different warring states of japan

Chapter 1139 Huge influence

Chapter 1139 Huge influence

At the temporary residence in Otani Castle, Ashikaga Yoshiaki became distraught and summoned the concubines to discuss.

On the main seat, Ashikaga Yoshiaki said angrily.

"The ceremony to send me to Mino Country was cancelled. Asai Nagamasa said he was unwell and couldn't see me, and sent his retainers to express his regret."

Wada Yuimasa glanced at the Ashikaga twin girls who were getting stronger and stronger in self-esteem and took themselves more and more seriously, and shook his head secretly.

Yoshihiro Shiba has already gone to Mino Country, she still has time to worry about Asai Nagamasa's attitude turned ambiguous, feeling that she has been neglected, it really doesn't matter.

On the side, Fujitaka Hosokawa was even more embarrassed. She just received a letter from her family asking her to try her best to maintain the friendship with the Shiba family.

Friendship a p!
The Hosokawa Mibuchi family introduced Hosokawa Fujitaka as a representative, and put aside recent Shiba collars to contact Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

As a result, Yoshihiro Shiba came back quickly, and the two mothers in the family turned their backs when they said they would turn their backs!This is to play the daughter of Hosokawa Fujitaka in the front as a monkey?

Ashikaga Yoshiaki saw that the two concubines sighed but didn't speak, so he let out a muffled grunt.

"You have nothing to say?"

In fact, Ashikaga Yoshiaki herself was the one who panicked the most, because she had no way out.

The gate of Kofukuji Temple is also out, and General Ashikaga's score is also displayed.As a vulgar woman, she must either go to Luo to become a public official, or find a place to commit suicide.

The most important thing is that she is full of inferiority complex when facing Yoshihiko Shiba.

He is the widow of Yoshiki Ashikaga, holding a sword and leaning against the white flag on his back. Yoshiki Ashikaga left him a golden seal before his death.The whole world of samurai recognizes this Imperial Palace, the descendant of Hanoi Genji.

What is Ashikaga Yoshiaki?Ominous twin girls?A wild nun?Except for her blood being recognized by the vassals, which is a little reliance, what can she use to fight Shiba Yiyin?
Warriors care more about orthodoxy than blood.The theory of status is not enough to have blood, what is more important is the orthodoxy of the continuation of the family name.

The Shiba family already had a special status among the Ashikaga sect, and they were the noble family who turned from prostitutes to prostitutes.Shibo Yoshigin himself was accepted by Ashikaga Yoshiki, and he is the real Ashikaga general's family.

The more Ashikaga Yoshiaki thought about it, the more guilty she felt, she said angrily.

"What are you talking about!"

Wada Yoshimasa and Hosokawa Fujitaka looked at each other. The two had already discussed it, and the final countermeasure was that they must not tear themselves apart with Shiba Yoshigin.

Wada Weizheng coughed lightly and said.

"Your Highness, please be patient, I do have a piece of advice, and I hope you can accept it."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki said angrily.

"Say something."

Wada Weizheng took a breath and said slowly.

"No one expected that the Imperial Palace came back so quickly. No one expected that Oda Nobunaga would go to greet him in person.

Therefore, I implore you to let go of your prejudices and go to Mino Country to join the Royal Palace and seek his support.

After all, Yudaisho is a man, and it is impossible for him to be General Ashikaga. As long as your attitude is sincere, you should be able to get his approval.

After all, you are the closest blood sister of the previous generation.I believe that with the deep friendship between the Imperial Palace and the ancestors, he will not pass you, and consider finding other distant branches to inherit the Ashikaga General's family. "

Yoshiaki Wada rambled on for a long time, but Yoshiaki Ashikaga's expression became more and more ugly, and she felt extremely wronged.

At the beginning, you bastards swore that it would be bad for me if Yoshihiro Shiba came back, so you put Yoshihiro Shiba aside and launched the Shangluo incident in advance.

Fortunately, Yoshihiro Shiba came back quickly, and you can turn your face faster than you can turn a book.The upper and lower lips curled up, is this cowardly?

What seeks the understanding of the Godaisho, what considers the relationship between the Godaisho and the ancestors.In the final analysis, whether I, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, can be this Ashikaga general, I still have to ask Shibo Yoshigin, right?

If I had known this earlier, what was the purpose of running around this winter and doing so many things?Are you playing me like a monkey?

Ashikaga Yoshiaki's face flushed like a pig's liver, her hands trembling, she said coldly.

"Is this your personal opinion?"

Wada Yoomasa glanced at Hosokawa Fujitaka, kowtowed to the ground.

"I discussed it with Hosokawa Fujitaka-sama, and I also wrote a letter to get Niki Yoshimasa's approval.

Your Highness, it's not that we don't want to do our best, it's true. .For your consideration. "

Hetian Weizheng's face was also red, and she also knew how to be ashamed.Shiba Yoshiyin was still a few doors away, and the people like himself were so frightened that they didn't know what to do, and rushed to surrender first.

