Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1220 You don't understand the pattern of the celestial master


When the gate of Yan Mansion opened, a large group of people walked out in silence.

Seeing that the old man being supported by Yan Shifan and Ouyang Shi was none other than Yan Song, the first assistant, the expressions of everyone outside the mansion were in a trance for a moment.

The head of the dignified cabinet, the head of the most arrogant party in the court, was really forced to come out?
Jiuye, who knew the inside story, knew very well that many major events had happened during this period.

But the court officials were caught off guard. Jiajing's attitude towards the Yan Party changed almost suddenly. First, Yan Shifan was convicted, then the Qingliu group attacked, and finally even the Yan Mansion was besieged...

In one day, the situation changed.

Who is behind such a thunderous method?
Yan Song already counted, his eyes swept over Shuntian Fu Yin and Wucheng soldiers and horses, and then went to look for the enemy.

Ever since Li Shizhen emerged as a Taoist doctor, he has been very vigilant, but he really didn't expect the threat from the other party to be so great that in just two years, he could offset his hard work of more than 20 years...

The key is, what does this celestial master want?

Xu Jie's strictness was out of Qingliu's righteous indignation, and he also wanted to replace him.

What is the benefit of the Heavenly Master destroying the Yan Party?

After figuring this out, their father and son still have a chance.

But when that clear and refined face came into view, facing the quiet eyes, Yan Song's heart sank inexplicably, he took a deep breath, and saluted: "I have seen a real person!"

Li Yan didn't return the salute, but greeted lightly: "Mr. Yan Ge, this matter involves dragon spirit, please forgive me for being rude..."

For him, the energy during this time is mainly on the experience of evil talent and the ordinary breakthrough of attributes.

It is purely a matter of convenience, and the two sides are not on the same level at all, so it is not worthy of too much attention.

In this event that had a huge impact on the court, the only thing that Li Yan cared about was the devil who bullied the weak and feared the strong, but was quickly suppressed in the end.

Therefore, he talked with Yan Song on the surface, and listened to the other party distinguishing between the expansion of the mansion and the encroachment of dragon energy. In fact, a wisp of divine consciousness fell in front of Qinfeng, a group of female family members, and communicated: "Your Majesty is polite, but I don't know the devil in Yan Shifan's body." , but there is still a chance to make waves?"

A circle of golden light invisible to ordinary people slowly emerged, and the slightly weak voice of the Sky Eye Arhat came: "Li Tianshi is polite, the evil spirits leak out, and there will never be peace. Whenever the devil appears in the Three Realms, it is always a threat, so don't take it lightly." .”

Li Yandao: "But so far, after the devil enters Yan Shifan's body, the real master is still Yan Shifan himself. Why?"

The sky-eyed Arhat said: "This person has a lot of karma, and the devil has submerged, waiting for the right time."

Li Yan's tone became serious: "Ordinary people's karma is settled after death... So, Yan Shifan's death is the key point for the devil to erupt completely?"

Sky-eyed Arhat said: "Of course."

Li Yan said: "What consequences will that lead to?"

Sky-eyed Arhat said: "Once it is successful, it will emptify the power of calamity and cause all kinds of disturbances, causing the Three Realms to be further out of balance."

Li Yan said in a deep voice, "The changes in the heaven and the earth, the turbidity and the imbalance, is it the catastrophe after the arrival of the devil?"

Sky-eyed Arhat was silent for a moment before replying: "There is indeed a reason."

Li Yan asked again: "So, after the devil came to the world, he didn't choose me because my karma is not strong, and Yan Shifan has done a lot of evil, so it is more suitable?"

Sky-Eyed Arhat replied very simply this time: "Li Tianshi has a blessing to protect him, so he is not a good choice for the devil..."

Although the other party was vague, he basically understood the truth about the devil's bullying. Li Yan had a better understanding of the threat of this kind of enemy, and he was not surprised when he sighed secretly.

As early as when Qinfeng appeared and seduced Yan Shifan to control him, he felt that his response was too timely and skillful.

If Buddhism can "domesticate" the devil so easily, then Lingshan doesn't have to be closed, and Buddhist temples around the world will no longer be haunted by Buddhist practitioners...

Sure enough, this kind of experience is behind the lessons of blood and tears.

From the moment the devil took possession of him, Yan Shifan became a bomb.

If left alone, he will use karmic fire to create more crimes, become more and more crazy, and quickly increase karma;
Take it down quickly, and disaster will erupt when you are dying, and because you have just become a demon, your emotions will be extreme, and the degree of eruption will be extremely strong.

And the sky-eyed arhat turns into a piano and a phoenix, harmonizes yin and yang, dissolves hostility, and appeases the symptoms, not the root cause, after all, it is a tactic to delay the attack.

This side is communicating with the devil's catastrophe, while Yan Song and Yan Shifan came out in turn, leaving the responsibility of the mansion clean in their words, and did not admit the encroachment of the Dragon Qi at all, and finally said: "There are many misunderstandings on this matter, please allow me The old man enters the palace to face the saint, explain clearly!"

Although he knew that Jiajing's impression of his father and son had changed drastically, Yan Song still wanted to work hard to let His Majesty think of his own interests again.

Regarding this dying struggle, Li Yan's answer was that the palms were raised far away, the golden light rose, and the illusory dragon shadow swirled around the mansion, shocking everyone again.

