Chapter 1115

"This Feng Zezi is much more powerful than Tao Shien. We are at a disadvantage in this round of encirclement and suppression of Luo Jiao!"

In the hall of Dongbi Residence, Luo Wanxiang and Gong Kepei sipped tea, feeling quite troubled.

The two royal Taoist temples, Chaotian Palace and Shenlian Optimism, managed to gain the limelight in the anti-Japanese war. Unexpectedly, there will be another wave of unrest, and the incident of Luojiao in the southeast.

Harm the governor Lu Bing, massacre the high officials of the imperial court, Jiajing is bound to be furious, the two southern factions are first guilty of negligence, and then Feng Zezi snatches the credit for destroying Luojiao, the light will dim again, Tao Zhongwen will still be firmly established as the master of heaven bit.

Li Yan, however, knew very well that Lu Bing now hated Tao Zhongwen to the bone, and was pretending to be false, so he wanted to get real evidence.

After all, that person is not only a Taoist celestial master, but also the Minister of Rites of the court.

In terms of official position alone, Tao Zhongwen is actually above Lu Bing, but the real power of the world is not as good. No matter how many rewards there are, they are all vain, and the Taoist celestial master is the core.

Originally, Tao Zhongwen was concerned about whether his son could successfully inherit the position of celestial master, and the Tao family would continue to be honored and favored. Now what he is facing is not the issue of future generations, but whether he will be accepted by the doctor after Li Miracle and Dragon Girl enter Beijing. step down...

That's why he, who was originally in a detached position, needed a firm ally.

Among the four most powerful people in the current dynasty, Lu Fang has been serving Jiajing in the palace, and can't get in the way;
Although Yan Song is the chief assistant, with strict party and government power, he has very little intersection with Taoism-related matters, except for the test of pills;
Lu Bing's Jinyiwei covered the widest range, and his relationship with Jiajing's milk brother was the most trusted. In addition, this time he left Beijing and went south, it can be said to be the easiest target to win.

Of course, Tao Zhongwen must have been in contact with Lu Bing before, knew his temperament, knew that this man would not stand in line easily, but he valued kindness and righteousness, so he made such a bad move.

Yes, this move is clearly a bad idea.

Such a desperate method is really contrary to what a celestial master did, which is why Li Yan didn't think about Tao Zhongwen at all at first.

Now that the real culprit behind the scenes has been basically identified, the situation has become clearer, but it is still necessary to determine the whereabouts of Wusheng's old mother.

After listening to the encirclement and suppression of Luojiao by the two parties, Li Yan said: "Wusheng Laomu is a new god. It has been worshiped for more than 50 years. It is very suitable for the lower class, and the cohesion of faith and will is probably extraordinary."

Luo Wanxiang nodded: "It's entirely possible. In fact, there have been many evil sacrifices in various places in these years. One of the tasks of our two sects' disciples traveling abroad is to ban those barbaric and bloody evil sacrifices!"

Gong Kepei had a rare feeling of powerlessness: "There are many living sacrifices in this kind of evil sacrifices, offering boys and girls to the demons. Even if the leading priests are killed, the villagers still follow blindly..."

Li Yan sighed lightly.

One of the goals of the rulers of all dynasties in China to promote Taoism and Buddhism is to curb the more bloody folk sacrifices and evil sacrifices. In this world, there are too many folk sacrifices, which will create ghosts and ghosts. Of course, they must be banned.

That being the case, the reason why Luojiao can grow is also obvious: "It is because Luojiao has no statues, no portraits, and it is all based on imagination, teaching without doing anything, is it not supervised by the two factions?"

Luo Wanxiang smiled wryly: "That's right! This is indeed dereliction of duty. The founder of the Luo Sect was originally a Buddhist disciple, but the real Buddhist cultivator has long since escaped from the world. Be vigilant... Alas!"

Gong Kepei frowned: "It's very difficult for this kind of sect to give birth to evil gods. I didn't expect this old mother of life to be a big one. There may be something strange behind it..."

Luo Wanxiang shook his head: "At this point, there is no need to shirk responsibility. Dispelling the evil god's mind and rooting out the belief is the right way!"

Li Yan knew that something was wrong, and reminded, "I'm afraid it's hard to eradicate the belief of this lifeless old mother."

Luo Wanxiang's face suddenly changed: "What do you mean, sir?"

Li Yandao: "The foundation of the Luo religion is the common people, and it even focuses on the people living at the bottom. Compared with the Buddhist scriptures, it is actually easier to understand and costs very little. This kind of sect has already spread in the southeast. It turns out that with widespread influence, forcible suppression will only trigger a backlash."

Luo Wanxiang understood: "Forcing the suppression will only make the believers more concentrated, the faith more pure, and the power of the lifeless old mother will grow stronger?"

