Chapter 101
If Fujido had connections in the Asai family, Fujido Toraka would not be afraid of this. Samurai society is maintained by blood ties.

But she is a newly promoted martial artist, and when it comes to military merits, it is indeed hard to fault her, but there are a few vested interests who are used to the Chinese people and show up below.

Show off your bravery, let you fight the fiercest battle, against the most elite enemies, see how many Ji warriors in your family are enough to die.After a few rounds of tossing like this, Fujido can be removed from Omi.

Of course, at the level of Masahiro Isano, he wouldn't use these small tricks.

But what about the warrior Ji below?People just watched the people of your country rise up and take their place?Beating the side drums and saying good things can make you die inexplicably.

What is a pyramid structure? If there are enough people pressing down, it is called a pyramid.You have no one in the Fuji hall, so you can grab a seat by yourself?Isn't it funny.

Fujido Toraka is a smart person, and Akechi Mitsuhide nodded a little bit, and she figured it out.

To make a living, the most important thing is to have a backer.And the only thing she can rely on is Yoshihiko Shiba, the benefactor who pulled her out of the quagmire.

Any behavior that deviates from Shiba Yoshihiro, even if Yoshihiro himself doesn't care, others will find ways to trample you to death.

It has nothing to do with good or evil, or reason, because there are too many monks and too little food.To maintain one's position in the pyramid, one must step down enough people below.

Fujido Toraka was lucky enough to meet Shiba Yoshigin, a person from another world.Yi Yin, who received modern education in his previous life, has lived an innocent life until now.

First of all, because of his high birth, no matter how the Shiba family fell, they were still the first-class nobles in the Wu family.

Second, cheating is ruthless. In the final analysis, this world only recognizes fists but not people.The shogunate has lost sight of it and is about to change course. Can other people be tougher than the shogunate?
But the fists of the Fujitang people are not hard enough, so what's the fuss about it, kneel down to Lord Yiyin quickly.

The so-called free choice is all ecstasy soup.If it is light, the body will die, and if it is serious, the family will be wiped out.

Fujido Toraka knew that Akechi Mitsuhide was threatening her.But she understood better that what Akechi Mitsuhide said was the truth.

It was because of this rise in class that I became dizzy and forgot the cruelty of the samurai society.

What qualifications does she have to criticize high-ranking warriors? Let's take a look.From the very beginning, there was no choice!
Fujido Toraka was really frightened, knowing that Akechi Mitsuhide eats people and doesn't spit out bones, at this time he didn't care much, and begged for mercy.

Akechi Mitsuhide still had that elegant appearance, and said softly.

"Master Fujido, have you heard of it, the manor sent it in."

"Sent from the manor? I have heard of it."

This time it was Akechi Mitsuhide's turn to be surprised, this Todou Toraka is a character, he even knew about such a long time ago, it's a pity that he came from a lower background, otherwise he really couldn't subdue him.

The so-called posting is a kind of local behavior in the era of laws and regulations when the emperor's court was at its peak.

At that time, the imperial court sent officials to various places, and these people held high positions in the localities. In ancient times, there was no restrictive law.Thus, the ugliness of human nature exploded.

The head servants in the village had a hard time and were powerless to resist until that day.

There are many heirs in the royal family, and the emperor decreed that some of the emperor's daughters should be relegated to the local areas, and Minamoto and Hei should be given their surnames.

Land servants moved closer to the royal family and nobles in these descended places, and offered their own children from the fields. This behavior is called sending in.

In fact, how do these imperial families know how to farm and manage the land, it is nothing more than local people using their names to block the oppression of officials.

Afterwards, the Minamoto Heira clan opened up and gradually merged with local servants who were closer to each other, forming the prototype of the samurai family with blood as the link.

Later, Minamoto Yoritomo, the elder of the Genji family, defeated the Taira family in the Genpei battle and became the pillar of the Wu family, so he opened the mansion and called him a general.From then on, the era of the samurai family came.

Fujido Toraka didn't know much about these things, but he knew a general idea.But she still couldn't get in touch with how this post would help Fujido's current situation.

"Master Akechi, what do you mean, we want us Fujido to send our territory to Shiba Yuqian?"


