different warring states of japan

Chapter 1124 Takeda Calls Shingen

Chapter 1124 Takeda Calls Shingen

Takeda Harunobu made some sarcasm, but didn't make Tianhai move at all.

Tianhai's mind has long been tightly wrapped in fear, and only by chanting scriptures and paying homage to the Buddha in front of the Buddha statue can he gain a moment of peace.

Takeda Harunobu thought that he forced Tianhai to participate in the tasting of Shibo Yoshinobu, which frightened the good Goni.

Only Tianhai himself knew that it was not the first time.When she was in the Kyoto Imperial Palace, she had done something she shouldn't have done to Shiba Yoshigin.

For some reason that day, Tianhai had evil thoughts towards Shibo Yoshihiro.She thought there was something wrong with the jug of wine, but she couldn't find any clues afterwards.

It was as if a black hand behind the scenes was playing with her, but she couldn't find the perpetrator no matter what.

Out of fear, Amami escaped from Mount Hiei, the main gate of the Tendai Sect, and invited Ying Ying to come to this remote mountainous country of Kai.

But who would have thought that Yoshigin Shiba would also come to Kanto.When Tianhai saw him in Yantian City, he was so frightened that he called out his name, which made him captured and drank tea, and he himself participated in it.

Twice!Twice!After having a good time, Tianhai was so frightened that he lost his mind and lived in fear all day long. Only in front of the Buddhist hall could he come back to life.

But today, Harunobu Takeda actually came to visit. I don't know what kind of bad intentions this ambitious samurai family has.

Tianhai is firm in his heart, that human beings are inherently mortal, either heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather.After drinking Shiba Yoshigin twice, which was like Tianxian tea, she already had enough money, and at worst, she would die to atone for her sins.

With nothing to worry about, and naturally not afraid of Harunobu Takeda's ridicule, Tianhai continued to read with his head down, regardless of what happened behind him.

A trace of anger flashed in Kosaka Masanobu's eyes, this nun didn't know good from bad.Her food and drink expenses were given by the Wutian family, so she dared to ignore the Wutian family's questioning, she was looking for death.

Takeda Haruno stopped Kosaka Masanobu who was about to draw his sword with his eyes, looked at Amami's slender neck like a swan, and said coldly.

"The imperial platform is going to Luo, to avenge the general. He sent a letter, saying that he will pass through the territory of my Takeda family."

Tianhai's whole body trembled, and a gap cracked in his undivided Buddha's heart. He recited a Buddha's name in his mouth, feeling depressed.After worshiping the Buddha with the blue lantern for more than a year, it was broken with a single sound.

Takeda Harunobu twitched his eyes and sneered.

"It's so good that Gao Ni can't even hear a sentence from the royal platform? Is it too good to forget?
I heard that the Buddha has five precepts, saying not to kill, not to steal, not to evil silver, not to lie, not to drink alcohol.

I, Harunobu Takeda, have a sincere heart in the Tiantai sect, and I asked the mage to explain to me, what is the silver ring that is not evil? "

Tianhai buried his head and kowtowed to Maitreya's golden body, his shoulders shrugged and his face was full of tears.

Takeda Harunobu thought she was thinking of Shiba Yoshigin, and she had evil spirits in her heart.In fact, Tianhai still has some feelings for General Ashikaga's family in his heart.

She is Ashikaga Yoshiki's half-sister, who was murdered by Oyotai and sent to Tiantai Sect as a nun since she was a child.

But even so, in view of her blood and affection, Da Yutai still took care of her a lot, making her a successful Gaoni of Tiantai sect at a young age.

Now General Ashikaga's family has been rebelled and exterminated, Odai, Ashikaga Yoshiki, Ashikaga Teru-kun all died tragically in Kyoto, Tianhai is also desolate in his heart.

Takeda Harunobu held the child in one hand, and pulled up her neck with the other hand, watching her cry, the misunderstanding deepened, and he snorted coldly.

"What a good one, hahahahaha."

Tianhai was overwhelmed by her, fell to the ground and cried bitterly, then calmed down, wiped away the tears, and said with a dead face.

"His Highness Takeda came here today and humiliated me in every possible way, but he wants my life?

If so, please take it. "

Takeda Harunobu laughed.

"Master Tianhai misunderstood. I just admire the authenticity of Tiantai Buddhism and want to become a monk."

Tianhai and Kosaka Masanobu who were present were all taken aback, and they all looked at Takeda Harunobu with a solemn face.

Kosaka Masanobu's mind was overwhelmed, and a thought suddenly flashed, so it is!She finally understood what Takeda Harunobu wanted to do.

After losing the leadership of Harunobu Takeda, the Takeda family is already in chaos.

Although the vassal group intends to ask the governor to come out to govern, but the baby Reina Takeda is a knot between the two parties.

This child is the seed of Takeda Harunobu who raped Shiba Yoshigin in Yantian Castle, although Takeda Harunobu claimed to be a baby girl who was found by chance on the side of the road and adopted.

