Chapter 115
Thinking he understood what Yoshigin meant, Ashikaga Yoshiki nodded in satisfaction and asked kindly.

"Mr. Yiyin is here in Kyoto, where do you live?"

"Now Dongfu Temple temporarily lives."

Ashikaga Yoshiki's complexion suddenly became ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said.

"Too deceiving!"

These vassals are really not women!Shiba Yoshigin was the shogunate's great hero in this battle, and he also intimidated the samurai of the Omi Kingdom.

Even if you want to show your face, is this the right time!If he was forced to run away, what would Omi say?
Will the Asai family wait and see in doubt, and will the Liujiao family hesitate to give the benefits spit out.Are these people pig brains!
If you know the benefits of maintaining your own family, Miyoshi's family will be calling soon!I'm calling!
This is also Ashikaga Yoshiki's own fault.If she hadn't mentioned the feasibility of the imperial family system several times these days, which made the shogunate samurai feel rebellious, Shiba Yoshiyin's situation would not be so embarrassing.

Rather than targeting Yiyin, this matter is simply a blow to the general.

Ashikaga Yoshiki has been in Kyoto for so many years, so he naturally saw through this trick at a glance.She is angry with her and hates herself for being powerless.

She has no effective means to deal with these petty and incompetent ministers, and sooner or later they will kill them.

"You are also present at today's shogunate review, and you must teach them a lesson."

Ashikaga Yoshiki said viciously.

It doesn't matter to Yoshihiro, anyway, he is ready to be a good direct minister of Oda Nobunaga, you can do whatever you like.I'll pretend to be dead and stay in Kyoto, and whoever likes to fight will go.

Yiyin also happened to catch up with Yiyin at the Imperial Council this time.

It has been a few days since the summer harvest, and all the families are urging the villages to rush to harvest grain, making preparations for the Miyoshi family to go to Beijing.

"In the past few days, there has been news from Sakai Port that Miyoshi's family is spending a lot of money to buy food and grass for armaments and horses.

There is another news that Miyoshi Changqing has landed in Settsu and temporarily resides in Akutagawa Castle to gather troops. "

In the meeting hall, it was Ise Sadako who was speaking at this time, a vassal of the Miyoshi family in the shogunate.

Just like Wada Yoomasa was a samurai family from Minami Omi, who was close to the Rokkaku family and became the diplomatic envoy of the shogunate, the Ise family in the shogunate belonged to the samurai family who were close to the Miyoshi family.

The relationship between the samurai family is intricate, not black and white where the enemy and the enemy are clearly distinguished, but more gray and muddy.

The Ise family is an old courtier of the shogunate. Speaking of which, her family has a prosperous relationship with the general.But compared to the shogunate's attitude of hostility towards Miyoshi's family at this time, her family is much more ambiguous.

Miyoshi Changqing's purpose is not to kill the general, but to cut himself off from the world's martial arts.Miyoshi's family's pursuit is nothing more than a further step, and Miyoshi Changqing's royal companions are appointed to Guan Lingdai.

When the Hosokawa family was strong back then, the shogunate was also in charge of the Hosokawa family to lead the overhead generals.How it is now, it is not in decline.

Now the Miyoshi family is on the rise, coveting the power of the shogunate.If her family has this strength, just give it to her. The ups and downs of the Wu family can't be more normal.

After a few years, when she declines, isn't the shogunate still the same shogunate?Why bother to kill so many people and consume the strength of all the ministers.

Such remarks are also supported by some people in the shogunate.At this time, Ise Zhenjiao talked about the movements of the Miyoshi family, faintly promoting the strength of the Miyoshi family.

Ashikaga Yoshiki looked unhappy when he heard it in the main seat, but he couldn't get angry.

The Miyoshi family is powerful, and they control the territory of millions of stones, as well as the commercial roads between Sakai Port and the Seto Inland Sea.

Her family mobilized soldiers and horses from far away from the four countries. Naturally, the peasants and soldiers who wanted to go home in ten days were all standing ashigaru and Ji samurai. Such financial and material resources were no longer comparable to the shogunate.

The shogunate can only take advantage of the favorable location and harmony.The cost of defending the land is lower than that of an expedition, and the Ashikaga general is still there.

