different warring states of japan

Chapter 1120 Bloody Atrium

Chapter 1120 Bloody Atrium

The most flustered person present was Shino Honjo, who secretly prayed that this was just a misunderstanding.It was the servants in the imperial hall who were greedy and withheld money, food and clothing from children, and did not involve outsiders.

If it really involves Uesugi Constitution's revenge on the Hojo family, she is also guilty of negligence in the village.

The most relaxed person in the audience was Uesugi Jingsheng.She watched Uesugi Jinghu listening to the story in the arms of the handsome and extraordinary Yutai, and pulled Uesugi Jingxin's sleeve with a look of envy.

Uesugi Jingxin warned her to pay attention to etiquette and manners with his eyes, and he couldn't envy her.Behind this warmth is to use a lot of blood to extinguish the anger of the superior.

The two Nagao families can't get involved in this kind of shit, just watch from the shore.

Soon, there was a commotion outside.

The servants were chased and scolded by Warrior Ji, and they knelt in the atrium outside the meeting hall.It's like rows of radishes planted in the snow, neat and small.

Gamo's village has no time to identify these servants, who are in charge of Uesugi's daily life.

Because Yiyin doesn't like to use servants to take care of daily life, and usually the half-grown loli of Tongxinzhong serve the lord.Therefore, there are not many servants in the imperial hall, and all of them should be arrested for questioning.

A group of men were arrested, kneeling and trembling in fright, and their cries resounded through the atrium.

Yi Yin in the room was irritated when he heard that, at this time Gamo Clan outside the door had already brought two people in, kowtowing to the ground.

Yiyin asked impatiently.

"Which of you is in charge of Jing Hu's daily life?"

The two men glanced at each other, and one of them bowed with fear.

"Report to the Imperial Palace, I am on duty at the restaurant. I manage all the meals in the Imperial Pavilion, but delivering food is not my job scope."

The other person hurriedly said.

"Report to the imperial platform, I am serving Lord Inner Court's daily expenses, but I don't know about Lord Jinghu's affairs. I am only in charge of the overall situation, and I am not detailed enough to inquire one by one."

Yiyin smiled instead of anger. The two chief servants were too afraid, and their subconscious sophistry gave away their flaws.

Pusheng's Township didn't know why they were arresting people, and Yiyin himself didn't reveal his words.They don't know what happened, but they have already started to shirk responsibility. This is a sign of guilty conscience.

Yiyin said casually.

"The two of them were dragged out and hacked, and the family members arrested them and sent them to the mines to do hard labor.

Gamo's Township, go out and find a few more knowledgeable people to come in and ask questions. What's the use of keeping this kind of trash who doesn't know anything? "

Pu Sheng bowed to receive the order, and Ji Wushi beside her was about to drag her away, but the two were already so frightened that they collapsed to the ground, shouting for injustice.

One cried and lay on the ground, refusing to be dragged away, and shouted.

"Forgive me, the Imperial Palace, it's really none of our business.

We all do things according to the rules, but some people break things outside the rules and warn us not to be too meddlesome. "

Yi Yin sneered.

"You manage the diet and daily life of the palace, and you have a heavy responsibility. If others tell you not to see it, how dare you not see it?

No reason!"

The two cried bitterly, and they dared not live for themselves, but only pleaded for their family.

In the mines of the Middle Ages, where is the place where people go?The mines excavated without scientific calculations collapsed from time to time.Every piece of ore dug out is made of human blood.

Yiyin looked at them, really exasperated and pitiful.

Men in this world are not as strong as Warrior Ji because of lack of pills and naturally less muscle.In the ancient times when violence was the venerable, she gradually became subordinate to women, completely different from Yiyin's previous life.

Yiyin dislikes the humbleness of patriarchy in this world the most. On weekdays, his life is handed over to the same minded people, and he seldom uses servants.

But at this time, seeing them crying miserably, his heart softened, and he said.

"I'll give you another chance to explain clearly, what's going on?"

The begging of the two stopped in shock, and they looked at each other, neither of them dared to speak first.Just when Yiyin was waiting impatiently, one of them kowtowed and said.

"On the Imperial Terrace, a few new servants came to the Imperial Palace a while ago. They are all recommended by His Highness Uesugi Kensei, and we dare not refuse."

Before he finished speaking, Uesugi Terutoro who was watching from the side suddenly spoke.

"How dare a lowly servant boy be greedy for clothes and rations, and treat my adopted daughter poorly! What is going on in this palace!

Ben Zhuang, this is the superior place you manage for me?You have let me down too much! "

Uesugi Terutoro interrupted the servant boy, and instead of letting him continue speaking, he accused Honjo Shino instead.

Ben Zhuang was really distressed, but she knew that she had to swallow the dead mouse thrown by the lord.

This incident is undoubtedly Uesugi Kensei's revenge on Uesugi Ujiyasu's daughter of Hojo Ujiyasu in order to avenge the murder of Hojo Ujiyasu's blood feud.

