different warring states of japan

Chapter 1152 The Outbreak of Shijun

Chapter 1152 The Outbreak of Shijun

With the same obsession to see Shiba Yoshigin's true face, Nokun of Gifu Castle was forcibly stopped by Tsuchida Gozen, and the Lord of Otani Castle was even more daring.

She even sent an envoy in the name of Asai Nagamasa to invite Shiba Yoshigin to come to Otani Castle.

Asai Nagamasa's anger is self-evident.

Yu Gong, the army of Shangluo is gathering towards Zuohe Mountain City. As the core figure, Shiba Yoshiyin has too many things to coordinate.

For the sake of his son and daughter's affair, the city lord sent someone to invite him to Xiaogu City, what does that mean?Will Shiba Yoshigin misjudge the Asai family's attitude because of this?It's about the rise and fall of the family business!

In private, Nagamasa Asai subconsciously felt at a loss.

Although she has married and married, Shiba Yoshigin should know about it.However, Asai Nagamasa didn't want him to see her husband at all, not at all!

Like an ostrich with its head buried in the ground, she only hopes that time will stay in the time when she and Shibo Yoshihiro first met three years ago.

At that time, women were unmarried, men were unmarried, and they were free to imagine the future.

Just this little bit of fantasy hidden deep in his heart, the city lord wants to smash it completely, how can Nagamasa Asai not be angry.

Looking at Asai Nagamasa's angry expression, the mayor felt desolate.Ever since the two got married, he had restrained his temperament and really wanted to be a virtuous husband.

But Asai Nagamasa treats him kindly on the surface, but in his heart there is a faint sense of alienation.

The city gentleman once thought that he was not doing well enough, and he has been working hard.But until today, seeing Asai Nagamasa's fury, he didn't really realize that it was useless to do anything by himself.

Because my wife's heart has never been placed on me.No matter how real she acted, it was still fake!

The mayor smiled bitterly.

"You never got mad at me, ever."

Asai Nagamasa took two deep breaths, stabilized his emotions, and said coldly.

"I never get angry with you, this is not a reason for you to act recklessly!"

The mayor stared into her eyes and said slowly.

"You don't get angry because you don't care about me. If you feel unhappy, you will choose to leave, leaving me alone in the inner courtyard.

And you are angry today, not because of me, but because of that man! "

Asai Nagamasa seemed to have been exposed, he looked away and said guilty.


The mayor suddenly exploded, even more angry than Nagamasa Asai.

His temperament was originally like that of Oda Nobunaga, but he had been lying on the ground for the past two years, and he couldn't bear it anymore.But today, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Look at me! Nagamasa Asai! Look at me! I'm your husband, and I'm the one who will be with you forever!

Why don't you dare look at me?Is there no place for me in your heart?

In your eyes, in your heart, there is only him!Only him! "

The mayor stood up, crossed the tea table, straightened Asai Nagamasa's head with both hands, facing his own eyes, shouting and crying hysterically.

"Tell me, what did I do wrong? You tell me! I can change it!"

Seeing the mayor losing control of his emotions and tears streaming down his face, Nagamasa Asai felt a throbbing in his heart.

Mr. Shi is very good, whether it is his appearance, family background, or his sincere devotion to himself, he can't be better.But emotional things don't pay off.

Why didn't Asai Nagamasa want to forget that boy, and she also tried hard to get along with the mayor, Qinse, and have a close relationship with each other.

But she failed, she couldn't do it.

Nagamasa Asai will never forget that boy, it was that boy who pulled her out of the abyss when she was in difficulty.

No one knew how helpless she was before the battle with Norada.

She is determined to fight, if she loses, the entire Asai family will be ruined by her.This heavy pressure made her feel suffocated and almost collapsed.

It was the boy who came with the cavalry, and when she was most desperate, defeated Liujiao Yixian's main formation and gave her a new life.

The thing that Asai Nagamasa regrets most in his life is that he didn't express his feelings at the beginning.With this hesitation, the two gradually drifted away, and there was no chance to hold hands for a lifetime.

She once thought that the story of the two had just begun, but she did not expect that it had already come to an end.

If time can be repeated, Nagamasa Asai will definitely express his love to Yoshihiko Shiba.It's just that the past can't be repeated, and seeing each other has become a memory.

Every time she saw the mayor, she would think of Yoshihiro Shiba, and subconsciously asked herself, if she had confessed her love back then, would her husband be Yoshihiro Shiba at this time?

Whenever she thinks this way, her mood will become very bad, how can she respond to the city's true feelings?

But people are not grass and trees, who can be ruthless.

She sees the kindness of the city lord to her and takes it to heart, but she has regrets in her heart and cannot be a good wife.

