different warring states of japan

Chapter 1146 True Friend Dagu

Chapter 1146 True Friend Dagu

Yiyin was a little tired.

Back from Oda Nobunaga's tea party, first Yukino, then Yango.After dealing with a series of things, he overworked his brain a bit.

He half-lyed on the pillow, closed his eyes Xiaotian for a moment, and let his tired mind go.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a knock on the door.Yiyin raised his eyelids angrily, what happened today?Endless!
he asked.

"what's up?"

Pusheng's village opened the door, kowtowed on the ground, and said.

"Imperial Office, Todo Takatora asks to see you."

Yi Yin's pupils shrank, and he woke up instantly, why did Takatora Todo come?

He pondered for a moment and said.

"Bring her here."


Gamo Shixiang went out to collect people, Yoshiyin got up and sat down, patted the crumpled clothes, thinking about the purpose of Todo Takatora in his mind.

Among the recent Sibo collars, the Fujido collar is a unique existence.

When Shiba Yoshigin arrived in Japan, he was sent by Ashikaga Yoshiki to Omi to coordinate the disputes between North and South Omi and Rokkaku Asai.

At that time, the Rokkaku family was still in full swing, and Rokkaku Yoshiken was so bold that, in order to get an excuse to attack the Asai family, he intended to murder Yoshiki Ashikaga's mediation envoy Shiba Yoshiyin.

After defeating the ambush of the Rokkaku family, Yoshigin boarded a ship and transferred to Kita Omi Asai's house, and joined forces with Asai Nagamasa to start a war against Rokkaku Yoshiken.Only then did he have the first battle of Megatron in recent days, the battle with Norada.

At that time, Shiba Yoshigin was still a fallen nobleman with nothing in his hands.

In order to play a greater role in the battle of Norada, he used the status of the royal family as a bargaining chip to buy the Todo people of Inugami County headed by Todo Toraka.

After the war, Todaka was fooled by Akechi Mitsuhide, and donated [-] koku of land in the ten villages of Todo to Shiba Yoshiin in the traditional way.

And Todo Takataka, Todo Takataka's daughter, also took the initiative to follow Shiba Yoshiyin to Kyoto.

Fujido Takatora followed Shiba Yoshiyin to the next few days, and completely smashed Miyoshi Changqing's Shangluo Yewang.

This battle earned Shiba Yoshigin the name of the Ashikaga Army God, and was rewarded by the shogunate, gaining both fame and fortune.

The territory of the Fujido people also officially belonged to the revived Shiba family.Todo Takatora returned home and became the heir of the Todo family.

In recent days, the Shiba Territory is the [-] koku territory under the jurisdiction of Ashikaga Yoshiki who granted Shiba Yoshigin, Iga Guardian, and Peking University and Guardian the service positions.

But Fujido Ling is not within the [-] shi. Fujido Ling hangs out alone, located in Inugami County in the middle of the Omi Kingdom.

Fujido Toraka is an old samurai who has suffered a lot. She cherishes the family status in the guardian system very much.

When Yoshihiko Shiba left for Kanto, she also recommended a child from the Ishida family in Aichi County to become an official, that is, Ishida Mitsunari.

Shiba Yoshiyin has always been tolerant towards Todou Toraka, and has little restraint on Todou's leader.

This time, Shiba Yoshiyin was wandering outside the nearest door, obviously dissatisfied with the situation in the recent few days in Siba.

Todo Takataka's reaction was very quick, and he sent his daughter Todo Takataka to meet the lord immediately.

As expected of an old samurai who has been hanging out in the chaotic place in the middle of Omi for many years, he is indeed politically aware and knows how to stand in line and express his opinion.

Yiyin thought about it and couldn't help laughing.

Judging from Fujido Toraka's reaction, the interior of the Shiba collar has not been monolithic in recent days.His refusal to go back and preside over the overall situation seemed to frighten many people.

This is a good thing.

As long as the vassals of Shiba Ling have their own ideas, Yiyin can deal with them one by one and solve the hidden danger left by accident two years ago.

Yiyin was still thinking, and Todo Takatora had already entered the room to see him.

Fujido Takatora was Yoshihiro's earliest side-born. He was entrusted with Maeda Yoshitsugu and Otani Kichitsugu at the beginning, and they were appointed as governors.

Yiyin looked at her carefully.

The seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl who followed him at the beginning is now more and more beautiful.In his early twenties, he is a head taller than the average samurai. He is really a heroic warrior Ji.

Yiyin laughed.

"Long time no see, Fujitang Ji, how is your mother?"

Fujido Gaohu hasn't seen Yiyin for two years, seeing that he is now much taller than himself, his appearance is more handsome, and his temperament is out of the world, he is also secretly shocked.

This young lord really became more and more evil as he grew older, and he was even more imposing than before.

She sighed and replied respectfully.

"Mother is fine, but she misses the Lord a little. This time..."

Before she finished speaking, there was another knock on the door, and Yiyin frowned.

"What's the matter?"

Gamo's village entered the door, glanced at Takatora Fujido, and said softly.

"Odaisho, Otani Kichitsugu is here."