But Uesugi Terutora can't let the chief servant tell the whole story, otherwise how will it end?

Uesugi Xianzheng is her adoptive mother, and also the retired former governor of the Uesugi family in Yamauchi.

This time when the army went south, Uesugi Kensei came forward to persuade Nagao from Shimono country Ashikaga Castle to vote.This fully shows that Uesugi's constitutional government is still very influential in Kanbashu.

Don't talk about other Guan Bashu samurai, just talk about the long tail.She now holds the two important lands of Ashikaga Castle and Tatebayashi Castle, and is Uesugi Terutoro's most important former minister of Uesugi.

Uesugi Terutoro couldn't tear his face apart for Uesugi Constitutional Matriarch, the adoptive mother.Just check some things.It's really exposed, no one is easy to step down.

Therefore, after Uesugi Terutoro figured out the truth, he immediately took over the conversation, not allowing the chief servant to continue talking, but instead accused Honjo of dereliction of duty.

What can Ben Zhuang really do?She is also very helpless, she must take the blame.The master trusts you to blame you, this is called trust.

Ben Zhuang really came forward and bowed, and said with trepidation.

"My lord, calm down, this matter is all my fault. I did not take good care of Hu Ji, and let these untouchables tarnish your honor."

Shiba Yoshigin was stroking Uesugi Keitaro's small head, silently watching Uesugi Terutoro's acting.

Of course he knew that he couldn't tear his face apart, and that Uesugi's constitutional status was special.

However, Uesugi Xianzheng didn't take him as a protector seriously, and dared to attack Uesugi Jinghu in the palace, and he would have to pay a price.

Honjo kowtowed to the furious Uesugi Terotora to admit his mistake, and then carefully glanced at Shiba Yoshigin who remained calm.

The calmer Yiyin looked, the more flustered Benzhuang was. She gritted her teeth and shouted.

"Come on!"

Uesugi Terutora's banners all looked at the lord, Uesugi Terutora nodded slightly, and all the banners took a step forward and let out a hi.

Benzhuang really had a murderous look on his face, and he ordered.

"Drag all these lowly servants! Cut off their heads and throw them outside the city to feed the wild dogs!"


Uesugi Banner and others acted quickly and dragged down the two chief servants.The two still wanted to struggle, but they were hit hard in the ribs with an elbow, almost fainted from the pain, and then they were carried away.

The sliding door was closed, and outside the door came the heart-piercing begging for mercy and the sound of waving knives from the servants.After a while, it was as silent as night.

In the room, Uesugi Keiko, who was in Yoshigin's arms, stared blankly at the tightly closed sliding door, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yiyin put her down slowly, and then pulled out the rib cage she was wearing with the sheath.



"Do you know what Yuanfu is?"

"Going back to the imperial platform, Yuan Fu is Ji Wushi, that is, he has grown up."

Yiyin nodded, and stuffed the ribs into her hand.The young body holds the rib gap, just like the length of an adult Ji warrior wearing a sword.

She is just a child, Yiyin sighed secretly, and said solemnly.

"Jing Hu has already taken Yuanfu and is a heroic Ji warrior. From then on, he must rely on his own strength to survive.

You are the adopted daughter of His Highness Uesugi, no one can despise you or hurt you, do you understand? "

Keiko Uesugi showed a determination that a child shouldn't have, kowtowed to Yoshihiro Shiba and said.

"Thank you Yutai for teaching."

She then bowed and apologized to Terotora Uesugi.

"I'm sorry, my lord, I'm the one who caused you trouble."

A gleam of light flashed in Uesugi Terutora's eyes, as expected of Hojo Ujiyasu's son, this reflects this attitude, surpassing many adult Ji warriors.

Uesugi Terutora glanced at Yoshigin, feeling a little uneasy.If he interrupted his inquiry by himself and committed suicide to end the matter, would he be dissatisfied with himself?

At this time, Uesugi Terutora nodded slightly, and said to the respectful Uesugi Jinghu.

"You are my adopted daughter, and you deserve respect and preferential treatment. This matter is not your fault."

Ben Zhuang actually inserted it at the right time, bowed and said.

"This matter is my mistake, I implore the lord to punish."

Shiba Yoshigin glanced at it, and said before Uesugi Terotora.

"I think Uesugi Jinghu is smart, but he can't be taught by a famous teacher in this palace. Ben Zhuang Ji, are you willing to teach this child?"

Uesugi Terutoro looked at Shibo Yoshigin, and Shibo Yoshigin was also looking at her.

Honjo Shino had taught Uesugi Terutora back then, and he was also the leader of Uesugi Terutoro's direct minister, who was close to Hatakemoto.

Shiba Yoshigin puts Uesugi Ketora under Honjo Shino's door, and she will definitely get close to Uesugi Terutoro's direct ministers.

