Wu Sheng Lu Mingfei of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 647 The Secret of the Dragon Clan

The Gargoyle King, you can tell at a glance that he is no ordinary gargoyle.

His size is three times the size of an ordinary gargoyle.

When you stand, you have to raise your head, step back, and walk several steps before you can barely see the head of the Gargoyle King.

This is a truly behemoth.

Previously, the Gargoyle King had been disguising himself as a rockery.

When it's a rockery, it's really a rockery. No matter how you look at it, you can't see any trace of a living thing.

This is the talent of the gargoyle.

It’s also a matter of knowledge and vision.

Gargoyles are all transformed from statues. Most people will form an inherent logic in their minds that gargoyles can only be transformed from statues.

Therefore, the Gargoyle King is even more deceptive by disguising himself as a rockery.

Uesugoshi is an ordinary person.

Chu Zihang is not.

His vigilance and readiness to take action are not just for show.

Therefore, when the Gargoyle King suddenly erupted, Uesugi Yue was not aware of it, but Chu Zihang was already prepared.

Facing the attacking Gargoyle King, Chu Zihang's expression remained as usual, like that of an old monk, with no ripples in the ancient well.

He took a step back, steadied his stance, and the posture formed by swinging the sword thousands of times had become the instinct of this body.

Chu Zihang received the receipt, lowered his eyes, and the energy in his body converged, collapsed at one point, and then exploded.

Chu Zihang slowly handed out the sword.

The Gargoyle King is close at hand.

The Gargoyle King's roar seemed to be several degrees louder in a trance.

Chu Zihang's sword was very slow, as if Murasame was carrying an extremely terrifying weight. Chu Zihang slowly handed it out, as if what he was holding was not Murasame, but a burning sun.

Chu Jianliu: Zaiyao

In the distant sky, Uesugoshi just broke out from the group of self-protecting gargoyles. His face was disgraced, and his scales were broken. Uesugoshi couldn't care about himself at all. He only had one thought at the moment, Chu Zihang, he must take Chu Zihang away. Zihang was saved!

The Gargoyle King was no ordinary gargoyle, and Uesugi Koshi knew this at a glance.

Just like the dragon clan, there is also a generational gap between the two.

But by analogy with the Dragon Clan, the Gargoyle King is not a fourth-generation species, but a third-generation species.

At least the third generation threshold has been crossed.

Judging the strength of the enemy and ourselves is one of the many talents of the Dragon Clan. The high-ranking Gelong Clan can tell the strength range of the low-ranking Gelong Clan at a glance, making it easier to rule.

Uesugi Yue inherited this talent from the Dragon Clan.

He didn't understand why the gargoyles were all fifth-generation gargoyles, but their king was not a fourth-generation gargoyle, but a third-generation gargoyle.

Why did it cross over?

Don't you use some logic?

Uesugi became more and more curious as to who created these gargoyles.

But these issues can be put aside.

The most important thing for Uesugi now is Chu Zihang!

Uesugi shook his wings. Damn it, it would be great if he also had the authority over the sky and wind, or the earth and mountains. Hurry up, hurry up!


Uesugi Yue looked at the battlefield between Chu Zihang and the Gargoyle King.

Only then did he see Chu Zihang's sword.

Uesugoshi was flying so fast that he even froze in the air for a moment.

That...what is that!

Uesugoshi looked away almost instinctively.

His instinct was warning him and he couldn't look away.

In a daze, Uesugoshi had the illusion that he was looking directly at the sun.

Uesugoshi's heart was filled with turmoil.

He had also heard that Chu Zihang's speech spirit belonged to the high-risk speech spirit of the bronze and fire series, Jun Yan.

But no matter how strong Jun Yan is, he can't be like this, comparable to the sun.

Uesugi gritted his teeth and turned to look again.

His eyes were not blind.


After all, he is now comparable to the next generation, and he will not go blind just by looking at a sword move.

Uesugoshi also thought about it.

What he felt just now was not an illusion, it was God.

Uesugoshi had heard this word from Kassel in the past few days.

The mixed-race students in Kassel who have learned martial arts often talk about whether they are "gods" or not.

The more he listened, the more Uesugoshi understood.

In Uesugi Koshi's view, the so-called gods are probably similar to the spiritual authority of their descendants of the White King.

But something is wrong.

It seems that the god of warriors is a more mysterious and indescribable concept than spiritual authority.

After all, it is the martial arts of the Far East. It is mysterious and mysterious, which is normal.

