Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 604 "Murder of Tai Students"

Chapter 604 "Murder of Tai Students"

"Too learned."

Outside the Suzaku Gate, Li Yan looked towards the Xiqing Courtyard on the east of the Imperial Street, where the highest school of the Northern Song Dynasty, Taixue, was located.

To be precise, Taixue was the highest national institution in ancient China. When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty adopted Dong Zhongshu's "Three Strategies of Heaven and Man" and "May Your Majesty promote Taixue and set up wise teachers to support the people of the world", it was established in Chang'an, Beijing. Taixue was established.

In the Tang Dynasty, Taixue belonged to the six schools of the second hall and six schools, and was not as good as the second hall. In the Song Dynasty, the Taixue began to prosper, and at the same time recruiting personnel was no longer limited to the children of officials, but also recruited outstanding civilian children. There are more than [-] students.

At this time, Li Yan and Ding Run walked into the school together, and the students they met along the way were mostly dressed in broad robes and belts, and wearing tall and pointed bachelor's hats, showing some condescension to the two out of place outsiders. Examine the eyes.

Ding Run looked tired, and walked with steps that his relatives did not recognize. Li Yan also did not take it seriously. The thought hall in his mind appeared more than [-] years ago, and the brilliance of Jiayou's Jinshi list in the second year of Jiayou appeared.

The No. [-] list in the Song Dynasty was too out of the circle, and it was hailed as the most star-studded list in the history of the imperial examination. It was only the extremely famous people, including Su Shi who was [-] years old at the time, Su Zhe who was [-] years old, and both Tang and Song Dynasties. Zeng Gong of the Eight Great Masters, Wang Shao of Xihe Kaibian, Cheng Hao and Chengxi brothers of the second course of Neo Confucianism, Zhang Zai of Hengqu Siju, Lu Huiqing, Zhang Dun and Zeng Bu, the three core members of the Wang Anshi Reform Movement, etc., as for high school Zhang Heng, the champion, is Zhang Dun's nephew, but no one knows him...

And the chief examiner of that list is Ouyang Xiu, so many talents can be produced, which is not unrelated to this Tianxia Wenzong.

Ouyang Xiu also failed the list twice in his early years, not because of his lack of education, but because he was harmed by the "Xikun style" that emphasizes gorgeousness and empty content.

Later, Fan Zhongyan reformed the imperial examinations, and the wind of establishing schools all over the country flourished. At the same time, he promoted the retro style, so that "Xikun style" was no longer respected, but the retro style was overdone, and "Tai Xue style" appeared again.

This style of writing is an examination writing style specially created by candidates in order to win the attention of examiners. It often deviates from the subject of the examination.

"Xikun style" is too rigid, and "Taixue style" is too unconventional, each goes to extremes, and they don't speak human words anyway.

When it came to Ouyang Xiu, he attacked "Xikun style" and "Taixue style" together, vigorously praised the ancient prose style left by Han Yu, and asked to speak in human terms and not to talk in general. A Jinshi.

It's not just catching up, but because of the change in the examiner's requirements, people with real talents stand out and explode like a blowout.

Even now, including the prime ministers Zhang Dun and Zeng Bu, there are quite a few high-ranking officials from that subject in the court, but Zhang Dun is not on that list because his ranking is lower than that of his nephew Zhang Heng. , the proud Zhang Dun couldn't accept it, so he gave up his fame in a fit of anger, and took the exam again in the next session, and he was satisfied when he won the fifth place in the first class, and he was satisfied and officially became a Jinshi.

Another interesting thing about that exam was that the [-]-year-old Su Shi failed in his poetry and prose except for the fabricated allusions he "taken for granted".

This incident is quite funny, but it seems normal. After all, Su Shi is not good at rhyme. Later, Li Qingzhao also wrote in "Ci Lun" that Su Shi "reads poems that are not broken" and "does not harmonize with rhythm". Just think again, Su Shi Failure to write poetry is magical after all.

Of course, behind the bright stars and the emergence of all kinds of famous talents in history, no one paid attention to them at all, and the ones who were hurt the most were the Tai students who had practiced "Tai Xue Ti" for many years.

This is equivalent to the sea of ​​questions for many years in the later generations, and finally the syllabus of the college entrance examination is changed, so why not explode in place?
The student who failed the exam was furious and went to block Ouyang Xiu's door.

