different warring states of japan

Chapter 1122 Change to the Tokaido

Chapter 1122 Change to the Tokaido

Shiba Yoshiyin will never let Oda Nobunaga go to Luo.This incident will weaken his power in recent days and in the shogunate.

At the beginning, Miyoshi Changqing went to Luo, and the shogunate coalition forces were vulnerable.It was Yoshihiro Shiba who turned the tide and maintained the dignity of the shogunate.

After the war, he also got a huge reward because of this, he had Iga Guardian, Peking University and Guardian, Shi Gao [-].

In addition, Yoshigin united the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families who were weakened in the war, protected the declining Hatakeyama family, and became the leader of the local powerful faction of the shogunate.

Inside the Kyoto shogunate, the Ashikaga general, the shogunate, and the local powerful faction are three pillars.

The stone height of Yiyin territory is only [-], but it can rely on its leadership position in the local power faction and has great influence on the shogunate.

Now that the Ashikaga General's family is over, and the vassals are scattered, Ashikaga Yoshiki's old ministers want to bypass Shiba Yoshigin and establish another general.

They joined hands with Hosokawa and Mibuchi's two local powerful factions to win over the Oda family, the Asai family, and the Tokugawa family.

If Yoshigin Shiba allowed them to do whatever they wanted, the influence of the Shiba family in the center of the shogunate would be seriously damaged.

With his strength of [-] shi, if there is no tiger skin from the shogunate.In the increasingly chaotic world of samurai, how to ensure that the recent Sibo leaders will not be coveted by others?

The shogunate samurai want to go to Luo to establish a general and re-establish the shogunate. Yoshihiro Shiba will definitely support it, but this matter cannot bypass him!

The struggle for power is ebb and flow, and there is no room for any concessions.Once considered weak, no one would dare to step on Sipo's house in the future.

Uesugi Terutora actually understood this truth, but he was inevitably disappointed.She forced a smile, calmed down, and asked.

"How is Lord Kenshin going to respond?"

Shiba Yoshigin thought calmly and said.

"The port closure period of the Hokuriku Road is too long, and there is no time to wait. Change the road and return to the next few days quickly."

Uesugi Terutora frowned.

"The mountain road on the Zhongshan Road is difficult, and the situation on the Tokai Road is complicated and unsafe."

Shiba Yoshigin already had an idea at this time and said.

"The Nakasendo still has to go through the Mino country, which is also the territory of Oda Nobunaga. I can't show weakness, and if I want to go, I will take the Tokaido."

Whether you are taking the Nakasendo or the Tokaido, you will have to go through the Owari Mino Ryogoku of Oda Nobunaga in the near future.

The Zhongshan Road is rugged, and the Shinano country is the territory of the Takeda family, so you only need to contact the Takeda family to borrow the road.

But in doing so, it seemed that Shibo Yoshiyin deliberately avoided the Tōkaidō, fearing harm from the daimyo along the way.

Shiba Yoshihiro already had a decision in his heart and said.

"I set off ahead of time, passing through Ueno Musashi and the two countries, and entering the Tokaido via Sagami country.

Most of this road is a plain, so I raised the imperial white flag to go up to Luo, surrounded by Ji warriors and galloped on horseback, asking the names along the way to prepare supplies for me.

I'd like to see who dares to stand in the way of the world and stop my footsteps. "

Hokuriku is on the side of the Sea of ​​Japan, and the winter climate is as cold as Ou.The Pacific sea breeze on the Tokaido side is relatively mild, and there will be no long period of heavy snow and ice like Hokuriku.

However, there are too many daimyo territories to pass along the Tokaido.The Hojo family of Sagami country, the Takeda family of Suruga country, the Tokugawa family of Mikawa Ene Ryogoku, and the Oda family of Owari Mino Ryogoku.

Shiba Yoshigin went to Luo with the imperial white flag to avenge the funeral of Ashikaga Yoshiki, his fiancée, which is awe-inspiring righteousness.

But the minds of all the big names are unpredictable. If someone has evil intentions, what should we do if we attack him?
Terutora Uesugi frowned when he heard the name Oda Nobunaga.She will never forget who destroyed Shiba Yoshigin's virgin body.

Oda Nobunaga, a bastard, what if she has evil thoughts about Shiba Yoshihiro again?
Uesugi Terutoro panicked more and more and said.

"No, you can't take the Tokaido, Oda Nobunaga is not a good person!"

Yoshihiro Shiba glanced at her, surprised.You have the nerve to talk about others?Can the Wu family still have good people?Can a good person do Ji Wushi's job?

Uesugi Terotora didn't even bat an eye just now, and ordered to kill all the servants in the palace, now he still has the face to say that others are not good people?

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"I know Oda Nobunaga well, she will not disrespect me.

She is a very realistic and utilitarian person with a broad mind and vision.Hurting me won't do her any good, and I can give her more.

Didn't Wada Yuima and the others want to win Oda Nobunaga Shangluo?If they can do it, I can't do it?