But anyone with a brain, who would believe this statement?

The Takeda retainers cannot accept this child, it is a ticking time bomb.One day, if an outsider finds out what Takeda Harunobu did to Shiba Yoshigin, the sky will fall!
But Takeda Harunobu, who has always been wise, insisted on this matter with all his strength and never compromised.

The Takeda family is in a mess now, Noburen Takeda is not capable enough to meet the expectations of the retainer group, and the retainer group urgently needs Takeda Harunobu to come forward to govern.

Takeda Harunobu's becoming a monk is like a stud on the gambling table.

She was not married and became a monk directly. The child Rena Takeda would be her only blood.

Regardless of whether it is a true biological daughter or an adopted daughter for outsiders to see, this child is the heir and heir identified by Takeda Harunobu.

If the Takeda retainer group does not approve, then Takeda Harunobu will retire, and let the incompetent Takeda Noburen continue to play with the Takeda family.

I, Harunobu Takeda, flipped the table and stopped playing!
Thinking clearly about the cause and effect, Kosaka Masanobu looked at Takeda Rena in Takeda Harunobu's arms with complicated eyes.Takeda Harunobu was actually willing to give up the power he had worked so hard for for this child.

Lord, do you love him that much?I am willing to take a risk for you and his children.

Kosaka Masanobu suddenly realized that he might be Takeda Harunobu's favorite woman, but he might not be the favorite person.Because there is a man, Takeda Harunobu doesn't say anything, but is willing to go crazy for him.

The tip of her tongue was bitter, because she also had a secret hidden in her heart, and she also liked that young man, that magnificent Yudaisho.However, it must not be said.

Takeda Harunobu stared at Tianhai, but he didn't know that Masaka Kosaka next to him was overwhelmed with confidence and mixed feelings.

Tianhai was also taken aback by Takeda Harunobu's words, completely unaware of what she meant when she mentioned Shiba Yoshigin and then became a monk.

But when she came to Kai country from Mount Hiei, it was for the Tiantai sect to win over the Takeda family governor and strive for greater influence.

Tianhai clasped his hands together and said.

"His Highness Takeda intends to convert to our sect, of course our sect welcomes you to enter the Tao.

Just what you want Dani Zheng. . "

The biggest reason why Tianhai stayed in Kai Kingdom for two years was that Harunobu Takeda couldn't agree with the Tendai Sect.

She joined the Tiantai sect, and she wanted to be a great nun.

At the beginning, we only talked about becoming a lay Buddhist, not about becoming a monk.Now that he has really become a monk, the big nun's righteous affairs must be clearly stated on the stage.

Since the establishment of the nun system by the emperor's court, although it has undergone several changes, the core position of the third and ninth ranks has not been shaken.

Dani is the head of the third and ninth ranks, and the Tiantai sect is close to the shogunate, and it is the head of the sect in the world today.Takeda Harunobu said that he was about to win the position of Dai Nizheng, which is impossible to talk about.

For this reason, the two sides had been in a stalemate for two years, and Tianhai had no choice but to spend his days in Jiafei Mountain, waiting for a turnaround.

Takeda Harunobu looked at the infant Takeda Rena, smiled and said.

"We'll discuss the matter of Da Nizheng later, the Tiantai Sect will not be stingy with the position of Nizheng, right?"

Tianhai said solemnly.

"With your dignity, it must be Nizheng."

The Tiantai sect doesn't care about the position of nunzheng, it's just a honor anyway.As long as it doesn't involve Dani Zheng's eye-catching first seat, they are willing to give it.

Takeda Harunobu smiled.

"Then ask Master Tianhai to arrange a ceremony for me to become a monk."

Master Tianhai hesitated and reminded.

"Your Highness Takeda, my Tiantai Sect is not as lax as the Pure Land Sect. Have you considered it carefully?"

Originally, Tendai Sect and Takeda Harunobu were talking about becoming a lay Buddhist, similar to Shiba Yoshigin and Shingon Sect's approach.There is a legal name but no number.Practicing at home, eating meat, drinking alcohol, having sex, it doesn't matter.

But if you are officially a monk, you must abide by the rules and precepts, at least not to lose the chain on the surface.You can pretend not to see the wine and meat, but it is definitely not okay to get married.

As Tianhai said, the Tiantai sect is not as wild as the Yixiang sect. It is too evil to marry and have a daughter to inherit the hereditary sect. It uses Japanese localized gameplay.

Tiantai Sect is a very traditional Buddhist sect, and marriage is not allowed.Takeda Harunobu is unmarried, she has to think carefully about becoming a monk.

Tianhai said, carefully glanced at Takeda Rena who was in Takeda Harunobu's arms, she was not stupid.

What Takeda Harunobu wanted was not to get married.She looked meaningfully at Tianhai, who was timidly peeking at the child, and said.

"Of course I figured out that I want to convert to Buddhism, so you just go ahead and do it. You make a list of the cost, and I'll get someone to buy it for you."

