Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1199 Exploring the World of Talented Draws

Chapter 1199 Exploration of Heaven and Earth with Ten Consecutive Draws of Talent
The talent level of the ten consecutive draws can be judged from the color and luster from the very beginning.

But this time Li Yan glanced away, but raised his brows.

Because of the color of the first ball of brilliance, it is a bit strange.

Its main color is purple, but upon careful observation, there are traces of black air permeating it, and it faintly feels like it has collapsed and shrunk.

Li Yan's thoughts came into contact.

[Full recruit loss: purple evil talent, all achievement points obtained will be lost by 30%, and there is a 30% probability of failure to improve the basic attributes. To wash off the talent requires talent cleaning power*1. (Jie Jie Jie, I am so strong, I am so strong!)]

"Full strokes hurt, modesty gains, has it become such a usage?"

"Talent is indeed bad enough, if it is not washed away, it will really be a great drag..."

Looking at this purple-black aura of light, feeling the powerful power that pollutes the human body inside, Li Yan showed his scrutiny.

If he draws talent as soon as he enters the world, and ends up with such a bad talent, it must be quite a headache.

Now, is it possible to make an analogy, the appearance of this talent represents that some powerful gods and Buddhas are also in a state of being damaged at any time after being infected by filth?
Strength dropped by 30.00%, or even more?

Of course, it is still in the guessing stage at present. The talent ten consecutive draws is three out of ten. Before the final determination, each talent is only displayed and has not yet entered his body, so it is impossible to truly feel the details of this disturbance.

"As a candidate for training."


Li Yan looked at the talent of the second group.

This time the brilliance is normal purple, without black air.

[Smoke without injury: purple talent, when you are injured, there is smoke and mist around you. If the clean air in it is heavier than the turbid air, you will be immune to the damage. If the turbid air is heavier than the clean air, the damage will be doubled. (This is the law of smoke without injury, poof... impossible, absolutely impossible!)]

"I thought it was an accident that [Deed of Morality] had the disadvantages of reducing the highest attributes and forgetting talents. From this point of view, the talents in this world are so mixed..."

Evil talents are purely bad, and normal talents are mixed, which presumably is the characteristic of this filthy world.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages in everything, and Li Yan also discovered that these talent ceilings are extremely high, and they are more unrestrained than the previous two worlds.

For example, [Deed of Virtue] is in full swing, and can even extract the special talent of the target, while [Smoke but no injury] can be directly immune to damage. If you plan carefully, it is enough to put the battle in a very favorable state.

"As an option."


The third group of talent is once again a purple talent wrapped in black air.

[Living dead: purple evil talent, when the constitution is higher than 1 point, it will continue to decline, and when it drops to 1 point, it will be fixed, and will no longer be disturbed by the external environment. To wash off the talent, talent cleaning power*2 is required. (To live or to die, that is the question)]

Li Yan noticed that the black air was more obvious this time, showing a black-purple color.

Combined with the talent effect, it is obvious that compared to the previous [full stroke loss] probability weakening, this [living dead] has a greater impact, so cleaning requires 2 talent cleaning rights.

He originally thought that the right to cleanse the six talents meant that he could get rid of the six evil talents and have six chances to make mistakes, but now it seems that it is not so good.

"But talent is talent after all, and it retains a ray of vitality. 1 point of constitution is constant, and it is not disturbed by the external environment. Are you living dead..."

"Forget about this. Even if it is considered as experience, if you really want to reduce a few points of physique, it will be a big loss. You can choose other things."

Li Yan looked down at the next group.


The fourth group of talent returned to normal, and it was a group of orange light.

[Sacrifice my...: orange talent, sacrifice 1-3 points of basic attributes, have a chance to get 1 point of free attribute points, after successful acquisition, it will enter a period of cooling time, and if it fails, it may attract unknown prying eyes. (So, what is the price?)]

The function of this talent is very powerful, it can be regarded as a low-profile version of "The Outsider", and can be used many times, but it still has mixed characteristics, and each goes to extremes.

If it is good, it is basically a prostitution attribute, because there is a huge gap in the requirements for attribute point improvement at different stages, and some can even be made up by the day after tomorrow.

For example, Li Yan's current cultivation base, if he focuses on the performance of his external appearance, his appearance attributes can be raised even higher. At that time, those overflowing high appearances will be sacrificed to obtain the improvement of physical fitness and wisdom, which is really amazing .