But now, looking at the Ise family's almost undisguised face, and thinking about Yi Yin's meritorious service back to Beijing, there is not even a receptionist, no one is ass.

Seeing that the general did not refute after finishing speaking, Ise Sadako felt proud, and seeing Shiba Yoshihiro sitting in the first deputy seat under the general, he couldn't help but sneered.

"When did Siba Yuqian return to Kyoto? I don't know where he lives now? I waited for the vassal to admire Yuqian for a long time, so I can go to pay a visit."

The word admiration is always a bit frivolous when used on a man, and when he asked about his residence, Haruto Mibuchi who was sitting below felt ashamed and bowed his head.

Ise Joshin's provocation was not without reason. Her previous remarks in favor of Miyoshi had aroused a lot of criticism in the shogunate, and it was necessary to fight against Shiba Yoshigin.

After all, Yiyin used the royal family system in Omi, which aroused the resentment of all the samurai in the shogunate.Being hostile to Yoshihiko Shiba can be regarded as a kind of political correctness, and it is perfect for uniting colleagues.

"You don't need to pay a visit, I don't see strangers."

No matter what Ashikaga Yoshiki thinks, there is no wave in Yoshigin's heart.

There was no desire for the shogunate at all, so it was natural to say what you said.I almost asked you who you are, which onion and which garlic are worthy of coming to see me.

Ise Sadao's face darkened. How can I say that the Ise family is all loyal to the general's vassals for generations? Shiba Yoshihiro's words are too humiliating.

At this moment, she forgot that her words were not very pleasant, and said angrily.

"The Ise family is a veteran of the shogunate for many generations. Please Shiba Gozen remember me, Ise Sadako. Don't even know my colleagues. It's ridiculous."

Yiyin glanced at her and said.

"Your memory is wrong. I am a subject of the Oda family, not a shogunate. For a person like you, I can't be a friend or a colleague."

Ise Joshin was shocked and angry, but Shiba Yoshigin was so tough, and he didn't mean to give in at all.

What you have offended is a high-ranking martial artist in the world, and you dare to be so arrogant. Do you really think that you are great if you can fight?

Regardless of what she thought, Yiyin turned to look at the general and said.

"I told you the last time I met with Lord Gongfang, the Shibazong family was destroyed, and I joined the Oda family as a minister in order to restore the family business.

Now that the Omi incident is over, it is not convenient for me to stay in the Imperial Palace and participate in the affairs of the shogunate.

Lord Gongfang, allow me to resign. "

As soon as Yiyin said this, Ise Zhenjiao poured a bucket of cold water from the beginning to the end, and his heart was completely chilled.Which samurai would believe that Yoshigin Shiba left the shogunate alone and clung to a daimyo from the Owari countryside to make a living.

Ashikaga Yoshiki glanced at Yoshigin approvingly, this move is better to use retreat as advance.

The people in the shogunate did not know that Shiba Yoshiyin was held in Kyoto by Oda Nobunaga. He really wanted to leave, but he couldn't.

As long as Yoshigin leaves the Imperial Palace and stays at Tofukuji Temple today, and no longer manages the affairs of the shogunate, the affairs of Omi will not go on smoothly.Both the Rokkaku family and the Asai family are watching.

The vassals did not expect Yiyin to be so staunch, and they would rather have the jade broken than the tile.Ise Zhenjiao had made a big mess, and the eyes of the ministers behind her were shining like lights, making her break out in cold sweat.

"Your Majesty, you are the heir of the Shiba family. Now that the Miyoshi family is about to invade the shogunate, you may cause criticism if you ignore it."

Yiyin chuckled.

"The shogunate has reached the point where it needs to be maintained by men? Aren't you women still dead?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Ise Zhenjiao was even more hated by the warriors behind him.Today's incident got out, and the shogunate's samurai could be laughed to death.

A group of Ji warriors are counting on a man to come out to fight. Shameless, is there any shame!
Yiyin thought it was funny, being a man in this world still has its benefits, you're fighting with me if you tear your face apart.

Pooh, men are shameless, what about your woman.

(End of this chapter)

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