Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1237 Only Knows Tathagata, Not Jade Emperor

Chapter 1237 Only Knows Tathagata, Not Jade Emperor

In front of Jiming Temple.

Li Yan looked at the temple, where the incense was burning and tourists gathered, as if he saw the Daxiangguo Temple in the Tang Dynasty again.

Jiming Temple was first built in the Western Jin Dynasty and has a history of more than 700 years. It is the oldest royal temple in Nanjing. It was the center of Buddhism in the Southern Dynasties. .

It had many names in history, which changed continuously with the change of dynasties. It was not until the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty that Zhu Yuanzhang personally ordered the reconstruction of the temple, expanded its scale, and inscribed the three characters "Jiming Temple". The name of this temple has continued to this day.

Since then, the emperors who worshiped Buddhism will expand and build new ones, and the Taoism will naturally weaken along with it, such as the Jiajing Dynasty.

Li Yan had seldom heard the name of Jiming Temple when he was in Jinling in South Zhanbuzhou. All he talked about was the Taoist royal temple, Chaotian Palace and God Optimism.

But now, after getting information about the four continents from the shopkeeper of the pawnshop, in order to get a better understanding, Li Yan inquired about religious temples and Taoist temples, and found that Chaotian Palace and Shenlian Optimism were not mentioned, and the cock crowed The temple has become a place for Jinling people to worship.

Following the flow of people, he walked into the mountain gate, and saw the halls of Dabei, Daxiong, Lunzang, and Tianwang one by one. Going further inside, there are also Qianfo Pavilion and Futu Pagoda, which occupy an astonishingly large area.

It is estimated that there are thousands of acres. You must know that Daxiangguo Temple only covers an area of ​​more than 500 acres. It is no wonder that a temple of this size can be called the number one temple in the south.

Compared with the people who worshiped Buddha with pious faces and prayers, Li Yan was extremely conspicuous both in his outstanding demeanor and indifferent attitude when he saw the Buddha statue. The welcoming monks in the temple also paid attention to other pilgrims while entertaining them.

Not long after, a middle-aged monk with a slender figure and a faint gleam of luster appeared between his brows and walked towards this side.

"Buddhist cultivator..."

Li Yan's eyes met, and his heart skipped a beat.

Not to mention Daming, in the entire Nanzhan Buzhou, there have been no Buddhist practitioners for a long time, and there are only ordinary monks who can't practice.

It is said that Buddhist cultivators in the world have all avoided the Daleiyin Temple on the Lingshan Mountain in Hezhou, Xiniu, and never left the mountain again.

This is not simply to close the mountain gate in troubled times, but like the gods in heaven, it is also a kind of protection for the world.

At least it will not fall into evil, but will cause disasters.

But now, in this self-proclaimed Dongsheng Shenzhou, Buddhist monks appeared in Jiming Temple very naturally, and walked towards him.

The middle-aged monk came to the front and saluted: "Amitabha, poor monk Shoucheng, I have seen the benefactor!"

Li Yan returned the salute and announced his name. After chatting for a while, he expressed his intention: "I have heard the name of Jiming Temple for a long time, and it is really worthwhile to visit today. It is just that I have some doubts in my heart. I hope Master can clarify my doubts."

Shoucheng said: "I dare not call you a master, please tell me, benefactor Li."

Li Yandao: "For example, how did you get the name of the temple?"

Shoucheng clasped his hands together, showing respect: "My Jiming Temple was built by the imperial imperial edict, and I was granted the "Jinzi Huayan Sutra", with five levels of pagodas, and the name of the temple was personally mentioned by Emperor Taizu's imperial pen!"

Li Yandao: "But the name of the temple always has its origin. In the previous dynasty, this temple was called 'Chicken'. Isn't there an allusion?"

Shoucheng heard the meaning behind the words, and raised his brows slightly: "Could benefactor Li know?"

Li Yan looked in the direction of Xuanwu Lake, and began to make up: "I heard that thousands of years ago, there was a very powerful centipede monster on Jiuhua Mountain, with thousands of eyes under its ribs, which could release poisonous lights, which was extremely harmful. The Jade Emperor Tianzun heard about this, Send a golden rooster down to earth..."

"When the golden rooster came to the mortal world, he saw the centipede spraying rays of light on the mountain to hurt people. He stood on the top of the Arctic Pavilion and yelled at the centipede. The chicken was the nemesis of the centipede. The spirit fled away in fright. The people who survived the disaster saw it. There was a golden rooster standing upright on the top of the mountain, and it immediately cheered..."

"However, the evildoer is rampant, refuses to admit defeat, suppresses the fear in his nature, and rushes to the top of the mountain, blooming thousands of golden lights, covering the celestial glow, the golden rooster fights to the death to save the people and the common people, and the centipede is finally killed Surrender, but the golden rooster also fell down due to being too deeply poisoned..."

"The Jade Emperor Datianzun felt the merits of the golden rooster, and ordered him to be a star official and enter the Guangming Palace. The people were saved from disasters. Afterwards, in order to commemorate the golden rooster that wiped out the harm for the people, he called the temple in the mountain 'Jiming Temple'."

Shoucheng listened with gusto, and commented: "This is quite interesting, but Jade Emperor Tianzun... these Buddha names are weird, but that centipede spirit has a precedent of invading the world."

Li Yan frowned slightly: "Maybe it's not the Jade Emperor, but the Tathagata Buddha?"

Shoucheng nodded: "This makes sense. There is Pilanpo Bodhisattva in my Buddhist school. If the Bodhisattva makes a move, he should subdue demons and subdue demons, and do it with his own hands."

Li Yan nodded slightly: "I see..."