I have the Royal White Banner, the Royal Sword, and the Golden Seal waiting for me to get it in the near several Sibolings.Speaking of Shangluo's status, who can be more worthy than me? "

When Uesugi Terutor heard Shiba Yoshinaga say that he knew Oda Nobunaga, he felt sour and couldn't help snorting.

The male god that I worshiped at the tip of my heart was turned into a second-hand cabbage more than three years ago, and I felt very responsibly.

Shiba Yoshiyin didn't know the melancholy in Uesugi Terutoro's heart, he was full of thoughts on countermeasures to break the conspiracy of Wada Yuimasa and his group.

Before the Owari Kingdom was pacified, Oda Nobunaga began to yell at people all over the world.After winning the Mino Kingdom, he even engraved to show his heart, clamoring for the world to fight.

Wada Yuima and the others wanted to go to Luo, and they wooed the Oda family to send troops, which fell into the arms of Oda Nobunaga.But the problem is that the interests of these two groups are not aligned.

Wada Yuima and the others were frustrated in their negotiations at Asakura's house, and they were in a hurry to find someone to help them go to Los Angeles before Shiba Yoshihiko returned.Oda Nobunaga wants to enter recent days and is looking for a leading party.

Thinking about it carefully, Wada Yuima and the others don't want Shiba Yoshiyin to get involved in their Shangluo affair, and they want to monopolize the great credit for re-establishing the shogunate.

But Oda Nobunaga is different, who is cooperation with?To be ahead of Yoshihiro Shiba was the partner's requirement, not Oda Nobunaga's requirement.

If Shiba Yoshiyin is willing to cooperate with Oda Nobunaga, wouldn't the Oda family's Shangluo plan be safer and more sure?
Wada Yoomasa and the others' interests have been damaged, so what did Oda Nobunaga do.Oda Nobunaga's interest lies in ensuring that Shangluo must succeed, and she wants to stand firm on the world's big stage.

And Shibo Yoshihiro's joining was an extra assurance of success, so how could she refuse?
Yoshihiro Shiba thought about the logic before and after, and analyzed it carefully with Terutor Uesugi.Terutor Uesugi frowned after listening, even though he was reluctant in his heart, he still nodded his head to express his approval.

"You're right. What Oda Nobunaga wants is an opportunity to enter the next few years. It doesn't matter who you cooperate with. The most important thing is to succeed in Shangluo.

But how can you guarantee the safety of your return?Along the way, the Hojo family, the Takeda family, and the Tokugawa family are not simple. "

Yiyin thought for a while and said.

"Yanzhong Xingsheng will lead the elite of Yue Yue to protect me in Shangluo, and together with the concentric group, I can make up two hundred warriors on horseback.

As long as these big names didn't have evil thoughts towards me, it wouldn't be a problem to deter the armed forces of the villages along the way and be vigilant about self-protection.

For this return, each person will be equipped with two horses, and less supplies will be brought. I will use Yujian to order the local daimyo to prepare military supplies for me.

The Hojo family performed a good show of mourning for the general under Odawara Castle. I believe that Hojo Shiyasu will not want to discredit her face, and she will definitely provide supplies.

Although the Takeda family took over the Suruga country, they also left the area in a mess.Her family needs to do business with us to ensure that there is no shortage of daily necessities such as rice, salt, cloth and iron in Jiaxin Mountain.

Kitanobu Zenkojihei, where we do business with Takeda Harunobu, is the commodity market where she obtains supplies.As long as a certain material compensation is given, she will be willing to supplement what I need along the way.

As for Ieyasu Tokugawa, she changed the character from Matsudaira Miao to Tokugawa, and claimed to be a descendant of the Nitta family of Hanoi Genji.Who would recognize her without me, the direct descendant of Hanoi Genji's Yujian Jinyin in charge, nodding?
If she wants something from me, she will not refuse my request for supplies.What's more, the Tokugawa family is an ally of Oda Nobunaga.I will write to Oda Nobunaga to express my goodwill to go to Luo with her.

As long as Oda Nobunaga is tempted, Tokugawa Ieyasu is not a problem.Their connection is very deep. At the beginning, the two alliances were led by my Owari Commander, Maeda Toshiie.

And Asai Nagamasa, I fought side by side with her in Norada against the Rokkaku family.I also acted as a guarantee for the initial contact between the Oda family and the Asai family.

Although Fujitaka Hosokawa wanted to go to Luo without me, but as long as I participated, she would never dare to refuse openly.

I am the leader of a powerful local faction in the shogunate, and the Hosokawa Mibuchi family has a deep relationship with me.Hosokawa Fujitaka alone cannot represent the two retainers, she dare not disobey me.

After thinking about it carefully, no one has the reason or confidence to resolutely kick me away, except for Wada Yuimasa and his group of former courtiers of General Ashikaga.

Having me join will only make Shangluo's success more assured, and they will welcome me. "

Uesugi Terutora's scalp tingled when he heard that.

Shiba Yoshigin has been in Kanto for the past two years, and his reputation has spread far and wide. Takeda Hojo, such an unruly name, should give him three points of face.

