different warring states of japan

Chapter 1126 Daughter Love Everywhere

Chapter 1126 Daughter Love Everywhere

Oda Nobunaga was angry and helpless.

Angry, it was because he was cheated by Maeda Toshiie for three years and gave her many benefits, expecting her to be a nail in Shiba's house, but he didn't expect to stab himself with the backhand.

Helpless, it was Oda Nobunaga who realized that he really couldn't touch her, because she was right.The Oda family's intelligence network has been continuously sending news from recent days, completing the puzzle of the details of the Kyoto incident.

Although the samurai families have kept secret about Miyoshi's going to Luo in recent days, they can still see a lot of things that are wrong.

Ashikaga Yoshiki, she died unjustly.General Ashikaga, who wanted to centralize power, was strangled by malice inside and outside the shogunate, and died for no reason.

Oda Nobunaga thought of Takenaka Shigeharu's suggestion to keep Miyoshi's family, support the bandits, and check and balance those shogunate samurai in Kyoto who are inconsistent.

The letter from Yoshihiro Shiba and Toshiie Maeda's outspoken words gave her some new ideas.

Compared with those people in the shogunate, Shibo Yoshigin is a clean stream in this troubled world of deceit and deceit, a rare honest person with integrity.

Since it is necessary to place a Miyoshi family on the outskirts of the Kyoto Shogunate to support the Kou, why can't another Shibo Yoshin be placed inside the Shogunate?

It will take time for the Oda family to infiltrate in the near future, engulf the southern Omi land, and slowly gain a foothold.The more chaotic the center of the shogunate, the better for the Oda family.

Oda Nobunaga stared at the prostrate Maeda Toshiie, the truth turned in his mind three times, and finally it turned into a trace of sadness.

What are you Maeda Toshiya?You deserve to miss him too?he. .Someday it will be mine. .

But at this time, Oda Nobunaga, who had already made up his mind to welcome Shiba Yoshiyin, a fellow Owari, back home, could not punish and deprive Maeda Toshiie of his territory, which would tear the face of the Shiba family apart.

She looked at Maeda Toshiie coldly and said.

"You are right, the close relationship between the Oda family and the Shiba family must be maintained. Therefore, I will not punish you.

But you have to know, Inuchiyo, from now on, I won't give you the slightest chance.You are rotten in the ravines of Gushang County.

Wait for me to win the world, wait for me and your lord. .Heh, I hope you are alive and able to see that day.

I will go back to Qingzhou City to personally welcome him back, where we started, to welcome him.That's right, you brought him back then, and you sent him to my bed with your own hands.

hahahahahahahahaha. "


Outside the castle tower of Gifu Castle, Murai Changyori waited with a worried expression on his face.

Seeing Maeda Toshiie finally come out, she hurried forward and bowed, asking.

"My lord, how is the situation? Is the hall angry?"

Maeda Toshiie smiled and answered the wrong question.

"Murai Hime, do you know what the Great Hall means?"


Murai Chang Lai was taken aback for a moment, and Maeda Toshiie asked and answered with a smile.

"The Great Hall, our Highness Oda likes to be called the Great Hall, her heart is really too big.

Owari Mino cannot tolerate her, and the whole world may not tolerate her.She wants everything, even the white moonlight in my heart, she wants it. "

Murai Changyai didn't know what stimulated Maeda Toshiie to talk nonsense outside the castle tower.

She looked around carefully, seeing that no one noticed, she was slightly relieved, and persuaded.

"My lord, be careful what you say."

Maeda Toshiie shook his head and said.

"It's okay, I will pay attention, I just want to wrong you Ji warriors who follow me.

Our journey may have come to an end, and we may have to spend the rest of our lives in the county. "

Murai Chang Lai laughed.

"My lord, it is my honor to be able to follow you. The [-] stone territory is enough for you to support us, right? Don't be stingy."

Maeda Toshiie patted her on the shoulder and smiled.

"You really can talk. Let's go, let's go back."