But obviously, the chances of success are not too high, and unknown prying eyes will be attracted after failure, but it is a real threat.

It's just that this is also a challenge. Others may be afraid of failure, but Li Yan has some interest.

"As an option."


The fifth group, purple normal talent.

[Meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins: advanced purple talent, when in a single duel, and the situation is dangerous, and the outcome has a great impact, it is forced to enter the talent state, the physique is increased by 3 points, the luck is increased by 3 points, and it is impossible to make any escape and evasion actions. (When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. In the face of a powerful opponent, knowing that you are invincible, you must resolutely shine your sword. Even if you fall, you will become a mountain, a ridge!)]

Li Yan liked the sentence in the remarks very much, but he shook his head when it came to the effect of talent.

The allusion of meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins, comes from Zhao Kuo’s father Zhao She, the great demon king of Chinese textbooks, King Qin Zhaoxiang, who sent the Qin army to attack Zhao’s military important place, Yanyu. King Zhao asked the generals, and the other generals felt that Yanhe was too far away from Handan. It is far away, and the road is rough and difficult to walk, and it is difficult to rescue. Only Zhao She said, "The road is long and narrow, like two mice fighting in a hole, and the brave will win." King Zhao was overjoyed and asked him to lead the army.

But many people don't know that this sentence is used to fool King Zhao and fight for the right to send troops.

After Zhao She led the troops, he didn't go straight to Yanyu at all. Instead, he walked for thirty miles, stopped, set up camp, guarded the fortress, and strictly ordered his subordinates not to rescue.

Qin Jun found out the situation and saw that Zhao She was as timid as a mouse and only wanted to be safe, so he immediately relaxed his vigilance. At this time, Zhao She ordered the soldiers to take off their armor, pack lightly, and march quickly. Arrived at Yanyu, defeated the Qin army in one fell swoop, created the battle of Yanyu that made him famous, but also created the follow-up Changping battle to a certain extent. Zhao people hope that Zhao Kuo can reproduce the glory of his father Zhao She...

Not to mention the national fate confrontation, just looking at the battle between Yan and Zhi, if Zhao Jun only fought bravely with Qin Jun, he would not be able to fight at all, so Zhao She was purely fooling, or half-spoken on purpose.

Therefore, some people in later generations summed up this battle in two sentences, "The brave man wins when the narrow road meets, and the wise man wins when the brave man meets", but the second half of the sentence is far less famous than the first half.

To put it bluntly, in a dangerous situation, being unable to make any evasive actions is a huge negative effect, killing many tactics in the cradle.

Although this talent is very effective, this alone has become a reckless talent who only knows about simple bravery.



The talent of the sixth group is once again the evil talent with strong black energy.

[The "favorite" of the gods: purple evil talent, has the purest power of faith and sacrifice, causing the gods to covet, even if you become a believer of a certain god, you will still be scrambled by other gods, washing away the talent requires talent cleaning Right*2. (We are your gods!)]

"This 'favorite' is unbearable, but it can also be seen from the talent that the gods have needs for believers, otherwise they will not compete for it..."

Li Yan looked pensive.

Originally, in the eyes of the gods and Buddhas of Journey to the West, belief and sacrifice were not the key, and there would be no situation where the gods and Buddhas would fall asleep or even perish if humans did not perform sacrifices.

On the contrary, it is impure belief, which will pass the filth to the gods, making the situation worse.

But now that such a talent appears, does it mean that some gods have a desire for faith?

"There are about [-] sleeping gods in the Peach Garden, most of whom are female immortals, and there are at least [-] heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly court..."

"Not to mention where the Jade Emperor went, there is a huge gap in the number of gods alone."

"The competition caused by this talent can help me find those disappeared gods and Buddhas. I am afraid that it will attract too many at one time and it will be difficult to end."

Li Yan was interested, but after weighing it, he did not make a hasty decision.

"Join the training option."


The talent of the seventh regiment is still surrounded by black air.

[Black or White: Purple evil talent, when faced with any choice, wisdom is greatly reduced, and only the most intuitive judgment can be made. To wash away talent requires talent cleaning power*1. (Aren't you tired of thinking about so many complicated things? Look, there are only black and white here!)]

"Although the black energy of this talent is not strong, it is really terrible!"

Li Yan shook his head silently, he was extremely repulsed by this kind of talent.

