Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1222 Licorice can't cure a serious illness, you have to use strong medicine

Chapter 1222 Licorice can't cure a serious illness, you have to use strong medicine

"It takes a great talent, a person who is in charge of the country as the head and assistant, to save the sky..."

"Has my Great Ming Dynasty reached this point?"

In the abode, Jiajing sat cross-legged on the Tai Chi gossip bed, recalling Lu Bing's report just now, with a serious expression on his face.

Those words were both unexpected and reasonable.

This is the only courtier who dares to speak so bluntly.

As the Ninth Five-Year Master, when he first heard this statement, he was naturally quite displeased, but after his anger passed, he had to admit that the Celestial Master was right.

Jiajing got up slowly, got off the gossip bed, came to the nearby bookshelf, took out a volume, flipped through it seemingly casually, and sighed leisurely: "There is a saying in "Shangshu": 'Time is mourning? You are all dead!', Xia Jie is reckless and lawless, the people are in dire straits, and all the people in the world have the heart to die with him..."

"The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, until the unification of Qin Dynasty, but because of severe punishment and harsh government, three generations died."

"Until Emperor Wenwen of the Han Dynasty, with the beauty of being close to the people, the virtue of compassion, forgiveness, respect and thrift, the world will have a peaceful and prosperous age..."

Lu Fang who was following behind knew that this master had a special liking for Emperor Wen of Han, and he compared himself to Emperor Wen in private more than once.

In the heart of this old slave, there is no problem at all. In the past, Jiajing also felt that he was worthy of it, but looking at it now, Daming has become extravagant and greedy.

Can't lie to myself anymore.

Jiajing had a period of hard work, with the help of Zhang Cong, Gui E, Yang Yiqing, Xia Yan and other capable ministers, Zhongxing Daming, but later the mentality changed, Yan Song and his ilk were reused, the court was full of smoke, internal and external troubles, and the country was exhausted ...

What kind of courtier can occupy a high position can actually tell what kind of temperament the emperor has. Yan Song is just right for Jiajing today, so he knows all kinds of behaviors of him, and he connives and covers up, covering his ears and stealing his bell.

But the dragon's aura is declining day by day, especially the feeling of a little stripping, which is really tormenting, and it also reminds him all the time that the people suffer, and the country will not be the country.

In fact, the time and time again before the Ming Dynasty, the change of dynasty has proved a truth. Those who are based on the people and governed by the monarch and his ministers can achieve peace in the world. Where a monarch rules alone, abandons good ministers, and disregards the people's livelihood, the world will decline and perish. .

I know the truth, but I often don't do it.

The Taizu of this dynasty was born in a poor family and immediately won the world. He knew the sufferings of the people, punished the corrupt and punished the evil, lightened the corvee and reduced the taxes, but at the same time, he also ruled alone. ...

This is to treat the two capitals and thirteen provinces of the Ming Dynasty as the private property of Zhu's family. Of course, Jiajing is no exception, and even worse.

But time is running out. If this goes on, how long can the Dragon Qi last?
Altan Khan from outside the customs was able to lead the army all the way to the city of Beijing. The feeling of sleep and food in those few days is still fresh in his memory. Is it true that he will be killed by the white lotus monster and lead the Tartars into the capital, and then regret it?

"It's definitely going to change!"

Jiajing put the scroll back on the shelf and made a decision.

The chief assistant he originally preferred was also Xu Jie. In terms of seniority, Xu Jie was the most suitable.

But just as the Heavenly Master commented, a courtier like Xu Jie is enough to help the country in Taiping, but now in the Ming Dynasty, all kinds of conflicts are on the verge of breaking out, and Xu Jie's mind and courage cannot take on the responsibility of helping the country. The important task of revitalizing and turning the world around.

"Licorice can't cure a serious illness, you have to use strong medicine!"

Seeing Jiajing murmuring and returning to the gossip bed, Lu Fang lowered her head.

As the interior minister, he wisely refrained from expressing any opinions on the appointment of the DPRK, especially the position of the chief assistant of the cabinet, who had to keep his mouth shut.

But Lu Fang didn't notice that the eyes of a servant not far away flickered, and he was standing in the right position to hear Jiajing's soliloquy, and he remembered it firmly.


In Xu's mansion, Xu Fan frowned and walked quickly, with obvious anxiety.

But when he entered the study room, he found that Xu Jie was writing, with a relaxed expression and obvious joy on his brows. It was the first time he saw his father showing such a happy expression in all these years.

Xu Jie has always been obedient to Yan Song these years, and he has been patient everywhere. Yan Shifan felt that being divorced was a humiliation, but he didn't think about the engagement.