I only know the Tathagata, but I don't know the Jade Emperor. It's a good Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Obviously this story is quite satisfactory, Shoucheng's attitude became enthusiastic, and the two talked while walking.

Along the way, the monk introduced the scenery in the temple, such as "chicken coop cloud tree", "listening to the rain with emptiness" and "pearl surge", all of which are 48 scenes of Jinling. It will be a lifetime regret if you don't visit the temple.

In fact, monks can be seen everywhere in the temple, some of them are obviously not from Jinling, but came from other places, and there are even some monks, with a pilgrimage attitude.

Compared with those monks who hate ghosts in Nanzhanbu Prefecture, the Buddhist atmosphere here is really good.

Li Yan saw it in his eyes, waited until the foreshadowing was enough, and asked: "I heard that thousands of years ago, the people of the Tang Dynasty came from Nanzhanbuzhou to Dongshengshenzhou. What happened?"

Shoucheng regarded this man as a tourist who liked anecdotes, and he was willing to chat with him for a while. This incident was another proud move of Buddhism, and he immediately laughed: "It is true. All living beings are in trouble, and it is I, the Buddha Tathagata, who uses the Tripitaka to persuade all living beings, guide them to cross to the east, and get out of the disaster. Only then can there be the living beings in Dongzhou today, respecting heaven and earth, and feeling refreshed and peaceful!"

Li Yan said: "What about Beiju Luzhou?"

Shoucheng said: "Beizhou is also protected by my Buddha. Although the people in this continent are fond of killing, just to make ends meet, they can also be led on the right path..."

Li Yandao: "According to this, Nanzhan Buzhou and Xiniu Hezhou have been abandoned?"

"My Buddha is merciful and saves all sentient beings. How can I give up?"

Shoucheng sighed lightly: "It's just that the two major continents have been plagued by demons, especially the Nanzhan Prefecture. They are greedy for lust and enjoy misfortunes. They kill more and more evil. It is the so-called murderous field of tongue, and the sea of ​​right and wrong. It is the place where the devil is most happy. , Difficult!"

Li Yan looked at the temple that was full of incense: "In this way, Dongsheng Shenzhou can have such a situation, it all depends on the boundless Dharma..."

Shoucheng clasped his hands together, and although he tried his best to conceal it in his tone, there was still a sense of glory: "Amitabha, so good!"

Li Yan had an idea in his mind, and was about to leave when his eyes suddenly paused, looking at a Buddhist temple not far away.

A group of monks came out of the hall, headed by a young monk, also a Buddhist practitioner, much younger than Shoucheng, but extremely profound in cultivation, with warm eyes and a solemn treasure.

The key is his appearance...

Li Yan asked, "Who is that monk?"

Following his gaze, Shoucheng introduced: "That's the poor monk's younger brother, with the name of Shouji."

Li Yandao: "I have a friend in Jinling City, named Luo Wanxiang, who looks quite similar to this eminent monk."

Shoucheng was a little surprised: "Junior Shouji's lay surname is indeed Luo, but he doesn't have the name of Wanxiang. Could it be that benefactor Li is an old acquaintance with Junior's family?"

Li Yandao: "Family of monks and nuns are all empty, regardless of worldly kinship... I have benefited a lot today, thank you Master, I will bid farewell!"

"The poor monk sends the benefactor!"

Although this person didn't even put on a piece of incense, nor did he leave half a tael of incense money, Shoucheng still sent it out of the mountain gate, feeling that the conversation just now was like a spring breeze, and he was in a happy mood.

In the revolving hall, a figure was seen standing still from a distance, looking over faintly, it was Shouji.

Shocked, Shoucheng stepped forward to salute: "Junior brother!"

Shou Ji said: "Senior brother is so happy, what is the happy event?"

Shoucheng was a little embarrassed: "There is no happy event, just a tourist with extraordinary knowledge..."

Shouji said: "Seven emotions and six desires are a great harm to practice, brother, have you forgotten?"

The tone was not like a junior, but more like a master, but it was a bit taken for granted, and Shoucheng could only bow his head and be scolded, not daring to refute.

This posture is already very low, but Shouji sized him up a few times, and suddenly said: "Senior brother seems to be tainted by a demon, which makes him easy to get angry..."

Shoucheng's complexion changed, and he couldn't help pleading in his voice: "I will do hard work for my brother, and I hope my brother will forgive me!"

Shouji's expression was not fluctuating at all, and his tone was even more stable to a little dull: "I'm not in trouble, brother, you should know that happiness, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, desire, confusion, sin, all kinds of presumptuous actions will definitely be cut out. , so that the four elements are all empty and not touched by the mundane world."

Shoucheng thought that this method of beheading catastrophes is a secret handed down by the master, and he himself is not qualified to practice it, so he responded repeatedly: "The teacher taught it well, I must correct it for my brother, I must correct it..."

Shouji stared at him again, then turned and left.

Shoucheng wiped off his sweat, but he didn't have any complaints. He murmured in a low voice: "The peace in the world, killing demons, can only be maintained by people like my junior brother. I must practice hard and not be dragged down..."

at the same time.

At the foot of Jiming Temple, Li Yan strolled down, his long sleeves fluttering, and his consciousness-only energy, combined with the four major comprehensions, immediately changed his temperament.

If Shoucheng was in front of him, he might not be able to believe his eyes.

Because this secular pilgrim who was still talking and laughing with him just now has become a Buddhist cultivator, and even compared with the most profound Dharma Shouji of the younger generation, his body and mind are purer, his treasures are solemn, and he is more like a great virtuous monk.

Compared with the silence of Shouji, Li Yan's expression is very rich, with firmness and calmness between his brows, he took the steps of exploration towards this strange and unknown Dongsheng Shenzhou, and his figure gradually drifted away. , disappeared into the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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