Yiyin saw Fujido Gaohu's eyes wide open, his expression flustered, he couldn't understand.

Maeda Masari, Todo Takatora, and Otani Yoshitsugu were all his sidekick warriors at the beginning, and they participated in the Norada battle together.

Compared with later Nizi Katsuhisa and Yamanaka Yukimori, they are older.These three people can be regarded as the military generals in the recent few days, and they are a small group with Maeda's interests as the core.

Yoshihiro originally thought that although Todo Takataka was sent by her mother Todo Takataka, he should have gotten along with Maeda Masaki in advance.

But now it seems that maybe not necessarily.If he really got along with Maeda Yili, what happened to Otani Yoshitsugu?

he said slowly.

"Bring Otani Jiji over here."

Gamo Shigo bowed and went out to lead people, Yi Yin watched Todo Takatora silent, Fujido Takatora bowed his head and sweated, the atmosphere was a bit dignified.

Soon, Otani Kichitsugu entered the room and bowed respectfully to Shiba Yoshigin.

Yiyin sat down to accept her etiquette, and smiled after the ceremony was over.

"Otani Hime, are you in good health? This time, are you here with Fujido Hime?"

Dagu Jiji was taken aback, nodded and said.

"Thank you Yutai for your concern, the old problem on your body is just like that. I made an appointment with Fujitang Ji, but we were delayed on the way and missed the meeting time.

Fujido Hime, I kept you waiting. "

Otani Yoshitsugu took advantage of the opportunity and bowed to Takatora Todo to apologize, Takatora Todo hurriedly returned the salute with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

Yoshihiro observed carefully, and found that Todo Takahu was well dressed, while Otani Kichitsugu was full of dust and dust, and there were many doubts in it.

First, the two people will not meet each other, so the gap will not be too long.Why, one person is calm and unhurried, and the other is traveling hard.

Second, since we met, why did Takatora Fujido seem to be caught off guard, with an unexpected embarrassment on his face.

The corners of Yiyin's mouth turned up slightly.

The deterrent effect of not returning to Sibo collar in the past few days is greater than imagined. Maeda Yili seems to be unable to hold back the situation, and his old comrades-in-arms began to rush away.

He didn't tell the truth, and asked with a smile.

"Spring plowing is just around the corner, why did you leave the territory at this time?"

Fujido Takatora bowed.

"My lord mother heard that the lord has returned from Kanto, and ordered me to come to see him, and ask the lord for Shangluo arrangements, and the leader of Fujitang can also arrange cooperation.

Although the matter of spring plowing is important, my mother said that the Todo family is your eagle dog.Knowing that you are in the country of Mino, I must come to see you, as a courtesy of all monarchs and ministers. "

Yi Yin nodded again and again, and asked Otani Kichitsu with a smile.

"Da Gu Ji, what about you? Fujitang Ji's family has a mother who presides over the spring plowing, don't you need to take care of the spring plowing in the territory?"

Otani Yoshitsugu bowed and said.

"The spring plowing at home has been properly arranged, and my own retainers follow the rules.

Fujido Hime and I have come here this time, entrusted by Maeda Yoshi-sama, to ask the lord about Shangluo, so that we can serve you. "

Yiyin smiled slightly and teased.

"Todou Hime, is that so?"

Fujido Takahu was stunned for a moment, looked at the sharp-eyed Otani Kichitsu, laughed dryly, and said.


In addition to my mother's greetings, Maeda Mashiki-sama also asked the two of us to come here on her behalf to express my greetings and respect to you. "

Yiyin tapped the copybook beside him with the knuckles of his index finger and said.

"Really? But as far as I know, she's in for a treat now.

She, the commander-in-chief of the Sibo army in recent days, has great power. She knew about the Kyoto incident, but she stood still and watched the general die.

I wonder if she still remembers what she promised me back then?Does she still have an ounce of loyalty in her heart! "

At the end of Yiyin's speech, he slammed his palm on the copybook with a stern voice.

What's the matter, when I was away for a few days, I specially found Akechi Mitsuhide and Maeda Yoshi.Accompany them to have a good sex once, just to let them loyally watch over the past few Sibo collars for me.

How good are they, one is black-bellied and the other is pretending to be stupid, they really are ruthless!
Make Lao Tzu white, don't you?Are they worthy of the sweat of Lao Tzu's hard work?

Nizi Shengjiu, on the other hand, has no sexual desires, but is loyal and considerate of the overall situation.Why is the gap between people so big?
Fujido Takatora and Otani Yoshitsugu kowtowed to the ground at the same time, imploring the lord to appease his anger.

Otani Yoshitsugu said sincerely.

"Odaisho, you have misunderstood Maeda Mashiki-sama.

She has always kept your teachings in mind, kept a close eye on Minami Omi, always implemented your strategy, and cooperated with General Ashikaga to suppress the Rokkaku family.

Although the Liujia family is weak, but centipedes are dead but not stiff, the pressure from Maeda Yoshito-sama has always been great.

These two years.

She first responded to the Asai family, invaded Koka County, and captured Suzuka Pass.