Ouyang Xiu didn't care about his temper at all, and the trouble was left behind, and the "Tai Xue Style" also disappeared in history.

From this incident, it can actually be seen that although the Taixue of the Song Dynasty was the highest institution of learning in the country, it did not possess an absolute dominance in teaching. Academies and schools sprung up all over the country, which was greatly divided. The educational resources of government schools, compared with the monopoly of places in the second hall and six schools in the Tang Dynasty, is undoubtedly the progress of the times.

Of course, this does not mean that Taixue is not at its peak. After all, it is the highest institution supported by the state. Even before Huizong’s third expansion and the abolition of imperial examinations to obtain Taixue, its overall scale is far greater than other local academies.

The students I met along the way were all very energetic and had ruddy complexions. After all, all the food was provided by Taixue, so there was no need to worry about three meals a day, just concentrate on studying and learning.

It’s just that there are quite a few people with panic expressions, whispering to each other about the murder: “So many vegetarians were killed…” “Why is ‘Zuo Ming’ so arrogant?” Look, does that traitor dare to take my life!"

Li Yan listened for a moment, and said: "It seems that this case has caused a certain panic in the Taixue, no wonder Judge Ding is so anxious."

Ding Run curled his lips and said: "The life of the Taixue is precious. This case has already attracted attention. The officials and several ministers have strict orders, ordering us to arrest the murderer quickly, so as to fix the heart of the Taixue!"

Li Yan asked: "What about the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple?"

Ding Run said: "Let's not talk about the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple, even the Imperial City Division is eyeing this case, and they all want to grab credit. If 'Zuo Ming' can be caught, then the official family will be very happy, but the case is difficult. I don't think they can do it, but if I can invite Mr. Lin to come here, my chances will be greatly increased..."

Li Yan thought of Gao Qiu's visit before, and he had an idea, and said: "Judge Ding is too famous, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to catch that 'Zuo Ming'."

Ding Run lowered his voice and said: "To tell the truth, Mr. Lin, in my opinion, the murderer may not be 'Zuo Ming'. He is the murderer who wants to rebel. How many students are here to kill? Hey, it's just these students who are self-righteous. Life is very precious, so it is unanimously determined that it is 'Sa Ming'!"

Li Yan nodded slightly: "Judge Ding's words are not unreasonable..."

The two talked all the way, and finally arrived at the door of the school, and saw an old man with a clear face waiting in front of the door.

This is a Doctor of Imperial Studies from the eighth rank. Although he is a small official in green robes, when he looked at Ding Run, the magistrate of the Kaifeng Mansion, he looked at him faintly with his nose, and reluctantly saluted, revealing his noble arrogance: " Judge Ding, the old man has been waiting here for a long time!"

Ding Run returned the gift with a smile: "Dr. Yu's voice is loud and strong, and you are leading the way again, so I can rest assured!"

The doctor didn't quite understand it, but Li Yan thought that his mouth was really bad. Ding Run's implication was that another old doctor would lead the way, in case the other doctor would fall down halfway, and this person should be stronger. Not to die in front of you.

Although Dr. Yu didn't understand the yin and yang, but he didn't like Ding Run who was full of quackery, so he looked at Li Yan: "Who is this?"

Ding Run introduced: "This is Mr. Lin Chong Lin. He helped the Kaifeng government to solve the case and arrest the murderer, and wiped out the Wuyou Cave. He is a well-known talent in the capital."

Dr. Yu was a little surprised at first, Ding Run's tone seemed to be based on this one, and after thinking about the name, his expression eased: "I have heard for a long time that Lin Erlang resigned from office and regards fame and wealth as dung. He is a virtuous man of our generation. Thinking that Judge Ding invited Lin Erlang here."

Li Yandao: "Dr. Yu is too polite. It is my wish to arrest and punish the evil, and I should do my part."

Dr. Yu stroked his beard and said, "Come with me!"

The two walked through the long school dormitory and came to the dormitory at the back.

The old site of Taixue was originally in Guozijian. During the Renzong period, the country established the school and the number of students increased. The place of Guozijian was too small, so Taixue moved to Xiqingyuan.

