Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 548 The current root bone qualification is the first in the world

Chapter 548 The current root bone qualification is number one in the world
"This was beaten by Shawei? It was too did he survive?"

When Li Yan and Jiang Jing carried Lu Junyi off the carriage and sent him to Suian Medical Center, An Daoquan who greeted him couldn't help but gasp.

Compared with Gongsun Zhao who judged how many clubs they hit by using the killing stick and the hands of the prison guards, An Dao judged by the scars. If a stick of this strength hit him, he would definitely die within thirty hits , and this one hit almost ten times?
"His physique is extremely strong, and he will be fine, but this injury is too serious. If he doesn't receive timely treatment, he may have to lie in bed for half a year, wasting time for practicing martial arts... Come, help me!"

The two cooperated tacitly. Li Yan began to use needles to help Lu Junyi regulate Qi and blood, while An Daoquan expelled hematoma, took out plasters, and treated trauma.

Under Jiang Jing's gaze, in less than a quarter of an hour, Lu Junyi's body trembled slightly, and his frowning brows eased a lot.

An Daoquan was surprised, but Jiang Jing was overjoyed: "You two are really good at medicine!"

Li Yandao: "No, medical skills have their limits after all. This Lu Xiaolang-jun's body is too strong, very good!"

It's really good, two worlds, and it's the first time I meet someone with a higher physique than him...

This bone, this qi and blood, and this degree of healing are worthy of being the star of Tiangang, the existence that is beloved by the energy of heaven and earth.

Li Yan was very excited to meet such a qualified warrior. The Niwan palace between his brows was throbbing, and he used mana to enter the state of "spiritual thinking". The healing was even more fluid, but extremely accurate, without any mistakes.

"Brother is really good at acupuncture!"

In just half an hour, Lu Junyi's breathing completely stabilized, and he fell into a deep sleep. After An Daoquan admired him, he said angrily: "This attack is really vicious. If you were an ordinary person, you would have been beaten so badly that even the corpse would have died." Not left..."

Jiang Jingdao: "The dog official is finished, he was recruited into the palace, and at this juncture, he has not been severely punished by the Queen Mother. Wait until he strips off his crimson robe, and see if he dares to fish the common people... Thank you, Dr. Lin, for helping us. host!"

Li Yandao: "This is what I should do, but Han Xiu comes from a family of officials and officials, so he must be careful of subsequent revenge."

Jiang Jing looked gentle and quiet, but there was also a ferocious spirit in his bones: "Please don't worry, Doctor Lin, brother Lu was beaten so miserably, if he doesn't come to us, we have to go to him...Now everyone He's a commoner, see if I don't give him a good look!"

Li Yan nodded approvingly: "That's right, that's right... There is one thing that you need to explain to your brother. Recently, the imperial court may launch a large-scale suppression of Wuyoudong. be careful."

Jiang Jing was puzzled and said: "Shouldn't the court arrest the murderer who killed the two county kings? Why did they suddenly clear Wuyou Cave?"

Li Yandao: "What if the murder of the two county kings is closely related to the existence of Wuyou Cave?"

Jiang Jing suddenly said: "No wonder even the county king dared to kill... other things are fine, if we wipe out Wuyou Cave, we will have a duty to do so, that place should have been destroyed long ago!"

Li Yandao: "However, this place that should have been destroyed long ago has survived for so many years. We must think about the risks involved. It is a good thing that the imperial court has made up its mind to wipe it out. I am afraid that it will be too hasty..."

Jiang Jing said calmly: "Thank you, Miracle Doctor Lin, for your suggestion. I'll report the situation to Mr. Zhou right away, so that everyone can know what's going on."

Li Yan nodded, watched him leave, and started the consultation with An Daoquan.

After today's patient finished reading, he looked at Lu Junyi who was sleeping in the back: "This man has been subjected to such torture, and he doesn't even have the slightest intention of begging for mercy. Bar."

An Daoquan said with a smile: "With my elder brother treating him, within half a month, he should be able to recover initially."

Li Yan gave a more accurate judgment: "I will heal his injuries in the future, and seven days will be enough."

Lin San called for the carriage, and the three of them carried Lu Junyi into the carriage and headed all the way to Lin's house.

Back home, just as Lu Junyi was placed in the guest room, Lin Yuanjing came back and shouted outside: "Erlang, come to the study and let's talk."

Li Yan asked Lin San to take care of Lu Junyi, and followed Lin Yuanjing into the study: "Father, did the imperial guards of the Beijing camp also receive the news that they are going to attack Wuyou Cave?"

Lin Yuanjing was already accustomed to his son's ability: "Yes, the news has spread, and now the camp is quite panicked, I'm afraid there will be trouble..."

Li Yandao: "The most frightening thing about Wuyou Cave is always the dark environment. In a dark and claustrophobic environment, people will have a sense of fear and anxiety, not to mention the need to always guard against sneak attacks by thieves. People who are not determined , I’m afraid it won’t be long before it collapses.”

