Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 416 Qiu Shenji: It's useless to be afraid, who told you to let me in~

Chapter 416 Qiu Shenji: It's useless to be afraid, who told you to let me in~
The arrival of Li Shoujie, the Duke of Danyang County, aroused unanimous welcome from the anti-that person alliance.

This grandfather is Li Jing's younger brother, Li Keshi. His father, Li Dashan, succeeded Danyang Duke. After his death last year, this second-rank title, second only to the Duke, was passed on to the eldest son of the third generation, Li Shoujie. .

Li Shoujie is over [-] years old this year. Although his mental outlook is not good, as the eldest grandson of the house, he has a lot of prestige in the Li clan. He also has acquaintances with many people in Guanzhong. His appearance made many people overjoyed.

When a person's family members stand up to oppose it, the voice of doubts from the outside world will often be higher. At such times, right and wrong seem unimportant.

In view of this, everyone stood up with a clatter, walked to the front and bowed their hands: "Danyang County Lord Gao Yi, I thank you!"

The movements are not neat, but the momentum is amazing.

Li Shoujie coughed lightly, tried to raise his voice and said: "Everyone is polite, it is also my Li family's fault, because of those people, the British Duke was trapped in the inner guard, I have to show up."

The word "waiting" made everyone even more imaginative, and Dou Huaizhen was about to squeeze through, but because there were too many people, she was blocked outside, so she could only chuckle outside: "As expected, the Li family in Longxi is also generally dissatisfied. That person's."

Qiu Shenji observed Li Shoujie from a distance, and asked casually, "After all, we are members of the same clan, why do you want to tear yourself apart like this?"

Dou Huaizhen said coldly: "That person is the one who wants to tear his face first. Look at the internal guards, did you arrange a place for the children of the Li family in Longxi?"

Qiu Shenji nodded: "It is true that Li Yuanfang never arranged for a relative, which is why he has such a high prestige in the inner guard."

Dou Huaizhen hurriedly pulled him away from the crowd, and said in a low voice: "You can't call him that, if the inner guard of Meihua finds out, everyone will be in bad luck."

Qiu Shenji said: "I'm sorry, I'm just here, I'm not used to it for a while... Li Yuanfang didn't benefit the Longxi Li family's children, so did the Longxi Li family help him to get to where he is now?"

Dou Huaizhen was terrified when he heard it, but fortunately everyone else gathered around Li Shoujie, so he dared to stay, without blushing and without heartbeat, he said: "Of course I support it, without the secret contribution of the Longxi Li family, how could that person be what he is today?" The scenery is simply ungrateful!"

After saying that, he gritted his teeth with hatred: "Not only did he not repay the family, but he also supported those lowly families to muddle their names in the imperial examinations, which is harmful to all ethnic groups in our pass. He is so heartless, so don't blame the clansmen to tear him apart." Don't be shy, the capture of the British citizen this time is just an opportunity!"

"I see."

Qiu Shenji nodded knowingly, and looked away from Li Shoujie. He already had the fastest interrogation method to break through the opponent's psychological defense, but how to arrest him was a problem.

After all, this person is Liu Lang's cousin, even if the two have never even met, the blood relationship cannot be denied.

It is difficult for an upright official to decide on family affairs, and outsiders can be decisive when they provoke trouble. The most difficult thing to solve is the harm caused by the tribe. Whether it is severe punishment or light forgiveness, there will be huge sequelae.

But after careful consideration, Qiu Shenji felt that this matter still had to be done by himself.

In just a few years, he was able to go from becoming an official to putting on the scarlet robe in just a few years. He was recommended by Liu Lang who must be rewarded for his meritorious service.

Not only this great kindness, but in a sense, these confidantes who have been promoted by virtue of their real talents and learning are actually grabbing the positions belonging to the relatives of the Li family in Longxi. The aristocratic family is dissatisfied, both public and private, and there is no room for relaxation of the confrontation between the two sides.

Thinking of this, Qiu Shenji's expression became more amiable, and he began to chat with Dou Huaizhen.

After his interrogation methods were improved, he began to deliberately change his image and temperament. After all, when he showed his face, he looked fierce, which would make the prisoner wary, but he deliberately imitated Di Renjie's gentle smile, which could successfully reduce the prisoner's vigilance. can cause greater impact.