Today, the mayor screamed excitedly in front of her, which made her even more at a loss.She stared blankly at the mayor and remained silent.

Shi Jun bit his lower lip, stared at his beloved wife, and said through gritted teeth.

"Say it, why don't you speak!"

Asai Nagamasa looked at his emotionally broken husband, took off his hands on his cheeks, clenched them tightly, and then slowly released them, and said sincerely.

"Sorry, give me a little more time, please?"

The mayor just looked at her, but didn't speak.

Asai Nagamasa had a complicated expression and said sadly.

"I know I'm wrong, I'm not good. But please give me a little more time, I will definitely become a good wife, I promise."

The city gentleman's expression gradually softened, he lowered his head and wiped away his tears, and said softly.

"Let's just... trust you again..."

Suddenly, he suddenly covered his face, stepped back, and complained.

"It's really ugly, I'm going to clean it up."

He was about to leave, but was stopped by Asai Nagamasa.

"Your Majesty, no matter what thoughts you have in your mind, you must not influence military affairs.

The royal platform let him. .There is nothing wrong with him, it is all my wishful thinking and self-indulgence.

Your behavior this time is very dangerous. Once this action leads to a misjudgment by the Imperial Palace, what will the retainers think?
If this delays the important event of Shangluo, your sister will not forgive you easily. "

The mayor covered his expression with the sleeves of his kimono, trying to force himself.

"What I do, I do myself."

Asai Nagamasa sighed.

"You will do this because I made a mistake first. You and I are one, how can I just sit idly by?
This time I will take on the matter of inviting Yudaisuo to Otani Castle, so you don't have to worry. "


The mayor put down the sleeves that blocked his view and looked at Nagamasa Asai with a gentle face, not knowing what to say.

Asai Nagamasa stroked her hair and smiled.

"You rest first, I'll go out and arrange things."

After speaking, he sighed, got up and left the tea room.The city lord stared blankly at her leaving back, speechless.

The fierce conflict between the two not only did not hurt the couple's relationship, but instead deepened their bond with each other, which was also unexpected.

The mayor was silent for a long while, muttering to himself.

"I... did I really do something wrong?"


Asai Nagamasa walked out of the inner courtyard and came to a side room of His Excellency the Tenshou. There was already a samurai waiting for her inside, it was Akao Kiyozuna.

The Akao family is a relative of the Asai family, and Akao Kiyotsuna is the chief elder with a high status.

Seeing Asai Nagamasa coming in, she took the initiative to bow and salute, and Asai Nagamasa also returned a half salute before sitting down.

Meeting Kami Akao Kiyozuna's eyes, Asai Nagamasa sighed.She didn't want to hide anything from this family member, so she said.

"I've asked clearly, it was indeed the mayor's doing."

Akao Kiyosuna frowned slightly, feeling very dissatisfied with that incomprehensible Asai husband.

The army is gathering at Sawayama City, and the Asai family has put in a lot of effort to defeat the old enemy Liujiao family in one fell swoop this time.

A large amount of materials were transported to the front line, and a large amount of manpower was used to support the logistics.These things are all at the cost of delaying the spring plowing and affecting the autumn harvest, and the Asai retainers inevitably complained.

In order to seize this opportunity, Asai Nagamasa managed to suppress the objections of his retainers.At this sensitive moment, the mayor's behavior is simply giving opponents a knife and a handle.

Once there is a rebound in the family, it will affect the mobilization of the Asai family, which will lead to problems in frontline logistics.

Asai Nagamasa has already made promises to Shiba Yoshinaga and Oda Nobunaga. If there is a problem with the Asai family at this time, the consequences will be very serious.

Akao Kiyotsuna thought for a while and asked.

"How does Your Highness plan to resolve this matter?"

Asai Nagamasa said.

"The Imperial Palace has already agreed to come to Xiaogu City, so I can't cancel this meeting anymore, right? That will only make things more complicated and fall into the trap of talking.

In my opinion, just admit it.

Odaisho and I are old friends, and we fought side by side in the Norada battle.

I invited him to come over to talk about the old days, although it might seem disrespectful, but it is lighter than the consequences of denying that the envoy was sent by me. "

Akao Kiyotsuna narrowed his eyes, looked at Asai Nagamasa without speaking.

She was a little angry, but also a little helpless.As an important family member of Asai Nagamasa, she and the Asai family share weal and woe.Of course, he was very angry about the city lord's actions.

But Asai Nagamasa's response was also correct.

The wood has become a boat, and the rice has become a cooking pot.Changing his mouth now will only be seen as a joke by outsiders and provide excuses for opponents.That being the case, it is better to admit it.

However, Asai Nagamasa's scapegoat of overreaching will also hurt her prestige.

