Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 886 This is not a human method!

Chapter 886 This is not a human method!



Accompanied by Li Yan's understated probing, the originally calm Han River suddenly roared like fury, and the waves rolled violently.

Between the surging waves, it was like a dragon and a tiger fighting, like a flying crane soaring, like mountains stacked up.

It is clearly man-made, but there is a kind of uncanny workmanship that is completely natural, and it is miraculous to the extreme.

"Conjuration? Martial arts?"

Ming Zunjiao looked up and down, his pupils swelled, and his whole body felt cold.

If it's a spell, why can't I see the mantra and pinch formula, but it's cast instantly?
If it's martial there such a martial arts in the world?

But it was too late to think about it. At the moment when the waves were turbulent, they, who clearly had the upper hand, seemed to be reduced to a lone boat in a raging sea. Their hearts were filled with a feeling that they would be buried under the bottomless abyss any time they faced the tsunami. feeling of terror.

The first to bear the brunt were the four guardians headed by Wei Qingyi.

The Four Absolute Formation is a wonderful combination of formations. People surrounded in the center will inevitably lose their strength and shake their hearts. It will also seal off the world and have nothing to rely on. It is the strongest killing move against strong people like "Zuo Ming".

As a result, at this time, they felt that although they blocked this small area, they were rejected by the Han River and even the whole world!

The besieged people have changed from "Zuo Ming" to the four guardians themselves!

Facing the enormous pressure, invisible gaps were torn open from the formation, and there was a strange sound, like buzzing, the bodies of the four people trembled, their bones creaked, and the blood flowed backwards to the top of their heads. His face flushed instantly.

"Never break the formation... King Ming descends!"

Wei Qingyi was the first to roar, and once again gave birth to a wave of immeasurable majesty like a sea and a mountain, his energy and blood rose inconceivably, and his entire thin body seemed to swell a circle, becoming Kongwu powerful.

"Give me Dafa! Give me Dafa!"

Leading the dangerous task of luring the enemy to go deep, Wei Qingyi obtained the divine power of Ming King bestowed by Mingzun, but the other seven guardians did not receive such treatment, because they believed that Mingzun taught so many masters, coupled with the specially designed four unique skills. The array is enough to solve the enemy.

But at this moment, the offensive and defensive momentum reversed instantly, and the life-and-death crisis was overwhelmed. A desolate and majestic ominous aura emanated from the other three people who were besieging them, and their fighting power was instantly boosted.

The faltering Four Jue Formation stabilized again, their self-confidence returned to their chests, fanaticism surged between their brows, and they roared: "King Ming came to the world, all living beings were relieved of suffering, 'Zuo Ming' died——!! "

"Ming Zun is really hiding in the dark to observe, can't help strengthening his subordinates so soon?"

The corners of Li Yan's mouth raised slightly, and when he turned his eyes, he could see all seventy-two Mingzun disciples in the arena.

Including the four guardians who came from the besieged, the four guardians not far away, and the sixty-four backbones of Mingzun wandering around the periphery.

But there is also a strange aura, which is difficult to detect with the five senses, but the sixth sense of consciousness-only strength feels a hidden hostility and concern.

There is no doubt that the leader of the cult who specializes in rebellion, Ming Zun whose true face even Fang La has never seen, also came to the scene in some way.

"For those who hide their heads and show their tails, first see how all the subordinates were wiped out, and then it will be your turn..."

Even under the blessing of King Ming's divine power, the voices of these four screaming voices could not suppress Li Yan's clear voice of judgment.

Of course, this is not just a verbal deterrent.

As soon as the words were spoken, a scene that stunned all Mingzun disciples happened.


With a turn of Li Yan's left hand, the turbulent waves converged, turned into soldiers, split the sky and split the earth, and slashed out angrily.

In this situation, it was as if the water of the Han River came alive, listened to its orders, rose continuously, and turned into a magic knife of nature...

The first target is Wei Qingyi, the most prominent of the eight guardians.

"I'm so strong! I've become so strong!"

Wei Qingyi, who once again mobilized King Ming's divine power, felt an unprecedented power surging in his body, felt ashamed of his retreat just now, and when he turned to laugh wildly, he was blasted into the air.

He didn't even know what was attacking him, because what hit his body was the turbulent river, but what was engraved in his heart was all kinds of weather.

There are plateaus and vast distances, white clouds like flocculents, rain falling from the sky, and water gathering into streams...

In the end, it was fixed as a torrential river, going out from the Qinling Mountains in the west to Hanzhong in the east, becoming the largest diversion of the Yangtze River.

Three thousand miles of the Han River, from its origin to its surging, the magnificent and passionate interpretation along the way is coming!

Wei Qingyi suddenly understood what kind of attack it was...

It was a blow that lifted the Han River up to the sky, and then cut it down from the sky!
It's not a knife that spans three thousand miles, but a river of three thousand miles that turns into a knife!

This description is certainly exaggerated, but it can make such an impression in the target's mind that the King Ming's surrender and the four lore-killing formations are all jokes.

At this time, Wei Qingyi, who was only one step away from the bishop's position, could not be protected by the protection of aura at all. He flew and flew, flew into the air, and his whole body merged into the air, gathered in the river, and was completely wiped away. .

With a bang, a stream of water with flesh and blood descended from the sky and merged into the Han River again.

Li Yan put his hand down.

"Ah!! Ah——!"

The remaining Mingzun disciples screamed terribly.

They could accept that Wei Qingyi was hacked to death, just like the previous confrontation between Bishop Dali and "Zuo Ming".

