Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 841 Fang La: Here comes the opportunity belonging to the Holy Duke!

Chapter 841 Fang La: Here comes the opportunity belonging to the Holy Duke!

"Your Majesty, the Western Army must not move!!"

In the Jinling Imperial City, in the Chuigong Hall, He Zhizhong tried to persuade him, wishing he could fall to the ground.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Zhao Ji said coldly: "When did I say that the Western Army was going to be mobilized, can Zhe Keshi and Zhongshi Dao represent the Western Army?"

He Zhizhong secretly complained, even though he didn't know soldiers anymore, he also knew that even though these two generals could not represent the entire Western Army, their own merits, prestige, and even the connections of the families behind them in the army all had a decisive and even irreplaceable influence .

However, this is what Zhao Ji is most afraid of: "Chang family generals, Zhe family generals, such a great prestige, these families of military generals have lived on the border for generations, regard the army as their own song, openly resist the order and do not obey!"

"Unaccustomed to the environment... It's ridiculous. I didn't let them go to Guangxi, Lingnan, and Fujian, and they couldn't even come to Jiangnan. Then, in the Song Dynasty, the north and the south should be separated. The northerners are not allowed to go south, and the southerners are not allowed to go north. Army!!"

These words were too harsh, He Zhizhong didn't dare to respond.

Zhao Ji continued to roar: "Cai Jing is unfaithful, they don't want to capture the thief, they even speak well for Cai Jing, and even colluded with Gao Qiu's brother to claim credit for him, it is simply ridiculous!"

He Zhixin sighed: "As the Ninth Five-Year Master, you don't want to take any responsibility, how can you criticize the second general?"

Just like before Wang Fu proposed to execute Gao Qiu without reason, Zhao Ji believed that Cai Jing was unfaithful and would betray the imperial court, but he asked He Zhizhong to write a secret letter ordering the two generals to seize the Daming Mansion and escort Cai Jing back to Jinling.

As a result, Zhe Keshi and Zhong Shidao pretended to be ignorant of the holy order, and they also stated in the memorial that Cai Jing had contributed to protecting the environment and the people. Among the achievements of exterminating Tian Hu, there was a dazzling name Gao Lian, which deeply penetrated into Zhao Ji's heart.

From the point of view of Zhe Keshi and Zhong Shidao, the ones who really defeated Tian Hu's army and guarded the Daming Mansion were actually the Eight Thousand Township Army who rushed to the rescue in the starry night. He was also added to the credit book for exterminating Tian Hu. In order to fear the taboo of the officials, he was already put behind the inconspicuous, but he was discovered in the end.

This made Zhao Ji jump, and the most angry thing was what he did next: "Refused to lead the army to cross the river, but escorted Tian Hu to the capital. It was called "presenting thieves as a public example, so as to imitate others. Who is this demonstrating against?" To those rebels, or to me? Is it possible that now, anyone can intimidate me??"

He Zhizhong lowered his head even lower.

Seeing that the prime minister was poor in his speech, Zhao Ji gritted his teeth and made a final conclusion: "Don't think I don't know, they just saw that the northern army is rotten, and the imperial guards in the Beijing camp are all useless. The court's grace and power are here!"

"It has been a hundred years since the Song Dynasty was established, and the legacy of the Five Dynasties in the army has not yet been eradicated. No wonder Taizu felt that even though the civil servants were all greedy, they were not as good as the military officials alone!"

"Now that Zhezhong dares to lead an army into the capital, I dare not let them come back. Otherwise, the story of Dong Zhuo at the end of the Han Dynasty will be reproduced. How can I be worthy of my ancestors' country and society?"

He Zhizhong couldn't take it anymore: "Your Majesty, Zhe Keshi and the teacher's way have absolutely no intention of plotting against him!"

Zhao Ji snorted coldly: "How can you guarantee what they think in their hearts? Now they dare to emulate Gao Qiu and openly resist the edict, so why don't they dare to rebel in time? The Northwest Fortress can also farm and be self-sufficient. If I knew this, I wouldn't have done it back then. We should give these frontier troops such great support, so that they will suffer a lot of defeats, and they will not be so arrogant and disobedient!"

