Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1181 8 Reasons for Giving Up

Chapter 1181 The reason for Bajie's gaffe
Xiyuan Longevity Palace.

Jiajing walked into the jingshe and came to the Taiji Bagua bed.

Ever since Long Po's real body was forced out of Shoutao, he hasn't been back to this place where he practiced in the past, which seems to have triggered the unbearable feeling of looking back during the Renyin Palace Change.

It wasn't until Lu Bing and Ouyang Bijin's good news was sent to the capital that it was confirmed that the threat of the nine-leaf ganoderma lucidum was lifted, and Princess Wansheng and the dragon mother had no chance to threaten them. At this time, they returned, sat on the futon, and put on a fugue. Sitting in Baji posture, eyes slowly closed.

Conscious that the mind is outside the object, the body and the mind are wandering, after a long time, Jiajing opened his eyes, without waving, Lu Fang had already presented the elixir.

He ate a elixir made by himself, it was sweet, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he was very satisfied, when Lu Fang saw it, he took the opportunity to say: "Master, Mr. Yan Ge is waiting outside."

Jiajing nodded his chin: "Let Weizhong in."

Yan Song, who was wearing agarwood perfume leaf crown, walked in slowly: "The old minister pays homage to His Majesty!"

Jiajing said: "Give me a seat."

The eunuch on duty brought a mahogany stool about one foot square with hollow patterns, and placed it behind Yan Song.

The dragon girl nodded, transformed herself into a heroic little white dragon, placed the offerings inside, and waited silently.

Seeing that the pig demon's ears swelled and suddenly flew up, the dragon girl called out again and again, but she could only watch helplessly as it disappeared.

Dragon Girl said: "When the sect worships, there is no statue. Perhaps this is also the reason for her birth. Of course, it is also possible that this god is an old god and cannot show its true face, so I want the second senior brother to identify it."

The dragon girl stepped forward and said apologetically, "I didn't even have time to ask if there was any resemblance to the Queen Mother. He ran away, and the offerings were eaten up..."

Long Nu thought to herself why this is the same as her, and hurriedly said: "I do have something to ask for advice!"

Jiajing didn't think about it at the beginning, and stood from a different perspective. Yan Song always felt that after Li Shizhen came to power, his power would be greatly affected, but in Jiajing's eyes, the heavenly master was in charge of religion, and the cabinet was in charge of secular affairs.

However, as the first assistant, Yan Song couldn't be happy when he had to deal with such a person who had no foundation in the court, and the next emperor and his ministers played right, and they were thinking everywhere, exhausting all their scheming.

Now that Yan Song has said what he wanted but could not achieve, Jiajing is very pleased. In addition to the recent major events, the head of the ministers, Kui, the head of the cabinet, has marginal participation, so he appeases him.

Once there were abundant spiritual fruits on the confession case, the aura of the altar envoy appeared very quickly, and he came to the hall with ease, grabbed the big pear and gnawed it, obviously it was not the real person who came here, but the juice splashed as before.

As the de facto Minister of the Ministry of Households, Jiajing knew very well that Daming had already started to live without food, and the budget was overrun every year. If it continued like this, unless the weather was smooth and there were no disasters in the future, the deficit would only get worse.

The likes and dislikes of a person are accumulated from these little things...

Bajie waved his hands again and again: "Peach Blossom Festival, banquet in Yaochi, will indeed invite gods of all sizes from all palaces and halls, but the ones who really sit at the honorable seats are the three emperors and four emperors of the Shangbadong, the Jade Emperor and the Nine Bases of the Zhongbadong, etc. The leader of the Nether world in the lower eight caves, and the five elders of the five directions, the five star kings, and me, the Buddha and Bodhisattva of the Western Heaven, at that time, I was sitting in the back seat, and I couldn’t make it up!”

Li Yan was located in the square not far away, looking at the huge incense burner in the temple with great interest.