First, Shangluo's major event is imminent. She invited Sibo Yiyin to reminisce about the old days, and she will inevitably be criticized by others, regardless of the severity of her actions.

Second, Shiba Yoshiyin's family status is much higher than that of Asai Nagamasa, and it is too rude in the eyes of others to be asked by her envoy to talk about the old days.Ignoring the superiority and inferiority, it is easy to attract malice from the outside world.

Akao Kiyozuna knew that Asai Nagamasa had no choice but to choose the lesser of two evils, but she still couldn't get along, it was a disaster without reason.

she asked.

"Then what are you going to do with your husband?"

In the name of Asai Nagamasa, the mayor invited Shiba Yoshigin to Otani Castle. This is a very serious act of interference in the inner court.Even if Asai Nagamasa took a break from her husband because of this, it would not be an exaggeration.

But Asai Nagamasa shook his head and said.

"I have already scolded him, and there will be no next time."

Akao Kiyotsuna stared wide-eyed, it's unbelievable, such a serious mistake, just a few curses and it's over?No punishment at all?
Even if he is afraid that outsiders will know the truth, he can find other reasons to deal with the Lord Mayor, how can he let him go so lightly.

Asai Nagamasa sighed and explained.

"After all, Lord Shi is the younger brother of His Royal Highness Oda, and now it is a critical moment in Shangluo, we need to work together with the Oda family.

At this time, I don't want to cause extra problems and create a rift between the two families for no reason. "

Asai Nagamasa was unwilling to punish the mayor out of marital feelings and his own guilt, but this cannot be explained to Akao Kiyosuna.

Personal love is personal love, politics is politics, how can military affairs be trifling?If Asai Nagamasa was acting on his emotions, Akao Kiyotsuna would definitely spit on her face and refused to give up easily.

As a last resort, Asai Nagamasa had no choice but to excuse him from the perspective of the mayor's family background.Fortunately, he has a powerful sister, so this reason can be justified.

After hearing this, Akao Kiyozuna couldn't help but nodded silently.The lord has become more and more stable, considering everything and taking into account the overall situation.

The Oda family now occupies the Owari country, the Mino country, and the Northern Iseban country, with a stone height of [-] million, and is close to the border with the Asai family.

After the marriage, the relationship between the two became much closer.Especially this time with the help of Shangluo, the plan to kill the Liujiao family is based on the military power of the Oda family.

Out of political considerations, Asai Nagamasa tolerated the mayor's presumptuousness. Akao Kiyozuna expressed her understanding, but she still wanted to say something.

"Your Highness, strict control is still needed in the inner courtyard. This kind of accident should not happen again and again."

Asai Nagamasa nodded with a wry smile and said.

"I have it in my mind."

Seeing that Kiyozuna Akao no longer demanded that the mayor be held accountable, Nagamasa Asai also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

The two then discussed how to receive the imperial court, so that this matter can be settled, and neither the outsiders nor the retainers should be aware of it.

Aside from being overwhelmed, Asai Nagamasa had a glimmer of expectation in his heart.

Anyway, here he is.After a two-year separation, I was finally able to see him again.


Compared with Shiba Yoshigin, Oda Nobunaga set off later.

The Oda family is the main force in Shangluo this time. It is not an easy task to mobilize more than [-] soldiers alone. It is not an easy task to organize an army of this scale.

When Oda Nobunaga entered Kita Omi and learned of Asai Nagamasa's strange behavior, he couldn't help asking.

"What? Asai Nagamasa sent someone to ask the imperial office to go to Otani Castle?
Didn't they make an appointment to gather at Sawayama Castle?Did something happen? "

Seeing that no one knew the specific situation, Oda Nobunaga subconsciously frowned.

This visit to Luo was the first time that the tentacles of the Oda family had penetrated into several areas.Don't look at Oda Nobunaga's complacent appearance, but she is actually very vigilant in her heart.

Her journey to the world has finally taken the first crucial step, no matter how cautious she is, it is right.

Shiba Yoshigin has a great influence in recent days, but when he heard that he had arrived in Gifu City, the Asai family's attitude towards Ashikaga Yoshiaki suddenly turned cold.

Now that he has returned to Kita Omi, Asai Nagamasa immediately asked him to go over to reminisce about the old days. What is he talking about?
If there is anything that can't be discussed until Sawa Yamashiro, I must hurry and invite Shiba Yoshihito to the residence of Asai's family governor to have a private conversation.

The more Oda Nobunaga thought about it, the more uneasy he became, and finally rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I haven't seen Mr. Mayor for a long time, and I miss you very much."

Randomly finding an excuse to visit relatives, Oda Nobunaga ordered his mother's clothes and hurried to Xiaogu City, intending to find out.

(End of this chapter)

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