.

Letting out a breath, Lu Mingfei walked back.

They were silent all the way.

Lu Mingfei tossed the manuscript over and over again, thinking about what to say when he saw Erika later.

"I've bought it, try it and see which one suits you."

I always feel that there is still something weird.


In front is the arcade hall, and the safe house is inside.

Lu Mingfei passed the bookstore again.

The girl was sitting at the front desk, and a guy with yellow hair was flipping through a comic book, sneaking a glance at the girl from time to time.

Lu Mingfei looked at the TV.

Same old news.

The host was reading the manuscript, and at the bottom of the screen was a photo of a young man.

Lu Mingfei glanced at it, his expression normal, and walked into the arcade hall.

When he walked into the noisy arcade hall, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

That photo... changed.

It was still Lu Mingfei's appearance after disguise.

And now, the face that appeared in the news.

It was Lu Mingfei.

It was his original face.

Has anyone recognized me?

how is this possible.

Lu Mingfei recalled everything from the train to Tokyo.

Scenes flashed before his eyes.

Lu Mingfei was sure that there was nothing wrong with him.

From the beginning to the end, he has been using the secret method of Dragon Blood Martial Arts to disguise himself.

So, is the problem elsewhere?
Knowing his identity, knowing that he came to Tokyo.

Only Mai Tokuku and Ruri Kazama.

The way to judge is very simple.

Lu Mingfei entered the safe house and opened the door.

There was no ambush.

The bathroom was dimly lit, and Erika was taking a bath inside.

The safe house is still safe, and the suspicion of Mai Tokuku is ruled out.

So, is it Kazama Ruri?

Lu Mingfei put down the bag, left a note, and told Erika to go out by himself and come back soon.

The phone booth three blocks from the safehouse arcade.

Lu Mingfei hung up the microphone.

Kazama Ruri's number couldn't get through.

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