Longnu had prepared the words, but was a little disrupted by this take-all, and could only watch him whirlwind.

Where did Yan Song dare to look, he immediately bowed to the ground: "The old minister is confused! The old minister is confused!"

Long Nu said: "How many times have I entered the Heavenly Court? The second senior brother was once the marshal of the canopy, and there are honored seats at the Pantao Festival, and he has friendship with all the gods and Buddhas in the sky, so it is easy to recognize!"

Thinking of getting rid of Tao Zhongwen, who has a big tail, and replacing him with a Taoist doctor who has no foundation but outstanding ability, Jiajing couldn't help but feel happy, and said in a miss tone: "I don't know where Master Li is now. When will he come back to help you?" What about my lecture?"

Lu Fang knew that she could listen to these words.

Of course, this is also because the dragon mother-in-law is a real dragon after all, if it is really some filthy evildoer, Jiajing would not care about those for his own practice.

Bajie stared at it for a while, then slapped his ears: "I can't even see this face clearly, how to identify it? You were also the prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea in the past. If you don't recognize me when you go to and from the Heavenly Court, I don't know..."

Yan Song is from Jiangxi, and he knew it as soon as he sat down. This is the fire barrel that the old people in the south used to sit on in the cold winter. !"

After Tao Zhongwen was killed, the practice naturally fell on the new celestial master, and Long Live Lord was really trying to figure out that person's attitude and do what he liked.

Li Yan explained: "The Envoy of the Purification Altar was Marshal Tianpeng in his previous life, so he definitely had the opportunity to get in touch with the Queen Mother, but the chances are definitely not many. For example, if you can see it from a distance during the Pantao Festival, you won't be very familiar with it."

Lu Fang knew that this Long Live Lord was happy to see important ministers contradicting, so he could only listen to his words instead of responding.

Jiajing nodded slightly. It was most appropriate for Lu Fang to act on his behalf because Lu Fang had enough status as an inner minister and was willing to lose face as an eunuch.

Although he was not used to it, as Jiajing's most caring person, Lu Fang immediately said: "When Master Li returns to Beijing, this old slave will go to meet him and find out what he wants."

Dragon Girl wondered: "Why?"

"You can share my worries."

Jiajing smiled, and Lu Fang explained: "This is the grace of the Lord Long Live to Mr. Yan Ge. The burning inside is not charcoal, but sandalwood. Sit down, Mr. Yan Ge!"

Based on his understanding of His Majesty, the proposal to rebuild the Longevity Palace is actually in line with his wishes, but not in line with the current state of the treasury.

Bajie patted his stomach and said, "You don't lose if you eat something, what are you talking about today, I'll go back to sleep after talking."

"Go and help Mr. Yan Ge up."

Yan Song sat down for the third time, feeling more at ease, deeply feeling that his son Yan Shifan's idea was useful.

"Second Senior Brother! Second Senior Brother!"

Yan Song lowered his head, his eyes flashed: "Yes!"

The main hall of Ci'en Temple.

But gradually, this extremely intelligent and sensitive Son of Heaven also noticed something, and when Yan Song finished his report, he retreated tremblingly, and commented with a smile: "It seems that Mr. Yan Ge still has prejudices against Master Li. Wenfu reconciled and reconciled."

Dragon Girl stretched out her hands, and the image recorded in Ruyi Orb appeared, and she introduced: "This is the god worshiped by Luojiao, a new sect. It's called Wusheng Old Mother, and it manifests in the world through the spirit of nurturing. Second senior brother, take a look, does it look familiar?"

When Lu Fang helped Yan Song back to the stool, Jiajing said indifferently: "Although there are traitors in the court, I know your loyalty, and this matter should not be expanded. At this point, the evil spirits in the palace have been eliminated, and the palace will be rebuilt. Regarding the matter of the Longevity Palace... there is no need to say more!"

She wanted to cry but had no tears, so she stood there for a while and walked out of the Daxiong Hall.