Now, Uesugoshi recalled the gods mentioned by the students in Kassel, and he suddenly understood.

Chu Zihang's sword move is not his spirit of speech, but the god of martial arts.

It was Chu Zihang who simulated the charm of the big sun.

Maybe just a hint.

But this hint is enough to be astonishing.

This is Lu Mingfei’s martial arts.

Uesugi thought more and more.

The Gargoyle King's sneak attack failed.

Perhaps whether this can be called a sneak attack is a matter of debate.

The sneak attack was to take advantage of others' unpreparedness. It was obvious that Chu Zihang was prepared.

Chu Zihang defeated the Gargoyle King with one sword strike.

The Gargoyle King was injured, and one of his arms was directly carbonized and turned into black fragments.

At this time, the Gargoyle King was not dead yet.

Uesugoshi arrived and joined the battlefield.

He and Chu Zihang teamed up to deal with the Gargoyle King.

Originally, the Gargoyle King had a hard time dealing with Chu Zihang alone, but he had the upper hand in divination.

After Uesugi Yue joined the battlefield, the situation became even more one-sided.

The Gargoyle King soon fell to the ground.

Chu Zihang cut off her head.

Uesugi pulled out his heart.

The Gargoyle King collapsed into fragments, and the breath of life quickly disappeared. These fragments were reduced to beautiful but unobjectionable stones such as gem agate.

Uesugoshi's heart moved. It turns out that this is how the many treasures in the Sky Garden came to be.

He looked at the heart of the Gargoyle King that he had just taken out. It had turned into a large piece of topaz, crystal clear and of high quality.

It would definitely fetch a very high price if put outside.

Uesugoshi threw it aside.

"how are you feeling?"

Uesugi Yue asked Chu Zihang.

"Are there any injuries?"

Chu Zihang shook his head and said.


Chu Zihang was looking at the head of the Gargoyle King.

After death, this thing, like other parts, turned into a precious stone that cannot be named.

Uesugi asked when he saw Chu Zihang's serious look.

"What did you find?"

Chu Zihang took one last look at the Gargoyle King's eyes that turned into rubies.

"Tell me, where is this?"

Chu Zihang asked.

Uesugi was puzzled.

"Where is this? Isn't it the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?"

Chu Zihang was noncommittal.

They continued towards the palace complex.

This time Uesugi Yue didn't dare to tell the truth.

Uesugi Yue was around Chu Zihang, only cleaning up the nearby gargoyles and not going deeper.

He focused more on Chu Zihang.

Although, Uesugoshi himself would also wonder if doing so would be unnecessary.

He saw Chu Zihang's performance just now. This was a very strong combat power. Even when facing pure blood dragons, Chu Zihang could play a decisive role.

Before, Uesugi Yue thought that Xia Mi's so-called two people fighting side by side in the face of the tide of dead soldiers was probably Xia Mi's nice way of saying it to take care of Chu Zihang's mood.

The real situation should be that Xia Mi in the human body was fighting, and Chu Zihang was watching.

Now, when Uesugoshi actually saw Chu Zihang take action, he understood that what Xia Mi said was not false. The two of them were really fighting side by side.

The combination of hybrid and martial arts unleashed a fighting power that shocked Uesugi Koshi.

Uesugoshi had to sigh, he was really old, times were changing too fast, and he was left behind.

There is only one Gargoyle King.

The two of them didn't bump into each other on the way.

What Uesugi Koshi killed were all gargoyles at the fifth generation level.

While Chu Zihang remained vigilant, he continued to observe carefully.

When the palace complex is just ahead.

Chu Zihang stopped in front of the gate.

Uesugoshi walked some way and pushed the door, and the stone door opened in response.

He turned around in confusion and saw Chu Zihang still standing where he was.


Uesugoshi waved.

Chu Zihang looked at Shimen steadily.

"This isn't right."

Chu Zihang said.


Uesugi asked.

He had been wanting to ask since just now.

Chu Zihang seemed to have discovered something, but he never said anything. Uesugi Yue could only see that Chu Zihang was thinking, but he didn't know what he was thinking about.

It was not easy for Uesugi Koshi to get to the bottom of things. Now Chu Zihang is willing to speak, which is good.

Chu Zihang pointed to the stone gate and said to Uesugoshi.


Uesugoshi looked curiously. The stone gate was a very ordinary stone gate without any decorations or carvings. Uesugi looked at it very carefully and could not see what Chu Zihang wanted him to see.

The only special thing is probably that the entire stone door is integrated into one piece without any trace of splicing. Such high-quality stone is rare.

