different warring states of japan

Chapter 1159 Loyalty overplayed

Chapter 1159 Loyalty overplayed

Oda Nobunaga couldn't help showing a sneer when he saw Shiba Yoshiyin put on a score at this critical moment.

Righteousness?Can Dayi be eaten?
Without our Oda family's [-] female soldiers charging into the battle, without our Oda family's million stone territory to supply food and grass, and to use the spring plowing season to make surprise attacks, would this land near the South River be so easy to take down?
Now that Minami Omi's pacification is imminent, only Guanyin Temple City's last shiver is over, and Shiba Yoshihiro puts on airs at this time?

Forcibly sieging the city, the most depleted is the strength of my Oda family. You, Shiba Yoshigin, don't take it seriously, right?

Oda Nobunaga imitated Yoshigin with a cold snort and said.

"Royal Tower, the walls of the city cannot be knocked down with a few righteous words.

Don't be stubborn, please don't be stubborn, this is also for the sake of Shangluo's plan. "

Oda Nobunaga's attitude was respectful, seemingly admonishing, but his words were slightly teasing.

She seemed to be saying, don't take that bit of righteous chicken feather as an arrow, Shangluo relies on elite soldiers, write a letter quickly, don't waste time.

The words were not pleasant, Tokugawa Ieyasu next to him pretended not to understand, Ashikaga Yoshiaki stared at the city wall in a daze, Asai Nagamasa twitched his eyes and wanted to speak.

But she was one step too late after all, before she could say anything, Yoshihiro Shiba laughed angrily.

"Hahaha, what does His Highness Oda mean to say that righteousness is useless?"

Oda Nobunaga shook his head and said.

"The imperial platform misunderstood, I didn't mean that, it was just being pragmatic."

Although her tone was respectful, her eyes stared at Yiyin unscrupulously.Yiyin was also looking at her, and the eyes of the two intersected, as if lightning and flint were flowing, and sparks were flying.

Yi Yin said lightly.

"Really? I'm also curious, whether all the samurai in this world have become as pragmatic as His Highness Oda, and have no righteousness in their hearts."

Oda Nobunaga frowned.

"Yutaisuo, I have always been loyal to the shogunate, and this time I went to Luo for righteousness because of the loyalty in my heart.

You say that, but it hurts my loyalty. "

Oda Nobunaga was a little impatient, why did Yoshihiko Shiba become so hypocritical today?Usually, he is also a very pragmatic person, and he has done a lot of compromises.

Because of her impatience, her tone was not kind, with a hint of threat.

Yiyin smiled slightly, this is what he wanted.So, looking at the city wall, he smiled.

"I made a slip of the tongue, and punished myself with a pot. Gamo's village! Take the wine!"

Gamo Shigo was taken aback, Shiba Yoshigin was not Uesugi Terutora, he was not addicted to alcohol, and would never drink before battle.

Fortunately, among the concubines, there was a wine-loving person, and one of them was so clever that he handed over the jug at his waist to Pu Sheng.Kamo Shigo bowed and handed the jug to Shiba Yoshiyin with both hands.

Oda Nobunaga couldn't figure out what Yoshigin was going to do more and more. She watched Yoshiyin silently and watched the changes.

Yiyin drank again.

"Please fly the white flag!"

Gamo Shixiang was his flag guard, and subconsciously wanted to remove the imperial white flag stuck on the horse's back.

Unexpectedly, Yiyin stepped forward a few steps, grabbed the rein, and shouted.

"Get out of the way! Don't follow anyone!"

Everyone watched him ride his horse towards Guanyin Temple City inexplicably, and looked around, but they didn't know what was going on.

Gamo Shigo was in a hurry and wanted to ride a horse to follow, but was stopped by Oda Nobunaga.

"Didn't you hear the order from the Imperial Palace? Don't go there!"

Oda Nobunaga is also at the top today, and she just wants to see how Yoshihiro Shiba can turn the scene around.