Fujido Toraka was dumbfounded, you just said it directly.In this way, the population of the village that I have worked so hard to manage for many years is swallowed up. Isn't that worse than Asai's house?

Akechi Mitsuhide glanced at her and concluded that the woman actually knew little about Ji Jin, and explained.

"Sending is not an annexation, nor is it enfeoffment. The recipient is the leader, and the sender is the family. The leader does not seize the right to rule the land, but only needs to give part of the land proceeds.

With the mercy of the Lord, you can pay some money and food in a symbolic manner at most, so there is nothing to be afraid of. "

This post was finally abandoned by the Wu family because the leader's hand could not reach into the territory.Who would think that such a thing as rights is too little, and finally sent it and slowly became knowledge and action.

Akechi Mitsuhide didn't plan to let the Fujido people go, but he had to take it step by step, boil the frog in warm water, the frog must be willing to stay in the water.

This kind of unscrupulous counselor is not something Fujido Toraka can compete with, she hesitated again and again, but nodded.

There is no way, since Mitsuhide Akechi put forward the theory of the royal family, these Chinese people are destined not to escape the clutches of the Shiba family.

Akechi Mitsuhide wants to achieve his ideals, whether it is Yoshihiro Shiba or the people of the country, she will eventually be entangled by her.

At this moment, Yiyin didn't know that he was about to leave Wanshi's territory again. After a few days of relaxation, he finally remembered to open the plug-in to see the changes.

This cheat is also pitiful, because he talks less and is always left aside. Compared with the high-profile cheats in other worlds, he is really honest.

The killing value is more than two hundred.Yiyin has become accustomed to the rhythm of the switch mode, and he can't do the usual killing without reason, and the balance of payments on the battlefield is perfect.At least get used to it, practice makes perfect.

Host: Yoshihiko Shiba

Title: Siba Yuqian (The samurai do not recognize your Shiba direct lineage, but recognize you, charm +1)

Ghost Sibo (Your reckless charge on the battlefield has won unanimous praise from the brainless warriors, and the chance of injury on the battlefield has decreased)

Strength: 5 (Teacher Saitama’s training method makes you as strong as a woman, friendly reminder, it’s better if you’re bald)
Dexterity: 4 (boars are only slightly more agile than you)

Intelligence: 6 (experiences in previous lives give you a self-knowledge that most people don't have)

Charm: 8 (you can eat with your face) +1 (go to the Whale House, you are the prettiest cub on the wine table)
Legendary events (history that future generations will enjoy watching):
Oath of Difficulties and Eight Sufferings (Spoel Edition): Your little thought becomes an inspirational story that people pass on orally and resonates with a history that has not yet happened. (Traditional samurai with a conservative personality will increase their first encounter favorability, and a certain character's first encounter favorability will be max)

The First Soldier of the Warring States Period (Owari version of Shiba version only): Your bravery is known to everyone, your achievements shine in military history, and your first battle resonates with a history that has not yet happened. (Warriors who love to lead the charge will increase their favorability when they first meet, and the favorability of a certain character will be max.) (People who are hostile to you will be instilled with fear, and the enemy's physical strength and morale will decline faster on the battlefield. The limited range: Owari country.)
Junchen Tonglu (Sibo version): Two ones add five, your behavior stunned all the samurai who learned about it, and resonated with a history that has not yet happened. (Traditional samurai with unrecognized talents will increase their favorability when they meet for the first time, and the favorability of a certain character will be max when they first meet)

Enter the Dragon (Sibo version): You enter the enemy's shogunate in a joint battle and wound the enemy's general.Omi is full of legends about you, and resonates with a history that has not yet happened. (Special effects: No crime in life. Your holy temperament makes people feel ashamed and should not be desecrated. ps: Having sex with women other than the original partner will cause the loss of special effects. ps2: The system recognizes that the host is unmarried, and the punishment mechanism will not be activated for the time being.) Encounter favorability rises, a character's first encounter favorability max)

Yiyin feels ashamed, this life is definitely a joke.

 The state is very good recently, and I don't want to talk nonsense about adding more.

  But the bottom line is that there is one change from Monday to Thursday, and two changes on weekends.Thank you(*°°)=3
(End of this chapter)

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