Chapter 1162

Miyoshi Changyi and Miyoshi Masayasu looked at each other, their eyes full of suspicion.Sounds pretty reliable, could it be that we misunderstood Song Yongxiu?

Song Yongxiu said sincerely.

"The enemy is now, we can't continue to be in chaos, otherwise the entire Miyoshi family business will be in danger of falling apart.

The female Liujiao family dominated Nan Omi for hundreds of years, and the army collapsed in an instant as soon as it went to Shangluo, which is enough to arouse our vigilance.

Is it because the strength of the Liujiao family is not enough?The mobilization power of [-] to [-] shi is not weak, and it is fighting in the local area, so the fighting spirit should be stronger.

But it was because the Liujiao family was not in harmony that the Shangluo coalition could easily win.

It was difficult to start a business in the previous generation, but the four sisters bravely built a foundation of millions of stones, making the Miyoshi family a powerful name in the world.

We have received the great kindness of our ancestors, and we should work together to fight for the Sanhao family.Thinking back to how united we were back then, we got where we are today.

Zhu Ji, don't forget your original intention! "

Song Yongxiu's words were sincere and emotional, and all the ministers of Miyoshi were moved.

Miyoshi Changqing is a heroic figure who brought the Miyoshi family to the peak. Of the Miyoshi retainers present, which one was not promoted by Miyoshi Changqing, and which one has not received the favor of Miyoshi Changqing?
The Miyoshi family was able to escape from Shikoku Island and become the overlord of the West, that was the glory of the Miyoshi four sisters, and also the merit of the Miyoshi retainers.

Song Yongxiu showed affection and moved with reason, which instantly moved all the concubines present.Miyoshi Nagaitsu and Shinohara Nagabou looked at each other, bowed to Miyoshi Yoshitsugu together and said.

"Willing to fight to the death for Miyoshi's family!"

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was also excited when he heard it, wishing to reproduce the glory of Miyoshi Changqing back then.

She took the case and said.

"Okay! All the concubines have the heart to fight to the death, so I will accompany you to the end!

Just follow Master Matsunaga's plan, and I will hunt down Yamashiro with the Royal Taisuo and fight to the death! "

Everyone bowed and shouted.

"The martial arts of the three good families are prosperous!"

Matsunaga Hideo lowered his head with a triumphant smile on his face, Matsunaga's family was saved.

How to expel Miyoshi's family from Kyoto, and return Kyoto completely to the Shangluo coalition forces.This is related to Song Yongxiu's position in the shogunate after his betrayal, and it must be foolproof.

She first vetoed Shinohara Nagabo's proposal on the grounds that the looting would affect the fighting spirit of the army, and kept the capital safe.

Then use the favor of Miyoshi Changqing to motivate Miyoshi's family, making them think that they have the strength to fight.Only then was he willing to go out of Beijing and divide his troops along the Yodo River to guard.

If the Miyoshi army is entrenched in Kyoto and does not leave, a fierce battle with the Shangluo coalition will inevitably affect the prosperity of Kyoto.

Fortunately now, encouraged by Song Yongxiu's eloquent tongue, the Miyoshi army withdrew from the capital by itself, and even divided its small Shangluo army into three groups.

The concubines of the Miyoshi family thought that with the Yodo River waterway, they could gather troops at any time, respond from head to tail, and stand invincible.

But the problem is, Song Yongxiu is going to betray her!
Along the Yodo River, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu and Shinohara Chobou are at Akutagawa Castle in the west, Miyoshi Nagait and Miyoshi Masayasu are in the east at Fushimi Castle, and in the middle is Yodo Castle with Matsunaga Hideo.

If Matsunaga Hide turned against him, the connection between Akutagawa Castle and Fushimi Castle would be severed in an instant.There is no echo from head to tail. After the division of troops, there is only a mess of sand, and they will be defeated one by one.

In order to win people's trust, Matsunaga Hideo also specifically stated that he would act together with Iwasei Tomotsu, in fact, to reassure the concubines of the Miyoshi family.

Yancheng Youtong is one of the three good people, she has no way out and can only fight to the end.With her in Diancheng, everyone will feel at ease.

But everyone has overlooked a blind spot, that is, people will die.All it takes is a dagger and a glass of poisoned wine, and it's enough to send Yancheng Youtong on the road.

Matsunaga Hideo had long thought that once the rebellion was launched, he would kill Iwanari Tomotsu immediately and block the Yodo River, and the Miyoshi army would inevitably be in chaos.

With Iwanari Yumichi's head and the meritorious service of cutting off Miyoshi's army, she, a loyal person who has committed crimes and meritorious service, should be able to pass the test, right?


In Fushimi Castle, the Miyoshi family is united, Matsunaga Hideo is secretly delighted.

Looking north at Kyoto, the residence of the Ise family.

Ise Zhenjiao was sick in bed, with her confidants beside her, who were listening to her orders with their heads bowed.