Then in the Shenzong Dynasty, Taixue further expanded the enrollment scale and incorporated Chaojiyuan next to Xiqingyuan. Now the three of them arrived at the school building of the original Chaojiyuan.

"Brother Shaoyang, Brother Zhongwu, Brother all died so badly! Woooooo!"

"'Zuo Ming' is a thief, if you don't kill it, it won't be enough to calm the anger of the common people!"

"Venuity is so high that you are so talented, you have never opened your arms in your life..."

But before entering, the sound of wailing and reciting poems and prose could be heard from far away. When we got inside, we saw more than a dozen imperial students, paying homage to the dead while having a banquet, drinking with grief and anger sing.

Very dining atmosphere.

Seeing that Dr. Taixue led people in, they put away their unrestrained posture, stood up and saluted together: "Dr. Yu!"

Dr. Yu glanced at a young man with a handsome face: "Defu, come here!"

That Shaolang stepped forward, Dr. Yu first introduced Li Yan and Ding Run, and then said: "This Zhao Defu is one of the people who witnessed it, you may as well ask him if you have anything."

Shaolang said: "My servant, Zhao Mingcheng, whose name is Defu, has met Judge Ding and Mr. Lin Lang."

Hearing this name, Li Yan couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

I also mentioned Li Qingzhao's evaluation of Su Shi earlier. Isn't this Li Qingzhao's husband Zhao Paopao?

His future escape by abandoning the city indirectly contributed to the eternal masterpiece: Live as a hero, and die as a ghost.So far, I miss Xiang Yu and refuse to cross Jiangdong.

Of course, the nineteen-year-old Zhao Mingcheng will only meet Li Qingzhao at this year's Lantern Festival, so he naturally doesn't know that he will be ashamed and sick from being ridiculed by his wife's famous novels through the ages. .

Taixue adopts the teaching system of divided rooms, "Eighty rooms are set up, and the room can accommodate [-] people". Choose a monitor.

And Ding Run said: "The seven dead in this case are all the head of the fast. You once gathered a crowd to have a banquet and scolded 'Zuo Ming'. At night, you saw a man in a broad robe and iron face appearing. You found out the next morning. Is it true that they were beheaded in the house?"

Zhao Mingcheng's eyes were red, and he nodded heavily: "That's right, it was me who was loyal and courageous, and was revenged by that traitor!"

Ding Run said: "The identity of the murderer in this case was judged by someone who witnessed it. In the school dormitory, I saw a man in a broad robe and iron face appearing. He was dressed as 'Sa Ming'."

"And the only one who died was the one who cursed at 'Zuo Ming'. The other nearby houses were all safe and sound, and no sound was heard. The imperial guards guarding Taixue didn't even notice it. It can be seen that the murderer came and went without a trace, and his martial arts were extremely strong."

"Mr. Lin, do you have any questions?"

Li Yandao: "Let's take a look at the scene first, and ask Mr. Zhao to lead the way."

Zhao Mingcheng's expression changed slightly: "Am I going too?"

Li Yandao: "Dr. Yu is a doctor of Taixue, the responsibility is here, so I accompany you. You are one of the witnesses. You can provide clues for us to track down the murderer, so that the deceased will have revenge and rest in peace. I hope Mr. Zhao will not refuse." .”

Zhao Mingcheng squeezed out a firm look on his face: "Okay! Okay!"

After the other students looked at each other, they quickly came to the house where they stayed, and saw the officials and servants from the Kaifeng government office, Dali Temple and the Ministry of punishment.

Compared with the accommodation environment in the Tang Dynasty, it is cleaner and tidy, but the place has not become larger. After all, compared with Chang'an, Bianjing is too crowded. Live in a spacious room.

In this way, the splattered blood marks formed by the blood on the ground are even more shocking. Even after the corpse has been disposed of, there is still a bloody smell lingering in the room.

And Li Yan looked at the books everywhere in the room, as well as the thick diaries scattered on the desk: "The Li Xu who handled the case before, have you checked all these books and diaries?"

Ding Run immediately shook his head when he heard the words: "The four deceased have a lot of books. If we read them all, when will we get them?"

Li Yan thought for a while, stepped forward, picked up a thick diary, and flipped through it.

 Thanks to book friends "Phoenix Feather Dancer", "Meow Chirp", "Rogeotarifos" and "Mountain Dweller" for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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