Chapter 62 Promotion
Prince Li Hong is back.

Around Chenshi, that is, at eight o'clock in the morning, he got off work.

It can't be said that he is completely off work, and then he can still handle political affairs in Shaoyang Yuan, and a set of political affairs team serving the prince will start to operate.

The crown prince's uterus was originally a relatively autonomous place, and the crown prince even had an independent government team in the imperial city, so he didn't have to ask the emperor for instructions on everything.

Of course, it also depends on the person. Li Zhi trusted Li Hong very much and asked him to supervise the country many times to cultivate his ability to govern. Only then did Li Hong have great autonomy.

Replaced by Li Longji in the back, if the prince dared to try this way, he would die if he tried.

But this time when he returned to the palace, the princess came out dressed in men's clothing. The prince was not surprised, and held his wife's hand with a smile.

One of the two is sick, the other is full of energy, but they have a strange sense of fit when they stand together.

As a result, Li Yan, who was helpless at first, was fed a mouthful of dog food, and his mood became even worse.

After entering the main hall, the crown prince was in a very good mood, and his voice rose for the first time: "Today, brother agreed with my tiào theory."

Li Yan was stunned first, Li Hong was the eldest among the four sons born to Empress Wu, where did he come from?
But immediately he understood that the elder brother's name was Li Zhi, which was the most intimate name for his children in private.

People in Tang Dynasty called their father, and the intimate name is Aye, which is actually a homonym of Aye.

Calling grandpa is weird enough, but in "Mulan Poetry", it is also the father and mother who heard about the daughter, from the Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and the most speechless one is called elder brother.

In Li Shimin's letter to Li Zhi, he signed his brother. Li Longji called Li Dan the fourth brother, and his son called him the third brother.

If you say that, I will only feel sorry for Brother~Brother~, I am still a filial son during this period!
And Li Yan was also attracted by the prince's words, because the prince continued: "This summer, due to the rain in Guanzhong, the crops may not be harvested. The grain stored in the warehouse should be sold at a fair price to prevent the people from starving."

Li Yan had heard that he was worried about the harvest in Guanzhong before, and now seeing that he put it into practice, not just empty words, he couldn't help but praise: "Your Highness is kind and gentle."

"The cheap grain will hurt the farmers, and the expensive rice will starve the poor to death. It's not easy for the common people!"

The crown prince sighed, and turned to Li Yan and said, "The struggle in Bianzhou is dangerous. If there are no internal guards who work hard to serve the country, it will be even more difficult to prevent foreign enemies from infiltrating. This time Liulang has made a great contribution!"

He said seriously: "Li Yan accepts the order!"

Li Yan immediately got up and came to the hall, and saw the prince take out the imperial decree, and tried to raise his voice: "Li Yan, Lieutenant of Renyong, is a man of great stature and martial arts. Captain!"

After he finished reading, he breathed a sigh of relief, and came to Li Yan: "Congratulations Liulang!"

Li Yan received the order with both hands: "Thank you, Shengen!"

He was actually a little disappointed in his heart. With such a great contribution, he was only promoted to an external position, so why can't the internal guard be promoted?
But thinking about Qiu Ying's hints along the way, it seems that it is really impossible for him to be promoted to the opportunity immediately.

There is no way, his credit is definitely enough, even overflowing, but he is too young.

For a normal person to become an official, it is considered young to start at the age of [-]. Li Yan was only in his teens, and he had already retired and entered an official position.

He is also highly skilled in martial arts and in good health, so he can live a normal life of seventy or eighty without any problem.

Just imagine that at this time, he has the opportunity to train his subordinates. In a few decades, how far will he expand?
Therefore, if you are a teenager, you will often be suppressed.

Of course, in order not to chill the hearts of heroes, the second sage is not stingy when it comes to the ranks of scattered officials.

Captain Renyong and Captain Zhenwei are both captains, but the gap is too great.

Captain Zhenwei is from the sixth rank.

This grade does not sound high, but you can give a few examples of the same grade.

Wai Lang, Tong Shi She Ren, and the county magistrate of Shangxian County.

Wailang, an examiner of the Ministry of Officials, is the chief examiner of the imperial examination and is eligible to participate in the selection of the Ministry of Officials;
Tongshi Sheren is the middle-level backbone of the Zhongshu Province, known as the prime minister's deputy;

Not to mention the magistrate of Shangxian County, one side is the Ming government, and the other side is the parent official.

County Magistrate Cui took refuge in Tubo and became a traitor, and only then did he get the push from the forces behind him to take the position of county magistrate. After less than three months, he took poison and committed suicide.

Of course, the above-mentioned official positions with real power are far from being comparable to mere military officials, and it is absolutely impossible for a teenager to become one.

Now at least in terms of official products, everyone is equal.

Li Yan comforted himself, and saw the prince and princess who had returned to their seats looking at him with piercing eyes, and suddenly came to his senses.

at last……

Is it my turn?
Dance to thank God!

He took a deep breath and started dancing.