The sign of a mature person is that he can tolerate many seemingly opposing concepts in his mind. If there were only binary oppositions, the world would have been different for a long time.

This is very similar to the state of the dragon girl who is entangled in fear of robbery...

I remember that when the dragon girl Ao Xue was fished out of the West Sea Dragon Palace just now, that person's attitude towards the people around her was either fearful or fearless, and then it eased a lot as time went by.

But whether the influence was completely eliminated, or it was just because there was not too much stimulation from the outside world that she did not "fall ill", it is not yet possible to make a final judgment.

Anyway, going to extremes is definitely the most dangerous. This evil talent does not seem to be as exaggerated as [The Living Dead] and [The "Beloved" of the Gods], but it is actually more terrifying.


The talent of the eighth regiment, the brilliance is mediocre, but it is actually a rare blue.

[More than every year: blue talent, at the end of each year, the lowest attribute is automatically increased by 1 point, and there is a certain chance of embezzlement from the highest attribute. (The way of heaven, the damage is not enough to give more than enough, the way of man, the damage is not enough to give more than enough)]

"This talent is only suitable for people with a balanced five attributes..."

"The conditions are too harsh."

Li Yan commented.

Under normal circumstances, it is undoubtedly a big loss to cut off 1 point from the highest attribute and add it to the lowest attribute.

But if the five major attributes are basically balanced, then automatic promotion is blood earning.

Of course, it is only promoted once a year, and there is a probability of no profit or loss, and the strict conditions are indeed in line with the quality of blue.

However, Li Yan also noticed that the remark of this talent is not the same as that famous classic sentence.

There is a saying in the "Tao Te Ching", "The way of heaven is like drawing a bow! The taller restrains it, the lower one lifts it, the surplus damages it, and the deficiency gives it. The heaven's way damages the excess and makes up for the deficiency. Humanity is not the same. , the loss is not enough, and the gift is more than enough. Who can have more than enough to serve the world? The only one is the Tao.”

Translation: The natural law of heaven and earth is like shooting an arrow with a bow.When the string is high, lower it, raise it higher when it is low, loosen it when it is over-drawn, and straighten it when it is under-drawn. This shows that the natural law of heaven and earth is that there is more than enough reduction. , insufficient supply.However, the law of human society is not like this. It is necessary to deprive those who are poor and deprive them, and to worship those who are rich and have more than enough.Who can make more than enough to worship the world?Only those who have attained the Tao!

This deeply expresses the current situation of the opposition between the rich and the poor, and class oppression. The annotations to the "Tao Te Ching" in the Eastern Han Dynasty made this sentence even more bloody. At the bottom, Chu bleeds, and all the silver and baht is taken, and at the top, more is stored and not used, or used like sand."

Everything has changed, and it seems that nothing has changed.

The current remarks have changed.

The way of man is still not enough to hurt and give more than enough, and the way of heaven has become more than enough to give...

Li Yan pondered for a moment and wrote it down.


The talent of the ninth group is blue again, but this time it has become an evil talent.

[Break off sons and grandchildren: There is no bloodline of direct relatives. If there is, there will be accidents, and there will be adopted sons to follow. To wash away the talent requires the right to cleanse the talent*1. (Bu has been wandering for half his life, and he only hates not meeting the Ming Lord. If you don’t give up, Bu is willing to worship as a righteous father/I heard that you have no children, and my parents died early. If you don’t dislike it, I want to give you an old age )]

"Although this talent is at the blue level, it's so evil..."

Li Yan shook his head, and had to admit that these talents were getting better and better one by one.

It's fine if you don't have children, but you also specially arrange for a foster child. Is this a reverse advertisement for prenatal and postnatal care?
But I have to admit that if you have children and get this talent in a single shot, you must wash it off quickly, otherwise something unexpected will happen, and it will be too miserable.


The last batch of talent made Li Yan's gaze fixed.

Not only is it the double draw of the evil talent, but the brilliance is also orange.

The exterior is surrounded by a large amount of black gas gathering, forming a dreamy and dangerous color.

[Four major violations: orange evil talent, has gone through the four tests of earth, water, fire, and wind. Every time you successfully pass a round of the four, the difficulty of the next test will be doubled. To wash away the talent, you need the right to cleanse the talent *5. (The four elements are not empty, the six sense organs are not clean, the heaven and the earth are the only demons)]

"The orange talent is extraordinary!"