At this time, Dou Huaizhen was deceived by Qiu Shenji's round face, and when the Guanzhong disciples around Li Shoujie gradually dispersed, he deliberately pulled Qiu Shenji to the side to sit down, and said with a light smile, "Let's just watch the show!"

Facing the fiery eyes, Li Shoujie also lifted his spirits and announced the good news: "Now that the British prince has been released by the inner guards and sent to rest in the inner house, I finally feel a little relieved."

Due to the ingenious timing, everyone subconsciously believed that he was the one who deserved the credit, and said in one go: "Mr. Danyang is mighty!" It's not just restraint, isn't that person always arrogant and arrogant, this time he knows he's afraid!"

Dou Huaizhen also shouted loudly: "As soon as Danyang County Lord comes out, we will set things right!"

Qiu Shenji clapped his hands with a half-smile, "It turns out that the return of the Duke of England to the mansion is due to the Duke of Danyang..."

Li Jingyou was a little dissatisfied, obviously he was the one who brought his elder brother back. Although he had communicated with Li Shoujie to gain prestige just now, seeing the attention of the other party, he couldn't help feeling sour, and hurriedly said: "Of course my elder brother has returned, but he received a lot of attention." Scared, I have asked the Imperial Medical Office to confirm the condition, this matter cannot be let go, we must read a book to His Majesty, and reprimand that person for his arrogance!"

As soon as this remark came out, the hall suddenly fell silent, and everyone's expressions were a little strange.

Are you OK?Now the sage's most trusted confidant is that person, not to mention that he sent the British police back safely, even if he was really detained as an inner guard, the Guanzhong gentry would have nothing to do with him.

Because the British Duke really stood up for the Silla proton, and the Silla proton really committed a crime. This is the function of the internal guard, and the other party did not go beyond their duties. If this is reported, the British Duke will be punished in the end .

Dou Huaizhen couldn't help shaking her head: "Li Erlang is a true brother after all, and I'm a little anxious. That person is getting a holy family, and his power is overwhelming. What we have to do is to let the world know his true face through the mouth of Duke Danyang. , and then let the sage know the difficulties in the pass, and only then can we attack them together."

Qiu Shenji nodded his chin: "Mr. Dou's plan is old-fashioned, but it is very operable. First stigmatize the name, and then do it. Did you spread the rumors about that person's life experience?"

Hearing that he finally changed his address, Dou Huaizhen breathed a sigh of relief, but shook his head again: "That's not true, I don't know which idiot made it up, making it difficult for me to wait, but fortunately, the Longxi Li family has come forward now." , People in the clan always speak convincingly."

Qiu Shenji said: "It's just that, wouldn't that person know that it was the Longxi Li family who did the trick?"

Dou Huaizhen smiled: "The Li family of Longxi actually hoped to use such methods to force him to submit, but I guess that person is young and holds a high position, so he won't give in."

"He even dared to kill Wu's relatives himself, what can't he do?"

"The best development is that he really killed his own people. He is cold-blooded and cruel, and if he uses the butcher's knife recklessly, His Majesty will not like it..."

Qiu Shenji sighed: "You're right in thinking so, but I'm afraid that that person won't attack the Li family in Longxi, but will cause trouble for other families. If he really wants to take his anger out on us, who can stop him?"

Dou Huaizhen was startled, and her pupils shrank suddenly: "Brother's words are quite insightful, we really have to guard against them!"

He lowered his head and meditated, his brows furrowed tighter and tighter, and he even thought of retreating.

After all, his uncle, Dou Decheng, was captured by that person for selling Yundan. The other party was so cruel at that time, let alone now?

And the people who were arrested at that time...

and many more!

At that time, the person who was the first to break into Dou's Chamber of Commerce and arrest Dou Decheng with the steps of being disrecognized by his relatives, how did he look so similar to the fat man in front of him?

Dou Huaizhen's body froze suddenly, looking at the person in front of her who was discussing how to plot against Li Yuanfang, she tremblingly said: ""

Qiu Shenji looked at his teeth chattering, and raised the corner of his mouth: "Interesting, why did you recognize me all of a sudden?"