That's all.

Uesugoshi could only see this.

Chu Zihang came over, stretched out his hand, and touched the door frame.

Chu Zihang glanced at Uesugoshi.

Uesugoshi still didn't understand.

"Why," Chu Zihang said, "This door is suitable for our human body shape."

This was nonsense, and Uesugoshi couldn't understand it at first glance.

What is a suitable body type for us humans?

The door doesn't fit our human body shape? What else is suitable?

Suddenly, it was like a bolt of lightning split open the fog in Uesugoshi's mind.

He got it.

He understood what Chu Zihang was talking about.

The door setting is suitable for human body shape and height. Yes, this is normal.

Uesugoshi ignored one thing.

where is this place?

It was also the question that Chu Zihang asked him before.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

It is also the palace of the King of Sky and Wind.

In other words, this is the residence of the Dragon King.

Therefore, what Chu Zihang really asked was the momentum.

Why does the door of the Dragon King's palace fit the human body shape?

This is a detail that is easy for people to overlook, and ordinary people probably would not think of it.

But if you start to realize this problem and think about it, you will find out.

"Too strange."

Uesugoshi said.

"Why is the Dragon King's palace like this?"

He and Chu Zihang stood at the door for a long time.

Chu Zihang was continuing his previous thinking.

Uesugoshi walked down the door that Chu Zihang opened for him.

Many issues that had been ignored before appeared in Uesugoshi's mind.

"It's so weird, so weird, so weird."

Uesugi murmured.

He's confused.

Uesugi suddenly discovered that he had built up his understanding of the dragon clan over decades in his past life.

It all seems wrong.

Everyone knows that dragons are very proud creatures.

The original hybrids were just servants of the dragon world.

Humans, on the other hand, are not even servants in the social structure of the Dragon Clan.

Humans are weeds and livestock, extremely despicable creatures that will grow back anyway if killed casually.

This is what humans are.

Then, a question that has been ignored by countless scholars arises.

Since the status of human beings is so low, why do dragons still turn into human form?

Dragons come in many forms, as evidenced by murals, ancient books, and even dragon slayers seeing them with their own eyes.

The Dragon Clan is in addition to the dragon form in the traditional sense of the Western Dragon or the Eastern Dragon.

They can also transform into draconians, or humans.

In fact, there are many records of dragons becoming humans.

The King of the Earth and Mountains once transformed into the Hun King and started a war.

The King of Bronze and Fire once transformed into a counselor to assist Gongsun Zan in the Three Kingdoms.

Etc., etc.

Similar records are not a secret in the world of hybrids. Hybrids have long been commonplace. There are even many scholars who make a living from this. They rummage through piles of old papers to find any clues, and then compare them with the dragons recorded in the dragon clan.

They tried to find more evidence that the Dragon King became a human and stirred up troubles in history.

Some scholars firmly believe that Qin Shi Huang from the Far East is a dragon. Some say he is pure blood, while others say he is a legendary hybrid. In his later years, Qin Shi Huang ordered Xu Fu to go to sea to obtain the elixir of immortality. In essence, Qin Shi Huang wanted to purify his bloodline and transform into a real dragon. .

Some scholars swore that Caesar, Alexander, these great emperors who left great names in history were all dragons.

In short, scholars used their brains to search for all the evidence suspected of the Dragon King.

The enthusiastic hybrids seem to have acquiesced to a premise.

In other words, dragons, and even dragon kings, like to transform into humans.

But why?

Hasn't anyone ever found it strange?

How could the Dragon King be willing to transform into a humble human being?

This is obviously an obvious question.

Just like, if humans one day develop the technology to change their appearance at will, will anyone be willing to turn themselves into pigs and dogs?

Regardless of individual cases, there will be all kinds of strange individuals in the group, and individuals cannot represent the whole.

The dragon clan, ranging from dragon kings to ordinary dragons, all like to incarnate as humans and live among human groups.

Even when humans turn themselves into pigs and dogs, it is not very appropriate compared to the behavior of the Dragon King.

To give an appropriate analogy, it is probably that humans not only turn themselves into pigs and dogs, but also live in pigsties, wallowing in mud pits with pigs, and eating the food that pigs eat.

It's not that Uesugi Yue belittles humans, it's that the gap between dragons and humans is as vast as the sky. The dragons can even create small worlds like the Nibelungen. They are as high as gods, while humans are just mortal beings.

Thinking of this, Uesugoshi's hair stood on end.

It's all so strange.

