Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 30 Murder Prophecy

Chapter 30 Murder Prophecy
Another five days later.

Qiu Ying, whose face was slightly tired, looked at Qiu Shenji, whose eyes were slightly dull, and sighed, empathizing with her.

Sure enough, there is no limit to hard work. The uncle and nephew worked hard for five hours a day, and they were already very tired.

But I heard that Yuanfang's daily working hours were extended to seven hours.

Come early in the morning, never go home until late at night.

They tried hard once, but failed so thoroughly.

Qiu Shenji couldn't bear that kind of high-intensity work, but he was worried that Xiao Ling would make a great contribution first: "Where are the secret spies interrogating?"

"Xiao Ling is interrogated every day, but he has not spoken more than ten sentences to the female spy so far. He was furious yesterday and directly tortured, but it was useless."

Qiu Ying waved her hand: "This girl is very stubborn, it's hard to pry her mouth open with force, but Yuan Fang comes every three days and can chat with her for a long time, all discussing Su Pi's situation, when Xiao Ling saw it, I'm more anxious."

Qiu Shenji instantly regained his balance.

Aha, there are worse than me!
"Third Uncle, I went to find Yuan Fang. He seems to have gained a lot recently and bought a lot of tea at the monastery."

Qiu Shenji made up his mind and prepared to work overtime as a habit.

Qiu Ying was very puzzled when she heard this: "Tea? The kind of medicine that Buddhist monks drink in the morning? What does he do with this?"

"He said he wanted to use tea to make a deal with Tubo, so that the Tubo thieves couldn't do without it."

Qiu Shenji's face was full of confusion: "I thought it was a fantasy, but that Li Niang seems to be really interested."


inner prison.

Li Yan laid out a set of tools in front of Liniang, and began to make tea smoothly.

A necessary adjective.

He didn't pay attention to tea culture at first, thinking that this thing had risen as early as the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and it should have been popularized in a large area during the Tang Dynasty.

However, after really understanding it, I discovered that the common concept of tea in this era is actually medicinal.

Except for the monks in monasteries everywhere.

Because tea has a stimulant effect, it can help them keep their minds clear and read more scriptures.

Well, it seems to be medicinal, a stimulant!
The reason for this is that after the Sui Dynasty unified from north to south, buttermilk from the north suppressed tea from the south and became the mainstream drink in society.

The second is the way of cooking tea in this era, which is fundamentally dark cuisine, with a lot of condiments added to it.

Such as onion, ginger, pepper, jujube, cinnamon, crispy cheese and even beef, mutton and pork.

First roast the tea cakes on the fire until they are red and dry, crush them and pour them into a porcelain bottle, boil water on the other side, add the above-mentioned ingredients into the pot, after the water boils, pour the tea leaves into the water, Cook it together with the seasoning to make a pot of porridge, pour it out and divide it into cups, and drink it.

Clean and hygienic!

Anyway, Li Yan felt that drinking this stuff would not be better than aloe vera juice.

The tea cake that Li Yan was holding in his hand at this time appeared in the monastery wearing an official robe. The monk was very enthusiastic and asked him to buy it for zero yuan.

However, the method of making tea is not in accordance with the monastery at all, and the astringent aroma of the tea itself is preserved to the greatest extent.

Although there is still a gap with the tea of ​​later generations, Li Yan already feels alive after drinking it.


He poured a glass for Liniang.

Liniang was temporarily put down, still wearing chains on her hands and feet, jingling, but she was still able to pick up the teacup and take a sip.

Her face was a little strange: "This is the green tea you developed? It has a different taste!"

Li Yan smiled slightly: "You Fan people, you have already started to trade tea with Shu people on a small scale."

Liniang's pupils contracted.

Li Yan sipped his tea and said slowly: "Tubo is located in an alpine region, and you must eat foods with high calorie content, so you often use milk, ghee, and beef and mutton as your staple food, but you lack vegetables, and your diet is hot and dry. It is not easy to decompose in the human body, and it will inevitably weaken the body and shorten the lifespan over time."

"And tea can not only decompose heat, but also prevent dryness and heat. It is the best supplementary food for you. Although you don't understand the principle of it, you have started trading after encountering it by chance, but it has not been widely used yet."

