Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 626 Can you handle the hatred of 1 shot and 3 shots?

Chapter 626 Can you bear the hatred of three thousand guns?
"It's just trash!!"

Ding Run picked up the ebony stick and knocked the two disciples of Mingzun Sect who had sworn to their death into the air. He was so angry that he cursed.

Shi Qian came to report that Ming Zunjiao couldn't swallow this breath and would launch an attack directly, so he went to ask Wu Juhou for instructions, and then Wu Juhou transferred two hundred forbidden troops from the Beijing camp to guard the prison together.

This is normal. One of the most important tasks of the Forbidden Army is to guard the capital, and at the same time, it will also take on the responsibility of escorting serious criminals. But when Gongsun Zhao was in power, he used the fast-track archers brought out by himself. Ding Run still felt that He doesn't know how to manipulate others, and now he realizes that the younger brother is also wise!
When this group of idiots found out that the nearby military patrol houses were being attacked, they couldn't flinch no matter how Ding Run urged them.

After the enemy advances, they quickly retreat. Ding Run sees that something is wrong and tells them not to attack. The leader of the forbidden army leads a swarm of troops to chase them out in order to gain merit.

Then there was a fire all around, and the sound of drums came from the Bianhe River in the rear, and morale suddenly declined, and the formation collapsed.

This kind of mob-like forbidden army team not only did not bring help, but instead disrupted the original defense line of the Kaifeng government office. Originally relying on the advantages of terrain, not to mention that they would definitely be able to catch all the disciples of the Mingzun Sect who committed crimes in the future, at least it was a The undefeated situation suddenly showed defeat!

Sixty percent of the world's goods, five percent of the soldiers, finally raised such a bunch of waste, Ding Run was furious, but Lu Shinang was ecstatic: "Great opportunity! Beat the drum!!"

"Boom boom boom——"

The sound of the drum was even more urgent, one sound, one hammer, and it fell into everyone's hearts. The imperial guards were so shocked that their blood was floating, while the disciples of Ming Zun's sect heard their blood boil, and they all shouted: "Ming Wang came to the world, and all sentient beings will be relieved of suffering!! "

Outside a military patrol house in the distance, Suo Chao swung an ax and killed the last thief: "What should we do now?"

Zhu Wu walked out of the shop, his body covered in blood, he shook his head, Lu Junyi said bitterly: "These officers and soldiers are really incompetent, to let these evil cult thieves be so rampant!"

After Shi Qian notified all parties, Sui'an Academy troops were divided into two groups, Huarong, Zhang Shun, Jiang Jing, and An Daoquan guarded the academy, while Lu Junyi, Suo Chao, and Zhu Wu came to Kaifeng government office.

Needless to say, the former is guarding the house, since his elder brother is also in charge of the academy, so he is not worried at all. Lu Junyi and the three of them thought that they were only here to help out, and by the way get rid of a few thieves from the Mingzun sect who had escaped. Kill, now they will be the ones who flee.

Lu Junyi was beaten with more than two hundred killing sticks, and he didn't have a good impression of the Kaifeng government, and the only one he admired was Gongsun Zhao, who was wanted by the court again, and said in disgust: "Don't worry about it, let them fight, it's a waste that can't be helped! "

Zhu Wu was also very disappointed, not because of the incompetence of the officers and soldiers, but because if the fire burns down, the people nearby will suffer.

The tone of the last sentence was raised, full of surprises, because on the opposite side of the sky full of flames, a figure with a single gun came over as if breaking through layers of heat waves.

"Really are……"

Seeing this chaotic scene, Li Yan couldn't help but frowned, then his right arm muscles knotted and bulged, and he grabbed the end of the gun with five fingers.

The advantage of holding the pole like this is that the attack range of the Hanji spear suddenly expanded by half, and Li Yan's footsteps accelerated, and the spear was directly swung into the air, making a whining sound. Ming Zun taught disciples to fly when rubbed, to fall when knocked, and even a few of them were beaten into flesh and blood, dripping everywhere.

Such a terrifying killing method forcibly suppressed the aura of Ming Zunjiao, and then Li Yan's eyes scanned like lightning, and the divine light pierced through the darkness, piercing towards Master Lu's bag behind him, and shouted: : "Judge Ding! Capture the thief first and capture the king first!"

"Come the knife!"

Ding Run understood, he threw the ebony stick, and his confidant behind him handed over a treasured knife.

Ding Run didn't turn his head, and took it with his hand, only heard a clang, and at the same time as the knife was unsheathed, an arc of light flashed across the Mingjiao thief's neck.

First there was a thin red mark, from which a drop of blood seeped out, and in the next moment, the red mark expanded into a crack, and bright red blood spurted out.

But this blood flow rushing forward was actually the same beheaded blood flow on the other side, and the cross-hedging made the scene even more brutal and bloody.

And Ding Run rushed forward with a ghostly figure, swiping his knife all the way to kill, his movements were like clouds and flowing water, beheading seven or eight thieves in an instant, the blue robe was not stained with much blood, and the murderous intent was already evident on the brows .

"Lin Chong! Ding Run!"

Facing the two people rushing towards him from different directions, Lu Shinang recalled that day, when he happened to meet these two people who came to inquire about the situation in the courtyard, Monk Baoguang's evaluation was "One against two, Slightly reluctant"...

