Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1287 Hai Rui Who Bought the Coffin

Chapter 1287 Hai Rui Who Bought the Coffin

"Has no one revealed the imperial list yet?"

In Qianqing Palace, Jiajing paced slowly and asked.

The big man walked very slowly, his feet were steady, and his tone seemed to be just asking casually, but Lu Bing's heart suddenly tightened.

The monarch and his ministers grew up together, how can they not know that the other party has been narrow-minded since childhood, and is the best at hiding his thoughts. Sitting upright on the Tai Chi gossip bed, the clouds are calm and the wind is light, which is the proper posture. Has there ever been such an anxious time?
It can be seen how urgent Jiajing is for the strange people who have transcended suffering and ascended to heaven!
However, Lu Bing couldn't give the answer the other party asked for, so he could only whisper: "There are only people who fish in troubled waters, but there are no real talents and real learning..."

Jiajing said indifferently: "I'm afraid it's not temporary, this method is difficult, Zhengyi is just perfunctory, this group of Taoist priests have been enshrined by the court, but they don't want to return, it really disappoints me!"

It was the first time that the Taoist Son of Heaven made such dissatisfied accusations against Taoist disciples. Even though the servants around him had retreated, Lu Bing's expression changed immediately, and he hurriedly said, "I would like to share your worries for Your Majesty!"

Jiajing was silent for a moment, and sighed softly: "If all the officials can be like you, I will be able to sit back and relax. Unfortunately, there is only one Lu Taibao in the world, and there is only one Lu Wenfu by my side..."

Lu Bing's heart was agitated when he heard this. Since ancient times, the monarchs and ministers have been suspicious. The more powerful the ministers, the worse they will end up. It is extremely rare for him to have such a friendship with the emperor for decades. Naturally, he will go through fire and water to repay the king's kindness!
Just as he was making up his mind to dig three feet into the ground to find the person who can save the souls of suffering, Jiajing had already walked to the window, looked to the southwest, and suddenly asked, "Is there something wrong with Prince Yu's Mansion recently?"

This jump was too big, Lu Bing was startled for a while, but luckily Jin Yiwei monitored all the officials, even the emperor's family and relatives were also watching, the two princes were in the same row, after thinking for a while, they replied: "Prince Yu is all well. "

Jiajing asked, "Is there any hope of having an heir?"

Lu Bing knew Jiajing's expectations for the third generation, so he naturally focused on this aspect: "The concubine Li is pregnant and weak, and she is raising a baby, so she hasn't announced anything yet..."

Jiajing raised his eyebrows: "Side concubine? What is her background?"

Lu Bingdao: "I was born in a poor family, my father was a mason, he entered the mansion at a young age, and was favored by the prince..."

Jiajing was not surprised.

In order to prevent foreign relatives from monopolizing power, the royal family of the Ming Dynasty never intermarried with dignitaries. All the queens and concubines were basically from small families. This side concubine is just humbler, which is not surprising...

But to be able to rise to the top position based on this status, apart from outstanding appearance, smart means are definitely indispensable. Only by being able to charm King Yu, and often staying in the room, has the chance to conceive.

When Jiajing asked, he was mainly thinking of Concubine Cao Duan in the past, and there was no nostalgia in his eyes, only calculations.

The daughter's request was to investigate the crimes of Empress Fang who killed her mother. When Empress Fang died, Jiajing had a disagreement with his courtiers in order to enshrine her in the Taimiao. …

So the emperor changed his mind, and ordered in a cold voice: "It's about the safety of the emperor's heir, we need to send more people, and don't let King Jing do something irreversible..."

The dispute between King Yu and King Jing was numerous, but this accusation came from the mouth of the emperor, which was too serious. Lu Bing hurriedly said: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will never allow such evil deeds to happen to the emperor's heir!"

"Would that be a filial child?"

Jiajing muttered to himself and waved his hands: "Go!"

Lu Bing stepped back slowly.

After leaving Qianqing Palace, the head of Jinyiwei frowned, feeling very strange.

He should have hinted clearly before that the side concubine Li's pregnancy is not stable, and according to the doctor's words, the possibility of losing it is extremely high, and King Yu didn't say anything, why is His Majesty so concerned?

Could it be that His Majesty's body...

Lu Bing shook his head hastily, and put aside this thought. His Majesty is in the prime of his life, this will never be the case, and all he cares about is the safety of the emperor's heir.

But one thing is for sure, His Majesty's attitude towards the two princes can be determined. The elder and younger are in order, and King Jing is not treated by His Majesty, and he directly said the words of murdering the elder brother and heir. How can there be a superior? hope?

After calming down and returning to Jinyiwei Yamen, Lu Bing recruited Zhu Zhong, who was the most stable in the Thirteenth Taibao, and ordered: "Send more people in Yuwang's Mansion and Jingwang's Mansion, and arrange some servants to go in to protect Yu who is pregnant. Queen's side concubine, Li Shi, must be taken care of, and the child in the womb must not be harmed by thieves!"

Zhu Zhong was equally astonished, but he didn't dare to ask the reason, but when he thought of the situation in the imperial prison, he was a little embarrassed: "Counselor, recently there are still ministers who are making troubles in the imperial prison, and all the officials are quite critical, and there may be insufficient manpower... ..."

Only then did Lu Bing remember that there was still the incident of owed salary, and he pressed his brows in annoyance: "That incident has not stopped yet!"

