Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 820 Liao Kingdom Envoys Worship Zhenwu Sage Monarch

"No reason!"

Inside the post station, Xiao Hutu, the envoy of the Liao Kingdom, smashed the cup on the ground, his face was red and he was furious.

He has just been humiliated by Yang Xing, a Yanyun Han official.

This was completely unimaginable a year ago.

At that time, the Khitan people were the fathers, and the Han people were the sons, even the sons of concubines, so they were not treated fairly at all.

Now the Khitan man is still a father, and the Han Min is a grandfather. The condescending feeling is not a result of force, but a toughness from the heart.

Moreover, every word Yang Xing said was heartbreaking, and he refuted it so much that he hesitated, almost speechless, and could only return to the post station and lose his temper.

After roaring, Xiao Hutu's eyes turned like lightning, and he fell fiercely on a person in the corner: "Submit Gao!!"

The person whose name was called was also an official of the Liao Kingdom, a member of the envoys, who was reading the book in his hand. Hearing this, he hurriedly closed it and ran over: "Xiao Zhengshi, this "Secret History of the Former Tang Dynasty" Indeed... oops!"

Xiao Hutu kicked him, and after Shun Rengao squatted down, he felt a rain of punches and kicks: "Trash! Traitors! If you Han people hadn't joined the township army, my Daliao Nanjing Road, how could it fall into the hands of a group of untouchables! You all deserve to die! You all deserve to die!"


Shun Renggao held his head with his hands, curled up his body, and could only bear it silently, not even daring to cry out in pain.

Most of the Han people in the Liao Kingdom lived in Nanjing Road, but there were also hundreds of thousands of scattered people in other places, and many Han people officials served in various places.

After Yan Yun was restored, the status of these people dropped sharply, or their original treatment was exposed.

There used to be a fig leaf, but now that Yanyun is gone, the fig leaf has been completely torn off, the Khitan people abused them, and other ethnic groups took the opportunity to suppress and exploit them, and they all regarded this group of Han people who had higher average quality than other races but had no backbone as treats. slaughtered lamb.

So when Xiao Hutu punched and kicked Shun Shou Gao, the surrounding guards clapped their hands and applauded, even eager to join in.

"What are you doing? This is a post house, not a place for you barbarians to run wild!"

In the end, it was the township guard outside who heard the movement and came over to scold angrily, Xiao Hutu stopped, and the other Khitans also dispersed.

Shun Reng Gao, who was beaten for no reason, slowly got up. Just as he was about to leave, he was hit on the head by a book: "Take it back, and quickly find me the clue of the Southern Dynasty emperor killing his mother, you trash!"


Shun Rengao could only wipe the blood from his mouth, picked up the book, saluted, and staggered away.

Back in his room, he opened the book stained with his own blood, looked at it, and tears fell on it: "When will such a day be the end... woo woo woo..."

I had to watch while crying, but I stopped crying after watching, and started to be speechless at Princess Taiping's whimsical ideas.

It turned out that Yuwen Chengdu turned into a headless horseman to return to the soul, it was just an experiment, the real important thing was to get Wu Zetian to agree to change the formation of the palace with the theory of the resentful soul, and then Princess Taiping took the opportunity to reverse the yin and yang, confused the direction, and caused the nine gods to strike Falling into the palace, killing the king and usurping the throne.

"Killing one's mother with a daughter is treasonous! Princess Taiping is really insane..."

Shun Renggao grinned, even a little worried about Wu Zetian's safety.

Liao people still have a deep impression of Wu Zetian. The first is that they think that the Tang Dynasty is orthodox in the Liao Kingdom, and they are worthy of worship in the Tang Dynasty. Quite similar in many respects.

Empress Dowager Xiao's husband is Liao Jingzong Ye Luxian, who is also in poor health and unwilling to let his courtiers share power, so he trained his wife's ability to govern and asked her to help him assist in the government.

Wu Zetian and Li Zhi came to court, and they were called Queen of Heaven. Ye Luxian also asked Empress Dowager Xiao to be called me. Li Zhi's will was that those who were undecided in military affairs would be punished by the Queen of Heaven. Ye Luxian also listened to military affairs The order of the queen mother.