"Immediately send someone to Tanba Country and tell Ninagawa that Miyoshi's family is leaving Kyoto. Then send someone to Mount Hiei to tell Tendai Sect about it.

Starting today, contact the vassals of various families in Kyoto to organize the Ji warriors of each family in Beijing.Prepare to assist the Shangluo Allied Forces to attack Fushimi Castle when the imperial platform returns. "

The confidant first bowed his head and let out a hilarity, then hesitated for a moment, and asked.

"My lord, we have done so many things for Sanhao's family. We cannot get rid of the responsibility for the general's death.

Even if we turn from darkness to light now, the Imperial Palace will not let us go, will it?Doing this, can you really pass the test? "

Ise Zhenjiao's face was pale, looking at the beams of the room from the lingering sick bed, and said indifferently.

"If you don't do anything, you will die. If you struggle hard, you may have a chance.

You don't have to ask, just do it. "


When the cronies went out, Ise Zhenjiao closed his eyes and was drowsy, repeatedly sorting out the countermeasures.

Miyoshi's family is leaving, and Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is a joke, not worth cooperating with at all.Ise Zhenjiao regretted it so much, how could she have chosen to join forces with such idiots on the spur of the moment.

Akechi Mitsuhide, the bastard, she was the one who misled everyone in the middle.No one expected that she would be so bold as to kill the general.

Now it seems that the biggest beneficiary after the general's death is Shibo Yiyin.As the only surviving descendant of Hanoi Genji, Shiba Yoshigin's prestige is at the peak of his power.

Ruo Sibo Yiyin is a Ji warrior, and after going to Luo, he can stand on his own and serve as the shogun.

The family status of the Shiba family is the highest among the Ashikaga family, and the Shiba family has no descendants, which is also in line with the samurai tradition.

As for that Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the status of twin girls is actually very disrespectful, and she has no right to compete with Shiba Yoshigin at all.

Unfortunately, he is a man.

Yoshiaki Wada wrote a letter, and the former ministers of Yoshiki Ashikaga did not choose Yoshihiro Shiba, but supported Yoshiaki Ashikaga, and Yoshiki Shiba also recognized this matter.

Since Ashikaga Yoshiaki is the new general, the Ise family can still save it.

Shiba Yoshigin is so powerful that he can forcibly liquidate all the related samurai who killed the general.

But Ashikaga Yoshiaki is different, she can't do it.If she wants to sit firmly on the general's throne, and does not want to become Shiba Yoshigin's puppet, she must reach a compromise with the vassals and the local power faction.

All ministers who were stained with the blood of Ashikaga Yoshiki will see this.They will act to save themselves, and make meritorious deeds.

Matsunaga Hideo has secretly revealed to Ise Zhenjiao that the Miyoshi family will definitely withdraw from Kyoto, and let Ise Zhenjiao ensure that Kyoto will return to the Shangluo coalition forces in a stable manner.

Ise Zhenjiao's first reaction after receiving the hint was that he knew that this important minister of the Miyoshi family was going to betray him.

With Hosokawa Fujitaka in the formation of the Shangluo Allied Forces, the Hosokawa Mibuchi family must take action.

Ningagawa's own mother would not save the general, so she must try her best to behave at this time.

The three good people sent the general's body to Xiangguo Temple, which gave Linjizong a big advantage, and Tiantaizong hated it to the bone.The Tiantai sect will inevitably participate in the shuffle to recover their losses.

There is also Niki Yoshimasa of Sakamoto Castle, Minami Omi Rokkaku's family is vulnerable, she has not had a chance to show, she must be dying of anxiety.

Everyone is staring at the Miyoshi army, wanting to use this battle to whitewash themselves.

Miyoshi went to Luo, killed the general, and occupied Kyoto not because Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was strong, but because everyone was watching and did not act.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is like holding a gun with only one bullet in it.Everyone didn't want to be the target of shooting, so the Miyoshi army had a good winter in Kyoto.

But now Yoshigin Shiba is here, and here comes the person who is willing to block the gun!
The muzzle of the Miyoshi family's gun was naturally pointed at Shibo Yoshiyin, and this bullet was naturally reserved for the Shangluo coalition army.Then others will be tempted to act.

There are not many opportunities to beat a dog in the water, and no one wants to miss it.Because after this battle, the shogunate will have another general.After the cards are shuffled, whoever eats the meat, who drinks the soup, and who licks the plate depends on the military exploits of this battle.

Ise Zhenjiao sighed, her whole body was sore and weak, but she couldn't sleep well, her mind was full of calculations, all about gain and loss.

The Ise family hadn't taken the right step in the past few years, and now she had no bargaining chips in her hands, and could only survive from death.


The Shangluo Allied Forces hadn't set foot in the mountain city yet, and there was already a turmoil inside and outside the capital.

Everyone is thinking of joining the imperial platform, fearing that if they are too late, they will be included in the party of the three good traitors, and they will never have a chance to stand up.

