Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 756 Wu Yong: This is what a qualified military adviser did!

Chapter 756 Wu Yong: This is what a qualified military adviser does!
"What do the elder brother and the military adviser think?"

Time was running out, and Gao Qiu and Cai Jing had to integrate all parties after they were in place. Li Yan only stayed in the Juyi Hall for less than half an hour before leaving and riding a lion horse north to Cangzhou.

But it was this short half hour that touched Wu Yong greatly.

Except for Han Jinsun who was absent-minded, the others also showed their thoughts. They had just sent this one away, and immediately gathered in front of Chao Gai and Wu Yong to inquire.

Chao Gai opened his mouth, and seemed to understand a lot for a while, but he couldn't say anything and looked at Wu Yong: "What do you think, the military adviser?"

Wu Yong put down his feather fan: "Mr. Lin is thinking about the overall situation of the war between the two countries, and all his words are based on this..."

He took a deep breath and began to translate in detail: "This time the Liao Kingdom's southward march, no matter what the banner is, is an invasion that actively tore up the covenant. The intention is to occupy the east of Hebei and then search for wealth!"

"If the newly enthroned Emperor Tianzuo is arrogant and arrogant, maybe he still wants to go to the city of Bianjing to complete the vision that the Empress Dowager Xiao of the Liao Kingdom and the Liao Shengzong failed to realize in the past!"

"The Liao people have the best iron cavalry. They are good at field battles and not good at attacking cities. The northern army must be stationed in the various castles and fortresses to resist the Liao people's attack. They have no time to take care of the outside of the city. The north of the Daming Mansion will naturally become a hunting ground for the Khitan. , all food and grass supplies come from it.”

"So it is useless to simply cut off the grain transportation routes of the Liao people. In the past, the [-] troops went deep into thousands of miles alone, all the way to the bottom of Chanyuan, and they were able to supply without hindrance. It is precisely because they ravaged the whole of Hebei, looted three feet, and massacred countless people. "

"Under this situation, Mr. Lin's training of the Township Corps obviously grasped the key point."

"If the army and the people in the major towns can unite as one and defend the city without hindrance, the Liao people will be defeated in the countryside, and they will be at a loss. This battle will be won."

"If the Northern Army has no guts and can make mistakes in defending the city, the Township Corps will have to accept orders in the face of danger and take on important military responsibilities. There is still a chance to turn defeat into victory in this battle."

Hearing this, Chao Gai was puzzled: "If the northern army is defeated, can mere township soldiers achieve great things?"

Lei Heng also said: "I'm afraid it's not as brave as the green forest heroes like me?"

"The key is discipline."

Wu Yongdao: "Perhaps killing a small number of local soldiers is indeed not as brave as the people in the green forest like me, but facing the regular army, the green forest strongmen are scattered, that is, the mob, but the rural soldiers are much easier to train... The best thing is that Mr. Lin first trains Cangzhou country soldiers."

Zhu Tongqi said: "What's the point? Isn't Cangzhou a border?"

Wu Yong reminded: "The terrain of Cangzhou is low and the depressions are vertical and horizontal, which is enough to stop the Liao people's desire to go south. But it is also because of this that Cangzhou has the largest population in Hebei prefectures and counties. The Liao people will definitely go there to plunder when they go south. food."

Chao Gai came to a sudden: "Facing a small number of enemy troops, the village soldiers can show their advantages. If they are defeated and their morale is demoralized, it will not be possible to talk about military training."

Wu Yong nodded: "That's right! A hundred years of peace, once a war starts, you can't expect too much morale. If you lose at the beginning, it is often a complete defeat, and there is no possibility of recovery. Only by fighting to nourish your spirit can you make your fighting spirit even higher. !"

"With Cangzhou Township Soldiers, we can train in Xiongzhou, Bazhou, Baozhou, Dingzhou, and even develop in the hinterland of Hebei."

"The same is true for our green forest. The Liao army must go to Sanguan, Dingzhou, and Baozhou to attack Hebei. If it goes to Hedong, it must go to Yanmen Pass. No matter which route it is, we must not confront the main force. It is necessary to attack in a detour and give full play to its own advantages."

"In the early stage, we must win in order to strengthen our confidence, call on the green forests from all over the world to echo each other, and finally form a general trend to compete with the Liao people!"

If Li Yan heard Wu Yong's conclusion, he would nod in relief, because this was the core purpose of his coming here.

He knew that Chao Gai would lead the green forest heroes to meet the Liao army, but he wanted to prevent these green forest heroes from rushing up and sending them off in waves.

Chao Gai had originally planned to beat the Liao dog hard and show off my prestige, but now he stopped thinking: "Then what we are doing is to take advantage of the terrain and encircle and suppress the small Liao army just like the village soldiers?"

Wu Yong originally only had tactical changes, but now he has a clear strategic intention: "It's different. The township soldiers use defense instead of attack to protect their hometown and prevent the plunder of the Liao army. We use offense instead of defense and guerrilla warfare form, and deal with the Liao people."

Li Yan emphasized the overall strategy, but did not specify detailed tactics, because he knew that Wu Yong knew the soldiers, and Wu Yong knew how to use his strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses.