This is not a human speech, He Zhizhong's head was dizzy and he almost fell down, so he could only persuade again: "Think twice, Your Majesty, no matter what, the Western Army is the last candidate to quell the turmoil in various places. If the Western Army is in chaos again, the consequences... ...The consequences are disastrous!"

Zhao Ji took a deep breath and suddenly missed Tong Guan.

If Tong Guan was still there, the eunuch Kong Wu was powerful, his voice was like a bell, and he couldn't see that he had no roots at all. He could entrust the Western Army to control the most critical military power for him. Then how could he be so passive now?

It's a pity that Tong Guan has long since died, and the old eunuchs in the palace have also been purged by Gao Qiu. The loyalty of the new batch of eunuchs is worrying.

Reusing other eunuchs at this time, first of all, they couldn't find suitable candidates, and the two couldn't guarantee their loyalty. Zhao Ji had to settle for the next best thing, and could only continue to search for talents in the army: "How about Guan Sheng and Hu Yanzhuo?"

He Zhizhong was startled.

Zhao Ji said: "Didn't these two people claim to be brave and proficient in the art of war? Although they come from famous families, their foundation in the army is far inferior to that of the Zhezhong family. I can rest assured that they lead the army!"

"What's more, these people have made mistakes in guarding the imperial city before. It's my generosity that forgives their crimes. They are indeed grateful. Now that Yang Zhi has guarded Yingtian Mansion, it can be seen that it is better to make mistakes than to make mistakes. It is an unbreakable truth!"

He Zhizhong's mouth was filled with bitterness.

Don't play tricks at this time, let Guan Sheng and Hu Yanzhuo replace Zhe Keshi and Zhong Shidao to control the Western Army. It seems feasible, but it is really a matter of course...

In the army, Guan Sheng and Hu Yanzhuo are juniors in terms of record and prestige. Not to mention compared with Zhe Keshi and Zhong Shidao, even the middle-level generals of the Western Army have a lot of brilliant records, which are better than the two of.

What's more, to take a step back, even if Guan Sheng and Hu Yanzhuo have enough ability and prestige, as long as they didn't grow up in the Western Army, they would be rejected. Frontier soldiers often obey the commander who leads them, otherwise they are very easy to mutiny. , The Zhe family has joined the army and made meritorious service at the border for generations. When the father fights, he takes his son with him, and he can entrust his subordinates after death, so that the morale of the army can be stabilized.

Doesn't the imperial court know that these families of generals have too deep roots in the army, they don't really trust them completely and let them go, but they have no choice but to use the children of these families with fair loyalty to support the battle situation on the border!

But for this truth, He Zhizhong dare not say it now, otherwise it will further confirm the fact that Zhong's Zhejia is using the army as his private song. Capturing Tianhu and quelling the rebellion should be greatly rewarded, if you turn against the crime, I fear the world will not accept it!"

Zhao Ji sneered: "Don't worry, there won't be any unreasonable things about Wang Fu anymore. Show He Xiang the crimes of these so-called loyal ministers and good generals!"

The servant took over a thick stack of case records, and He Zhizhong took a look, his eyes widened: "This is..."

Zhao Ji said confidently: "This is evidence of corruption by the Zhe family and the Chong family. They embassed money at the border and enriched their own pockets. The above items are clearly listed!"

These criminal evidences were collected by Li Xian and handed over to Tong Guan. After Tong Guan's death, he was obtained by his godson, and then dedicated to Jia Xiang, and finally into the hands of Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji is like a treasure, and now it really comes in handy.

He Zhizhong looked at the crime and his hands trembled slightly.

Zhao Kuangyin said, "The civil servants are all corrupt, but they are not as good as the military officials." The major corruption cases in the Song Dynasty were often dominated by warriors. Among them, the Renzong Dynasty involved many ministers and money cases. Many generals were involved, including Di Qing and Zhong Shiheng.

This is actually something that can’t be helped, because the generals have to deal with the Qiang tribes on the border, and those Qiang people are very honest, just looking at the benefits, these generals often need to spend a lot of money to buy people’s hearts.

Therefore, it is very simple for civil servants not to be corrupt. They only take their salaries and do not accept bribes.

Later, when a famous courtier in the Ming Dynasty faced similar impeachment, he also said that "the minister is to eliminate thieves for the country, and to use bait for the time, it is not a small favor that can make a big plan", so it cannot be used to determine his corruption. crime.