Li Zhi said, with my lesson learned from the past, you really dare!
However, the national conditions of the Liao Kingdom and the Tang Dynasty were indeed different. When Ye Luxian died, the Empress Dowager Xiao came to the court as regent. Although she also had the power infinitely close to that of the emperor, she could not become an empress after all.

Zhao Guangyi felt that this pair of orphans and widows was easy to bully, so he went to the Northern Expedition brazenly, and then the Gaoliang River Chariot God was born, and the Empress Dowager Xiao was able to secure her position completely. Later, she and her son Liao Shengzong went on a personal expedition together. However, the Song Dynasty was weaker and successfully forced Zhenzong to sign the Chanyuan Alliance, which ended the decades-long war between Song and Liao, and finally returned the power of the government to Liao Shengzong.

So if you talk about other historical figures, Liao people may not care too much, but Wu Zetian, the empress of the former Tang Dynasty, is still very familiar and has a sense of substitution. Coupled with the novelty of its storyline, where have people in this era seen this? , almost thought to be true.

Seeing that Wu Zetian was about to fall into a murder situation, Shun Shou Gao was so nervous that he even forgot the pain on his body, and quickly looked down again.

Fortunately for him, it was still the fearless detective Li Yuanfang who stepped forward, borrowing the power of the Zhenwu Shengjun, and finally turned the tide so that Wu Shengren was not murdered by the rebellious Princess Taiping.

"Personal spiritual objects... offering sacrifices to the Holy King..."

While Shun Shou let out a sigh of relief, he subconsciously touched the Pisces jade pendant on his waist.

Pisces is one of the eight auspicious signs of Buddhism. Buddhism flourished in the Liao Kingdom, and Buddhist culture had a comprehensive influence on the Liao people. Buddhist elements are often found in jewelry.

This piece of Pisces jade pendant is Shun Reng Gao's favorite ornament. It is a round carving of white jade, with the eyes, gills, pelvic fins, tail and other details carved out with Yin lines.

"My jade pendant! The jade pendant that protects me!"

However, when he touched it, he immediately let out a scream, quickly untied the gold chain, and took the jade pendant in his hands, and then found out with great grief that the Pisces jade pendant consecrated by the master was directly kicked to pieces by Xiao Hutu.

It seems that the consecration of Buddhist eminent monks can neither protect the safety of the Han people, nor make the jade pendant unbreakable. On the contrary, it makes the situation worse, and the pain that has just accumulated on the body spreads like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

"It hurts me to death... woo woo woo... If I also have the protection of Zhenwu Shengjun... How good it would be..."

"Heavenly Pivot God Returns, Earthly Condensation Gathers, Quartet's Fate is Extreme, Welcomes and Protects Honorable Names..."

"Congratulations to the True Martial Sage Monarch!"

Shun Reng Gao knelt down on the ground, and in front of him was the page-turning "Secret History of the Former Tang Dynasty". He happened to reach the page offering sacrifices to the Holy King. His eyes fell on it, and he couldn't move away. Start chanting.

According to the book, the personal spirit that accompanied the owner for a long time can easily gather the energy of the heavens and the earth, and it can be used as a medium to carry out the simplest sacrifices.

It was Li Yuanfang who used the chain knife to communicate with the true warrior sage between the lightning and the flint to turn the tide, dispel the nine-day god thunder, and break the conspiracy of Princess Taiping.

Now that my jade pendant is broken, I might as well try the sacrificial method...

However, after he stumbled and finished chanting, after worshiping on the ground devoutly, the surroundings were quiet, as if nothing had happened.

After waiting for a while, Shun Shou raised his head and said with a wry smile: "I'm so crazy that I would follow the method in the story book and try to communicate with the Zhenwu sage who I have never heard of before. I should go to the temple and find the master." Re-consecrate the bodyguard..."

He stood up while talking to himself, and then suddenly froze: "Huh? Why doesn't it hurt anymore?"

He touched his cheek, and pressed the rib that seemed to be broken before. After accepting the high ecstasy, he suddenly bowed down, and recited the long mantra over and over again with an extremely respectful attitude: "Respectfully, the Holy King of Martial Arts... ...Respectfully invite Zhenwu Shengjun...Respectfully invite Zhenwu Shengjun...!"