Righteousness?Dayi is a chamber pot, use it if you want to use it, throw it away if you don't use it!Shiba Yoshiyin really wants to use righteousness as an arrow, who is he going to scare?

Gamo Shigo gritted his teeth and remained silent, staring at Yiyin's back as he went away.Not only her, but all Ji warriors in front of the battle watched Yiyin move forward.

The imperial white flag was blown upright by the wind brought by the galloping horses, making a rustling sound.

The boy on the horse looked like a god in the sun, tall, handsome, full of masculinity and strength that men in this world don't have.


The sun rises in the east, and the sun shines on the earth.

The Shangluo Allied Forces under the city are waiting sternly, and the mother and daughter of Liujiao Yixian and Yizhi above the city are also patrolling the city defense.

Accompanied by Pu Sheng Xianxiu, he explained the layout of the city defense one by one. Hearing Liujiao Yixian nodding frequently, Liujiao Yizhi felt emotional.

Not long ago, Rokkaku Yoshiharu sneered at Gamo Hyun Soo during the review.He also sent her to Sawayama Castle to meet Yoshihiro Shiba, and when she came back, she was even more vigilant.

Who would have thought that the Battle of Shangluo would start during the spring plowing season.In order to keep their harvest, the Liujiao vassal group turned against half of them like a gust of wind.

The southern Omi defense line in the east collapsed in an instant, and important towns in various places were uprooted.The Shangluo Allied Forces pushed all their brains to the city of Guanyin Temple, and also captured the important branch city, Jizuo City, which was close at hand.

The city of Guanyin Temple was in chaos, and the Liujiao mother and daughter had already thought of running away.

At this moment, it was Kamo Hyun-soo who stepped forward to maintain order and deploy city defenses, becoming the pillar of the Liujiao family.

Compared with important officials such as Shinto Kenmori and Goto Takaji who surrendered without a fight, her behavior can be regarded as a model of loyalty to the emperor.

Thinking of all the things he made difficult for Pusheng Xianxiu, Liujiao Yizhi inevitably regretted it, and thought that after retreating from the enemy, he must win over this loyal minister.

Looking at the coalition forces below the city, Pu Sheng Xianxiu was worried, the speed of the coalition forces was far beyond her imagination.

Originally, she didn't want to stay here to the death, but went back to her own city, Hino Castle to resist.Wait until you show your loyalty, and then look for an opportunity to surrender.

Unexpectedly, the coalition forces came so fast that they blocked her in Guanyin Temple City, so she had no choice but to hold on and continue to perform acts of loyalty.

What's even more disgusting is that because of her hard work, Liujiao's mother and daughter stopped panicking and did not choose to escape. Instead, they stayed in Guanyin Temple City and waited for help.

Pusheng Xianxiu is completely confused now, why don't you run away?
Guanyin Temple City is the residence of the Liujiao family for many years, with high walls and thick walls.If the Shangluo Allied Forces attacked the city here with too many casualties, Pusheng Xianxiu, the chief culprit, would definitely not end well.

Even if Oda Nobunaga appreciates her, and the proud soldiers of the Oda family have died too many relatives and subordinates, they will not let her go easily.

Pu Sheng Xianxiu is self-defeating, originally he just wanted to act, and he surrendered to the situation.But acting and acting has become the mainstay, and there is no way to turn back.

If she opens the door and surrenders now, the previous efforts will be in vain.Everyone will understand that she is an acting school without loyalty.

Gamo Hyun-soo was in a dilemma, while accompanying the Liujia mother and daughter on a tour, he was thinking about what to do next.

At this moment, a cavalry suddenly came from the coalition army below the city and approached the city wall.

Originally, the hexagonal army on the city didn't take it seriously, thinking it was a trick to call for a routine to persuade them to surrender.But when the riders arrived at the base of the city, there were exclamations one after another.

A young man dressed in white haori, he once broke through Liujiao Yixian's main formation, and entered and exited seven times during the siege of the Sanhao army.

There are quite a few people in the Liujiao family who have experienced those two battles. Someone in the city recognized Shibo Yoshihiro, and the news spread, causing a commotion.

