Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 553 Lin Chong: I really have no experience in dealing with the Queen Mother, but why do peop

Chapter 553 Lin Chong: I really have no experience in dealing with the Queen Mother, but why do people always want to hear it?

"Brother, let me ask you clearly. It was Imperial Physician Xue from the Imperial Hospital who was killed. The current news from the Kaifeng government office is related to his concubine."

After eating and drinking enough, everyone enjoyed a few operas in Huixian Tower, during which Shi Qian disappeared, and when he returned, he had already investigated the general situation of the case.

Li Yan was a little surprised: "Your eyeliner has developed into the Kaifeng government office so quickly?"

Shi Qian said: "It's not considered eyeliner, it's just spreading news, no one cares at all."

Li Yan laughed: "That's right, they don't think it's a big deal, they don't pay too much attention to information... Regarding this Imperial Physician Xue, I want to hear about the specific situation between him and the palace."

Shi Qian immediately said: "Okay, I'll go and inquire."

This man disappeared without a sound, and when he came back, all the diners in the building didn't even notice his coming and going: "Brother, that imperial doctor Xue is the most respected doctor in the imperial hospital. It is said that the queen mother trusts him the most Every time I take the prescription, I feel that the medicine will cure the disease, while other imperial doctors’ prescriptions are not effective.”

Li Yan's eyes flashed sternly: "That seems right... Thank you for your hard work, let's sit down!"

After Shi Qian sat down, Li Yan looked at An Daoquan: "How many follow-up cases do you have?"

An Daoquan made the calculations and said, "About forty or fifty cases."

Li Yandao: "In the future, don't accept this kind of follow-up cases. Prescribe prescriptions if you can. If it is inconvenient, transfer them to other medical centers."

An Daoquan's face changed slightly: "Brother, is there something similar to Yongjia County King?"

Li Yandao: "This time it's not much more serious than Yongjia County King... When necessary, you may have to go out for a while and come back when the dust settles, but it's just a precautionary measure, and nothing may happen. In any case, since we have opened a clinic, we must be responsible for the patients, and we cannot delay their illness by leaving suddenly."

An Daoquan nodded again and again: "I understand, I just listen to my brother."

Li Yan said: "Let's continue to watch the play."

After the opera in Huixian Tower ended, they picked up a lot of favorite food to take away, and the group returned home happily.

After seeing off An Daoquan, Jiang Jing and Shi Qian, Li Yan and Lu Junyi returned to the front of the house, and saw a figure in a scarlet robe waiting outside from a distance, Lu Junyi wondered: "Isn't that Judge Gongsun?"

Li Yan's eyes moved slightly: "You go to the martial arts field first, and I will come back later."

Lu Junyi stepped forward to salute with fists in his arms, and after the two remained, Gongsun Zhao said a little embarrassedly: "Brother, I have something to ask..."

Li Yandao: "You're welcome, I'll definitely help if I can."

Gongsun Zhaodao: "Just now, Miracle Doctor Xue from the Imperial Hospital was murdered by his concubine. After interrogation, it has been confirmed that there are culprits behind the scenes."

"This Miracle Doctor Xue knows the Empress Dowager's condition best, and also has the Empress Dowager's trust the most. The purpose of murdering Miracle Doctor Xue at this time is self-evident."

"In this way, I can't trust the other imperial doctors in the imperial hospital. Fortunately, my elder brother is here. With my elder brother's medical skills, I may be able to cure the empress dowager and break the conspiracy of the thieves!"

Li Yandao: "My acupuncture method is more inclined to heal injuries than to treat diseases. It stimulates the potential of the human body. The reason why people praise it is because my acupuncture works faster, but I don't know that it is strong when it is strong, and weak when it is weak."

"A person with a strong physique, like Lu Junyi, can quickly recover from such a serious injury. A person with a weak physique will not have immediate results. I have other methods, but generally speaking, it is still Dr. An's. The medical technique is more formal, and mine belongs to folk remedies."

"Even if I cooperate with Dr. An, I can't completely cure the queen mother's condition. The two county kings were killed, and the court gradually lost control. These are her heart problems. No matter how clever the doctor is, there is no way to change her. Feeling……"

"The most important thing is, if the two folk doctors cured the Queen Mother, what will happen in the future, have you thought about it?"

Gongsun Zhao's pupils contracted, and he immediately realized: "I didn't think carefully, and I can't do anything to treat the Queen Mother!"

Li Yandao: "It's not absolutely impossible to do it, but when it comes to a queen mother of a country, the relationship between them is not simply a doctor and a patient."

"If An Daoquan and I are treating the Empress Dowager, if you can't be cured, you will be unlucky as the recommender. If you are cured, there will be no good things..."

"First of all, the empress dowager's hospital has no face left. The queen dowager trusts imperial doctor Xue so much, which has created some conflicts invisibly. Now that imperial doctor Xue has been killed, other imperial doctors finally saw a chance to make a difference, but an outsider cured the empress dowager. Then where is their reputation? We must find ways to target them halfway.”

"Secondly, if someone really wants to attack the Empress Dowager, if the plan fails, will they use other methods? What if the Empress Dowager falls ill again soon?"

"There are not a few cases in which imperial doctors were implicated in the death of members of the royal family in the past dynasties. What's more, private doctors, if something happens to the empress dowager in the future, they don't need to find others. The responsibility will definitely be thrown."

"So things like this should actually be avoided. If you rush to get involved, it will often be thankless."

Gongsun Zhao broke out in cold sweat: "It's my wishful thinking!"