Lin Yuanjing had obviously done some research: "That's right, when Baodaizhi encircled and suppressed Wuyou Cave back then, it was mainly the fast-track archers from the government office. Some of the forbidden army also entered, and they were extremely frightened when they came out. The Forbidden Army of the Beijing Camp a few years ago is completely different from the Forbidden Army of the Beijing Camp today..."

Li Yan's eyes moved slightly: "Is there a lot of criticism in the army about the Queen Mother's decision?"

Lin Yuanjing thought for a while, but there was nothing to say: "It is true."

Li Yandao: "The Empress Dowager's control over the government was not strong in the first place. Now that the two county kings have died, her majesty has been greatly damaged. With her eagerness for revenge, and being criticized by the forbidden army, the situation in the court may change again..."

Lin Yuanjing frowned: "Aren't we talking about Wuyou Cave, how did it get involved in the court situation?"

Li Yan was a little helpless: "Behind everything, political influence is unavoidable, especially here in the capital... Anyway, father, please rest assured that the siege and suppression of Wuyoudong will be carried out, but the scale will not be too large .”

Lin Yuanjing was a little dazed: "But now the news is spreading like wildfire, it's imperative! I wonder if all the imperial guards from the Beijing camp are going to be dispatched!"

Li Yan continued to be helpless: "It is precisely because of this that it will be an anticlimactic encirclement and suppression. If you really want to do something practical, it is not such a trend. The current trend has already been taken advantage of by people with good intentions!"

Lin Yuanjing sighed: "I understand when you say that... Is there another party struggle?"

Li Yandao: "Actually, it's more serious than party disputes. In any case, it's good for my father to maintain his previous attitude. Don't overly participate, and don't deliberately avoid it. During this process, you can also select a group of more motivated imperial troops and train them. "

Lin Yuanjing felt that this requirement was a bit high, but he couldn't show weakness in front of his son, so he immediately raised his chest: "Okay!"

What Li Yan was talking about was just a little more active fishing. He thought it was simple enough. After talking about it, he thought for a while and said, "Is father familiar with the coach of the Yuquan Gym?"

Lin Yuanjing showed respect: "How can you not recognize such a hero as Mr. Zhou? When we were young, we used to compete. I was slightly better than the marksmanship alone, but other weapons were far from Mr. Zhou's opponent. He was eighteen years old. He is proficient in all kinds of martial arts, much better than me..."

Speaking of this, Lin Yuanjing stroked his beard and said with a smile: "If you hadn't been so talented, I originally planned to ask you to worship the head coach Zhou as your teacher. If you gather the elders of the two families, you may be able to carry forward my Lin family's marksmanship."

Li Yan nodded slightly: "Father can also walk around with the Yuquan Gym in his spare time. The Lu Junyi who was brought back from the injury just now came to Bianjing from the Daming Mansion to learn art from a teacher..."

Lin Yuanjing suddenly felt that he was about to get busy, nodded and said, "I see, I should move around more."

The two chatted about some chores at home, and then Li Yan left.

Back in his room, a golden and black light and shadow swept into his arms, he smiled, picked up Xiao Hei, and began to happily pet the cat.

While stroking the cat, Xiao Hei's paws were still scratching, continuing to complete the map of Wuyou Cave.

During this period of time, Shi Qian has been wandering the streets and alleys of Bianjing, inquiring about news, and at the same time beginning to set up eyeliners, developing towards a regular intelligence officer.

Xiao Hei's task is to wander in Wuyou Cave. At this time, among the three rumors in the cave, the black beast has surpassed the other two, and it has become a nightmare for the thieves in Wuyou Cave.

And looking at the more complete map of Wuyou Cave, Li Yan said sincerely: "If the officials in the court have some hard work from you, the world will be much better."

Xiao Hei raised his neck proudly.

Li Yan took care again: "However, you can't go deeper into the next core area. I killed too much before, and now most of the thieves are hiding from the periphery back to the core area, and Wuwozi arranged Jinhua Mountain inside. With the Blood Talisman Formation, there must be a lot of ghostly weapons on him, so you can't be an enemy head-on."

Xiao Hei meowed to show that he understood, then stretched out his paw and scratched an area on the map.

Li Yan praised: "That's right, so what if the thieves retreat from the outside and retreat to the area with formations? People always have to eat and drink. Once the food transportation is cut off, how long can the beggars and beggars last? Even if they There is no humanity, willing to kill each other, and it cannot be maintained for a long time..."

His eyes looked at the ground, as if penetrating through the soil, and fell into the layer upon layer, like a ghost world: "Wuyoudong is like a special city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. In fact, the road of breaking grain is the most efficient solution." Method……"

"It's just that this is easier said than done. We have prepared for so long to make it possible to implement this tactic. It is indeed difficult for others to do it."

"Even now, with the two of us alone, there are not enough manpower."

Xiao Hei meowed, and quickly drew a figure like a stick.

Li Yandao: "Shi Qian is not good at fighting head-on, and he can't help you in an environment like Wuyoudong, but I just met a very talented young man. It can be called the first in the world..."

Thinking of something interesting, the corners of his mouth raised: "Wuyoudong has met people who use guns and knives, but haven't you met people who use sticks? It's time for them to learn more!"

(End of this chapter)

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