Finally, with a bang, his head seemed to explode.

In the boundless darkness, a divine body filled with radiance gradually rose up, only an outline could be seen, without any clear features, but there was a vast and boundless majesty spreading like mountains and seas.

Shun Shougao trembled all over, and threw himself to the ground: "Greetings to the Holy King! Greetings to the Holy King!"

The great voice spread far and wide: "What do you want?"

Shun Shou Gao said without hesitation: "I also hope that the Holy King will help us wait for the Han people to take back Yanyun and restore their previous status!"

Li Yan looked down at the Liao envoy and shook his head secretly, but he was not surprised.

He thought that this man's strongest desire was to kill all the Khitans who bullied him before, but it turned out to be to restore the previous state of hidden exploitation.

That being so...

Li Yan didn't want to say much, and stretched out an invisible palm, straight into Shun Shou Gao's heart.

Not surprisingly, this person was trembling, not daring to resist at all.

Being submissive to people, God is naturally more able to give and take!

Soon, his memory formed a special book in front of Li Yan's eyes, and he could flip through it at will.

"After the Jurchens defeated the conquest army sent by Yelv Dezhong, the two sides started negotiations. One of the keys to the competition is the population of the Han people?"

"Sure enough, it was Xiao Wuna who advocated diplomacy. In the past six months, he sent a large number of envoys with documents from the Liao Kingdom to contact the rebels from all over the Song Dynasty. Even Guo Kang in Xiangyang promised."

"Then Zhang Xian from Luoyang thought he had the support of the Liao people, so he dared to get involved in Shandong..."

Li Yan quickly checked the current situation in Liao, verified it with his previous speculation, and found that Liao's diplomatic actions were even harder than he had imagined.

In fact, this is related to Liao's "international reputation".

Not only could the envoys of Liao not adapt to the status of a weak country without diplomacy, Liao was still strong for the rebellious forces in Song Dynasty today.

After all, on the surface, the main force of the Liao army has returned to the country, and it has received news of the Xixia cession of land for compensation. It can be seen that the army is at its peak. Although the land of Yanyun is lost, as long as the troops are not lost, there is definitely a chance to win it back. As for the domestic On the verge of falling apart, many people have no idea.

For the court of the Great Song Dynasty, wars were raging everywhere, and the Imperial City Department was completely paralyzed. How could there be any thought to understand the information of the Liao people?For the anti-thieves from all over the place, the spies they sent also went to Jiangnan to enter Jinling to check the movements of the imperial court, and it was impossible to be distracted to manage the affairs of the north!
As a result, when Xiao Wuna sent an envoy to offer an olive branch, all the rebel forces were overjoyed and accepted it happily. It was a bit like the end of the Sui Dynasty, when all the rebel heroes in the Central Plains had to look up to Turks, and even Li Yuan called Turk’s father together. .

"However, strong is strong, weak is weak, and the decline of the Liao Kingdom cannot be concealed for long after all."

"Especially Yanyun, which is a strategic and important land for rice and grain. If the Liao Kingdom can't take it back for a long time, then a fool will be able to see that this country is already strong from the outside, and can no longer be compared with the former northern captives."

"That's why Xiao Wuna seized the time to conduct diplomacy. He must make the Southern Dynasty chaos and buy time for the Liao Kingdom."

Li Yan thought of the old official who had broken his heart after wiping his ass behind Yelu Yanxi, and then looked at the list of Liao's agitation, his eyes flickered.

Others are fine, the key is that there are two in Hebei.

Two very familiar people.

One is Chao Gai, and the other is Tian Hu.

After pondering for a while, his eyes fell on Shun Rengao again.

Feeling the divine power resting on his body, Shun Reng Gao no longer dared to make any demands.

Faith is undoubtedly an excellent spiritual sustenance when a person is confused about life and even escapes. At this time, he is afraid of being rejected by the sage, so he can only lower his body more and more humblely, almost into the dust: "I am guilty ...I hope that the Holy King will forgive me..."

"According to this method!"

Ever since, when the loud voice fell again accompanied by a flash of inspiration, the envoy of the Liao Kingdom checked what he was going to do, his eyes suddenly burst with hope for life, and he responded with incomparable fanaticism:

"Follow the orders of the Holy King!"

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