Li Yan nodded: "Not bad."

Luojiao has more potential than Buddhism in terms of spreading speed and seditiousness at the lower level, and the failure to destroy Buddha three times is actually because a religion that can take root in the hearts of the people at the bottom is difficult to ban once it becomes large-scale. Not to mention that the action of the ancient court was quite limited.

Even if the Luojiao has only been developed for 50 years, the situation in the southeast region cannot be banned by the current Ming court. The final result is basically to advance the historical situation by several decades. Banned by the imperial court, turned from light to dark, merged with the real rebel sect, and the lifeless mother became the sacrificial target of the White Lotus Cultists.

Luo Wanxiang and Gong Kepei didn't think so deeply, they frowned a little, and then reacted: "In this way, Feng Zezi made such a huge momentum, it seems to be sure, but in fact it may not be able to wipe out Luo Jiao, just Deal with the imperial court and grab the credit!"

Li Yandao: "For such a big event, everything must be based on evidence. Only by finding the trace of Wu Sheng's old mother can we take the initiative. Don't be fooled by Feng Zezi..."

"Understood! Thank you, sir, for your guidance!"

Luo Gong cheered up, discussed the situation again, and left excitedly.

Chaotian Gong and Shen Optimism are almost Taoist sects that clearly oppose Tao Zhongwen and wish for the downfall of this celestial master, but Li Yan did not tell the truth.

It's not that they don't trust, but compared to Lu Bing's city, these two are still young. If Feng Zezi sees the truth, it may cause bad things.

Moreover, there are many entry points for finding Wusheng mother. The people at the bottom are actually the ones who suffer the most, not even as good as the snake monster in Wujue Cave. .

Just as she was thinking, she poked her head again, this time seeing no outsiders, the dragon girl quickly jumped out, with the little turtle lying on her shoulder, and said cheerfully: "Everyone is leaving!"

The wishful orb flew out from his sleeve, showing welcome, and Li Yan also waved his hand: "Come in, that Governor Lu is out of danger, now he is going to trouble others, and he won't live here anymore."

Longnu came to the seat and sat down, muttering: "Fighting and fighting, I don't like it..."

Li Yan said with a smile: "I heard from you that before the change of the world, immortals and Buddhas were at ease. Although the three disasters are dangerous, they also created various ways to avoid disasters. The days were very peaceful back then, right?"

The dragon girl showed a look of nostalgia: "Yes, when I practiced with the Bodhisattva in Luojia Mountain, I was carefree and sincere. How can there be the current turmoil..."

Li Yandao: "But precisely because you are carefree, rarely go out, and never leave the Bodhisattva's side, you will inevitably be afraid of the outside world. When you return to the West Sea Dragon Palace, even if it is your original home, you will immediately fear disaster."

The dragon girl lowered her head, her small dragon horn drooping, and hummed.

Li Yandao: "It's not a monster, the world suddenly changed, and most people are uncomfortable, but now that they are awake, they will naturally change accordingly. When you were fighting Yama in the Ten Palaces, you could become very brave, but you went to extremes. You must practice hard, and truly overcome the fear and calamity!"

The dragon girl raised her head, showing a firm look, and after three breaths, she said in a slump, "But I'm so's not good for my practice..."

This is not an excuse. The root cause of hunger is that it is still impossible to find the correct way to absorb the energy of heaven and earth. Without a transition, it is really not conducive to practice.

Li Yan thought for a while and said, "How about ginseng fruit?"

The dragon girl's eyes widened and she almost flew over: "Can you grow ginseng fruit?"

Li Yan laughed: "Don't even think about the real ginseng fruit, even the gods and Buddhas may not be able to enjoy it, but the ginseng doll before, you can study it carefully."

Dragon Girl nodded again and again: "Okay, okay, it's not bad to grow it!"

Li Yandao: "I had a question before. The Great Immortal Zhenyuan broke off the spiritual branch of the ginseng fruit tree and gave it to a friend. Since then, there has been more than one spiritual root, but how long will it take for those gods and Buddhas to bloom and bear fruit after they are planted?"

Longnu said: "It's definitely not as long as before. The exact year depends on the fairy cave, and the taste is also different."

Li Yan understood: "No wonder you can smell it. What grade is the ginseng fruit currently in prison?"

The Dragon Girl recalled for a moment: "It smells like ginseng fruit, but it seems to be rushed too fast, and the appearance is quite inferior. Among ginseng fruits, it should be the last one..."

It seems a bit wrong to classify spirit fruits, but in fact flat peaches are classified.