In recent days, his network of relationships has become more complex and in-depth.Whether it is Oda Tokugawa's alliance, Oda Asai's relationship, or Hosokawa Mibuchi's decision-making, he can intervene.

From the fact that Yiyin dared to go back to the East China Sea, we can see his own extraordinary influence.

Uesugi Terutora looked carefully at Yoshigin's handsome face, and couldn't help but lose his mind.

It took this young man less than four years to become a very important figure in the world, which made the martial arts all over the world look sideways.

It's no wonder that rumors are spreading outside, saying that he is unprecedented and unparalleled in the world.


Odawara Castle, castle tower.

An imperial sword order from Yoshihiko Shiba came suddenly and without warning.Hojo Ujiyasu sat on the main seat and closed his eyes to listen to Hojo Genan reading the letter, while his daughter Hojo Ujimasa sat beside him.

After Hojo Genan finished reading, he said with a smile.

"This wise and mighty Odaisho, he really regards the territory of my Hojo family as a place where he can come and go freely. He can come and leave whenever he wants.

Not long after the Kwantung Allied Forces withdrew, he sent another letter ordering my family to prepare supplies to facilitate their Shangluo.

Really, very majestic. "

Hojo Shiyasu opened his eyes, smiled and said.

"At the beginning of the year, Harunobu Takeda occupied Suruga Castle, and the country of Suruga was robbed by those mountain monkeys from the Takeda family.

There is no hope for the Tokaido trade route for the time being, but the Hokuriku trade route is more prosperous.

Instead of taking the powerful Hokuriku Road trade route that he had built with his own hands, the Royal Tower asked to transit through the Tokaido Road, which must have happened in recent days. "

Hojo Huanan pondered.

"Then what do you mean, we're going to be perfunctory first? Wait until we find out the recent incidents before replying?"

Hojo Shiyasu shook his head and said decisively.

"No, we welcome Yutaisuo to pass through our border, and are willing to provide sufficient supplies and give him two hundred horses for military supplies.

No matter what's going on lately, I don't care.As long as Yoshihiko Shiba is willing to leave Kanto, I will pay for the travel expenses. "

Hojo Genan nodded thoughtfully.

The Hojo family respected and feared Shiba Yoshigin.A miracle at Kamakura Tsuruoka Hachiman Shrine completely destroyed the political advantage of the Hojo family's domination of Kanto.

Hojo Ujiyasu had the mentality of sending away the plague god to this Yutaisuo. It is best to leave early, and it is best not to come back forever.

After Terutora Uesugi teamed up with Shiba Yoshigin, the entire Echigo Samurai Group's internal and external troubles were wiped out.Hojo Shiyasu wanted to fight back, but he had nowhere to start.

You can't win on the battlefield, and you can't find weaknesses outside the battlefield.It's too bad to feel a little bit of being cornered by someone's conspiracy.

If he wants to compete with Terutora Uesugi in Kanto, he must first dismantle her alliance with Shiba Yoshigin.

The Kyoto Incident was a godsend.Yoshigin Shiba wanted to leave by himself, how could Shiyasu Hojo stop him?farewell!Food and drink included, hurry up and go!
Hojo Huanan understands her thoughts, but the Hojo clan government on the other side is hesitant to speak.

Seeing her unnatural expression, Hojo Shiyasu asked.

"Shizheng, what do you think?"

Hojo Shizheng hesitated and said.

"When Odawara Castle was besieged, my family mourned General Ashikaga and vowed to go to Shangluo to avenge the general.

Now that the Imperial Palace is transiting through Sagami country and going to Shangluo on the Tokaido, does my family need to fulfill the promise?
Even if it's just me taking a few horses along with me, it's better than being laughed at by all the warriors in the world, and my Hojo family didn't believe me. "

Hojo Shiyasu narrowed his eyes, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

"Shizheng, do you want to go to Luo with Yutai?"

Hojo Shizheng was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect his mother to kick the ball back to him.

She is also a coincidence, and she doesn't know why she is so upset.Every time he thinks of the white flag shrine of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, the young man who was astonished as a celestial being can't stop throbbing in his heart.

She talked about fulfilling the promise for Hojo's family, but in her heart she had a little thought of walking with him.Now, when her mother asked her outright, she twitched instead, not daring to reveal her true intentions.

Hojo Shizheng said.

"Mother, I'm just afraid of hurting the Hojo family's reputation."

Hojo Shiyasu said coldly.

"The Hojo family doesn't need to prove anything to the people of the world! The capital is in chaos, the general was murdered, and the weakness of the shogunate has been clearly seen by the warriors all over the world.

In a time of great strife, my Hojo family, instead of taking advantage of the Imperial Palace to leave the Kanto, hurry up and revive the layout, instead of going to get involved in some power struggle within the shogunate?

Shizheng, what are you thinking?
Shangluo's revenge for the general was just an excuse at that time, a stopgap measure.The Guandong Wu family doesn't care, the imperial court doesn't care, and the people of the world don't care!

And you, why can't you forget? "

The Hojo Clan had nothing to say, but he kowtowed to the ground, begging his mother to calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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