Also, in order to match your grain purchase plan, we have sold Suzuka Pass to the Oda family.

In the end, it also cooperated with General Ashikaga's army in Sakamoto Castle to deter the southern part of the Rokkaku family.

She has been conscientious and has not slackened in the slightest. She has not failed your expectations, Odaisho.

Maeda Mashida was also puzzled by the sudden incident in Kyoto.Since there was no information from Kyoto from Mr. Akechi Mitsuhide, she had to be cautious and investigate the situation first.

When the truth came out, Kyoto had already fallen into the hands of the Miyoshi family.General Ashikaga suffered a great rebellion and slaying the king, and Maeda Mashiro-sama was too regretful.

But I dare to say that she is in charge of the military power in the past few days, and it is not a problem to maintain prudent decision-making when the situation is unclear.

In the imperial platform, commanding the army is not a trifling matter. Although she committed the crime of negligence, it is justifiable.I hope you calm down and give Maeda Mashiki another chance. "

Yiyin rubbed his chin to watch Dagu Jiji's tearful performance, and wanted to applaud her.You should really ask Takada Yono to see what high-level dumping is.

It's the same as dumping the pot, Yang Nai's girl will threaten the lord with debts, she is really stupid, and the crime is aggravated.

If it weren't for Yiyin's soft heart, seeing her business talent and sister Xue Nai's eagerness, this test would not be easy.

Looking at Maeda's interests, the level of dumping the pot is extremely high, highlighting one and avoiding the important.

First use a bunch of credit to beg for mercy, then pick up the lightest crime of negligence and confess it, and finally push away the crime of treason involved in the murder of the general, it is a perfect example of dumping the blame.

After Otani Kichitsu finished speaking, he fell to the ground and kowtowed. He didn't see the Lord speak for a long time, feeling uneasy and exhausted physically and mentally.

Fujido Takatora left early and the distance was short. To catch up with Fujido Takatora, she traveled day and night, which was really hard.

However, she couldn't help chasing after him.

If Fujido Takatora met the Lord first and expressed the attitude of Todo leader, Maeda Yili would be more passive.

In recent days, it is lawless for Si Boling to blame everyone, but when all the concubines rush to the lord to beg for mercy, whoever falls last will be unlucky.

Niko Katsuhisa has meritorious service, Takada Yoshino was summoned first, and Otani Yoshitsugu must catch the last train with Todo Takatora.

As for Akechi Mitsuhide, that guy is already a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, and he likes to lie flat.

After a while, Yiyin sighed and said.

"Get up first.

Maeda benefited in the past two years, and I understand her difficulties.

But the whole story of the Kyoto incident, I have already asked the San Taifu of Baidi to investigate clearly.

You say Maeda Yoshiki is completely ignorant?I'm afraid not necessarily? "

Otani Yoshitsugu said solemnly.

"Dare to ask Your Highness, are the words of the three princes of the hundred lands credible?"

Yiyin rubbed his fingers and said.

"There is Fujibayashi Xing's statement as evidence."

Otani Yoshitsugu asked.

"What about Fujibayashi Apricot?"

Yiyin narrowed his eyes and said.


Otani Yoshitsumi snorted coldly.

"What a dead man!
I have also heard a little about the means of the imperial court and the ninjas. Under the three trees, there is nothing you can ask for.

The third prince of Baidi interrogated Fujibayashi Xing, why did he only leave a confession and no witnesses?

Just relying on a confession, you want to convict a famous Wanshi, is there such absurd thing in the world?

The third prince of the hundred lands has ulterior motives, and I implore the imperial court to cull this beast! "

Seeing her eloquence, Yiyin became angry and said angrily.

"That's enough! Akechi Mitsuhide has already admitted the truth of his confession in front of the San Taifu.

I sent another person to ask Mitsuhide Akechi, and he didn't deny it either! "

Otani Yoshitsuji refused to bow his head to his strengths, and continued to defend Maeda's interests.

"Yutaisuo, even if the third prince of the hundred lands did not lie, Akechi Mitsuhide is full of tricks, so don't trust her!"

Yiyin sneered.

"Then who should I trust? Maeda benefit?"

Dagu Jiji kowtowed to the ground and said solemnly.

Maeda Masaki-sama is the first retainer you have accepted.

She has followed you since she became an official in the last country of Zhang, overcoming obstacles and fighting bloody battles.I am loyal to you and to the Shiba family, without any second thoughts.

How can you assume that Maeda Yoshi-sama will be unfaithful to you just because of a few slanderous remarks from outsiders?
The mountains are also far away, the water is also far away, the mountains and rivers are far away and the roads are far away.Odaisho, do you still remember Maeda Masari who accompanied you to Shangluo that year? "

Yoshihiro narrowed his eyes and said nothing, while Otani Yoshitsugu pointed to Todo Takatora beside him.

"Both Todo Hime and I trust Maeda Yoshi-sama, that's why we came together to distinguish right from wrong for her.

Fujido Hime, do you think so? "

Takahu Todo was dumbfounded, Yoshitsugu Otani is dragging her into the water by force!

(End of this chapter)

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