Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1207 Yan Song: The Heavenly Master hasn't exerted his strength yet, and the Yan Party,

Chapter 1207 Yan Song: The Heavenly Master hasn't exerted his strength yet, and the Yan Party, which is in full swing, is about to fall?
"Is Qing'er back?"

Inside the study, the old man's weak voice sounded.

"Come back soon, come back soon!"

An old woman comforted, brought the bowl to the old man's mouth, and served him to drink gently.

Just looking at this scene, no one would have guessed that the person calling his son's baby name in a low voice is Yan Songyan, the chief minister of the dynasty, and the power over the world.

Of course, judging by the appearance of the old woman, she doesn't look like Yan Song's regular wife. The prime minister's mansion is unique, and there is no mistress who may compete for favor.

Although Ouyang's temperament is rich and dignified, his appearance is very ordinary, and there are pockmarks on his face, which are left by a rash when he was young.

Compared with Yan Song's tall, handsome and dignified appearance when he was young, this one obviously doesn't match in appearance, but she who gave birth to Yan Song's son and two daughters is the only woman in Yan Song's life.

As the chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty, he never took concubines, let alone had any other women, treated his wife with respect as a guest, and loved him all his life. Just for this alone, Yan Song can be a model of deep love between husband and wife.

It's just that his moral character in this aspect obviously hasn't been passed down half a point, and his control is getting weaker and weaker.

Not only for the son, but also for the adopted son.

After Yan Song drank the rice porridge, he felt slightly warm on his chest, and he felt more comfortable, and murmured: "Jing Qing is going to prison this time... because I didn't listen to the old man..."

As soon as the news that Yan Maoqing and Luo Longwen were accused of colluding with the Japanese spread, Yan Song knew that the palace must not be satisfied.

But helplessly, his energy is simply not enough to support his personal supervision, and it is not easy to give Yan Maoqing a general idea. The specific implementation will ultimately be done by these adopted sons and cronies.

Ouyang said: "These two people are greedy and blind, and they will not change after repeated admonitions. This time the crime is not a bad thing..."

She didn't like Yan Maoqing, and she hated Luo Longwen who was hanging out with her son even more.

There are a lot of problems with these two people, not to mention, the key is greedy people.

A few years ago, when Yan Shifan brought Yan Song and Ouyang into the basement to admire the treasures he had amassed, the old couple were really dumbfounded.

But it is obviously unrealistic to give up these belongings, and Yan Song will just let it go. Occasional restraints are actually useless, and Ouyang's can't control it.

This old woman is not the kind who blindly dotes on her children. She thinks that her son is a good person, and all of them are people who have been led bad by cronies. However, the hatred of cronies is definitely indispensable. If these people are eliminated, the disaster will be lessened .

"It's not that simple..."

Yan Song smiled wryly and shook his head.

Of course it is okay to give up Yan Maoqing, and Luo Longwen was born as a merchant, if it wasn't for Yan Shifan's love, he wouldn't be able to take the position at all, and there are people who want to replace him.

But the problem is that Shoufu's adoptive son was convicted of colluding with the Japanese, yet he was still officially investigated. In a sense, this is a political weathervane.

Over the years, the strict party has done too many evil things by extorting money, extorting officials, attacking colleagues, and framing Zhongliang, and has been hated too much.

When the sky is in full swing, some people dare to go against the wind, and if they show a slight decline, they will immediately be pushed down by the wall!

This is the key to Yan Maoqing and Luo Longwen's inability to be taken down. Based on the interests of the party, no matter whether the core figures are guilty or not, they must be innocent.

That being the case, one after another, the questions arise one after another:
"Where did the witnesses of the pirates come from? Did the Criminal Ministry and Yushitai cooperate?"

"Lu Bing carries out His Majesty's wishes, but can the previous personal relationship allow Jin Yiwei to help secretly and raise his hands high?"

"Is Xu Jie instigating this behind the scenes? If this is the person, can he use his in-laws to get engaged to ruin his reputation and turn the situation around?"