Shame, what a shame.

But the situation is stronger than people, and Oda Nobunaga has already run to meet Shiba Yoshiyin.Among the people around Ashikaga Yoshiaki, who would dare to be an enemy of Shiba Yoshigin, and what to do.

Not to mention the warning from the Hosokawa Mibuchi family governor, Niki Yoshimasa was also frightened into a quail.

Niki Yoshimasa is the samurai family with the most powerful military power among Ashikaga Yoshiki's former ministers, occupying Sakamoto Castle, and under his command is the Ji Samurai Regiment of five hundred Lima Hui.

But the problem is that Shiba Yoshigin, the authentic royal court, has returned, and the Ashikaga Hui may not continue to support Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the impoverished public party.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki is considered a p, can she fight?

Shiba Yoshiyin cut all the way from the east to the south, and then from the south to the west. How could the Ashikaga Army God have earned his name.

The Battle of Norada, the Battle of Yamato, and the breakout battle of Kokoji Temple, all these vicious battles have earned his great reputation.

In the entire martial arts family in recent days, no one is willing to be hostile to him.Whether it's a former comrade in arms, or a defeated general at the time, then he will be called a p.

Niki Yoshimasa, the original guardian of Iga, she knows best how chaotic the Iga country was before.Keshiba Yoshiyin led the mob of the Iga crowd to achieve an epic record.

And Yoshihiro Shiba face-to-face?She wouldn't dare to feed Niki Yoshimasa three tanks of chicken blood and ten bear gallbladders!
Since everyone is cowardly, I have no choice but to wrong Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the poor official.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki heard that Niki Yoshimasa also supported him, so he was angry and anxious.She looked at Liu Sheng Zongyan who was beside her, and this heroic swordsman turned his head silently.

Munemo Yagyu's daughter is still the head of Shiba's house, and Munemo Yagyu certainly doesn't want to offend Yoshigin Shiba to death.It was okay to do small tricks behind her back before, but when Yoshihiro Shiba came back, how could she dare to jump again.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki looked at Ke Erkichicho again, the leader of the guards who came out of Kofukuji Temple with her, bit the bullet and did not avoid his eyes, expressing his loyalty to her and obeying her orders.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki couldn't help sighing, Keeryoshicho is indeed a spearman, but what can she do alone?
Ashikaga Yoshiaki, who has been gradually inflated by the compliments of many concubines since returning to vulgarity, felt a serious sense of frustration for the first time.

She swallowed today's bitter fruit silently, but swore in her heart.After she becomes General Ashikaga, she will never be manipulated by anyone!Especially that man!

Yoshihiko Shiba, let's see!
Ashikaga Yoshiaki let out a sigh of relief, thinking it over.No matter what, the most important thing is to be the Ashikaga general first, so he said.

"Leaving for the Mino country tomorrow, I'm going to Gifu City to seek an audience with the Godaisho, and ask him to be the master of General Ashikaga's family and avenge the ancestors!"

All the concubines kowtowed to the ground and said.

"Your Highness is wise!"

Ashikaga Yoshiaki nodded numbly, neither happy nor sad.

Shiba Yoshiyin never thought that he hoped to make more friends and win over the samurai family so that he could deal with the threat of Oda Nobunaga, but others may not appreciate it.

The object of his favor, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the soon-to-be general, harbored a grudge against him, and the strategy was doomed to failure before it could be launched.

Shiba Yoshigin, Oda Nobunaga, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the three forces will finally meet in Gifu City, and Shangluogan will turn Miyoshi's house.

But before going to Luo, the differences between the three forces are already visible to the naked eye, and it is unknown how much trouble it will cause in the future.


Just at the moment when Ashikaga Yoshiaki was determined to compromise, in the residence not far from her residence, Asai Nagamasa was walking into the inner courtyard with a tired face.

She discussed with the important ministers for a day, and finally decided to keep a distance from Ashikaga Yoshiaki and wait for Shiba Yoshigin's attitude.

Although Wada Yuomasa, Hosokawa Fujitaka, and even Oda Nobunaga have expressed their support for Ashikaga Yoshiaki.But after hearing the news that Shiba Yoshigin had come back, the entire Asai retainer group shrank.

Oda Nobunaga's idea of ​​killing the Rokkaku family is very attractive, but if Shiba Yoshiyin does not support Ashikaga Yoshiaki, then the Asai family will have to think again.

No one is more aware of the horror of this Imperial Palace than the Asai retainers.

At the beginning of the Norada battle, Shiba Yoshigin led less than sixty patchwork wild samurai on horseback, and directly smashed Rokkaku Yoshiken's main formation.Liujiao Yixian didn't even keep the seal of Ma, and fled in embarrassment.