Dou Huaizhen suppressed her fear: "So it's...Qiu...Qiu Jiyi...I've seen..."

Qiu Shenji grumbled: "No wonder, I was very thin back then, but now that I'm rich, it's normal for you not to realize... Where did we go just now, keep talking, I really like to hear it!"

Dou Huaizhen: "..."

He looked at the compliments of Li Shoujie from everyone in the hall, and suddenly felt it was ridiculous. He was still on guard against Meihua's internal guards. Li Yuanfang's left and right men were sitting here swaggeringly, and they didn't even notice it!
How can a group of mobs lead the fight with that flourishing Cabinet of Internal Guards!

Looking at Li Jingyou, who was obviously displeased because he didn't get everyone's response, and Li Shoujie, the Duke of Danyang, who would face him directly and would be severely retaliated next, Dou Huaizhen suddenly made up his mind, and said in a low voice: "Qiu Jiyi, I dared to confront Li Geling because I was blinded by my own interests before. Please give me a chance. I am willing to rely on Li Geling. I can do whatever I want without complaining!"

Qiu Shenji was stunned for a moment when he heard the words: "Aren't you acting too fast when you see the wind?"

In fact, if the person who cannot be called by his name is here, after hearing Dou Huaizhen's name, he will know that this person is the most shameless prime minister in history. He changed his name to Dou Congyi and married Empress Wei's wet nurse.

The wet nurse's husband is called 阿赩 (xì), with derogatory meaning and contempt. Dou Huaizhen is not ashamed, but proud, and becomes Queen Wei's confidant. However, when the Webster Group is wiped out, he is the first to jump out , He immediately killed Empress Wei's wet nurse, that is, his wife, and pleaded guilty by killing his wife. After Li Dan was restored, he successfully attached himself to Princess Taiping of Zhenguo and became the prime minister.

Then we all know what happened. Li Longji, a specialist in the coup d'état, got rid of Queen Wei's party, and then wiped out Princess Taiping's party. The four prime ministers who supported Princess Taiping were all killed. The prime minister at the head was Dou Huaizhen. He didn't escape in the stinking ditch, hanged himself, and died in a stinking way.

This person's bottom line is that there is no bottom line, so he naturally turned against him without any hesitation. Qiu Shenji took a closer look and said with a smile, "You really don't complain about anything?"

After all, he looked at Li Shoujie, Duke of Danyang County.

Dou Huaizhen then looked over, and gritted her teeth not unexpectedly: "Please just order Qiu Jiyi, even if I kill Li Shoujie who dares to oppose Li Geling, I will definitely do it."

He made up his mind, but Qiu Shenji's face darkened: "What are you talking about, I'm an internal guard, how could I instigate you to kill people?"

Dou Huaizhen was stunned, and then heard Qiu Shenji continue: "But I do feel a little disgusted, you go and abolish this person, don't beat and kill him, we are all officials ordered by the court!"

What a "this person", he is really learning and selling.

Dou Huaizhen's mouth was full of bitterness, and she could only nod her head again and again: "Okay, okay, I will definitely follow Qiu Jiyi's orders, but I am not good at martial arts, how can I abolish this person, I have no confidence, I am afraid that I will miss Qiu Jiyi's matter..."

Qiu Shenji said indifferently: "I have left behind my own martial arts training. It is too hard and I don't want to practice anymore, but it doesn't matter. I have tortured a lot in the inner prison. As for how to hit people's body parts to cause the greatest pain and injury, I still have some insights, even the doctors at the Imperial Medical Office may not be able to understand it like me."

He said, and pressed several parts of Dou Huaizhen's body with his hands: "Later, you will target these parts and kick them fiercely. With your physique, kick each place with more than three feet. I will lie in bed for the rest of my life, never get up again, and every time I say a word, I will feel pain in my heart..."

Listening to that tone without ups and downs, Dou Huaizhen's face turned pale, and her body trembled involuntarily.

Qiu Shenji left his hand and wiped his shirt subconsciously, as if wiping blood: "This is just the beginning, I'm afraid it's useless, who told you to let me in~"

(End of this chapter)

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