Behind each of these questions, there are thousands of clues. After thinking about it, Yan Song lowered his head, his chest hurt, and couldn't help speaking Jiangxi dialect, scolding that son: "Worry boy Lizi, great family!" Karma, will be defeated by him!"

Ouyang Shi saw this rare anger, and quickly confessed his mistake: "I blame me for not teaching Qing'er well, and causing so many troubles for my family..."

Yan Song smiled wryly: "Don't blame Madam, the old man can't control it. Qing'er is no better than us. We survived. When he gained power when he was young, he couldn't tolerate anything else..."

Just as he was talking, the sound of footsteps came from outside.

A group of people came outside the room, the leader was the steward of the Yan Mansion, followed by a group of servants, who were usually loyal and loyal confidants.

Ouyang's hearing has not deteriorated yet, and he heard the footsteps sound a little flustered, not as neat as before, knowing that nothing good will happen, he stroked his chest for Yan Song: "Master, don't worry, the wind and waves will pass! "

Yan Song squeezed out a smile: "For the sake of my husband, don't listen to these things, go back to your room..."

After the lady put away the bowls and chopsticks, turned around and left, the butler entered and bowed down: "Master..."

Yan Song said in a deep voice: "Did Li Tianshi stop you?"

The housekeeper was full of bitterness: "No, we won't see Li Tianshi at all, that mansion has immortal skills, and we can't even knock on the door vigorously..."

Yan Song frowned: "Then no one comes in or out?"

The housekeeper said: "Some, some, we wanted to take down those doctors who entered the mansion to study, but the supervisor of ceremonies sent someone to warn us not to be presumptuous outside the Tianshi mansion, and drive us away..."

The wrinkles on Yan Song's face became deeper and deeper, and there was an undetectable tremor in his voice: "What else did the Supervisor of Rites say?"

The housekeeper said in a low voice: "Your Majesty's intention is that we are not allowed to rush, and see when the young master will come out of the Tianshi Mansion..."

Yan Song closed his eyes.

What he feared the most had happened.

Jiajing really hated Yan Shifan's behavior of entering the government to study art, no wonder he let the news spread more and more crazy, that's why Yan Maoqing and Luo Longwen's "teaching Japanese incident" happened.

After a period of oppressive silence, Yan Song stood up tremblingly:
"Get ready! This old man wants to enter the palace!"


After half an hour.

As soon as Yan Song's car landed in front of the forbidden gate of Xiyuan, he saw two royal sedan chairs also stopped in front of him, and two men in fine clothes walked out of them.

Yan Song bowed down slowly: "Veteran Yan Song, pay homage to your Highnesses!"

Seeing him trembling, a golden yellow royal robe and boots embroidered with dragons walked towards him quickly, but when he reached the front, he didn't help him, but said gently: "Mr. Yan Ge, please get up! "

Another voice came: "Old Yan Ge has high morals and high prestige. He is an important minister that my father relies on. Why should I be so polite?"

Yan Song knew that it was King Yu who walked over quickly but didn't dare to help him rashly.

Standing still, just talking about it, the one with a bit of yin and yang, is King Jing.

These two princes were actually called into the palace...

He followed the courtier's rules and followed the etiquette before slowly getting up.

At this time, King Yu stretched out his hand and held Yan Song's arm to show respect, while King Jing turned his head and looked at the figure walking out of the forbidden gate of Xiyuan.

That is Yang Jinshui.

The thin face was full of smiles: "Slave Yang Jinshui, pay homage to the two Highnesses!"

This time, King Jing walked up quickly, with a completely different attitude, and said with great enthusiasm: "Eunuch Yang, please, did the emperor order you to take us in?"

King Yu still supported Yan Song, but his hands trembled undetectably.

Yan Song knew that from the title, the prince felt a sense of crisis.