"It can be seen that the Tang Dynasty and Tubo can still live in peace, and we can trade tea."

Liniang sneered: "What's the use of saying this? Except for Sichuan, there are no tea gardens in other places."

"You are being narrow-minded. Sichuan tea is called holy. Sichuan tea is the best tea, but China has a vast land and abundant resources. How can it be impossible to grow tea in other places? It's just that people don't like to grow tea because they don't drink much of it. .”

Li Yandao: "Once green tea becomes popular, it can be exported to Tubo, and my Tang Dynasty will form a trade with you Subi."

Liniang shook her head: "You are still fantasizing. The Qinling family controls the ancient roads between the two countries. Tang and Tubo need to get his consent first. Do you think the Gar family will allow this kind of trade to exist?"

The current ancient Tang-Tibet road starts from Chang'an, passes through Longyou, passes through Tuyuhun, then crosses the plateau, and finally arrives at Luosuo City in Tubo.

This is the official road of the two countries, and Princess Wencheng took this road when she entered Tibet.

At this time, the Gar family in Qinling had mastered the old place of Tuyuhun in this road, and immediately guarded the main road.

Whether Tubo wants to contact Datang, or Datang wants to communicate with other forces in Tubo, he cannot be avoided.

"It's okay, I have planned a new route, look!"

Li Yan had been prepared for a long time, and took out a map he drew himself: "Starting from the tea-producing area of ​​Yazhou in Shu, passing through Yajiang, Litang, Batang, Zuogong to Changdu, this route can bypass Karma. Er family, directly to the hinterland of Tubo."

This route is actually the famous ancient tea-horse road in later generations.

Using tea from the Central Plains to trade horses from snowy areas flourished in the Tang and Song dynasties and flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Even in the middle and late period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Ancient Tea Horse Road became the main international passage in the southwest, and played an important role in the life and death of the Chinese nation.

Liniang looked at the tea, then at the map, and finally froze.

In order to pry open the mouth of her secret spy, this guy improved the way of drinking tea, and also planned a route as a trade route for Tang and Tubo?
With your pattern, wearing a green robe is really too condescending!

Li Yan said again: "My sincerity is full. If Tubo can get the tea trade, not only can it solve its own physical problems, but also sell it to the countries in the Western Regions, and establish a friendly relationship with the Tang Dynasty. Wouldn't it be beautiful?"

"You tell me your upper-level relationship, and I won't kill you. In fact, we have a common enemy, and that is the Gar family!"

"The Gar family ostracized Zanpu, controlled the government, disrupted peace, and started wars recklessly. There must be many opposition forces in Tubo!"

"Think carefully!"

After finishing speaking, he put away the map and tea set, Shi Shiran got up, and prepared to leave.

"Who wants to go to war if you can live a good life?"

Liniang's expression was unpredictable, and she suddenly said: "Wait a minute, I can tell you something."

Li Yan was overjoyed in his heart, and stopped in his tracks.

Xiao Ling's complexion changed drastically outside.

However, what Li Niang said was not what Li Yan wanted to hear, it was actually a murder prophecy:

"Within ten days, there will be a second murder in Liangzhou, and the one who will die this time will be a person of high status!"

"Li Yuanfang, if you can solve this case like you found out my identity..."

"I know everything I can say, I can say everything, and I will tell you everything!"

Xiao Ling outside breathed a sigh of relief, but soon realized the importance of the matter, and hurried to report to Qiu Ying.

And Li Yan stood in the cell, his face sinking like water, and he stared at Liniang coldly: "Life is in your eyes, is this how you use it as a bet?"

Liniang was startled, and just as she was about to say something, Li Yan turned around and strode away: "You can say what you want, and you can't force it if you don't want to, but I, Li Yuanfang, refuse such a bet!"

Looking at the straight back of Li Yan leaving, Liniang finally showed shame on her face.

This Tang man was wearing an official uniform because he was caught.

So from a common sense point of view, he should be willing to accept such a challenge and continue to get promoted and make a fortune.

But the other party refused without hesitation.

In the face of great temptation, one does not waver in one's principles, this is the real gentleman!
 Thanks to book friends "Xianhe" and "Book friends 20211104101202448" for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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