Chapter 89 A small spiritual redemption (seeking to read!)

Lu Mingfei and Old Tang walked out of the airport side by side, the bright sunshine poured down from the clouds, with a little tiredness in the afternoon, the wind blowing in New York was different from that in Lu Mingfei's hometown, it seemed to be wrapped in Alone from the hustle and bustle of the big city.

"Old Tang, do you still get paid when your security guard sneaked away with me in the middle of your job?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Ann, the job of a part-time security guard used to be to escort people from the place where they got off the plane to the gate of the airport. This time, there are more people than before. Everyone wears masks. If I run away, no one will notice."

When Lao Tang opened his mouth, he was like an old fried dough stick.

"Is today a special day?" Lu Mingfei asked, "I just wanted to ask, do Thai stars need to hire a dozen or twenty security guards when they come out of the airport in the United States?"

"You reminded me of this." Old Tang slapped the back of his head, "Actually, I originally planned to tell you not to come to New York during this time, but we two brothers finally met each other, I didn't want to spoil the fun, and I forgot to tell you."

"Tell me what?" Lu Mingfei was taken aback by Old Tang's nagging tone.

"The nearest New York City..." Old Tang moved closer to Lu Mingfei's ear, his voice getting lower and lower.

"It's kind of evil!"

"Evil?" Lu Mingfei frowned, looked up at the sunny weather and the bustling city, "Old Tang, have you watched too many thrillers recently? Or is it too lonely to live alone?"

Old Tang looked around vigilantly, and pulled Lu Mingfei, "Let's get in the car first, and wait until we get on the elevated highway."

Old Tang led Lu Ming to a black Chevrolet parked on the side of the road. The car was very old and didn’t even have a center console. The chassis and the underside of the doors were covered with mud. I haven't washed my car for a long time, and the fan-shaped area on both sides of the front windshield that the wipers can wipe is fairly clean, while the rest of the windshield is dusty.

But the interior of the car is okay, it is not as messy as Lu Mingfei imagined, except for the leathery seats and the old interior, it is still clean.

A row of Q-version One Piece figurines are placed under the windshield, and a pair of models of big-breasted girls are installed in the center console. Between the two pairs of bumps, misty humidifying fluid is being sprayed outside.

"Old Tang, you also love One Piece?" Lu Mingfei pinched Robin's head and asked with great interest.

"Of course, a man's romance, isn't it?" Old Tang smiled, lit the ignition and pulled the handbrake.

"Taste!" Lu Mingfei gave a thumbs up, then glanced at the humidifier of the big-breasted girl model on the center console, and secretly put his thumb back.

"I don't like the stuffy feeling, and if I don't sit in the driver's seat, my motion sickness is very serious." Old Tang said, "So I always open the car window, but the wind blowing on the face all the time will be very painful. I just bought a humidifier, don’t think it’s small, it’s a genuine Bandai co-branded product, it’s so expensive!”

"Eat instant noodles for three meals a day, you're quite willing to do that!" Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes.

"Isn't money just for spending?"

"Anyway, I don't have any relatives, and I live a chic, carefree and happy life by myself."

"However, those who work in our business will suddenly disappear one day. You said that if the person disappears, the money has not been spent, is it sad?"

Even when he was talking about such a sad topic, Old Tang's tone was as cheerful as ever.

Lu Mingfei looked at Old Tang who had a happy face and a smile on the corners of his mouth and brows. Lu Mingfei knew that Old Tang was really optimistic, as if the blood called joy was flowing in his veins.

But when he heard Old Tang's words, he thought of a sentence for no reason:

When you carry too much, you will become a mountain, and you will no longer be you.

If one day he fell on the thorny road under his feet, would Lao Tang recognize his younger brother and both become the Dragon King?Will Senior Brother and Xia Mi fight to the death?Will Erika bleed dry and die helplessly in the depths of the red well?
Will someone remember me?How will people remember themselves?Build a church or cut a rose?
Lu Mingfei suddenly felt sad.

The engine started, the black Chevrolet body shook twice and then jumped out, driving towards the highway along with the rushing traffic.

Old Tang turned on the car stereo, and the melodious male voice and piano melody floated in the small space in the car. It was a classic old English song.

"Hey Jude" by The Beatles.

The disc rotates slowly in the CD player, as if pressing the flashback time to flow slowly, and the story unfolds like a dialogue.

"Hey Jude, don't make it bad" (Hey Jude! Don't get frustrated)
"Take a sad song and make it better" (Take a sad song and make it better)
"Remember, to let her into your heart" (Remember to sing her into your heart)

"Then you can start to make it better"

The melodious and lyrical male voice echoed in the carriage. Old Tang's head swayed to the beat of the melody. He kept humming along, as if to show off his talent in singing. His voice once overshadowed the original singing, but it was a little out of tune.

As if realizing that his words made Lu Mingfei feel a little bit wrong, he even replaced the "Jude" in the lyrics with "Mingming" like a spoof.

Lu Mingfei looked at Old Tang, who was looking at him with raised eyebrows, the eyebrows jumped up and down, but the drooping eyebrows remained motionless, like two seaweeds rooted in the bottom of the sea and fluttering with the waves, Lu Mingfei couldn't help it He burst out laughing.

"Old Tang, someone told me that I would overthrow the world, do you think this is a heavy burden?" Lu Mingfei suddenly asked loudly.

"It's heavy! It's fucking heavy!" Old Tang also replied loudly, "But when did you decide to overturn the world? Brothers, let me know for a lifetime, I will accompany you to overturn this broken world and let's finish the ball together hahaha! "

"And anytime you feel the pain"

"Hey Mingming refrain" (Hey Mingming! Be patient)
"Don't carry the world upon your shoulders"

Lu Mingfei was laughing, and Old Tang was also laughing. Chevrolet ran fast with the two of them carrying this healing song, as if leaving behind all the troubles and worries in the world.


After the black Chevrolet drove Lu Mingfei and Old Tang away, at the gate of Kennedy International Airport, flames rose like giant pythons and bloomed like red flowers, and black smoke billowed to cover the sky.

A catastrophe of colossal proportions has just occurred here.

Fire trucks came from afar with whistles and whistles, and countless news media rushed to tell each other, scrambling to come.

The source of the explosion was an unexplained explosion in the vehicle in which the Thai actress Kempesa was traveling, which affected dozens of vehicles and countless pedestrians around the airport.

According to estimates, the wreckage of Kenpaisha himself, his assistant and the [-] accompanying security guards were charred and nearly burned to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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