Whether it is he or Yang Jinshui, they are both His Highnesses, they just don't want to be ranked first. After all, according to the seniority, King Yu is undoubtedly before King Jing, but in that case, King Jing will be crowned a great treasure in the future. It's not worth it to hold grudges just because of this trivial matter.

From this detail, it can actually be seen that the attitude of the outer court and the inner court treats the two princes equally.

The elder Yu Wang actually fell behind, and of course he was deeply disturbed.

"Is Your Majesty really partial to the younger son, regardless of the seniority?"

Yan Song pondered for a moment, took a light breath, and on the spur of the moment, patted Yu Wang's palm lightly, and said in a very low voice: "Your Highness has a kind heart, don't panic."

King Yu turned his head in surprise, and met the deep gaze of the chief assistant, his heart suddenly jumped.

After a seemingly small episode, under the guidance of Yang Jinshui, King Jing, King Yu and Yan Song officially entered Xiyuan.

Compared with Yang Jinshui living directly in this royal garden, Yan Song is also familiar with the way, while King Yu and King Jing are a little nervous.

There is no way, because of Tao Zhongwen's saying that "two dragons will not meet each other", since Jiajing moved to Xiyuan, these two biological sons, first lived in the Forbidden City, and then left the palace to open a mansion, and have never been here.

Now that Tao Zhongwen is dead, that heresy is naturally gone, but people's habits are very deep, and Jiajing has not officially summoned them until today.

Finally, the abode has arrived.

Yang Jinshui's gaze left a meaningful glance on Yan Song, and he retreated silently, while Lu Fang's voice took over: "Yu Wang Zhu Zaihou, King Jing Zhu Zaizhen, the chief assistant Yan Song is here!"

King Jing took a quick step, entered side by side with King Yu, followed by Yan Song, the three of them walked into the hall, and saluted the figure on the Tai Chi gossip bed: "Long live my emperor!"

Jiajing still wears casual clothes with long robes and long sleeves. The difference is that this time it is not out of season.

In the past, the Taoist emperor wore thin silk in winter, but changed to thick Songjiang cotton cloth in summer. According to him, it was the result of years of practicing Taoism and sitting in meditation.

But in fact, it is taking Taoist elixir all year round, dry in winter and cool in summer, showing a difference from ordinary people.

People who don't understand it think it's miraculous, but those who understand it don't dare to tell the truth. It has become a flattery for the subjects and a glory for the emperor himself.

Only now, Jiajing himself has changed.

In summer, he wore thin silk, which was so normal that Yan Song's heart suddenly ached, and his breathing was a little short.

"This is the influence of the Heavenly Master!"

"If there hadn't been this person, Qing'er wouldn't have been trapped in the Tianshi Mansion, and my strict party wouldn't have been forced to this point!"

"The worries at the time were not only correct, but also too conservative..."

Ever since that person was in the southeast and caused a huge storm, Yan Song became vigilant, but he still didn't stop his rise.

The point is that the political struggle that I thought you would come and go, turned out to be too different from what was imagined.

The other party seemed to have done nothing, and Yan Dang, who was in full swing, was about to fall...

Naturally, Jiajing didn't know that he just changed his clothes, which made the chief assistant of the court so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe, and said to his two sons: "The purpose of letting you enter the palace today is to test your school knowledge. See you, there is some wind and rain in the court, let's discuss it together...give me a seat!"

"Thank you, father!" "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After saluting, the three of them sat down one after another.

King Yu and King Jing should have seats. According to the regulations of the princes, they sat on the east side of the lower head of Jiajing.

Yan Song received an order a few years ago to sit on a low pier to the west of Jiajing's lower head.

As usual, Lu Fang stood slightly behind Jiajing.

As a result, no one kneeled in the huge hall, and the monarch and his subjects were in harmony, as if it was just a daily chat.

But everyone in the field knew that this conversation was related to, perhaps, earth-shaking changes in the entire court.

It's just that Jiajing's next words made Yan Song and the two princes slightly startled: "Zhejiang Governor Hu Zongxian urgently reported that there is another movement in the Wa Kingdom, show them!"