No one likes to be submissive and obedient, especially the elders who joined the cabinet. They should have a great reputation, but in the end they have to rely on others. That kind of feeling is not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

It's good now, the daughter-in-law has finally become a mother-in-law.

It's time for him to be elated, he has the power in his hands!
Seeing this, Xu Fan felt sore in his heart, and stepped forward to salute: "Father!"

Xu Jie stopped writing, looked at the eldest son's expression, restrained his joy, and asked, "What happened?"

Xu Fan originally wanted to pave the way, but now he couldn't wait any longer, and whispered: "There is news from the palace that His Majesty seems to have decided on the position of chief assistant..."

When Xu Jie heard half of it, his face suddenly changed, and he also lowered his voice to reprimand: "Confused! You are really confused! Is this possible to inquire about?"

The news in the palace must have been leaked by some daring eunuch. This kind of people are often open to money, and they can't stand torture. As long as they are discovered by the chief of ceremonies, they will immediately pour beans into the bamboo tube and tell everything .

It is a serious crime for a foreign courtier to have an affair with a servant in the court. Once His Majesty becomes suspicious, then his easy-to-get chief assistant position will be gone!
Of course Xu Fan knew his father's concerns, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "Father, the child has no other choice. This news is very important and we must take risks..."

Xu Jie stared at him coldly, with disappointment and surprise in his eyes, and after a while he uttered a word: "Say!"

Xu Fan said in a low voice: "Your Majesty has other arrangements for the position of chief assistant. There is a saying that 'licorice can't cure a serious illness, you have to use strong medicine'..."

Xu Jie's body is certain, his pupils are dilated: "Is there an antecedent reason?"

Xu Fan said: "First Governor Lu came to the palace to report and conveyed Li Tianshi's views on the position of chief assistant... His Majesty was moved, so he said this..."

After hearing a few words, Xu Jie knew that this was not a rumor.

The servants in the palace have limited knowledge, even if they want to make up, they can't make up such a statement.

If he becomes the chief assistant, he must restore the law of his ancestors, follow the teachings of the sages, recuperate, and ease the punishment.

As for the reform and restructuring, correcting and restricting the serious abuse of imperial power...

He really won't do it.

The other party was not talking nonsense, but hit the nail on the head.

So at this moment, the shock and anger in Xu Jie's heart was unspeakable, his hands trembled uncontrollably, and he hurriedly put down his pen.


Seeing this, Xu Fan's face became even more ugly.

He knew that his father knew His Majesty very well, and he was still hopeful, maybe his father would smile slightly after hearing what he said and not panic at all.

But now this reaction...

Could it be that he really wanted to miss the position of Chief Assistant?
Xu Fan's blood surged up, his face turned red, he gritted his teeth and said: "My Xu family and Li Shizhen have no grudges in the past, and have no grudges in recent days. Why does he go forward to slander under His Majesty?"

Xu Jie rarely reprimanded him, and said indifferently: "The monsters, who deceive the emperor and meddle in the government, are not tolerated by us. Now it's better to act first, so why bother with grudges?"

Civil servants are not interested in the position of celestial master. Not to mention Buddhists, it is recorded in the official history that all courtiers who involve alchemy tend to lower their evaluation, not to mention that it is a life-and-death enmity to prevent people from ascending to the position now.

After feeling angry, Xu Jie forced himself to calm down, and murmured: "The words of 'Dragon Vessel of the National Fortune' are much more clever than 'The two dragons will not meet'. This person has a strong family, how can we deal with it?"

As he was talking, Xu Jie suddenly discovered that Tao Zhongwen, who had been a celestial master for many years, was not as powerful as this Taoist doctor who had been in office for less than a year. All means are ineffective...

After pondering for a long time, the old man waved his hand: "Go out, the old man needs to be quiet!"

Hearing the tiredness in his father's tone, Xu Fan's eyes turned red, and he saluted, "Yes!"

When he was the only one left in the study, Xu Jie sat down slowly, showing his exhaustion for a while.

Although he is not nearly eighty years older than Yan Song, he is also in his fifties. If he is in good health, he can still work as a chief assistant for another 50 years, and he can afford it.

But now this inexplicable obstacle has cast a shadow over my heart, especially Jiajing's words: "Licorice can't cure a serious illness, you have to use strong medicine..."

Xu Jie's chest rose and fell, but he couldn't help it, and slapped the table hard...

Licorice elders will also break defenses!
Xu Fan stood outside and didn't go far. When he heard the bang, he turned his head worriedly, but there was no cry of pain in the room, so he knew that his father was venting, so he couldn't help clenching his fists.

The father humiliated the son to death, there are some things, as a son, he should share his father's worries!

