Chapter 50

She only uses two fingers to fix herself, wearing a tight ninja suit similar to that in anime, the tight elastic cloth strips make the woman's figure bumpy and hot.

There is a monster called succubi in western legends. There are also legends about nine-tailed foxes in ancient China. They have the same characteristics of being beautiful and deadly. In mythology, Di Xin, the last king of the Shang Dynasty, was bewitched by a nine-tailed fox. And embarked on the road of destroying the country, so that later generations gave him such insulting titles as King Zhou.

The woman on the ceiling is like a succubus, like a nine-tailed body, every inch of body curve can make men pay everything including their lives, and she will also stab a dagger into a man's chest when she smiles sweetly.

A ninja is not the superman in the anime who can throw fireballs by swinging his hands back after running. The so-called ninja refers to a special talent who has been trained in a strict to almost perverted way since childhood.

They have come step by step from a narrow escape, and only one out of ten out of a hundred survives, so that when they finally complete, they have mastered the killing memory of the peak of human beings, as well as many skills including stealth and disguise to steal information.

Yes, complete, the word is quite vivid, because ninjas are just tools, they don't need their own thoughts, they just need to complete the task 100%.

You may not be able to believe that such inhuman things still exist in modern times, but the hybrids of humans and dragons are opening schools to teach and educate people, so what is impossible? In fact, you should be able to think of hybrids when you mention hybrids.

To sum up, the cruel training of ninjas is not something normal people can bear. In other words, those who can become ninjas through training are all very human.

mixed race.

Some scholars once put forward the idea that the ninja training method in ancient Japan may also be a way to select mixed races, similar to the dragon slaying families in ancient Europe that fed dragon blood when babies were just born, and the weak ones were eliminated, and the survivors would have excellent bloodlines .

It's a pity that Japan is an extremely closed and conservative country. What's even more troublesome is that this country also has a group of quite powerful mixed blood. Many scholars' interest in Japanese mixed blood can only return in front of their samurai swords.

There is also China that has the same treatment, but unlike Japan, China is more mysterious and powerful, so that the dragon slaying families in the West are still suspicious, doubting that modern China has even relatively intactly preserved the inheritance of dragons, but No one can be sure of its authenticity.

After all, this is a great country that has lasted for thousands of years and has never broken its inheritance. It will not be surprising for any miracle to happen in this land.

At this moment, the female ninja is fixing herself to the ceiling, probably doing some kind of special exercise. Her body undulates and tenses like an elegant lynx or female leopard. You will feel beautiful, but this beauty also has the ability to easily end your life. strength.

"How beautiful you are."

"At least it's a woman."

Ninjas are persuasive and well-intentioned.

"Come on, do a yoga session with me and put down those damn Cokes."

"Screw you."

The bath towel girl rolled her eyes skyward.

She threw it away, and the bag of potato chips and the residue lay on the expensive back carpet of the presidential suite. The woman got off the bed with bare feet, bounced to the wine cabinet, picked a bottle of red wine and returned to the bed.

After drinking a glass of wine, the woman sighed.

"A child is a child. What kind of plum wine should I drink? Red wine is so charming and good for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health. It's a perfect drink."

As she spoke, she touched the smooth bar again and meditated.

"Why don't you find time to buy a winery? The boss also likes to drink red wine. The other wineries are more or less meaningless. It's better to train them yourself."

"Hey, potato chips. Wake up, did you get back all the money you spent today?"

The female ninja's words were like a triangular army thorn, blowing her hair and breaking her hair with blood grooves, causing tons of damage to the potato chip girl in an instant, and seeing her clutching her barely visible chest, her face was about to cry with grief and indignation.

"Do you know how much I spent today, how much!"

"No, you don't know!"

"The boss only wants him to be happy. A mere kendo class is in such a poor business situation. It's not a problem for me to send someone there to lower the price by [-] points."

"What about the boss, the boss said, three times!"


Potato chip girl raised her hands to the sky in prayer.

No one knows what this girl is doing.

"my money!"

Well, now it is clear that she is receiving the money that unfortunately left her, which is equivalent to the priest making the sign of the cross in front of the coffin of the deceased and saying Amen at a western funeral.

How touching.

It's just that what lies in the coffin is not a corpse but a hill of banknotes.

"Wake up, it's the boss's money, you're just an accountant."

The ninja smiled lightly.

"I know."

"But it still hurts!"

The potato chip girl shook her head.

"Can you understand this feeling?"

"I still have to book out ASTASIA, prepare gems and cars, the point is the butler, you know, the cost of hiring him for one night is enough for our Young Master Lu to eat at ASTASIA every day until the end of the month!"

The female ninja was a little surprised.

"What is the origin of this man?"

"It's nothing, I just worked as a housekeeper for the Queen of England for ten years, so I have more experience."

The Potato Chip girl waved her hand in a calm manner.

"This person got old later, but his level was not bad, so he became a teacher for the Queen's housekeeper."

"He was traveling in China during this time, and the boss said that he would give our Young Master Lu the best service. I picked and picked, and he was barely suitable."

The female ninja clicked her tongue twice.

"Potato chips, do you think our boss's willful and arrogant character
Could it have something to do with you too? "

"What are you kidding?"

The potato chip girl complained sadly and angrily.

"The tsundere of that gaming nerd still needs someone's influence!"

The female ninja thought about what the boss had done and nodded in sympathy.

"Okay, I spent so much money today, and I have to earn back the banknotes all night!"

The Potato Chip Girl interlocked her fingers, and when she held her palms, her joints crackled.

Thanks to the fact that the earth is round and there is such a magical phenomenon called time zone, it is one o'clock in the night in China, and the stock market on the other side of the ocean is still in full swing, which is the stage for the potato chip girl to show off.

Oh no, it's the battlefield.

"Say it."

asked the female ninja.

"What is the origin of our Young Master Lu?"

"Who knows?"

The Potato Chip Girl casually returned while raking in money in the stock market.

"I have never seen the boss care so much about anyone."

The ninja changed two fingers and continued to fix himself to the ceiling.

"Tsk tsk, I'm buying kendo classes and renting out ASTASIA. Do you know that this store is planning to apply for Michelin three stars. It is preparing materials this year, and it will probably submit the documents formally next year."

"When I say this, I get angry. What kind of big meal does Young Master Lu eat? Does he know how much it costs to clear the ASTASIA for one night? You really don't know how expensive it is if you are not in charge!"

The potato chip girl complained.

"Why do I feel that the boss treats this little boy better than San Wu?"

The female ninja pondered.

"Maybe he's the boss's illegitimate child."

The potato chip girl smiled viciously.

PS: Add more rules.

Mainly for rewards, if you spend 1 coins, you can add a new card +[-]
In addition, every time a rudder is born, an update will be added immediately within three days, which will not be counted into the update card.

What's more, although the hope is slim, if, if there is a leader, five updates will be added within a week, and the update card +20
(End of this chapter)

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