A huge disturbance broke out due to the lack of salary during the Chinese New Year.

Hundreds of officials wrote a letter together, and the memorials flew into the palace like snowflakes, impeaching the six ministers of the cabinet.

It’s fine if you simply participate in the performance and abuse. Who hasn’t experienced this? The key is that Lu Ben, the only elder in the cabinet, can’t stand it. Hu Zongxian refuted the holy will before, and was ordered to go to Jizhen Patrol the front line...

Without the important officials who could calm down the scene, the turmoil that could have been suppressed intensified, and finally almost turned into a gang fight. Angry middle and lower officials rushed into the Six Departments, and even the court officials were injured.

Lu Bing had sympathy for these officials who could not get their salaries, but seeing that the "Zuoshunmen Incident" after 40 years was in danger of repeating itself, he could only arrest and imprison them.

Jiajing didn't pay any attention to this, and returned to the previous state of doing nothing to govern this kind of matter. Naturally, the officials turned around and began to scold Jin Yiwei.

In the past, the chief assistant Yan Song was a traitor, the root of all evil, now it is the turn of Lu Bing, the crown prince, Taibao, and governor...

Lu Bing shook his head again, tossing out this terrible thought, and said in a deep voice: "Drop the manpower back, those officials can't afford to deal with big storms, and the emperor's heir is the most important thing!"

Zhu Zhong thought that Hu Zongxian was not in the capital, and those famous assassins were under surveillance, everything was under control, and he said: "Yes!"


"Going to Nanjing now, mother, take care all the way!"

At the Jingshi Wharf, densely packed ships were moored at the berths, and the water workers were busy up and down.

Hai Rui was in it, inconspicuous, saying goodbye to an old woman and a woman holding a child.

"Why are you so eager this time?"

Mother Hai looked at her son, her eyes were bloodshot, her face was so thin that her cheekbones were exposed, and she frowned distressedly: "You have been depressed since you came back from Daxing County, so don't force yourself if you have something to do, understand?"

Hai Rui pursed his lips, and responded, "Baby...Understood!"

On that day, he did not follow Baiguan to submit a letter, but after all, because of Hai Bijia's direct name, he was wary of his superiors, fearing that he would take the lead in causing trouble, so he deliberately sent an errand to transfer him out of Beijing. Disaster relief in Daxing County.

Daxing County is not far away, it belongs to Shuntian Prefecture, and it is only fifty or sixty miles away from the capital.

But this place, which can be called the foot of the emperor, has also experienced human disasters.

Collapsed corpses can be seen everywhere along the way, and the imperial court's disaster relief is long overdue. Even if the porridge shed is set up late, the living people don't have the strength to rush to line up, but lie everywhere in the snow, swallowing their last breath.

Ever since, the job of the yamen servants was not to distribute porridge at all, but to pull bamboo mats from the carts and wrap the corpses of the common people inside them one by one. In the end, there were no mats to hold them, so that it was not easy to get sick during the cold winter , thrown into the snow...

Looking back on Hai Rui until now, his eyes are full of sadness. Daxing County is not the affected area of ​​the Guanzhong Earthquake at all. It is so miserable, and how many counties and counties in those provinces are so miserable...

After returning from there, the little head of the household department became more and more determined in his heart.

It is difficult for a humble official to do too much.

But what can be done must be done!
The only ones who are sorry are the family members!
"My son will stay with my mother..."

When he said this, Hai Rui's throat suddenly choked up, he saluted with his hands, and helped Haimu into the cabin.

Mother Hai didn't take it seriously, but took the initiative to relax her son's heart: "It's common for officials to be transferred back and forth. This old man in the north is really not used to being treated. He returned to the south earlier and has taken care of him. Why do you have to do this?" attitude?"

Hai Rui once had a kindness to a waterworker surnamed Qi, that waterworker was extremely loyal and became a disciple of the Luojiao. This time he patted his chest and promised to take good care of Hai's family, so he chose to go by water.

I don't know if this decision will hurt the other party, Hai Rui was worried again, his eyes were slightly red, and he repeated: "What Mom said is, take care of yourself all the way, and you must take care of your body!"

Haimu nodded slightly, and suddenly said: "Ru Xian, don't you have something to hide from Grandma?"

Hai Rui shook his head, looking at his wife and the child in her arms.

It was a girl doll. Mother Hai was very upset and felt that Hai's incense had not been passed on, but Hai Rui was still happy and held his wife's hand: "You are a virtuous person. Serving your mother-in-law is filial piety, and raising children for me is also filial piety." Daxiao, please at home..."

Hai's wife held her husband's hand instead, and said softly: "I am at home, officials must take care in Beijing, my mother-in-law and I are waiting to reunite with you soon!"

"Good! Good! Mom, my son is gone!"

Hai Rui wanted to touch his child again, but suppressed it forcibly. He knelt down in front of his mother, kowtowed three times on the boat plank, stood up and walked out immediately.

Watching her son's back, Haimu's eyes quickly showed a sense of uneasiness, and she called out: "Ru Xian! Ru Xian!"

There was no response from Hai Rui outside.

The filial son who could no longer be filial left the pier without looking back, and stopped at the door of a funeral shop. After looking at it for a while, he walked in, took out the withered money bag at his waist, and handed it over:

"I want to buy a coffin."

(End of this chapter)

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