spy cloud

Chapter 3031 He Juxiang’s plan

Chapter 3031 He Juxiang’s plan
At Jingping Jiichiro's house, Zhang Tianhao came back with a woman and some vegetables.

Ito Ichiro and Erlang were also stunned, but they didn't say anything. After all, this was the young master's business and they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

However, Xiaohe's four daughters also got up at this time, and saw Zhang Tianhao leading a woman back, and she was all dirty, and they immediately understood what was going on.

Everyone's expressions became a little ugly. After all, the servants were back and they had nothing to do and were laid off directly.

The most important thing is that they can no longer live here. This is a relief and a pain for them.Revenge is impossible.

"Xu Jie, the kitchen is over there. This room is your room. Go in and clean it up yourself. Also, I have some old clothes here. You can take them all and put them on and wash yourself clean."

"I still have some rules here. Let me tell you about them and remember them."

Zhang Tianhao made some more demands for Xu Jie, including that he should not run around or talk nonsense, and he should not tell anyone about anything he saw at home. If nothing happened, he could sleep in his own room, bask in the sun, or It's like reading a book or something.

Half an hour later, I saw Xu Jie walking out of the house, already put on a new set of clothes, as fresh and refined as hibiscus emerging from clear water.

No wonder she made herself dirty.It turns out that looking good is sometimes a sin at this time.

"Okay, that's all. By the way, if you want to read, you can go in to the study room opposite to pick up books at any time, but you can't go in for more than 10 minutes at a time. Do you understand?"

"Thank you, sir."

Speaking of which, her job is quite easy. After all, there really isn't much going on at home. Apart from Zhang Tianhao, it's the Iteng brothers and herself who eat.

In addition, Zhang Tianhao doesn't come back often. When he comes back, he almost has hot water ready for taking a bath or other things.


At noon, Zhang Tianhao walked out of school. Liu Zhiya's identity was quite easy to use, but he was very busy. After all, he now had two identities, and it was quite troublesome to alternate between them.

"Classmate Liu, is there anything you want to do today?"

Just when he walked out of the campus, he saw Ruyu chasing him out, somewhat in a hurry.

"Hello, classmate Ruyu, I wonder if there is something wrong with you?"

Seeing Ruyu's embarrassed expression, he was also a little confused. After all, this was not what Ruyu should look like, so he asked casually.

"It's like this. Classmate He Juxiang wants to ask if you are free. She wants to treat you to a meal, but she doesn't know if you are free?"

Zhang Tianhao was suddenly a little confused. After all, when did Ruyu have such a good relationship with He Juxiang? What's more, he seemed to have no relationship with He Juxiang.

As for the baby kiss mentioned before, He Juxiang rejected it outright and was even dissatisfied with him and said a lot of bad things about him.

He looked at Ruyu with a scrutinizing gaze, which made her scalp feel numb.

Ruyu suddenly became a little unconscious. After all, she didn't want to come over and ask, but she was still asked by He Juxiang to come over and ask.

"No, it's not what I meant. She asked me to ask. Really, you have to believe me!"

As she said this, she felt even more embarrassed. After all, she also knew that it was not good for her to come over to help people ask.

"Of course I believe you, but how could you have other ideas? But you also know that there is no relationship between me and her. I really don't know what relationship she has with me?"

"I don't know about this. If you don't go, then I will refuse her!"

Ruyu lowered her head in embarrassment. It was obviously her first time helping someone to date another boy.

Moreover, this boy was quite attractive to her, but she couldn't help but He Juxiang was willing to beg, so she had to come.

Zhang Tianhao just felt a little funny. After all, he saw He Juxiang hiding not far away, and he understood that this woman was definitely a scheming person.

If he stays with such a person, isn't he asking for trouble? "No, I no longer have any relationship with her, not to mention meeting is an embarrassing thing. Do you think I will still go to see her?"

Hearing Zhang Tianhao say this, Ruyu seemed to be relieved, and even her face turned slightly red.

"Okay, I'll refuse it for you, bye!"

Ruyu immediately wanted to turn around and leave, having the urge to escape.

"By the way, there is an exam tomorrow afternoon. You have to be prepared to take the exam. If you don't take the exam, you will make up the exam next semester."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and started running.

Zhang Tianhao watched Ruyu turn around and run away. He couldn't help but touch his nose and murmured: "Am I so scary? Why are you so scared when you see me?"

He smiled bitterly, turned around, called a rickshaw, and left the campus directly.

And just when he left, He Juxiang walked out from behind a tree not far away, with an angry look on his face.

In the past, Liu Zhiya seemed to like following her very much. As a puppy, he was quite qualified, but since he recovered from his illness, he never ignored her again.

Clearly he has changed and become more attractive.

Maybe distance brings beauty, which makes her feel a little more thoughtful.

In fact, she had another reason why she had to find Liu Zhilai, but she didn't find anyone for this reason, and she couldn't explain it at all.

"Liu Zhiya, you can't escape my grasp!"

She gently clenched her fist, and immediately her face became sad again. After all, her family knew that her family's affairs were not something she could solve now.


She also sighed, and immediately thought of Zhang Tianhao's home. Now that Zhang Tianhao was the only one left at home, maybe she could do this.

She decided to find Liu Zhiya in another way.

But after all her plans, when she arrived at Liu's house, she found that there were bodyguards at home, and they refused to let her out, no matter what the reason was.

Except for Zhang Tianhao and a few women who were allowed to enter Liu Zhiya's home, everyone else refused to enter. After all, they knew who lived here and what their mission was.

A person who lives in their memory is in their yard and they serve as a bodyguard. This is in itself an affirmation of them.

After all, they are protecting their core characters.If something goes wrong, it will be a big deal.

And when He Juxiang looked at the two big characters on the door of the Liu family: Liu Mansion, she felt a sense of distance, and realized that the gap between her and Liu Zhiya was too big, so big that she couldn't even enter now.

She said something bad, but the bodyguard guarding the door refused to let her in.

Standing outside the gate, He Juxiang felt in her heart that something of her own was lost, and lost forever.


She sighed again, turned around and left, ready to go home.

But when she left, Zhang Tianhao, who was not far away, also witnessed what happened at the door just now, and he also laughed secretly in his heart.

Although he didn't know why He Juxiang came to him, he believed that there was no love without reason in the world, and there was no hate without reason. However, He Juxiang came to him, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

What's more, he is not the real Liu Zhiya, he has his own way of doing things.

(End of this chapter)

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