Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1143 Using the Underworld to Harm the Attending Physician of Yan Luo in the Temple, How Cour

"Prince... Zhuang respects the prince?"

Li Yan listened to Xiaoqian's whispers, his eyes pondered.

Jiajing had a total of eight sons, from the fifth son to the eighth son, all of them were "Shang before the birth of the month" and "Shang before the birth of the year", and their posthumous titles were Shang, Huai, Ai, and Si respectively.

The probability of such a premature death is obviously not bad luck, and nine out of ten are related to the poor physique caused by the Taoist emperor's drug use.

The eldest son also died two months after he was born, and he was posthumously crowned as Prince Aichong, which is relatively unlucky.

Those who lived and grew up were the second, third and fourth sons. The third son, King Yu, and the fourth son, King Jing, are the most familiar to later generations.

He was established as the crown prince when he was three years old, and he was appointed as the chief assistant Xia Yan to teach him. Unfortunately, when he was crowned at the age of 14, he was crowned the day before, and suddenly fell ill the next day. He died of illness within a few days. It was for Prince Zhuangjing .

This is also the origin of "the two dragons will not meet each other". Jiajing had heard of Tao Zhongwen's concept a long time ago, and he had never dared to see his own son. He met him during the coronation ceremony, and finally "ke" the prince to death. Yu, no longer have any doubts about Tao Zhongwen.

No matter in history or in this world, Li Yan heard the same version, but now it seems that the one in history may really have died of illness, and the cause of death of Prince Zhuang Jing in this world is a mystery.

In fact, Chi Lian said long ago that the prince was also killed by Tao Zhongwen, but the fire in the palace was set by Chi Lian himself. The evidence is convincing. She guessed that the prince was killed. She felt that Tao Zhongwen dared to take the risk of killing the king. He would definitely dare to kill the prince.

Li Yan has reservations about this.

Dare to dare is one thing, and whether it is worth it is another.

Jiajing did not die, it was just a false alarm, and the crown prince really died of illness. If it was Tao Zhongwen's mastermind, the huge karma of murdering a country's crown prince would be enough to make the coming crime extremely terrifying!

Tao Zhongwen had already become a celestial master at that time, and there was no need to take such a huge risk for the sake of improving trust.

So before Li Yan was inclined to talk about the prince's illness and death, but now it seems that Chi Lian may be wrong again...

Those are speculations for the time being, waiting for Xiaoqian to calm down, Li Yan asked: "The dead soul of Prince Zhuang Jing was refined into a ghost, can you be sure?"

Xiaoqian tremblingly said: "Yes! Brother Prince is floating in mid-air, his figure is about the same as mine now, you can't make a mistake!"

In a sense, this is the first scene that Xiaoqian remembers, and it obviously had a great impact on her before she was alive, so it left a deep impression on her.

Princess Ning'an was dumbfounded when she heard this: "Brother Prince...has become a ghost too...Then how is it for him to have a sister?"

Xiaoqian said: "It is impossible for someone to treat me better than the master, the situation of the prince's brother must be extremely dangerous!"

Princess Ning An trembled.

Is the Ming royal family so dangerous?

Not to mention most of the born offspring died young, only a few remaining died of illness, they couldn't even be reincarnated, and they still had to stay in the yang world, as lonely ghosts?

She doesn't want to go back...

Li Yan asked from another angle: "Why do you think you suddenly remembered?"

Xiaoqian was a little dazed: "Yeah, no matter how I practiced before, I couldn't recall what happened before I was alive. Now that I think about it, it's really strange..."

Li Yan analyzed: "There are two possibilities."

"The first one is what you recall now. It's not the real memory, but the thieves deliberately misled it. It's meaningless for us to lead our investigation to Prince Zhuang Jing."

"The second type is that the thief did something and loosened the ban, so that the most impressive memory emerged. You should immediately use the mana of Taiyuan to see if you can break through the ban, or at least make it visible."

Xiaoqian immediately clasped her hands together and sat cross-legged in mid-air, her body was full of Yin Qi, and the picture of ghosts in the night was hanging above her head, echoing the inside and outside.

With this effort, a faint halo emerged from the top of the head, even at this point, it still appeared and disappeared from time to time, making it hard to see clearly.

Fortunately, everyone in the hall was watching this scene. The dragon girl saw it and wanted to help. She didn't know where to start. body.

With this help, the circle of light finally became clear, and it turned into a rather familiar divine prohibition, completely exposed in front of him.

Li Yan observed carefully and made a judgment: "Sure enough, it is Tao Zhongwen's 'spirit-locking ring'. The structure must be more complicated to have such a high degree of concealment...very good!"

Even if it is the same kind of restriction, the restriction on Her Royal Highness is obviously not at the same level as the restriction on a spiritual pet.

Li Yan was not surprised but pleased about this. He needed to refer to more samples to speed up the cracking speed.

Without ordering, the spirit crane flew over, knowing that it would be hard to get through the hoop around the neck again, but fortunately following this generous master, the medicine was enough, and even the spirit fruit was eaten, so there was nothing to complain about , with a stalk on the neck, and a good pose.