Maeda Toshiie looked back at the castle tower, as if he could see Oda Nobunaga sitting on the main seat, with a supercilious and arrogant look.

Then, she resolutely turned and left.

Even if I can't see you, even if the two places are far apart, I will always watch you and protect you forever.

Maeda Toshiie raised his clenched right fist high, stretched out his thumb and index finger, and pointed straight at the sky.

Shiba Yoshigin, my lord, my sweetheart.

I love you.


In the middle of winter, the winter snow gradually stopped.

Yoshigin Shiba of the Echigo Imperial Palace received replies from various daimyos in the Tokaido, expressing their willingness to provide supplies and support Yoshihiro Shiba's righteous move in Shangluo.

Especially the reply from Oda Nobunaga, talking about the old friendship between the two in Owari, and warmly welcome Yoshihiro Shiba, a fellow Owari, to go home and have a look.

After sorting out the chores, Shiba Yoshigin bid farewell to Uesugi Terotora and embarked on the journey again.

Gamo's township led the concentric group of fifty riders, and Yamanaka Yukimori led the Guandong servants' one hundred riders to escort Shibo Yiyin to Shangluo.

Equipped with two horses, the [-] Chihime Samurai Regiment followed Shiba Yiyin and headed south with the Imperial White Flag.Cross the Echigo Mountains and walk onto the plains of Nomusashi.

Along the way, samurai families offered offerings one after another and sent them off to the imperial platform.

On the famous Walnut City, Nobushige Sanada stared at the cavalry in the distance.After a while, she turned her head and shouted to the Ji warriors behind her.

"It's almost time to return to the imperial platform! You all cheer me up! The days to come are up to us!

Work hard for the future of the Sanada family!struggle! "

The concubines applauded loudly, but Unano Toshiichi watched coldly, thinking that Nobushige Sanada was trying to cheer him up.

It is different from Sanada Nobushige's majestic and grand ideal of wanting to drink a cup of strong tea with Yoshigin.Miyoshi Yisan in the queue looked into the distance, frowning.

The story of Miyoshi and the three of them rebelling against and killing General Ashikaga has spread throughout the world, and she couldn't help but feel deeply worried about Miyoshi Masaosu.

Yuri Kannosuke next to her pouted and whispered to her.

"You said that our master, is there something wrong with his mind?"

The two are both from the past few years, and their journey has been difficult and dangerous, and they are intrigues.In the end, they supported each other until today, and became true friends instead.

Before Miyoshi Isan could speak, Yuri Kannosuke had already received a slap on the head.Nezu Sadamori squeezed out from the back row, glared and said.

"Just know it in your heart, why do you want to say it out and leak the secrets of the Sanada family."

Yuri Kayanosuke complained.

"Is this still a secret? Is there anyone in the entire Kanto Office who doesn't know?"

Nezu Sadamori retorted.

"I know it all, but if I don't tell it, it's a secret."

Miyoshi Yisan couldn't help laughing out loud, although these warriors in the mountains didn't understand etiquette, there was a trace of sincerity in their words.

This Sanada family is really interesting.

Miyoshi Izo looked at Nobushige Sanada who was cheering up everyone with deep eyes.I don't know where she will take her warriors in the future.


Shiba Yoshihiro went south along the Tone River, and went to see Shima Katsuo again without passing through Dahu Ling.

With Xingsheng Yamanaka by his side, it's inconvenient to go to Dao Shengmeng for tea. If the two don't deal with each other, it's better not to see each other.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the cavalry passed through Stable Bridge City, they encountered Dao Shengmeng who was waiting for him.Seeing her guarding the river and blowing the cold wind in the ice and snow, Yi Yin couldn't help dismounting and walked forward.

"They said they don't need to give it away, how long have you been guarding here?"

Dao Sheng smiled slightly, looking at his lord affectionately with his eyes, scanning his face inch by inch.It was as if he wanted to engrave his appearance deeply in his mind.