This action is worth a thousand words, and Yan Song's face turned pale. What made him most desperate was that the other party seemed to have no desires and demands, and did not even give him any room for change. He wanted to use the words of dragon spirit to kill Yan. .

In Yan Shifan's eyes, there was a dark color, fierce and cowardly at the same time, looking around: "If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about no firewood, and the Yan Party is gone. I don't want to be buried with him, I have to escape from the capital... "

"Let's go out directly. Didn't Jin Yiwei slander me for colluding with the White Lotus Sect? Why not go to the White Lotus Sect!"

"Subdue that gang of thieves, return to Daming one day, avenge the Yan family, and sit on the throne of the emperor!"

It was a bit reliable at first, but the more I thought about it, the more unrealistic and crazy it became. Just as Yan Shifan's expression gradually distorted, a gentle voice came: "Husband, I will live and die with you!"

Looking at Qinfeng who came behind him, Yan Shifan's face softened for a moment, but then became sharp again.

If he really wanted to run away, he would definitely not be able to take such a burden with him. Why would a man have no wife? No matter how much he loves this woman, he can't stop his desire for life and power...

Li Yan noticed this detail, and the sound transmission of Sky Eye Arhat became a little more urgent: "This person's karma is too strong, and my influence is fading rapidly. Please execute Li Tianshi as soon as possible. When I die, I will save the soul of the dead. To minimize the calamity."

Li Yandao: "The devil's chaos, the slightest disaster, what kind of impact will it have?"

Sky Eye Arhat said: "Within ten years, the Nine Tribulations will intensify, and disaster is inevitable."

This basically means that all the practitioners who have crossed the catastrophe in ten years are finished. This is actually the lightest price. It is hard to imagine if it is serious...

In the oppressive atmosphere, Li Yan made a decision: "This demon is aimed at me and hurt others. I feel uneasy. I hope the venerable will help me and find another solution."

The sky-eyed arhat whispered to the Buddha: "Amitabha! I admire the ambition of the celestial master, but the fall of the devil will be a catastrophe in the world. It is not the responsibility of all living beings, so there is no need to force..."

Li Yan is not taking the responsibility on himself, but his ambition is really great. If the devil in Yan Shifan's body cannot be solved, there will be no way to talk about the following things.

And combined with the experience of the underworld, he already had an idea, and passed it on at this time, the Sky-Eyed Arhat thought for a moment, and became interested: "This method is very good, maybe you can try it!"

These communications are unknown to outsiders. In the eyes of everyone, Yan Song and Yan Shifan, who used to call the wind and rain, have been driven to a desperate situation. The soldiers of the Shuntian Mansion gradually surrounded them, and the threat was clear at a glance.

The strict party has done a lot of evil over the years, and has accumulated grievances for a long time. Once it loses power, it will definitely be overthrown by everyone, and revenge will be revenged!
Seeing this scene, the female family members of the Yan Mansion retreated in fright, crying one after another, just like those official houses that were ransacked and exterminated by the Yan Party.

Normally at this time, Yan Shifan should come forward and scold the outsiders, but now the elder Xiaoge keeps his mouth shut, and it is Ouyang who sternly yells: "The chief assistant of the cabinet is here, I want to see, who dares?" Disregarding the superiority and inferiority of the upper and lower, so presumptuous!"

The soldiers of the Shuntian Mansion stopped, but they were not reconciled. They looked at Li Yan, waiting for instructions, and even the Yin of the Zhao Mansion did not flinch.

With Tianshi as the backbone, the Yan family can no longer scare people.

"Close the door! Close the door!"

Yan Song slowly closed his eyes when he heard the panicked orders from his grandchildren and the sound of house slaves running around.

At this moment, Li Yan's voice suddenly rang in his ears: "Have you ever thought about the crimes you committed in your life, what kind of punishment will you face if you return to the underworld after death and be judged by Yama in the ten halls?"

Yan Song trembled all over.

At this age, attitudes towards life and death often go to extremes, some are open-minded, and more life-hating.

Yan Song is the latter, he doesn't want to die.

But now, the celestial master not only wants to send him on his way, but also tells him that death is just a new beginning.

Yan Song doesn't know that the current underworld is very unfair. He only knows that he has committed many crimes after gaining power.

However, after listening to the sound transmission, Yan Song had a glimmer of hope again. Compared with the previous indifference, does the threatening words now mean that the other party has something to ask for?
The elder Yan Ge kept his mind steady, his lips trembled, and he asked in a low voice: "What do you want, Your Excellency?"

During the terrified waiting, Li Yan's voice came over: "If you want to save yourself, you should clean up the mess of the strict party and atone for your sins."

Yan Song asked: "How to clean up the mess?"

Li Yandao: "There are three political matters, one is the captives from the north and the Japanese from the south, the second is the city ships in the south of the Yangtze River, and the third is the departure or retention of party members..."

After listening carefully, Yan Song felt that it was unreal, and tentatively said: "Even if you let me do this, as a celestial master, it is difficult to take over the strict party... What is your Excellency doing for such a thankless thing? beg?"

Li Yan's voice disappeared and he stopped answering.

With Yan Song's scheming heart, it may never be easy to understand, as a celestial master, he only asks for two things——

The country is stable, the world is peaceful!

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