But as we can see now, although these two people do not have the terrifying force of domination like "Sa Ming", they are also the most first-class martial arts in the world. It is difficult for Monk Baoguang to win one-on-one. If the two join forces, it is estimated that within ten He was about to be killed, so he had no self-knowledge, no wonder he died tragically at the hands of "Zuo Ming".

Lu Shinang shook his head, waved away the distracting thoughts in his mind, and found that the surrounding atmosphere was dignified, he laughed eagerly and wisely: "The Zhao and Song courts are really incompetent, and they need two warriors to charge forward to save the crisis. In this battle, I will teach you Must win!"

These words not only eliminated the sense of oppression brought by the two powerful men, but also inspired people's hearts. Suddenly, the atmosphere changed. The congregation guarding Lu Shinang was originally a fanatic. , yelling and rushing up: "King Ming is born, all living beings will be relieved of suffering!!"

Behind them was the flames, and there were no officers and soldiers to support them. Li Yan and Ding Run walked firmly and ran into the cult army head-on.

"Shua! Shua! Shua—"

Ding Run's sword flashed, the wind was fierce, and his body was like a ghost. He seemed to be surrounded by it, but in fact he used exquisite body skills to move around, come and go suddenly, and constantly reduce the chance of being besieged by the enemy.

This is the tactics of the rivers and lakes.


Li Yan's fighting style is different again, his steps are in a straight line, approaching the past, what changes is the Hanji spear in his hand, which seems to be just a Lin family's spear technique, but in fact it is baring teeth and claws, twisting knots, tens of thousands of dragon beards are in full swing, It forms flying tassels, like a dragon, turning or leaping, vertical or diving!
Wherever the spear reaches, it will break through the strong when it meets the strong, and break through the strong when it encounters the strong. Even if the opponent wields a heavy ax or a long stick, there is no chance to block it at all. The long spear swung away, was knocked back, and then the point of the gun pierced into the chest with a puff, and it was retracted as soon as it was squeezed. When the blood spurted out, it had already killed the next thief.

"When this person arrives on the battlefield, he must be a peerless general who charges forward!"

When Ding Run witnessed this scene, he felt an unparalleled sense of power and oppression. As soon as he thought about it, he simply changed his strategy and swept behind Li Yan. During the rotation of the saber light, he became a little more defensive, blocking him from the dark place. The cold arrow.

Li Yan nodded: "Thank you!"

Ding Run said with a smile: "I should be thankful! If Mr. Lin didn't come to rescue me, I would lose face in the Kaifeng government office today!"

The two stopped talking, and the two arrows became one, but they were even more unstoppable, and there was no single enemy!
Seeing that the momentum of these two charges could not be suppressed, the two generals under Lu Shinang's command, Shen Ze and Shen Bian also rushed to the left and right, shouting: "Stop playing fierce!"

But before he had time to describe their appearance, Li Yan directly unfolded the Hanxing Soul Seizing Thorn.

This is not the Worriless Cave, and the ultimate move should not be too shocking, so the Hanji Spear did not turn into a quiet waterfall to wash away, but wisps of white mist condensed on the tip of the spear. The person's movements froze for a moment.

An instant is the separation between life and death. The Hanji gun adjusted its angle, and pierced the chests of Shen Ze and Shen Yan at the same time, killing the two future Jiangnan twelve gods, and the corpses even jumped on the gun. , and then rushed forward.

"Ah! He is not human!!"

This scene was truly unstoppable. Looking at the two dead bodies, the disciples of Mingzun couldn't suppress the panic in their hearts again, screaming and falling back.

And with the corpses all over the place, Li Yan's robe was inevitably stained with a lot of blood, but that person's shot, it really gave birth to an invincible power of pointing at the point of the gun, crying ghosts and gods, even Ding Run Everyone was terrified to see it, and pointed directly at Lu Shinang who was a hundred steps away: "Cult thief, take your life!!"

Feeling the earth-shattering killing intent, Lu Shinang's face changed: "How could it be!"

This situation is really ups and downs.

He originally thought that the government office was guarded by heavy soldiers, and all he could do was to create a big chaos, so that the people in the capital would continue to fear the power of the Mingzun Sect, so that he could explain to the bishop. There is a real possibility of winning the battle and breaking the administrative yamen of the capital.

In the end, the victory was finally in sight, and the appearance of a person pulled the Kaifeng judge Ding Run to counterattack directly, and turned the situation that was created with great difficulty, with his own strength!

"No! I don't believe it, you are also a human being, and you also have a moment when your strength is exhausted! King Ming came to the world, and all sentient beings will be relieved of suffering!!"

After all, Lu Shinang couldn't accept it, and knew that there was no way to retreat, so he gripped the Zhangba Snake Spear tightly, and roared to meet him.

He stabbed out with a spear, and unexpectedly met Han Ji's spear point accurately, the spear point and the spear head rubbed against each other to make a piercing sound, like a dragon and a snake intertwined, they were twisted together in an instant.

But before he could be proud of the ingenuity of this move, the blunt but sharp tip of the spear erupted with an all-conquering sharp light, crushing the spearhead directly...

The next moment, the astonished Lu Shinang met Li Yan's gaze, and felt the hatred of the other party, which turned into an incomparable spear wind, drowning his sight.

Can you bear the hatred of three thousand guns?
(End of this chapter)

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