The person who said this was Hu Zongxian, and the corresponding emperor was Jiajing. Jiajing's response to this was "the emperor thinks so, and he comforts him even more."

Of course, as long as there is such a handle, whether to deal with it or not, and how to deal with it, depends on the thoughts of the superiors. Later, Hu Zongxian was imprisoned by Jiajing, and now Zhao Ji will use this kind of crime to use Zhe Keshi and the way of teaching Justifiably won.

He Zhizhong was anxious: "Your Majesty, today is different from the past..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Zhao Ji stood up in a huff and said in a very displeased way: "Don't say too much, let Yushitai try this big case of corruption, and then Guan Sheng and Hu Yanzhuo will quickly join the Western Army and take over the military power , cross the river to put down the rebellion!"

Seeing Zhao Ji turn around and leave, He Zhizhong stood up tremblingly, walked out of Miyagi all the way in a daze, looked up at the bright sun in the sky, and suddenly regretted that he should not have taken over as prime minister.

But this is also an afterthought. Unless he resigns from the office, he will not be able to let him...

"Hey! In the history books, how will the old man be remembered!"

He Zhizhong sighed deeply. He had just returned to the mansion when he saw a convoy about to go out, and it was his wife who was hugging him: "Madam, where are you going?"

Seeing the exhausted appearance of this husband, the lady said with concern: "I will go to Tianxi Temple to offer incense, why don't you come with me, and listen to Master Yuancheng to praise Buddhism and calm your mind?"

He Zhizhong remembered that Tianxi Temple is now one of the best temples in Jinling, with a lot of pilgrims, and it may replace Daxiangguo Temple in the future and become the royal temple of the Song Dynasty.

The abbot is willing to become a master, and the Dharma is profound. Not only the relatives of high-ranking officials and ministers like to go, even he talked with him once, and he felt comforted physically and mentally, which can relieve the depression in his chest.

He Zhizhong was indeed forced by Zhao Ji to the point of being unbearable, nodded and said: "Okay! Let's go together, old man!"

When the prime minister came, the treatment was unusual. He entered the Tianxi Temple, and the monk informed him that He Zhizhong was soon invited into the Zen room.

Compared with the resplendent Buddha statues in the palace outside, the Zen room where the abbot has lived for a long time has only one futon and one incense burner, which shows the demeanor of a virtuous and eminent monk.

"Amitabha! Donor He is here again!"

Curly smoke rose from the tripod, creating a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere in the empty meditation room. When the old monk walked in front of him, He Zhizhong's heart was surprisingly quiet, and he hurriedly returned the gift: "I have seen Master Yuan Cheng I hope Master can clear up my doubts for me!"

The old monk was kind-hearted and did not ask the reason, but a soft voice sounded: "If you don't meet with Bodhi, don't get in touch with afflictions, and don't occupy the right position, will you fall into the wrong path? If you don't act generously, how can you follow the path? Please tell me, the almsgiver, and the old monk will listen attentively. !"

He Zhizhong was quite happy to be comforted, but when he really spoke, he still hesitated.

Although starting from Bianjing, there is no secrecy about the affairs of the court to the people, and it is often spread in a day, but he is cautious and cautious, and he would not disclose it indiscriminately in the past. Listening to the cadenced voice , Smelling the elegant fragrance, the thoughts of pouring out became stronger, and he slowly said: "What the old man said, please don't tell others..."

The old monk clasped his hands together: "If the Tao is not taught, it is not a person, and if the Dharma is not taught to the six ears!"

He Zhizhong felt relieved and opened his mouth slowly. He still didn't dare to get involved with the officials, but he narrated his grievances and helplessness, as well as the huge risks that the Western Army would face...

After more than half an hour, He Zhizhong finally finished his narration, and under the enlightenment of Buddhism, he walked away relatively briskly, and the old monk returned to another luxuriously furnished meditation room, and immediately began to write letters.

After writing down every word He Zhizhong said, the old monk handed it over to his confidant disciples: "Quickly pass this letter on to Ming Zun, if you lose your way and destroy the city walls, you can accomplish the great cause of the Holy Duke!"

 Thanks to the book friends "Senior with long hair and white waist", "Meow Chirp", "Sit on the Stars" and "Book Friends 20170417005403248" for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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