"It won't be long, and I don't know when I will see you again. I am a little bit reluctant to part with you."

Yiyin patted the snow on her shoulder and said angrily.

"This has become a snowman, and you said it wasn't long? You were originally asked to escort me to Luo, but you refused to go by yourself. What? Regret it now?"

Shimakatsu took half a step back and bowed deeply to Shiba Yoshigin.

"I don't regret it, I will guard the Kanto Shiba collar for you, so that your two years of painstaking efforts will not be wasted."

Looking at Shima Katsumon with firm eyes, Yoshihiro was moved in his heart.Yiyin, who was not supposed to show intimacy outside, stepped forward and hugged her gently.

"Fool, why is this Kanto Shiba Territory more important than you? I would rather lose this territory than lose you.

Remember, protect yourself and be obedient. "

Dao Sheng lowered her head fiercely, resisting the tears and refusing to fall. She gritted her teeth reluctantly, broke free from the embrace of the lord, and bowed again.

"The snowy road is difficult, please don't waste any more time for me. If you are so gentle, I will really regret it."

Yiyin laughed and got on his horse.

"Regret? It's too late!"

He rode his horse and rushed out, and the cavalry behind him saw him moving and hurried to follow.

Yukimori Yamanaka, who was in the cavalry, rode his horse forward while staring at Katsumo Shima next to him.Coincidentally, Dao Shengmeng was also looking back at her.

When people and horses staggered, Dao Shengmeng suddenly shouted.

"Protect the Imperial Palace!"

Yamanaka Yuki shouted.

"Do you need to say that!"

The two snorted at the same time, unwilling to look at each other again, disgusted.


Shiba Yoshigin went all the way south and came to Odawara Castle again.

This time, the Hojo family no longer closed the checkpoints. Hojo Shiyasu took his daughter Hojo Ujimasa and more than a hundred Hojo knights on horseback, and went out of the city for thirty miles to meet them.

When the two armies met and dismounted, the two sides greeted each other politely, Shiyasu Hojo said respectfully.

"Shangluo on the imperial platform set things right, the Hojo family should have sent troops to follow and attach themselves to the king.

It's just that you know that the Hojo family's territory is now in a mess and they can't take care of themselves.Helpless, he had no choice but to offer military supplies to show his loyalty.

I also ask you, the imperial platform, not to be offended. "

Hojo Shiyasu's words hide a needle in the cotton.

The Kwantung Allied Forces ravaged the Sagami country and ruined the Hojo family's territory.Hojo Ujiyasu seemed respectful, but he threw the reason why the Hojo family broke their promise and became fat to Shiba Yoshihiro himself.

If Shiba Yoshigin hadn't led the Kwantung Allied Forces to wreak havoc, the Hojo family would have accompanied Shangluo to avenge the general.

Shiba Yoshihiro couldn't help but sigh with such an upright and upstanding politician's demeanor.In politics, face is really superfluous, and it is too late to succeed.

Yasushi Hojo didn't blush and his heart beat, so he wiped away the past when the Kwantung Allied Forces besieged Odawara Castle and she mourned Ashikaga Yoshiki.

Shiba Yoshigin still had to smile to affirm her loyalty and said.

"His Royal Highness Shikang is determined, since the supplies along the way have been prepared, then I will set off without further delay.

Homecoming is like an arrow, don't take offense. "

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling very bored in their hearts.The Chou family feels uncomfortable when they meet each other, since they don't want to see each other, it's better to separate early.

Hojo Ujiyasu came out of the city to greet him, but he didn't want Shiba Yoshigin to go to Odawara Castle.Seeing him hurrying to leave now, it's exactly what he wanted.

"I don't dare, I have already ordered the military stations along the way, please rest assured."

Yiyin smiled slightly, jumped on his horse and looked into the distance, the road ahead is long.

After traveling through the Guandong for two years, now I really want to go back to the near future. I don’t know how many difficulties and obstacles there are in the road ahead. You are waiting for me, and I can’t help but feel sad.