There are 3000 plants in the Pantao Garden, 6000 plants in the front, "the flowers are small and the fruits are small, and they ripen once in 9000 years. People eat them and become immortals, and their bodies are light." There are [-] plants in the middle. Flower Ganshi, once ripened in [-] years, people eat Xiaju and fly up, and live forever", the last [-] plants, "Purple pattern Xiangnu, once ripened in [-] years, people eat it as long as heaven and earth, the same life as the sun and the moon Geng".

If we look at the time alone, the ripening time of ginseng fruit is equal to that of the last flat peach, but the flat peach garden is in the sky, and the Wuzhuang Temple where the ginseng fruit is located is in the world. There is a big difference between one day in the sky and one year in the world.

Li Yan had an idea in his mind, and first warned the Dragon Girl: "If you want to release the doll, don't be afraid of it, it will be afraid of you."

Waiting for the dragon girl to muster up her courage, she said to the little turtle, "Release that ginseng doll."

The little tortoise let out a breath, and a little green light flew out of the tortoise's shell, rapidly growing in size, and finally turned into an ugly ginseng doll, which landed on the ground, with its feet floating slightly, without fully touching the ground.

The ginseng doll shook her head, first looked at the wish-fulfilling jewel in awe, then turned to the dragon girl to bow down, not even daring to look directly at her: "Meet the dragon girl!"

Covered by the curtain before, but now facing each other, Longnu almost trembled, and managed to stabilize herself, thinking that this was the first time she was being called Empress, so she gave a majestic hum.

Li Yan asked: "Who is Tao Zhongwen, do you know?"

The ginseng doll shook her head blankly: "I don't know."

Li Yan said, "What about Feng Zezi?"

The ginseng doll's expression changed suddenly, and she fell silent.

Sure enough, although this ripening version of ginseng fruit gave birth to spiritual intelligence, its way of thinking is very simple. As long as you grasp the correct direction, you can easily find it to verify the answer.

Li Yan said indifferently: "You take orders from Wusheng's old mother, and Feng Zezi takes orders from Tao Zhongwen. One of you pretends to be a bad guy and the other a good guy to reap Lu Bing's gratitude."

"Now that the matter has been exposed, you don't have to hide it anymore, not to mention that Feng Zezi has started to exterminate Luo Jiao..."

The ginseng doll's expression changed: "Destroy Luo Jiao?"

Li Yan pointed at the wish-fulfilling orb, and the scene of the pier suddenly appeared on it.

Seeing the batches of waterworkers being taken away and the treasure scrolls being burned, the ginseng baby wrinkled its old face and breathed heavily: "They can't do this! Luo Jiao didn't participate in this matter!"

Li Yandao: "The participation of Wu Sheng's old mother is the participation of Luo Jiao. Now that it fails, Luo Jiao will naturally be purged."

"It's just that Feng Zezi killed two of Tao Zhongwen's direct disciples in order to get rid of the crime. The timing was very ingenious. It happened to be in the process of searching the Luojiao. Therefore, the deaths of the two Taoists were attributed to Wu Sheng's old mother. head."

"In this way, even if you report the alliance with Tao Zhongwen, the outside world will not believe it. They will only think that Luo Jiao is harboring hatred and making slanderous attacks..."

"It's about striking first."

The ginseng doll was hit by the cruelty of reality, and roared: "No! You can't do this to my mother!"

Li Yandao: "You howling here is useless. If you want to stop it, you can only expose Feng Zezi's face and prove that the person who killed the court officials was not Wusheng old mother, but a villain like him."

The ginseng doll stared at the screen displayed by the Ruyi gem, and turned to the dragon girl after a while: "I hope that the mother will be merciful and rescue Luo Jiao. I will be instructed by Tao Zhongwen!"

Dragon Girl said solemnly: "For worldly matters, listen to this divine doctor Li."

The ginseng doll understood that the dragon girl only cared about the affairs of gods and Buddhas, so she hurriedly turned around and bowed, "I hope you will teach me, what should I do?"

Li Yan didn't continue to ask about the secret, but looked at it: "Do you want to change your appearance?"

The ginseng doll was startled: "Is this related to this matter?"

Li Yandao: "Of course it is related. With your current appearance, it is difficult to win the trust of others when you speak the truth."

The ginseng doll was hit again, and muddy tears poured out: "If I am not so ugly, the master will not dislike me, I want to become the original appearance of ginseng fruit!"

Li Yan nodded: "In that case, come with me."

He got up and bowed to Longnu, performed all the tricks, and brought the ginseng doll into the operating room.

"I can eat ginseng fruit!"

The dragon girl tiptoed to the front of the house, full of anticipation and wanted to look inside, and saw the wish-fulfilling jewel flying out, hanging the wooden sign in front of the door, and writing on it represented the three characters of Do Not Disturb——

in surgery!
(End of this chapter)

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