Li Yandao: "I know you have good intentions, but if you want to stop the culprit's conspiracy, you can't just find a genius doctor who can save people. It's easy to hurt and difficult to protect. You still have to find the culprit. How did Imperial Doctor Xue get killed? "

Gongsun Zhaodao: "I have just interrogated that concubine. Miracle Xue has suffered from headaches in recent years, and the pain has become more and more painful. He always takes sleeping medicine before going to bed. This concubine took this opportunity to use a special A silver needle pierced his celestial spirit and killed him."

Li Yan raised his brows: "Sharp nails into the brain? This modus operandi is specially designed to deal with the autopsy done by you..."

The technique of piercing the brain with long nails has similar stories in "Di Gong's Case", "Bao Gong's Case" and "Shi Gong's Case", and some people even imitated it in later generations, but the earliest source is "Zhe Prison Turtle Mirror" in the Song Dynasty The "Double Nails Case".

This case is very exciting. It is said that a man died, and his wife said that she had a sudden illness, but the officials who investigated the case found that the man looked different, and suspected that the woman murdered her husband, but the wound could not be found after examination.

After an investigator, Li Xu, returned home, he told his wife about the incident. His wife "searched and found it, and it should be verified." A big nail stuck in his head", and the case was solved.

However, after an official heard what had happened, he first rewarded the Lixu, and then brought Lixu's wife for interrogation. It was found that this woman had killed her ex-husband in a similar way, and the two cases were convicted together. The source of various subsequent versions, the double nail case.

Li Yan analyzed: "This method is both cruel and covert. If the prisoner's psychology is strong enough to not reveal his flaws, it is really difficult to determine the cause of death on the premise that Doctor Xue himself has a headache."

"Fortunately, Judge Gongsun came forward, otherwise, if another judge pushed the judge, Imperial Doctor Xue would die unjustly."

"It's very difficult for an ordinary woman to do such a murderous thing. Does this concubine have a background, and for what benefit, did she murder the people around her?"

Gongsun Zhao replied: "The concubine, Xi Nu, was originally a lady from Taoyaofang in Xiaotianshui Lane. She was redeemed by Miracle Doctor Xue and brought back to the mansion. Seeing that Miracle Doctor Xue's health was deteriorating, she was afraid that she would not be able to find anything after his death, and that she would get a promise from the thief. After the matter is completed, give a hundred gold, and then kill the killer."

Compared with literati and poets, who like to make up some stories about performing arts without selling themselves, getting out of mud but not staining, Li Yan has never had a good impression of brothels.

The woman who was sold into the brothel was very pitiful, but that environment would really turn people into ghosts, he said coldly: "Check this Taoyaofang carefully, Xi Nu may be ruthless, but she will not rely on nothing for nothing. Believe in other people's promises, the thieves want to use her hands to murder Master Xue, they need someone to win their trust, Taoyaofang is very suspicious."

Gongsun Zhao had been thinking about the Empress Dowager's condition before, but now he regained his composure, and made a similar judgment: "The thief has shown his feet, I will search Taoyaofang, follow the clues, and catch him!"

Li Yandao: "For now, what is the motive of the murderer you analyzed?"

Gongsun Zhao opened his mouth, and the thought in his mind became more and more intense, but he dared not say it out: "Brother, I definitely didn't deliberately hide it from you, but this matter is too big to implicate others..."

Li Yan said with understanding: "But you can't bear the heavy burden alone. We saw you leave in Huixian Tower before, and everyone was very worried. You can choose what you can say."

Gongsun Zhao was very touched, and took a deep breath and said, "From the murder of the county king, we have analyzed a lot, first of all, it is a personal enmity, and then it is the deterrence of recruiting security in Wuyoudong, but now I will look at these cases again, maybe the case It's not that complicated, it could be a very pure motive, but just happened to meet other coincidences, which increased the difficulty of solving the case..."

Li Yan suddenly said: "I understand what you mean. The death of the county king undoubtedly hit the queen mother the hardest, and the murderer's target is also the queen mother?"

Pain flashed in Gongsun Zhao's eyes: "Yes, now the killing of Miracle Doctor Xue further proves my guess. The murderer wanted to kill, from the beginning to the end, it was my queen mother of Song Dynasty. The relatives are the sharp weapons to hit the queen mother's body, and the imperial doctor is to stop the queen mother The method of recovery is too vicious..."

Li Yandao: "Your analysis is not unreasonable, how does the Empress Dowager treat you now?"

Gongsun Zhao's face was ugly: "The queen mother didn't know who I was before, and she gave the scarlet robe before because of the death of the county king. Thinking of my role as a judge, the murderer has not been caught so far, so the queen mother is naturally very dissatisfied , when I was recruited into the palace the day before yesterday, I was scolded for a long time..."

Li Yan looked at him.

Gongsun Zhao understood the meaning of this look.

Is such a stupid and selfish queen mother who has no ability to control the court and is unwilling to delegate power worth maintaining?
But after only a little hesitation, Gongsun Zhao said in a deep voice: "I am the magistrate of the Kaifeng government office, and I assume the responsibility in my position. I am not protecting the Queen Mother, but the majesty of the Song Dynasty. How can I let the thieves succeed?"

Li Yan nodded: "I admire your persistence. It just so happens that there have been a lot of news in the streets and alleys recently. I have some follow-up experience on how to deal with the Queen Mother. It is still just an idea on paper. You can't believe what a family says. Do you want to hear it?"

"Brother is too modest. Without your guidance, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to pass the test of the queen mother. Where would I have this scarlet robe? Of course I want to hear it!"

Gongsun Zhao was very energetic and listened attentively.


The door to the new world opened to him again.

One after another, they kept opening.

(End of this chapter)

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