Liujiao Yixian's expression was stagnant, and Liujiao Yizhi's expression was ugly.

Kaso Hyun-hide's heart skipped a beat, thinking of the tacit understanding he had reached with Shiba Yoshigin in Sawayama Castle, could it be. .


The warriors of the Liujiao Ji family on the city recognized Yiyin, and Yiyin also saw Liujiao Yixian and Gamo Xianxiu on the top of the city.

He thought to himself, God help me too.

Originally, he wanted to ask someone to call Liujiao and his daughter to scold him, but he was also worried that it would be difficult to operate if Pusheng Xianxiu was not in the city.

Now that the supporting actors are all here, this big show of opening the city gates with righteous curses is equivalent to setting the stage, waiting for him to come on stage and start singing.

Yiyin got off his horse and stood thirty steps below the city with wine in one hand and a flag in the other.

He planted the imperial white flag in his hand in the soil, sat down cross-legged, and drank the wine from the pot with his head on his back.


In the distance, Oda Nobunaga saw him so free and easy, and couldn't help but twitched his forehead, for fear that the city would shoot him to death with random arrows.

Oda Nobunaga was annoyed that he was oppressing himself with righteousness, and there was an inexplicable resistance in his heart, and he was unwilling to bow to him.

It can be seen that he is reckless, completely disregarding his own safety, and she is very worried.

It's not just her, Maeda Toshiie has already separated from his army, rushed to the front, and asked urgently.

"Odaisuo! Why did Yutaisuo ride down to the enemy's castle one by one!

Gamo's Township!What kind of concentric writing do you deserve!What nonsense! "

Before she finished speaking, Yukimori Yamanaka also arrived, shouting anxiously.

"How is this going!"

Hosokawa Fujitaka watched anxiously and said.

"Stop arguing, quickly send someone to bring the imperial platform back!"

Asai Nagamasa glared at Oda Nobunaga, it was she who provoked the anger of Yutai, and this was the spectacle of drinking before the battle.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki glanced at Wada Yuimasa, saw her nodding slightly, but refused to open her mouth to speak.

If Shiba Yoshigin himself died in the Kannon Temple, Ashikaga Yoshiaki would become the only direct member of the Ashikaga Shogun's family.

Because of Shiba Yoshigin's acknowledgment, her current legitimacy has been stabilized, but she has some expectations that the situation will get out of control.

Hetian Weizheng felt cold when he saw her silent.To be honest, Yodaisho's benevolence and righteousness are kind to Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

But Ashikaga Yoshiaki, for the sake of orthodox status, turned a blind eye to Godaisho's impulse, and didn't even bother to act.Such blatant ingratitude is really chilling.

Wada Yoomasa couldn't help but doubt his own choice. Is it really good to support such an Ashikaga general who only cares about his own power and position and doesn't know how to be grateful?

Fortunately, there was chaos in front of the battle, no one saw Yoshiaki Ashikaga's small movements, and a group of people were still arguing.

Gamo Shigo gritted his teeth.

"I'll take someone to invite the Imperial Palace back!"

She said please, but she was ruthless in her heart, even if the imperial platform got angry, she would bring him back!
Asai Nagamasa glanced at Shiba Yoshigin, who was drinking under the castle, and said.

"No, the imperial platform is less than thirty steps away from the city, and this distance is already within the killing range of the bow and arrow iron cannon.

If someone is sent to approach him hastily, it may cause an overreaction from the enemy on the wall.If bows, arrows and iron cannons are fired at once, a few people will not be able to withstand it, and instead cause damage to the imperial platform.

Simply attack with the whole army, besiege from all sides, distract the Liujiao family's attention, and then approach the imperial platform, and ask him to come back. "

Gamo Shixiang shook his head.

"The whole army is too slow to mobilize, and if you stay under the city where the imperial platform is located for a moment longer, you will be in danger for a moment longer.

Hyun-soo Gamo is my mother, and I lead people to rush there, but my mother may not give the order to shoot arrows.