If Chu Zihang hadn't pointed it out, Uesugoshi would never have thought in this direction.

Once he thought about it, Uesugoshi couldn't stop.

He really couldn't understand what the Dragon Kings were thinking.

At least, Uesugoshi believed that if he were put in the position of the Dragon Kings, he would definitely not do this.

The incarnation of a human or a dragon cannot be explained by the reasons of the times.

The era when the dragons ruled the world has passed. The current era belongs to humans. Even if the dragons recover, they will only be one or two. They are weak and unable to fight against the human world, so they can only transform into humans and live in the human world. Think of something else.

This explanation seems reasonable, but it is wrong.

Because thousands of years ago, when the dragons still ruled the sky, the earth and the sea, they were like this.

The specifications of the Dragon King's palace are proof.

They built their palaces according to human size standards, not dragons.

“It’s really, really weird.

Uesugoshi said.

He looked at Chu Zihang.

Uesugi Yue hoped that Chu Zihang could explain to him.

Uesugi Yue is not stupid, but Chu Zihang is smarter, he has to admit it.

Now it was Chu Zihang who was in front.

Before entering the palace complex, he said to Uesugoshi in deep thought.

"I have some ideas."

"The answer may be inside."

Chu Zihang looked into the palace.

"Perhaps we are all wrong."

"Mongrel, half-breed."

Chu Zihang suddenly asked.

"Where did humans come from?"

Of course Kamigoshi couldn't answer this philosophical question.

The two of them entered the palace with their thoughts on their minds.

Uesugoshi was very puzzled. He thought that his trip was probably to kill and kill. He went to the Hanging Garden, killed all the enemies he saw, and finally rescued Angers, and he was done.

But looking at it now, the situation was completely different from what he thought.

It seems that this game has suddenly changed from a side-scrolling fighting type to a puzzle type.

The biggest secret of the Dragon Clan is about to be revealed in front of them.

But here, there is just a ramen chef and a college student who has not yet graduated.

Uesugi couldn't help but think that if he had known that there were so many things going on, he would have brought the vice-principal with him, and tied him up immediately after knocking him unconscious regardless of whether he agreed or not.

Although Kassel's vice-principal was unreliable, his professional level was beyond compare. The more Uesugi thought about it, he was at least better than himself.

At the palace gate before, Chu Zihang didn't say a word.

Chu Zihang had some guesses about the secrets of the Dragon Clan.

Historically, scholars have had many versions about the origin of hybrids.

But no matter how many versions there are, they can't break away from the combination of dragons and humans.

Actually, there is a problem here.

Why people?

Dragons can use alchemy to create living beings.

The dragon clan can create dragonborn with sanity.

There are many things that the Dragon Clan can do.

And why do hybrids combine with humans?

Now, thousands of years later, humans have succeeded the dragons and become the masters of this world.

Of course, hybrids can think that it is natural for humans and dragons to combine.

But what about in ancient times? At that time, even if the Dragon Clan wanted to create a new useful tool race and create a hybrid species, why did the Dragon Clan choose humans?

In other versions, the hybrid is a conspiracy by humans to steal the power of the dragons. It is a version where humans actively sacrifice young girls to steal the blood of the dragons to create hybrids.

This version is not correct either.

What about other races?

Marine creatures can give birth to dragons from dragon blood, such as dragon octopuses and dragon great white sharks.

Aren't they also mixed races?

This is just marine life, what about the ones on land? What about flying in the sky?

The range of mixed breeds is too broad.

Why is it that today, thousands of years later, only hybrids of the human lineage remain?

Survival of the fittest? After the dragons withdrew from the stage of history, a protracted war began between hybrids and hybrids. The victors took possession of the dragon heritage. In the end, the human hybrids had the last laugh, and thus the current human era came into being.

This possibility is not completely impossible.

But Chu Zihang knew that this was not the case.

Chu Zihang once read a lot of materials in the library in Kassel.

The Secret Party, which exists as a Dragon Slayer organization, is not a positive organization like a welfare institution or the Avengers.

There's a lot of blood on the Camarilla's hands.

If this were placed in a Hollywood superhero movie, the Camarilla would probably compete with Hydra for the position of the number one villain.

In order to slay the dragon, there is nothing the Secret Party cannot do.

They had experimented with dragon blood on animals in an attempt to create dragon-born soldiers and biological weapons.

The results are discouraging.

Animal experiments failed without exception.

Animal aberrations, although they can gain great power in a short period of time, they cannot last long and cannot be stable.

As soldiers, they were unqualified.

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