Lu Fang passed down the report, King Yu, King Jing and Yan Song read it separately, with deep surprise on their faces.

Jiajing said: "What? Think it's ridiculous?"

Yan Song tried his best to think with his sluggish brain, but King Yu didn't dare to express his opinions at will, but King Jing's loud voice sounded: "Father, this Japanese country dares to invade my Daming with troops, it really shocks me..."

Jiajing said coldly: "I am a great Ming Dynasty in China, with billions of people, each of whom can drown the Japanese kingdom in the East China Sea with a mouthful of saliva, but the little Japanese pirates ran rampant in the southeast land, burning, killing and looting Now that the Japanese pirates are temporarily pacified, and the Japanese country dares to invade with troops, are you just shocked? Don’t you mean to be ashamed!"

King Jing hurriedly got up, and King Yu also stood up, and saw his younger brother half-kneeling down: "The child is more than shameful, but also wants to protect my Ming Dynasty and show my blood. The heads of those Japanese are dedicated to the emperor!"

This is quite unprofessional. After all, the lord of Daming can enlist in the army, and those who fight on the battlefield have some special circumstances, such as Zhu Di, the king of Yan, and Zhu Gaoxu, the king of Han...

But considering King Jing's age, it is better to be able to speak such passionate words than the silent and stiff King Yu.

Jiajing didn't say much, and his expression returned to indifference: "It's too early to say, the Japanese country is only making a slight move. I heard that there are wars and wars in its country, and there are wars everywhere. It really wants to offend my Ming Dynasty. I must be an extraordinary person, I am afraid it is those who practice. You don’t have to worry about the Celestial Master’s actions.”

The expectation in these words made King Jing feel that his father had no doubts in the newly promoted celestial master, and then he heard the other party continue: "What do you think about Zhao'an Wang Zhi?"

In Hu Zongxian's letter, Wang Zhi was indeed mentioned. Just like historical choices, compared with other courtiers who can't rub the sand in their eyes and often can't win in wars, he has always held the attitude of recruiting security. This time, after Xu Wei's return, Bring it to the surface directly.

The topic of recruitment is extremely sensitive, especially Wang Zhi, who is half-business, half-bandit, and violates the sea ban. Yu Wang had made up his mind to answer the second question first, but he opened his mouth at this time, and then froze for a while. up.

King Jing knew that the opportunity was coming, and hurriedly said: "Father is the emperor of Daming, and all the people are his subjects. Wang Zhi was originally disloyal and unfilial. Now that he wants to make meritorious service, why not give him a chance?" ?”

Jiajing showed a slight smile: "That's right. Hu Zongxian dared to make this proposal because he knew how to cherish the people in his own land. I would not stand by and watch the people suffer...Old Yan Ge, what do you think?"

The hall suddenly fell silent.

Not to mention King Yu, even King Jing, who showed a very strong desire, hastily shut his mouth, and even held his breath faintly.

The show is coming!

In the past, he was called Biaozi Weizhong, but now he is called Yange Lao...

Yan Song took a deep breath, gave up the last luck, and stood up tremblingly: "Your Majesty is nothing more than a sage, Hu Zongxian is literary and military, a capable minister, and understands the situation between Zhejiang and the Japanese. This proposal, the veteran thinks it is safe! "

Jiajing's half-smile expression reappeared: "But before the cabinet deliberately transferred Hu Zongxian away from the southeast, was that Yan Ge's idea?"

Yan Song made up his mind a long time ago, and slowly knelt down: "The old minister is old and foolish, and he was deceived by others. I hope His Majesty will punish him!"

Jiajing raised his eyebrows: "Who deceived you?"

King Yu, King Jing, and Lu Fang all pricked up their ears, and heard the chief minister of a country sigh deeply, full of pain: "It is the son of the old minister, Yan Shifan!"

 Thanks to the book friends "Soul Broken South Wall", "Shu Xi", "Rogeotarifos" and "Book Friends 20200514152508562" for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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