It can be said that the powerful Liujiao family business left behind after Liujiao Dinglai's death was destroyed by Shiba Yoshiyin's wave alive.Liujiao Yixian never recovered from the fall and never recovered.

Since the Battle of Norada, the North and South Omi samurai have all boasted about Shiba Yiyin Niu b.Regardless of whether it was a real bull b or a fake bull b, no one wanted to offend him anyway.

The Asai family, no matter whether they are counselors or military generals, young or old, hope that the governor will wait a little longer, take a look, and confirm Shiba Yoshigin's attitude.

Asai Nagamasa was tossed about by them all day, but had no choice but to compromise and gave up the idea of ​​giving Ashikaga Yoshiaki a gift.

She was walking on the road in the inner courtyard, but her mind was full of Shiba Yoshigin's face.

He finally came back.

After a two-year farewell, no one asked me, and once I returned, I was almost shocked.He is still the same, dazzling like the sun, no one can ignore his existence.

Asai Nagamasa raised the corner of his mouth, as if he was recalling something.

Suddenly, her expression darkened.

It turned out that the previous city lord was waiting for her to return outside the house, reminding her that she was married.

Asai Nagamasa barely cheered up, walked forward with a smile, and asked.

"Why did you come out? At the end of winter and the beginning of spring, the weather has not yet warmed up, so be careful of the cold in spring."

The city lord who has been dating for a year has faded, he saluted with a smile and said.

"You are busy running around outside, so my waiting is nothing. Come in quickly, and I will have someone warm your tea soup."

The two entered the room hand in hand and sat on both sides.Asai Nagamasa took the tea soup handed over by Mr. Shi, and took a sip.

The city lord on the opposite side couldn't bear it anymore and asked.

"I heard that the retainers have some objections to the matter of the Asai family uniting my sister to Shangluo?"

Asai Nagamasa narrowed his eyes slightly, put down the tea soup, and asked back.

"Who did you hear?"

The mayor froze for a moment, and said nonchalantly.

"No one mentioned it, but I was a little worried.

After all, my sister is sincere and sincere, and you often say that the Liujiao family is a serious problem.It is a good thing that the two companies work together to remove hidden dangers for you. "

Asai Nagamasa frowned and looked at her husband.

She really hoped to use Oda Nobunaga's hand to completely kill the Rokkaku family.Even if the Oda family is so greedy that they want to annex the entire Minami Omi, it doesn't matter.

Oda Nobunaga has just arrived, how can he stand firmer than the Rokkaku family?As long as the Rokkaku family can be killed, the Asai family is not afraid to compete with other samurai for control of Minami Omi.

Asai Nagamasa didn't think that Oda Nobunaga could be more troublesome than the thousand-year-old Sasaki clan.

The return of Kesibo Yiyin has aroused the concerns of Asai's retainers.As the governor of the family, she could not ignore the opinions of the retainers and act recklessly, so she could only wait for a while.

Although her ideas are similar to those of the mayor, it doesn't mean that she is happy to see the mayor get involved in government affairs, especially speaking for the Oda family.

The mayor is not Shiba Yoshihiro, what does he know about everything as a boy?
Asai Nagamasa stood up and was about to go out.The city lord looked at her in astonishment, then got up and asked.

"Are you going out again?"

Asai Nagamasa nodded.

"There are still things to do, I will spend the night in the study today, you should rest first.

Also, you have always disliked meddling in political affairs. This is a good habit, and I hope you will keep it. "

The mayor's face froze, he was not stupid, of course he knew that Nagamasa Asai was expressing his dissatisfaction with his involvement in politics, and his heart suddenly became angry.

Is it he who wants to ask about these fights?It's not because of Shiba Yoshigin!

The mayor asked sullenly.

"Is it because of Shiba Yoshigin? Just because he's back, you don't want to help my sister?

Is he the only one in your heart?is not it! "

Asai Nagamasa froze, then continued to walk out.

"You think too much. Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. How can a big family business be a trifle?"

The city lord looked at her receding back, tears streaming down his face, and he was muttering in his heart.

If you don't miss him, why are you always reluctant to have sex with me?Newly married for one year, you seem to respect each other like a guest, but you really treat me as a guest!How am I inferior to him?where!
Shiba Yoshigin, you good-looking man!I want you to look good sooner or later!
When he got married, Oda Nobunaga slapped him in the face, and the city lord thought he could ignore it.

But his wife also couldn't forget that vixen, and this year's torment made the slap on the city gentleman's face seem to never fade away.

Sister, Changzheng, they were all poisoned, by that man's poison!
Asai Nagamasa walked out step by step. She knew that the mayor behind her was feeling uncomfortable, but she really couldn't forget that boy.

She touched her flat belly, she was married but she was not pregnant, and the retainers had vaguely reminded her of the continuation of the family business.

But Asai Nagamasa just couldn't face the mayor. She couldn't forget that boy, so naturally she couldn't face other men, and naturally she couldn't get pregnant.

(End of this chapter)

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