Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 860 Goryeo: Don't come here!

Chapter 860 Goryeo: Don't come here!
"Good! Good! This is what allies do!"

In the palace of Emperor Liao, Yelu Yanxi was overjoyed to see the envoys escorting the Jurchens up, and rushed forward with one stride.

Also after listening to the cause and effect, compared to the excitement of Emperor Liao, Xiao Wuna and Yelude who were standing on the left and right looked at each other, feeling very surprised.

If they were in Yanyun's position, they would definitely sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and even directly help the weaker side, and sit back and watch Liao and Jurchen fight as fiercely as possible.

In fact, this is how the Sui Dynasty’s diplomacy with Turks was done. First Changsun Sheng, then Pei Ju, sowed discord, suppressed the strong and supported the weak, until the Turks were split into two parts, the East and the West, and their strength was greatly damaged.

Later, the Tang Dynasty also united the weak against the strong against Xue Yantuo, Huihe and other tribes in the Eastern Turks. Li Shimin directly bestowed Xue Yantuo with a sword and a whip. Whip it", which is equivalent to enshrining Tang Zhengshuo.

Xue Yantuo, who received such a promise, immediately changed his attitude towards Jieli Khan, and frequently sent troops to attack, which greatly disturbed the rear of the East Turks, and contributed a lot to the birth of Chang'an Dance King.

So when he learned that the Jurchen envoy had broken through the route blocked by the Liao people and arrived at Yanyun, Xiao Wuna thought that the chief coach who was about to become king would adopt the same method as Tang Taizong Li Shimin to give the Jurchen envoy Some promises and guarantees caused this Northeast fishing and hunting nation to toss and turn upside down behind the Liao Kingdom.

As a result, Yan Yun never expected that Yan Yun directly expelled the Jurchen envoys, and even made a firm promise to the Liao Kingdom!

Yelv Dezhong was puzzled, Xiao Wuna thought and thought, from maintaining stability during the period of being king, to after the construction of the Great Wall, the strategy turned from offense to defense, and he was not interested in outside the Great Wall. I don't think it fits that style of behavior...

The last unbelievable thought came to mind: "Isn't it true that in this person's opinion, female straight slaves are stronger?"

Compared with the myriad thoughts of these two, Yelu Yanxi's thoughts were much simpler. When he arrived in front of the Jurchen, the treasured sword in his hand came out of its sheath with a bang, and the flickering blade pointed at the past: "Who gave you the courage? As an envoy, the lowly slave tribe is also appointed as an envoy to other countries?"

The Jurchen envoy had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and was blinded in one eye. Obviously, he had been brutally beaten and tortured along the way. At this time, the corner of his mouth was tilted, looking at the hideous emperor, he spat out a mouthful of blood: "Pfft!"

Yelu Yanxi evaded sideways and got out of the way, the guards on the left and right were furious, kicked the Jurchen envoy to the ground and started yelling and cursing.

But the Jurchen envoy still didn't say a word, just tried to raise his head, looked at the emperor who couldn't be seen at all through his blurred vision, as if he wanted to keep his appearance firmly in his heart, and take him to the ground together.

"That's the look... In the dream, they also looked at me like this... Bad omen! It really is a bad omen!!"

Facing this gaze, Yelu Yanxi trembled all over, and that terrible nightmare quickly emerged.

Even if other dreams still have impressions when they wake up, they will be forgotten in a short time. Only that dream is still very clear, and the details are vivid.

Seeing the reaction of the Jurchen envoys again, immediately aroused the fear and hatred buried in my heart these days.

"Get rid of the female straight first... yes! You must get rid of the female straight first!"

It was impossible to let the lowly people commit rebellion, but according to Emperor Tianzuo's arrangement, Jurchen was not the number one threat.

Whether it is Xiao Wuna, who is about to die of old age, or Yelu Dezhong, who is young and strong, they will pose a threat to the throne. They are alive, and Yelu Yanxi is very disturbed.

Therefore, whether it is the Jurchen rebellion that is important, or the insider of Xian'an court, he has to go through a certain balance.

But at this moment, those things were ignored, and Yelu Yanxi slashed like a maniac, chopped off the head of the Jurchen envoy, then kicked the head away violently, screaming in the blood: "Send troops to Tokyo!" Dao, I can’t wait for a moment to send the letter of state to Gao Li to suppress the rebellion! These lowly slaves want to stand up? Never think about it!”


"woo woo woo woo--"

Pressing out to the side of the tiger water, there was a sound of weeping in a certain tent in the Jurchen camp.

It's just because Wanyan Yingge, who is lying on the hospital bed, is now the great chief of the Jurchen tribes, has come to the end of his life.

In history, the Jin Kingdom traced back five generations of ancestors from Wanyan Aguda, and all the great chiefs were granted posthumous titles, and this one was named Jin Muzong.

Of course, this kind of posthumous title is relatively large, and it really played a vital role in the rise of the Jurchen clan. The founder of the Wanyan family is actually Wanyan Aguda's grandfather, Jin Jingzu Wanyan Wu Gunai.

It was this man who conquered the five tribes of Baishan, Yehui, Tongmen, Yelan, and Tugulun during his lifetime, allowing the Wanyan tribe to occupy an absolute dominant position among the Jurchen tribes. Getting closer, gaining trust, participating in the military politics of the Liao Kingdom, and getting in touch with the culture of the Central Plains made the tribes continue to civilize, and established government agencies and legal systems, which led to the Jurchen tribe's current scale.