In the compound guarded by Ding of Shuntian Mansion.

Yan Shifan is pinching Yan Song's legs.

All the servants of the Yan Mansion were dismissed. In the past, Mr. Yan Ge, who used to be well-clothed and well-fed, had several maidservants to warm his bed while sleeping, and only Ouyang Shi took care of him in life.

And Ouyang's age is not much younger than Yan Song's, and after this blow, he can't take care of him soon. Those younger generations are panic-stricken and cry all day long. filial piety.

Of course, he also has something to say to the old father, and it may be the last conversation.

Squeezing and pinching, Yan Shifan said, "I'm leaving..."

Yan Song's eyes were originally slightly closed, enjoying his son's service, but upon hearing this, they suddenly opened and stared at him.

If Yan Shifan did not escape, he, the elderly Yan Ge, would still have a chance of life. Once Yan Shifan escaped, he would surely die.

With Yan Shifan's intelligence, of course he will not ignore this point, but he has another way of saying: "Shuntian Mansion has imprisoned us. Although we have not been imprisoned, we have already been charged with crimes. If your majesty asks you to return to your hometown, it will be let go." Yima, now it seems that he just doesn't want Dad to die in prison, and he will do it in the end..."

The implication is that you are dead, old man, but I am still young, so I shouldn't be buried with you!

It’s not rude to speak harshly, but the truth sometimes hurts too much. Yan Song felt sad and said in a low voice: "How did you get away?"

"I have been practicing diligently these days, and I have long since possessed the ability to protect myself. Once I use supernatural powers and spells, those soldiers are just chickens and dogs, how can they stop me?"

Full of confidence, Yan Shifan took out a note and handed it over: "This was secretly handed in by the Fu Ding yesterday. What it says is really interesting, so I can make use of it!"

Yan Song took it, looked carefully, and his eyes flickered: "What is Xu doing?"

Yan Shifan sneered: "I think it's Xu Jie who wants to use us to deal with Li Shizhen!"

Yan Song pondered for a moment, then shook his head slightly: "It's not Xu Jie, at this critical moment, he wouldn't make such a stupid move..."

"I think so!"

Yan Shifan's smile was full of mockery: "Xu Jie, an old man, has pretended to be cautious for most of his life. Now he can't be the chief assistant, and he is in a hurry! I don't even think about it. Compared with Li Shizhen, I must hate him more. Want to borrow a knife to kill someone? Daydreaming! "

Xu Fan has self-knowledge, knows that the Celestial Master is extremely difficult to deal with, even his father Xu Jie is helpless, and now the ones who hate the Celestial Master the most are undoubtedly Yan's father and son.

But Xu Fan misjudged one thing.

Yan Shifan's hatred list is somewhat different.

At this point, what he hates the most is Jiajing.

Over the years, how many of the sins committed by the strict party were done for the sake of this greedy and hypocritical Son of Heaven, and now if they are abandoned, they will be beaten forever, how can they not hate it?

In second place was Xu Jie, and the reason was still the divorce.

A person who was originally humble and kneeling suddenly rode on his head. The humiliation was enough to be remembered in the heart. Yan Shifan hated Jiajing, but he didn't dare to retaliate after all. He just spoke harsh words. As for Xu Jie's revenge, he was ready to pay It is a pity that the downfall was too fast and there was no time.

The third is Li Shizhen, and during the time in the Tianshi Mansion, Yan Shifan had seen the power of that person, hated him, and was more or less afraid in his heart. Let him seek revenge on this person, he really has to weigh it carefully Weigh...

Under such a relationship, if Xu Jie, the second target of hatred, became the chief assistant of Jiajing, it would be even more uncomfortable than the collapse of the Yan Party.

In the same way, seeing that Xu Jie didn't get what he wanted, Yan Shifan couldn't be more happy: "We have been punished as father and son, and he didn't take the position of chief assistant, so why don't you accept this 'gift' for me now?" ?”

Yan Song vaguely understood his son's plan, and if he could pull an old court elder on his back, the court would inevitably become more chaotic, which would indeed be conducive to escape, but the destination was still a question: "Even if you can leave Beijing, where are you planning to escape to?"

Yan Shifan said without any hesitation, "Let's go out, join the White Lotus Sect, and then tame those Tartars. One day, I can come back and avenge you!"

Yan Song shook his head slightly and sighed.

It's not like Yan Shifan can still be unrealistically arrogant in this situation. He only thought of the celestial master's grasp of the current situation, took a deep breath, and finally obeyed the other party's arrangement: "The White Lotus Sect is not enough to rely on. Go to the Japanese country. There may be a place for you to hide there!"

(End of this chapter)

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