The sky and the sea made a bow together.

"The dharma name, or the one you chose before? Shingen?"

Takeda Harunobu said casually.

"Just use that. From now on, I will be Takeda Harunobu and join Shingen."

She looked at the golden body of Maitreya in the hall, her pupils were out of focus, but Shiba Yoshigin's face appeared in front of her eyes, and she repeated.

"Takeda Shingen..."


Yuanjiang country.

After Matsudaira Motoyasu took over the Tokaido territory, he recognized his ancestors and returned to his clan, claiming to be a descendant of Hanoi Genji Nitta-ryu, and changing the name of Miao to Tokugawa.

In order to stabilize the new collar, she moved the city from Okazaki Castle in Nishimikawa to Hikima Castle in the middle of Toe, and renamed it Hamamatsu Castle.

At this time in Hamamatsu Castle, Tokugawa Ieyasu was reading the letter.This letter came unexpectedly, it was the Imperial Sword Order of Shiba Yoshigin, the current imperial office.

In the room, Honda Tadakatsu yawned out of boredom, and winked at the girl Hattori Masamari who was kneeling at the head.

Hattori Masanari sat behind his mother Hattori Hosaga, and the two ninjas sat upright, waiting respectfully for their lord to show them off.

Tadakatsu Honda, who was being funny next to him, suddenly felt that he was quite boring.Although Hattori Masashige is young, these ninjas always have a respectful demeanor on their faces, as cold as a tool.

Tokugawa Ieyasu glanced at the letter, but seemed to see Honda Tadakatsu's restless little movements, and warned.

"If you can't sit still, get the hell out of here. Now you are also a general, why don't you even have a proper sitting posture?"

Honda Zhongsheng curled his lips and sat down obediently.

At this time, Tokugawa Ieyasu is no longer the same as the empty house governor who was released from the Imagawa family just now.

In the past three years, she had pacified Sanhe in the east, conquered Yuanjiang country, and completely subdued the stubborn warriors of Sanhe Ji.As stubborn as Ben Duo Zhongsheng, he has to be obedient in front of her and dare not disobey.

Although Honda Tadakatsu didn't move around anymore, her big eyes were moving around, showing her restless heart.

Her height is only 143 centimeters, which is 150 centimeters shorter than ordinary men, not to mention that Warrior Ji is generally taller than 160 centimeters.

It has a broad forehead, a rounded chin, and a pair of big eyes that seem to occupy most of the face. It looks like a child with harmless young teeth.

Unlike Uesugi Terutoro's miniature version of Yujie, she is a real childish face.Although he is getting older, he looks like a child's baby face.

But such a little Douding is the number one fighter in the Tokugawa family, and he is used to a slender gun that is more than six meters long.Every time I go into battle, I charge forward, and I have never been injured.

Tokugawa Ieyasu is also very fond of this boyish general.She was promoted to serve as the vanguard of the Tokugawa family's banner, commanding the elite Ji samurai.

After reading the letter, Tokugawa Ieyasu thought for a moment, then turned to look at Tadakatsu Honda.

"It's rare to see you take the initiative to come to see and say hello. Are you going out of the city today to go wild?"

Honda Zhongsheng smiled embarrassingly and said.

"Your Highness said this, I am loyal to you, shouldn't it be right to come to greet you?"

Tokugawa Ieyasu snorted and shouted.

"Say the point!"


Honda Zhongsheng bowed and got up, and said helplessly.

"It was Mr. Honda who wrote to me many times, talking about the current situation in Sanhe. Let me cry to you, don't let the Honda family suffer."

Tokugawa Ieyasu's forehead twitched. The most important thing she saw in Honda Tadakatsu was loyalty.

This kind of family privacy is said in front of me carelessly, and I don't know whether it is too stupid or too smart.

Tokugawa Ieyasu asked calmly.

"Aren't you going to say a few words for the Honda clan?"

Honda Tadakatsu shrugged and said.

"I'm too lazy to let them die, a group of people are too full.

Back then when we lived together in Xisanhe, we never saw them have so much internal fighting.

Sure enough, I was still too full. "

Ben Duo Zhongsheng counted, and he was a member of the Ben Duo family.But the problem is that the Miao character Honda is flooded in Xisanhe.The Ji warriors who came out of Honda's village were all Honda.

Honda Zhengxin, Honda multiple times, Honda Zhongsheng, it is difficult for them to clearly explain the relationship between each branch, so each family is not close.

But it was unlucky for Honda Zhongsheng. Not only did she become a confidant with Tokugawa Ieyasu, but her family was theoretically the head of the Honda clan.

In this medieval era, as a general leader.If something happened to the tribe, Rabundo Zhongsheng would definitely come forward to support him, and he couldn't even hide.

Tokugawa Ieyasu sighed. After the family business grew, internal conflicts became more intense.Each family has their own little ideas, and they all want to get a little more into their own bowls.

As Honda Tadakatsu said, it was too full.

(End of this chapter)

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