But they really couldn't accept that Jiang He's power was being used by this great enemy. The opponent's saber was hanging from his waist, and with just a few swipes casually, the strongest among them was wiped out.

This is no longer a human method...

This is indeed not a human method!

"What is said in the heavenly scriptures is extraordinary!"

Li Yan is also very satisfied with this method of killing the enemy, and is also pleased that it does not consume much.

After all, the incarnation of "Zuo Ming" is no better than the main body. Even if the main body is exhausted after fighting for three days and three nights, as long as he goes back to sleep, his energy will quickly recover and he will become alive again.

But the incarnation is taking the krypton gold route, using energy as consumption to provide mobility and fighting. If he fights for three days and three nights, his energy will be so reduced that he will feel distressed to death.

Therefore, after receiving the two volumes of heavenly scriptures given by the Nine Heavens Xuannv, Li Yan gradually explored a path suitable for the incarnation through what he learned above and combined with the characteristics of "Zuo Ming", so that he could achieve the goal of defeating the enemy and defeating the enemy at the lowest cost. .

Of course, this also requires pre-order preparation.

Ming Zunjiao's tactic is to use the advantage of numbers, rely on formations, choose the Han River as the battlefield, and achieve one-shot kills. In these days, they have mobilized guardians and elites from all over the place, and their preparations are not insufficient.

But when they were busy, they never expected that Li Yan was sensing the atmosphere of Xiangfan and Hanjiang at the same time with the method of heavenly scriptures.

It took Ming Zunjiao seven days to gather people, and he spent nine days to control the terrain. It seemed that he was alone and walking alone, but in fact the earth and rivers were all his assistants.

Wei Qingyi was wiped out at this moment, put down his left hand, raised his right hand again, and swung it out again.


The Knife of the Han River, which has infinite momentum, is rolling out again, and the layers of strength seem to be superimposed endlessly. The waves behind push the waves ahead, trying to wash away all the filth in the world.

Ever since, following Wei Qingyi, the second target of the Dharma Protector let out a miserable scream: "No! I am Yin..."

Before he could announce his name in time, the body of the Dharma Protector was swallowed up, leaving only his dead head, which fell down.


Li Yan poked out the cloth he had prepared earlier from his sleeve, flew out, wrapped the head accurately, and put it back.

This was not intentional collection of loot, but a powerful follow-up blow to the Mingzun Sect.

The twelve protectors taught by Mingzun were not chosen randomly, they were all famous figures in the local area, so when they came here, all of them had different levels of disguises, for fear of being recognized.

Li Yan wanted these thieves to expose their identities. Except for Wei Qingyi who didn't control the angle well at the beginning, everyone else had to leave evidence to uproot the local forces colluding with Mingzunjiao!

"The consumption of this kind of secret method must be extremely severe. Let's go together, 'Zuo Ming' can't kill us all before the power is exhausted!"

Seeing Wei Yin's two guardians being slaughtered like chickens, the nine-foot-tall Xie Jinshi stood up with a thick-backed sword and roared like a lion.

"Yes! It is impossible to kill us all!"

These ruthless words boosted the morale, and everyone cheered up again. They used all their means, and with the momentum of a thunderbolt, they rushed over fiercely. Under the crisis of life and death, their energy was crazily aroused.

Li Yan shook his head slightly, a flat boat was fluttering under his feet, and he waved his hands, bunches of river currents were constantly excited, criss-crossing, and blood flew everywhere.

"Other people's aura is their own, but you cultists donate your aura to the so-called King Ming, and then he donates some of it, and you still have to be grateful. It's really sad!"

As early as in the battle to kill the strong bishop, the other party's King Ming surrendered like a god, which attracted his attention. Later, after he understood the use of Qi, he came up with the idea of ​​"Zuo Ming" incarnation.

Obviously, apart from Ming Zun who is still hiding his head and showing his tail, the number of King Ming Qi bestowed by the four major bishops is actually not much. Even if it can temporarily increase the combat power, it will cause great damage to the body, and it can only be used as a secret method when fighting for life. .

So in Li Yan's view, this is the most stupid choice: "The powerful is always learned by oneself, not the so-called gift of God!"

"King Ming came to the world, all living beings will be freed from suffering!"

For a group of lunatics who have been deeply involved for a long time, no one understands these truths. Even if their companions were buried in the Han River one by one, they did not kneel down and surrender.

For the gathering of such fanatics, it is a good thing, because it can be swept away together, and the evil will be eliminated.


I don't know how long it took, Xie Jinshi brandished the treasured sword and slashed down frantically, but it seemed that he had encountered an invisible wall, and the blade suddenly collapsed and flew away.

The protector, who considered himself the most powerful, looked at the shattered weapon in his hand, showing a dazed look, and then saw Li Yan flicking his hand at will, and the flying and rushing water was gently smoothed.

He doesn't use the river anymore?


It turns out that there is really no need for it!

It was only then that Xie Jinshi found out in despair that there were no living Mingzun disciples around except himself.

"It was me who killed your bishop and seized your secret library in the past!"

"It's my job to destroy your guardian today and slaughter your elite!"

"Mingzun, see clearly!"

Under Li Yan's calm announcement, Xie Jinshi's neck snapped, and the look in his eyes completely disappeared.

Mingzun's eight guardians and sixty-four elite members all died here.

 Thanks to the book friends "persevere and never forget the original heart", "book friends 20200712191359768" and "Xianhe" for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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