After the death of the ancestor Wanyan Wugunai, the great chief passed on to his second son, Wanyan Aguda's father Wanyan Peilibo.

After Wanyan impeached Libo's death, it was passed on to his younger brother, Wanyan Yingge who is now lying on the bed.

After the death of this man, the eldest son passed down to Wanyan Libo in history, and Wanyan Aguda's elder brother Wanyan Wu Yashu, but at this time, Wanyan Yingge slowly stretched out his hand and pointed at Wanyan Wu. Ya Shu's weak but clear voice sounded: "You can be the great can't stop the Liao people..."

Then he turned to Wanyan Aguda: "You can lead the warriors of our clan... to stop the Liao people... and let my female straight people really live!"

Wanyan Agu bowed down and kowtowed deeply, while Wanyan Wuyashu's body trembled and wept silently.

In fact, as the eldest son, he has inherited Jiedushi and the leader of the alliance. No matter in terms of age or seniority, this position should be inherited by him, but now there are such variables...

The key point is that Wanyan Wuyashu is also a very capable Jurchen chief. He defeated the strong with the weak, and defeated hundreds of thousands of troops in Goryeo. He was forced to sign an alliance under the city. Jimizhou, yes, at this time, Goryeo actually learned from the Tang Dynasty to implement the Jimizhou system.

It was also in this war against Goryeo that the Jurchens discovered that they were strong, built up their confidence, and completely embarked on the road to ending the rule of the Liao Kingdom.

But it is okay to fight Goryeo, just like what Wanyan Yingge said, let Wanyan Wuyashu directly resist the Liao Kingdom. Under the long-term oppression, his heart is indeed frightened.

This happens to be the deadliest.

The leader is afraid of the Liao people from the bottom of his heart. How can the Jurchen fighters under his command defeat this boulder pressing on their heads and truly rise?
So at this moment, having obtained the wanyanwuya bundle of the great chief's power, he almost unbelievably abandoned his own selfish desires, and said in a deep voice: "Uncle, please rest assured, I am willing to support Aguda as 'Du Bo Ji Lie' and do my best Assistant!"

Wanyan Yingge showed a gratified expression, closed her eyes, and dropped her hands weakly.

There was a burst of crying in the tent, and a shaman priest came in to preside over the funeral.

And when Wanyan Aguda slowly got up, including Wanyan Wuyashu, all the high-level Jurchen members had spontaneously gathered around him.

Looking at this group of tribesmen with grief, fear and confusion in their brows, Wanyan Aguda spoke slowly: "Since the Khitans ruled, the warriors of our tribe have been hunting pearls and catching eagles for them, risking their lives and risking their lives. Allegiance, but what you get in the end is only exploitation and humiliation, the poor can't live on their own, and they sell their wives to pay off their heavy debts!"

"The love of flesh and blood is the same as the hearts of the people. The Khitan has never had such intentions. This great hatred is now defeated by the southerners. They signed an alliance and entered the old coins. It shows that they are weak. Now they only dare to marry Korea and want to destroy us. Clan, you should raise your troops to attack them!"

"Declaration to all ministries, Jurchen is independent, and will no longer be called Nuzhi by Khitan, and will not offer sacrifices to Khitan. At the same time, all ministries will be exempted from taxation, let alone pay!"

Except for the Wanyan clan, the other tribes were terrified when they heard the previous words, but at the end, everyone shouted with joy: "No pay! No pay!"

With the aura of united will, the aura of red gold rushed straight into the sky.

This scene cannot be seen by ordinary people, but the two people in midair felt the terrifying sense of coercion.

A fluttering Taoist robe, with immortal demeanor, holding an ancient sword with pine patterns, and performing the art of soaring clouds, is none other than Gongsun Zhao.

Another one with a wide robe and long sleeves, independent from the world, standing on top of the condor, is the incarnation of "Zuo Ming".

Ever since she obtained two volumes of heavenly scriptures from the Nine Heavens Xuannv and determined that the Jurchen with the Chijin Dragon Aura was the final enemy, Li Yan's avatar went straight to the northeast to see for himself what the opponent looked like.

But when he heard the slogan below, Li Yan said indifferently: "The township army does not pay food. In the early stage, it was Hebei and Shandong's logistics supply. After that, it was hard work and buying food to support it. It survived for a year, allowing the land of Yanyun to recuperate. , the common people live and work in peace and contentment, but the Jurchens don’t pay their food, so they want to plunder everywhere and use war to support themselves!”

Gongsun Zhao said in a deep voice: "In a head-on confrontation, the Liao army is no longer the opponent of the Jurchen army. The previous small-scale battles have shown this point, but Liao is a country with a sound system after all. The defeat in a few confrontations is not enough to change the situation of the strong. Weak contrast, but... I don't like Liao!"

Li Yan nodded: "Under normal circumstances, the number of Jurchen tribes is relatively small. With the gradual encroachment, once the Wanyan tribe suffers huge casualties, the tribal alliance established with him as the absolute leader will instantly fall apart."

"However, Jurchen's qi is extremely strong now, and the heaven and the earth are all working together. If it doesn't decrease, it will be brave and diligent, invincible, and create all kinds of miracles!"

As he said this, he looked to the southeast.

On the Korean peninsula there, there is also a country whose aura is rising, confronting the Chijin aura far away.

Gongsun Zhao followed his eyes and found that it was the Goryeo Dynasty: "Senior means...?"

Li Yan thought that the patriarch who founded this dynasty was the nobleman of Silla, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "I have a destiny with this country, and now Nuzhen is very powerful, I will help it!"

(End of this chapter)

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