Xiaoqian continued to sit upright, arousing divine restraint, comparing the two, and constantly comprehending.

This comprehension lasted for half a day, and when night fell, Li Yan stretched out his finger, and it landed on the aperture.

The mana confrontation reappeared, and this time the stalemate lasted longer. After all kinds of changes that dazzled the monks, the light circle stabilized again, which meant that the break failed again.

But Xiaoqian had already sensed it, flew out of the cabin, and pointed to a place of light below: "I can feel that there is also a similar divine prohibition, which is working, and it may be the prince's brother!"

Li Yan came behind and looked at the mansion she was pointing at: "That is Tao Zhongwen's Tianshi mansion. If the dead prince's soul is really in his hands, the most likely place to hide is the blessed place in the mansion."

"However, we are not sure right now. What you perceive is real, or it may be a trap set by Tao Zhongwen, seeing that the situation is not good..."

"After all, at this juncture, what is the reason for suddenly arousing the divine prohibition in the dead prince's body?"

Having said that, Li Yan frowned, thinking of some possibility, he stretched out his hand and beckoned: "Ginseng doll, come out!"

In the planting area, the ginseng doll who took care of the pear and jujube trees flew out. After her life was settled, she also recognized the genius doctor who brought him back to life, and bowed with a green body: "I don't know if the master will help you. What order?"

Li Yan pointed to himself: "Take a look, do I have death energy entangled in me?"

The ginseng doll turned around, and its complexion changed: "What the master said is right, it's really a bit unusually dead!"

Li Yan nodded: "In this way, it can be basically confirmed that this celestial master is really in a hurry. He wants to directly reduce my life span and cast spells. If you want the prince's soul, no wonder it will touch the gods..."

Xiaoqian paled, and immediately took out all the secret tickets hidden in her sleeve: "Not only these, I will write again, and I will fight against the villains!"

Li Yan smiled slightly, and was not in a hurry: "They don't know about a certain agreement, and if they cut my lifespan rashly, it might cause a commotion in the underworld, just wait and see what happens!"

He made an appointment with Yama of the Ten Temples for surgery. Maybe Yama of the Ten Temples didn't fully believe it, but before trying it, he certainly didn't want this Taoist doctor to become a dead soul who had lost all his mana and was still under the control of the one in the underworld.

So Tao Zhongwen wants to use the method of Yangshi, but if he uses the relationship of Jiuyou Hell, I am afraid that Yama of the Ten Palaces will be surprised. How dare you dare to use a knife on the head of their attending physician?

What Li Yan is most concerned about now is: "Is Tao Zhongwen turning the current prince and princess into ghosts just for ghost tickets, or is there some other purpose?"

Xiaoqian was very angry: "No matter what it is for, this is not a heavenly master of the imperial court, it is simply a rebellious traitor!"

Li Yandao: "If Tao Zhongwen's previous life was not a human being, but a monster, he would naturally have no respect for the court, and it would not be surprising to do anything."

"Fortunately, after the heaven and earth mutated, nine catastrophes appeared, hanging over the heads of all spiritual creatures. Otherwise, after the gods and Buddhas disappeared, the world would have long been a paradise for demons..."

Xiaoqian also had lingering fears, Tao Zhongwen's behavior like this, I'm afraid only the doom in the dark, thought for a while and said: "Tao Zhongwen can't take the dead soul of the prince brother with him, can we take advantage of this old thief to go out? Go into the mansion and rescue the prince brother?"

If the soul of the dead prince is rescued, let alone the end of the Heavenly Master, such a heinous act, the Tao family must be connected to the nine clans, and the spread is as wide as the ten clans fabricated in the literati's notes.

Li Yan also hopes to get it right in one step, but knows that the risk is too great: "With Tao Zhongwen's current methods, the more deadly the vital point is, the more he will take precautions, and even take extreme actions. If the prince's dead soul is really there, Breaking in rashly is not the best policy."

Xiaoqian was fascinated by his side, she also reacted, and nodded again and again: "What the master said is that we are taking the initiative now, there is no need to take risks, break the divine prohibition first!"

Li Yan was about to correct his address again: "You remember the prince, there is no doubt that he is Princess Chang'an, you still call me master?"

Xiaoqian skillfully burrowed into his sleeve, poked out half of her head, and said sullenly, "I'm a ghost now...not a relieved!"

Li Yan had no choice but to say, "Okay, work hard and break the divine prohibition. This time it depends on the joint efforts of the two of us."

Xiaoqian was very excited, and nodded repeatedly in her sleeve: "Mm! Mm!"

Li Yan sent a letter to Tudi Gong, telling Jiajing that he would not be going tomorrow, and that he would take Xiaoqian back to the cabin to retreat and understand the divine prohibition.


"Really Li is busy, when will we start classes again?"

After receiving the notice from the God of the Land, Jiajing sat on the Tai Chi gossip bed, seemingly expressionless, but his eyes revealed torment.

Resist the temptation of fairy peach, simple.

It is a bit difficult to resist the temptation of a real person...

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