Uesugi Terutora has no married heirs yet. If Uesugi Keitaro has a good relationship with the direct minister group, will he become their spokesperson in the future, and even be eligible to inherit Uesugi Terutoro's position?

You must know that the Wu family cares more about the interests of the entire Wu family group than blood.It would be interesting if one day, the heirs of Hojo Ushiyasu could really take over the Uesugi family in Yamauchi.

Regarding this suggestion, Honjo Shino certainly did not dare to answer, she looked at her lord pitifully.

Terutor Uesugi looked back at Yoshihiro Shiba, knowing that he was expressing his dissatisfaction.

Uesugi Xianzheng was trying to kill Uesugi Jinghu in the palace, but he didn't take him seriously.

Terotora Uesugi wants peace, no problem.Let Uesugi Jinghu, the adopted daughter, get the treatment that an adopted daughter deserves, instead of being a captive with the title of adopted daughter.

Isn't Uesugi Constitutional Affairs trying to make trouble?I, Shiba Yoshigin, made Uesugi Keitaro the adopted daughter of the Yamauchi Uesugi family with official titles.

Looking at Shiba Yoshigin's stern gaze, Uesugi Terotora nodded slowly and said.

"I also like this child, why don't I let Honjo Shino take care of and teach him for me."

As soon as this remark came out, Uesugi Jinghu's status was confirmed.Ben Zhuang really became her guardian, if something happened next time, it would be really a crime and she must be seppuku.

Uesugi Jingxin, who was watching from the sidelines, felt palpitated, and she subconsciously looked at Uesugi Jingsheng beside her.The child still looked innocent, looking at the scene in front of him, unable to understand.

Shiba Yoshigin's counterattack was a slap on Uesugi Constitution's face, and it also gave Uesugi Keigoro a real opportunity to integrate into the Uesugi family.

Terutora Uesugi has no marriage and no heirs.Although she wholeheartedly pursues Shiba Yoshigin, this matter has not yet been written off.

Once Uesugi Terutoro had an accident, the one who could inherit her seat would have been Uesugi Jingsheng, her brother's daughter.

But because Yoshihiko Shiba led Uesugi Keigoro to Honjo Shino's teaching, this adopted daughter was involved with Naoko Banner Honden.

Honjo Shino, Kakizaki Keiya, Saito Chaonobu and other concubines from Uesugi Banner, each holding a heavy soldier.

If something happened to Uesugi Terutoro, would they support Uesugi Jingsheng, a long-tailed blood relative who had nothing to do with interests, or Uesugi Jinghu who was raised by his own group?
Uesugi Jing always felt a little uneasy in his confidence, and the future of Uesugi's family became more and more hazy and unpredictable.Now, she only hopes that Uesugi Terutora can really marry Shiba Yoshigin back.

The heirs of these two people are the best heirs of the Echigo Group.An heir who can unite everyone without civil strife.


An unhappy meeting broke up, Honjo Shino and Uesugi Keishin respectively took their children to salute and leave.When Uesugi Jinghu left, he was still holding tightly the ribs given by Shiba Yoshin in his hand.

Only Shiba Yoshigin and Uesugi Terutora were left in the room. Yoshigin let out a deep breath, and Uesugi Terutora looked at him and said.

"Ken Shinshin is mad at me?

It's not that I want to act presumptuously, it's just that Uesugi's constitutional status is special, and it's really not easy to touch her, so please understand. "

Uesugi Terutora bowed slightly, with a sincere attitude.Yiyin had no choice but to return the gift and accepted her apology.

But in Yoshihiro's heart, he was not angry at the offense of Uesugi Constitutional Government.He is saddened by the coldness of the samurai family, and an innocent child was involved in this dispute.

It is even more sad for those servants who died tragically. Most of them knew nothing about this matter. The court was really wronged by the tragic death, but it only affected Chi Yu.

Uesugi Terutora wants to cover up the matter, and all possible insiders will die.

And Uesugi Keigoro received the support from Yoshihiko Shiba and worshiped Honjo Mino as his teacher. He was destined to embark on a difficult road to survival at a young age.

This is the depression in Yi Yin's heart.

Whenever he is about to forget that this is a cruel and chaotic world of samurai, there will always be countless people and things that will remind him of the cruelty of this world from various unimaginable angles.

No one is spared, no one survives.Either die or fight.

Yoshigin forced a smile and said to Uesugi Terutora.

"His Royal Highness Uesugi did the right thing. It is indeed not appropriate to involve Uesugi Constitutional Affairs in this matter."

Uesugi Terutora nodded.

"You can understand, I am very grateful. Please rest assured that this kind of incident will not happen again.

Uesugi Jinghu is my adopted daughter, and she deserves the training and status that an adopted daughter should have.Any plot against her is a challenge to myself.

The blood of the servants in the atrium will alert my adoptive mother, after all, Uesugi Jinghu is also her adopted granddaughter.

I believe that she will know how to advance and retreat. "

(End of this chapter)

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