Li Yan's expression was solemn, and his eyes lit up again.

The four elements mentioned in Buddhism refer to "earth, water, fire, and wind", which are different from Hinayana and Mahayana.

The four elements mentioned in Hinayana Buddhism refer to the basic causes and conditions that cause material phenomena, and are called the four major species. Earth, water, fire, and wind are the seeds that form all material phenomena, and all objects are completed due to the harmony and distribution of seeds.

The harmony of the four elements will prosper, and the contradictions of the four elements will tend to be destroyed. This is true of physical phenomena, and so is the phenomenon of physiology. Therefore, Buddhists call sickness the "four violations of harmony".

Hair, flesh and blood belong to the earth, blood secretion belongs to water, body temperature belongs to fire, and breath belongs to wind.

The four elements required by Hinayana Buddhism are all empty, which is to look at the empty body formed by the four elements. Once you look at "I" as empty, you will enter the realm of Nirvana, no longer reincarnated, and become an eternal Buddha.

Mahayana Buddhism requires a further step, not only "the four elements are empty", but also the five aggregates "form, feeling, thought, action, and consciousness" are empty, and even the "dharma" is empty, pursuing "all dharmas are empty".

Of course, in the final analysis, Buddhism requires believers to realize that the material world is illusory and unreal, and to let go of the pursuit of wealth, sex, fame and fortune, so as to improve the spiritual realm, get rid of the pain and troubles in the world, and finally achieve the goal of liberation.

This talent is obviously reversed, more like a catastrophe that is triggered actively. What moved Li Yan's heart was that he thought of the opportunity to break through the power of consciousness.

Since the consciousness-only energy broke through to the sixth consciousness, it has not moved in place.

It wasn't that he didn't work hard enough, but that although there was a theoretical promotion goal in the future, he couldn't find a specific way.

Now, the four major tests brought about by this talent have provided a clear experience. Although I can't say that I can definitely achieve the goal, I have found the direction.

Of course, the price of washing off the orange talent is also several times that of the purple talent. Fortunately, he has completed two special events. If it was just the last time, he would not even have enough cleaning rights.

"Join the training option."


After reading everything, Li Yan looked at the ten light groups.

Five evil talents, five normal talents.

Exactly half and half.

From the perspective of rank, two blue talents, six purple talents, and two orange talents show that the high luck in this world is more reflected in the rank of talents, which has little effect on the chance of evil talents appearing.

The point is that those normal talents are actually not too normal.

You can choose three talents in ten consecutive draws. In the previous two worlds, since the luck has been improved, it is difficult to choose. There are too many useful talents, each of which has been improved, so it is difficult to choose.

It is also difficult to choose now, and each has risks.

"[Sacrifice, my...] [Four Great Violations], the former is the spying of the unknown, the collection of free attribute points, the latter is the experience of the four major Buddhists, the promotion of consciousness-only energy, these two orange talents can Take it down."

Every orange talent has an incomparable function, and there is no problem in choosing it, but for the third place, Li Yan hesitated between [the "favorite" of the gods] and [smoke without injury].

[The "Beloved" of the gods] can make him have an alternative connection with the gods and Buddhas, use the world of layers of mist as a fish pond, and use faith as bait to catch each other.

The dangerous thing is that if you are a little careless, you really become a believer in a god or Buddha, or even a few equals.

More importantly, two talent cleaning rights are needed to wash off this talent, plus the [Four Great Violations], a total of seven are needed, and there is still one less in hand, if it is really unbearable, it cannot be changed .

"Forget it, if you want more, you will lose your mind, and if you are greedy, you will not succeed. There are two challenges with orange talents, which is enough. Choose a third one that is safer."

Having made up his mind, Li Yan made the final decision.

"Choose [Sacrifice my...] [Four major violations] [Smoke without injury]."

Two oranges and one purple, three clusters of light merged into the body.

Talent bonus, exploration begins!
 (The talent [full stroke loss] is provided by the book friend "Wind Snow Night Demon")
  (Talent [Smoke without injury] provided by book friend "Rain hates clouds and sorrows Jiang Yise")
  (Talent [more than every year] provided by book friend "Xuan Yashang")
  (Talent [Encounter on a Narrow Road and the Brave Wins] provided by book friend "Zhenjiao Dagu")
(End of this chapter)

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