Hojo Ujimasa, who was following Hojo Ujiyasu, had been secretly watching him.

Seeing him looking out at this time, his brows were tightly furrowed, and between his brows was an inseparable sadness.The eyelashes are black and long, the eyebrows of the sword are shining like stars, and the side face with the mouth pursed is tough and handsome.

Looking at it, the Hojo clan's heart surged with courage, and he came out and bowed.


Shiba Yoshigin and Hojo Shiyasu's eyes stopped at her at the same time, making her tremble unconsciously.

Hojo clan raised his head, smiling like a flower, his eyes sparkled, and he didn't know whether it was excitement or sentimentality.

"Odaisho, the Hakone mountain road is rugged, you are not familiar with the military station on this line, if you take a detour, it will waste your time.

Why don't you let me give you a ride? "

Shiba Yoshigin looked at Hojo Ujiyasu hesitantly.

What does Hojo family mean?Didn't you prepare a guide to lead the way?Hojo Shiyasu, an old fox, will let me wander in the Hojo family's territory, find out the geography of the mountains and rivers, and observe the city's checkpoints?
Hojo Shiyasu was angry, of course she would send someone to follow Shiba Yoshiyin.In name, he was leading the way, but in fact, he was monitoring Yiyin and his cavalry to get out as soon as possible.

But Hojo Shizheng came forward to intervene, how could Hojo Shiyasu deny it?How to explain if it is denied?
Her furious eyes stabbed at her daughter, but she was instantly melted.The bravery and pleading in her daughter's eyes softened her heart.

Who has never been young?Who hasn't had a hazy affection?

Hojo Shiyasu looked back at Shiba Yoshigin who was on the horse. After the winter snow stopped, the sun was shining on his face.

Tall, handsome, and imposing, this kind of heavenly being does not eat the fireworks of the world.

Hojo Shikang secretly sighed and made a crime.

If she had had such a rival who fell in love and killed each other when she was a girl, would she have fallen into it unconsciously?

Looking at his daughter's pleading eyes, Hojo Shiyasu said helplessly.

"Shizheng, send me to the Imperial Palace. Remember, you are not allowed to cross the Kano River!"

Ujiyasu Hojo finally compromised. Although his daughter's first love was destined to end without a problem, this short journey should be regarded as a mother's pity.

The Wu family has no kinship, but people are not grass and trees, they have feelings after all.

Hojo Shizheng glanced at his mother gratefully, bowed deeply, and let out a hi.

The Kano River is the border leading to the Suruga country, and it is also the mother's bottom line.Hojo Shizheng knew that this section of the road was his mother's last tolerance, so he couldn't mess around anymore.

She looked at Shiba Yoshigin with a bright smile.

"Odaisho, please."

Yoshihiko Shiba looked at the mothers inexplicably, and always felt that there was something hidden in their communication, but he was in a hurry to hurry, so he didn't think about it any more.

"In that case, I will bother His Royal Highness Lao."

Hojo Shizheng laughed.

"A solid wish."


A few days later, Ujimasa Hojo, who crossed Hakone Pass and came to the Kano River, laughed again.

"Send you a thousand miles, and you have to say goodbye."

Yoshihiro Shiba looked back into her eyes, as an old green tea cousin, he already felt something.

"His Royal Highness, Xiong Shizheng, we are leaving today. I don't know when we will see each other again. Please take care of yourself."

Hojo Ujimasa bowed immediately.

"Odaisho, take care."

Yoshihiko Shiba nodded and rode his horse forward, followed closely by more than a hundred knight warriors, causing countless splashes on the shore.

Looking at his disappearing figure, Hojo Shizheng couldn't bear it any longer, tears streaming down his face.

She shouted into the distance.

"Odaisho! Take care!"

The black spot in the distance is getting smaller and smaller, gradually disappearing out of sight, she whispered.

"I like you."

(End of the Kanto chapter)
(End of this chapter)

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