Yan Song's face turned pale with shock, and he stood up from the mahogany stool again. Just as he was about to explain, he heard the emperor's voice rise: "Look, I can still suppress the bad luck of that dragon mother-in-law?"

The Dragon Girl pretended to sigh: "It's a pity that it's not easy to pick these spiritual fruits now, so I can't let the second senior brother eat to his heart's content..."

To be honest, if a fire breaks out now and the Longevity Palace is burned down, there will be no money for reconstruction in a short period of time, let alone the Haosheng Palace. Since the Dragon Pooh once hid in it, it would be too much to destroy it directly. It's a waste of money.

When the sweeping was over, the chubby Bajie wiped his mouth and said, "It's good to have Junior Brother Bailong, but my mouth has been taken care of, old pig. It's really hard for you to be away for a few days!"

Yan Shifan is in charge of the Ministry of Industry. If he builds the Longevity Palace again, he will naturally fill his pockets. If he does not build it, it will add some trouble to Jiajing, so that this person who sees things and thinks firmly remembers what Tao Zhongwen did. Since Tao Zhongwen is bold, then the same As a celestial master, Li Shizhen may also commit crimes in the future.

After Yan Song thanked him, he sat down slowly and found that the surface of the stool was warm, as if there was a small stove inside.

Bajie wondered, "Why can't you see the face clearly?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Only then did Yan Song sit down slowly: "Your Majesty is so gracious, I really can't bear it..."

Dragon Girl was a little surprised at first, and then she was startled: "Then why didn't he say anything, and left in a hurry? Could it be really... Queen Mother?"

Li Yan turned around and said with a smile: "Don't be discouraged. Although this conversation was brief, it was very helpful. The envoy of the altar lost his composure, which just shows that he probably saw this person's footsteps."

Sure enough, Jiajing's next words were the key point: "This time, Master Li stabilized the country and made outstanding contributions, but he doesn't like fame and fortune. If Wenfu didn't persuade him, he might have to go to the world to cure diseases and practice. Master's grand ceremony, should it be more grand or more simple?"

Li Yan, who completely forgot about Jiajing, handed over the offerings to Longnu, and said: "Relax, just follow the usual way of talking."

That is the head of the female immortals of the Three Realms, corresponding to the queen who is the mother of the world in the human world, if she really appeared among the world in the form of a lifeless old mother, it would be too scary, what will the heavens look like?
Li Yan shook his head lightly: "On the contrary, his performance just now shows that the current lifeless old mother is not very suspected of being the Queen Mother."

Jiajing said: "There are more than 70 people. They have been waiting outside for a long time. I am afraid that they will not be able to bear it. As for the smoke and fire in the jingshe, according to the cabinet's intention, the jingshe has bad luck. I want to demolish this golden palace and rebuild it. ?”

Bajie blinked his eyes and smiled, "Just tell me, let me tell you."


As he spoke, he licked his lips and let out a hush: "But the food at the Pantao Festival is really endless. It's as delicious as all kinds of delicacies, and the variety of fruits and delicacies is fresh... No, no, no, The glutton has been hooked, I have to go back to sleep, or I will be too hungry to fall asleep!"

"But he has never seen the real spirit just now, and he only looked at the projected image without any specific appearance. If he can guess his identity in this way, it should not be the Queen Mother, but a more familiar god, and they have friendship with each other..."

Longnu suddenly said: "It's fine if it's not, but in that case, I don't have much scruples about my identity, I can guess it if I guess it, so what are you running for?"

Thinking that the ginseng doll ran away from Bajie and joined Wusheng's old mother, Long Nu was shocked again: "He wouldn't have been in contact with Wusheng's old mother long ago, right?"

Li Yan's eyes flickered, and he said leisurely: "There are too many possibilities, don't blindly guess, you don't want to make offerings next time, let him hang out for a few days, the answer may be revealed..."

(End of this chapter)

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