As long as the head of the city gives me a moment of hesitation, I can pull the imperial platform back, even if I use my body to block the bow and arrow, I will bring him back safely! "

What Gamo Ujigo said is reasonable, Oda Nobunaga nodded slightly and said.

"In that case, go quickly."

At this moment, Tokugawa Ieyasu, who had been staring at Shiba Yoshigin, exclaimed.

"not good!"

Everyone's eyes looked forward together, dumbfounded, unable to believe what happened in front of them.


Yiyin took a few sips of wine and couldn't help but pee twice.The wine was bitter and cloudy, the owner of the jug must not be a high-ranking warrior, the poor drink poor wine.

He has a noble status, but he hasn't drunk this kind of dirty wine for a long time.But after a few sips of wine, he still became excited due to the effect of alcohol.

Yiyin pointed at the wall and shouted.

"I am the direct descendant of Genji Kawachi, Shiba Yoshigin!"

He shouted three times in a row, the city was silent, and everyone subconsciously looked at Liujiao Yizhi.Yoshiharu Rokkaku hesitated for a moment, but did not speak.

Her mother, Liujiao Yixian, frowned slightly. She couldn't be cowardly at this time, so she yelled for her.

"Odaisho, stay safe and sound!"

Seeing that it was Liujiao Yixian who was talking to Yiyin, he looked up to the sky with a long smile, pointed at her and said.

"Who am I? It turns out that I am Norada's defeated general!"

Liujiao Yixian said angrily with a fever on his face.

"Yutaisuo, I treat you with courtesy, why do you speak so rudely!"

Yoshihiro Shiba sneered.

"Treat each other with courtesy? What a treat!
I'm dead wife!The world has lost its general!The rebel army went to Luo, vowing to kill the king-killing traitor and restore the glory of the shogunate!
Liujiao Yizhi colluded with three good people and tried to prevent our army from going to Luo. Is this how the Liujiao family treats each other with courtesy!
Let the beast Liujiao Yizhi speak out!I just asked her if she was still the hexagonal guardian of the shogun!Will her conscience ache for the thief who colluded with the great rebellion and regicide! "

Liujiao Yixian was scolded speechless, and all the samurai families in the world are the courtiers of General Ashikaga.With his back against the Imperial White Flag, Shiba Yiyin questioned Rokkaku Yoshiharu on behalf of Hanoi Genji's descendants.

How does this make her answer?

The samurai family forgets the shogunate for Xiaojia, which is an unspoken rule that everyone knows well.But the reason why unspoken rules are unspoken rules is because they cannot be put on the table.

With Yoshihiro Shiba in his hand, he pointed at Liujiao Yizhi and scolded his father. No one in the city of Guanyin Temple dared to meet his gaze, and warrior Ji bowed his head in shame.

Yoshiharu Liujiao turned pale from being scolded, and she didn't know whether it was a guilty conscience or a lack of energy. She just felt that the Ji warriors around her looked at her strangely, which made her flustered.

Frightened to the extreme, her eyes were red, and she pointed at Yoshihiko Shiba, who was sitting cross-legged drinking, and shouted.

"All bowmen, shoot him to death! Let the arrows go! Let the arrows go!"

Liujiao Yixian's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously wanted to dissuade him, but in the end he held back and said nothing.

Liujiao Yizhi's approach is tantamount to rebellion, but at this moment, the Liujiao family has no way out.

If Yoshihiro Shiba can be shot to death under the city, there will be no one from the Genji family in Hanoi who can convince the samurai family all over the world.Maybe, the matter of Shangluo fell through, and the Liujiao family had a glimmer of life.

Kamo Kenhide didn't expect Rokkaku Yoshiharu to be so frenzied, and he was still thinking about how to cooperate with Shiba Yoshihiro and take advantage of the situation to turn against him.Hearing the cry of releasing arrows, her face turned pale with fright.

Liujiao Yizhi shouted sharply, and the situation was out of control.

(End of this chapter)

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