Guerrilla warfare has existed in China since ancient times. As early as in the Spring and Autumn Period, King Helu of Wu was preparing to attack the state of Chu, so he adopted Wu Zixu’s suggestion of exhaustion before decisive battle, and sent some troops to the state of Chu to harass the state of guerrilla warfare. For six years, the Chu army was exhausted, and then the main force was sent into the decisive battle of Chu, and the Chu army was defeated.

Peasant uprisings in the past dynasties often fought guerrilla warfare with the officers and soldiers, avoiding the real and attacking the false, and attacking the west.

As a bandit, he was born familiar with this set.

And when everyone nodded, Wu Yong went on to say: "If the Liao army can't get in, that would be the best. Once the Liao thieves invade the hinterland of Hebei, there must be many righteous men who resist the Liao in the rear. These people are also what we fought for." As long as they raise the banner in the rear and give the Liao people a sense of being threatened by the enemy, it will naturally help the front army relieve the pressure. This is to open up the battlefield behind the enemy..."

Following his narration, everyone in Juyi Hall finally understood, but they always felt that something was wrong.

After thinking about it, I realized, how could my own strategist, who is so clever, become someone else's mouthpiece?

Lei Heng was a little annoyed: "The military master has a clever plan, I'm afraid he has already seen it?"

Chao Gai also said: "After all, Lin Yiyong doesn't know the power of my green forest. What else can the military master correct?"

After being silent for a while, Wu Yong said slowly: "I have nothing to add. The temporary tactics are adapting to the situation. Mr. Lin has already analyzed the overall strategy. Time is running out. Please implement it concretely!"

It was the first time for Chao Gai to see that his military adviser accepted other people's opinions with a sense of despondency. It's a big cottage..."

Chao Gai got up, Lei Heng, Zhu Dian, Cai Fu and Cai Qing followed him and left one after another, leaving only Wu Yong sitting on the chair, frowning slightly.

What made him feel most depressed was that he knew that the other party had told what Green Forest wanted, and that it was impossible to tell all the plans, from which he could also see the gap between the two.

If you plan ahead, you will prosper, but if you plan ahead, you will perish. He lacks foresight, cannot grasp the initiative, and can only respond passively according to the situation. All games are lost, even beyond redemption.

"Those who don't plan for the overall situation are not enough to plan for a region, and those who don't plan for the eternity are not enough to plan for a moment. The bearing affects the situation. What I lack is Mr. Lin's bearing and layout!"

At this moment, looking at Han Jinsun who was walking at the back, Wu Yong felt a little regretful.

He earned Han Jinsun to go up the mountain, which seemed like a fortune, but he also offended the Han family of Xiangzhou to death.

If you want to take the route of recruiting security, this is a very stupid behavior. Of course, he can also let the Han family copy the family and exterminate the family, but then the entire scholar-officials will not be able to tolerate them. How can it end well?
This is the embodiment of a small structure. Although it seems to have a big goal, what they do is not to serve that big goal. On the contrary, it is the opposite. They want to have fun for a while, and they do things without leaving room. In the end, they ruin the future of the brothers!

Wu Yong sighed secretly, and decided to make amends: "Second leader, please stay!"

Han Jinsun shivered for a moment, turned around slowly, lowered his head and said, "What orders does the military advisor have?"

Wu Yong's eyes flickered, and he already had an idea: "The second leader knows that there will be new changes in the capital regarding a certain rumor?"

"It was rumored among the people that the Queen Mother's death was caused by the government. In order to fear that the conspiracy would be exposed, King Jian was even killed..."

"Now that the Liao Kingdom is going south to invade, I am afraid that everyone will know that it is a foreign race spreading rumors in the capital to slander the officials. This is a deliberate conspiracy by the enemy country. It must not be believed."

This view coincides with Cai Jing's. Family ugliness should not be publicized. Even if there are many things that don't make sense in terms of time, at least during the period against the enemy Liao, the officials of the Song Dynasty never killed their mothers!

Han Jinsun didn't understand why Wu Yong said this to him, he didn't care about the officials at all, he only cared about being the target of criticism, and he might not be able to enter the family tree after death.

Wu Yong saw that he didn't understand it, so he said bluntly: "The second master came to my village when the Liao Kingdom invaded. Now we are waiting for the green forest heroes to defend our home and country. Is there any credit for you? "

Han Jinsun was stunned suddenly, and said in a trembling voice, "Military division... What does the military division mean?"

Wu Yong lightly shook the feather fan again: "The second master endured the accusations of thousands of people, and became a bandit in the grass, just to unite the heroes of the green forest when the family and the country are in trouble. As the second head of the family, he is called the "prince and grandson", and this matter is spread, and it is also a good story among scholars!"

Speaking of this, Wu Yong paused, and smiled: "Of course, the greater the role played by the hero of the green forest, the more worthwhile the sacrifice of the second master..."

Han Jinsun trembled all over and threw himself in front of Wu Yong: "Please don't worry, the military commander. I will definitely contact my family and ask them to give full support to the fortress and fight against the Liao dogs!"

Wu Yong nodded: "That's good!"

The hero of the green forest came in handy in the Hebei war. He, the "prince and grandson", can wash away his bad reputation, and he will definitely help him. In the future, the Han family does not want to be called ungrateful, and he can't tear down the bridge for Baishawu crossing the river.

There is room for doing things, this situation changed slightly, and it suddenly came to life.

But under the twists and turns, Han Jinsun's eyes also came alive, tears welled up, and he bowed deeply: "Thank you for your kindness!!"

(End of this chapter)

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