Due to the stiffness all over his body, it seemed like a mechanical dance at first.

But mechanical dancing is absolutely not appreciated in this era, so Li Yan simply gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and let go of the dance.

It doesn't matter whether it's slow or not, house dance, national style, street dance, square dance, Xinbaodao, all of them are possessed by the soul at this moment.

Because there are too many elements and the action is too magical, the prince looked stupid at first.

The princess was also stupid.

But she is the daughter of a general after all, so she reacted faster, and said: "How can there be dancing but no music, too often, play music!"

As soon as this remark came out, the musicians waiting in the corridor immediately played elegant music with melodious bells and chimes.

After suffering from these musicians, he needs to perform on the spot, matching his dancing posture that combines eighteen kinds of dancing skills.

But Tang people really like singing and dancing, no matter how hard it is to deserve it, for a while, the inside and outside of the hall are still festive and lively.

Everyone was smiling, only Li Yan felt more ashamed.

Finally, when he was done, the prince couldn't help it, and asked curiously, "Is this Liangzhou dance music?"

What happened to Liangzhou?

Li Yan read the meaning from the prince's eyes, and hurriedly said: "This is what the official listened to Liangzhou music, and suddenly felt something, which made His Highness laugh."

The prince has received professional training, and he tried hard to hold back his laughter: "Liulang is being modest, it's really a good dance, a good dance, it opened my eyes... Take "Yaoshan Yucai"."

Not long after, three volumes of exquisite books were placed in front of Li Yan, and the crown prince smiled and said, ""Yaoshan Yucai" is a collection of essays written by the famous Confucianist Xiu Caile. , as a gift to Yuanfang."

Li Yan accepted the gift happily: "Thank you, Your Highness!"

The complete set of "Yaoshan Yucai" consists of [-] volumes. It is written by Li Zhiming, Xu Jingzong, Xu Yu (yǔ) teacher, Shangguanyi, Yang Sijian and other famous Confucians in the world. The world is to buy the hearts of literati.

Sure enough, as soon as the book was published, the prince was highly praised at home and abroad, and all the literati who participated in the compilation of the book were rewarded, and everyone was very happy.

At this time, the prince took out the fine book and donated the book, which was an extremely intimate move with great political significance.

What is Donggong confidant?
Tactical back!

"With this book, fame in Chang'an is almost a certainty."

According to Li Yan's understanding, if he finds out the truth about the haunting incident in the crown prince's womb, it's normal for the crown prince to give books.

But now the prince directly sent out the reward in advance. I have to say that the way things are done is really generous.

The person in the flower sedan chair carried the person, and the other party gave him face, and Li Yan also reciprocated, and his enthusiasm for work soared.

The prince just asked, "Liulang, do you have any suspicions about the manipulator behind the ghosts in the palace?"

Li Yan can't say that I have three hundred suspects, but he can kill Conan, and immediately said: "Your Highness is kind and gentle, and all the servants in the palace are loyal and admirable, so don't worry."

He really can't let the crown prince's uterus mess around, so as not to make the case more difficult to track down, but he also wants to give the crown prince hope: "I think that the key to this case is likely to fall on the birth date of the spiritual seat..."

The prince was thoughtful: "Is it the birthday of the spiritual seat?"

Li Yan's eyes lit up: "Have you ever thought of something, Your Highness? No matter what it is, it may become a clue!"

However, the prince was silent for a moment, but shook his head: "Nothing..."

Li Yan's heart tightened: "It won't involve any secret affairs in the palace, right?"

The court of the Tang Dynasty was originally in chaos, and there are still many false records in the later historical materials about this period.

The most typical example is Wu Zetian killing women.

"New Book of Tang" records that Wu Zetian sneaked into the bedroom, strangled his daughter to death, and planted it on the queen. Then the problem came, since Wu Zetian did this secretly, there is no such passage in the historical materials of the Tang Dynasty. According to records, after hundreds of years, why was it discovered by Song Chaoxiu's "New Book of Tang"?

Traveling through time and space, putting on an invisibility cloak, and recording it on the sidelines?
This kind of illogical black method belongs to the type of insulting IQ. Sadly, because it is very shocking, it has been widely cited by later generations.

And most of the things are still indistinguishable, and different historians have different opinions.

Li Yan is a student of history, but he didn't dare to say how much he knew about the affairs in the palace. Seeing that the Prince's expression was wrong, he couldn't help being more concerned.

What are detectives most afraid of?
I am most afraid that the client will not tell the truth!

"Prince, I'm sorry...let me see!!"

However, Li Yan has unique interrogation skills, and he started to use his talent on a whim.

A pair of invisible glasses rested on the bridge of the nose, and the cross bullseye aimed at the prince.

This prince, who is under one person and above ten thousand people, has a villain in his head.

Holding a big knife in his hand, the villain danced vigorously, slashing forward continuously, with deep-seated hatred on his face.

"Emotional Feedback—Hate!"

"The reasoning begins!"


(End of this chapter)

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