Standing in line is a science, one is shameless, and the other is useful.It just so happened that everyone felt that they were thick-skinned and valuable.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu did not expect that Miyoshi's family has not yet shown signs of decline, and countless people are already ready to beat the dog in the water.It can only be said that Yoshihiro Shiba's undefeated image of the military god is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

As for Shiba Yoshiyin, who was far away in the city of Guanyin Temple, he had received countless letters expressing his loyalty, so many that there were no more letters to pile up.

He knocked on the desk, smiled and said to Zhu Ji sitting there.

"Ise Zhenjiao said that he was bearing the burden of humiliation, and in order to protect Kyoto from being destroyed by the hands of the Miyoshi family, he had no choice but to deal with the enemy.

Ninagawa personally asked me to invade Kyoto from Tanba country and attack the Miyoshi army with me.

Even the Venerable Master of the Tiantai Sect was grateful for the kindness of the Great Imperial Academy, and wanted to send nuns down the mountain to drive out the foreign invaders, so as to return the Kyoto shogunate to a bright future.

Well, the hearts of the people in Kyoto still flow towards the shogunate, towards General Ashikaga's family, and towards the Hanoi Genji family. "

Yiyin sneered, his expression full of disdain.These bastards, why did they go so early?
If when Ashikaga Yoshiki died, someone jumped out to complain about the general, Yoshigin would give her a thumbs up and give her a thumbs up.

It's good now, Miyoshi's family seems to be on the verge of dying, and it's only at this time that they become street rats in the eyes of everyone, isn't it too late?
The concubines laughed without saying a word, everyone in the capital knew what was on their minds.

Oda Nobunaga laughed.

"No matter what, with their help, Miyoshi's family is in a difficult situation, and this battle will be much easier to fight."

Tamba Ninagawa's family is in the northwest of Kyoto, Hieizan Tendai Sect is in the northeast of Kyoto, and there is Ise Sadao in Beijing. The backyard of Miyoshi's family is already unstable.

Oda Nobunaga didn't know that Matsunaga Hideo was about to turn against the water, and when she jumped out to cut off Yodogawa, Miyoshi's family would fight a battle of p.

At this time, she was still seriously planning the final battle, said.

"Odaisho, I have good news."

Yiyin raised his eyebrows and asked.

"What good thing?"

Oda Nobunaga laughed and said.

"Mochizuki Jidong died of illness."

Yiyin curled his lips and asked back.

"Did of illness?"

Oda Nobunaga nodded.

"The message from the Jiahe people is that. In addition, the Jiahe people have decided to abandon the dark and turn to the light, and surrender to me. Jiahe County has no worries."

Yoshihiro resisted not to roll his eyes, and Nagamasa Asai's face became more and more ugly.Oda Nobunaga finally swallowed the whole Minami Omi, what a formidable guy.

The mother and daughter of Liujiao Yixian and Yizhi fled to Shibu City, Koga County, threatening the Southern Omi Plain.

This is a traditional project of the Liujiao family, and if they can't beat it, they flee to Koka County.When the shogunate was strong, this happened from time to time.

The Liujiao family governors of all ages dared to do this because they bought the Jiahe people for their own use.

The Jiahe people are familiar with the locals, and they are good at fighting in the mountains. If they go to the mountains and forests for business, the general army really has nothing to do with them.

The Liujiao mother and daughter also wanted to do the same when they fled this time, but unfortunately their opponent was Oda Nobunaga.

Oda Nobunaga began to bribe the Koga crowd long before going to Los Angeles.In the past few years, Jiahezhong and Liujiao's vassals have had a very unpleasant fight, and Liujiao Yizhi couldn't protect them because of his shrinking power.

Oda Nobunaga's win-win effect is very good, and most of Koga's people have already intentionally defected.This matter has never been done, because Mochizuki Jidong stopped it.

Mochizuki's family has a high prestige in Koka County, and Mochizuki Jidong is a die-hard loyalist of the Liujiao family. Her opposition made it impossible for the Jiahe people to serve the new owner.

Fortunately, the Shangluo coalition army swept Nanjinjiang here, and Mochizuki Jidong died of illness over there.It was really time to die, and I don't know if it was an active death or a passive death.

In any case, Oda Nobunaga's goal has been achieved, and Koka County's investment has made the mother and daughter of the six corners of Ishibe Castle no longer able to threaten the South Omi Plain.

With the Hexagonal vassal group and the Koga crowd, the Oda family has gained a firm foothold in Minami Omi, and has almost gained a place in the near future.

Shiba Yoshiyin sighed helplessly, Oda Nobunaga moved before he planned, and the action was too fast.He originally thought about making some small moves after going to Luo, to resist the erosion of the Oda family to Nanjinjiang.

Now it seems that it is too late.

And Asai Nagamasa was even more angry. In order to attack Minami Omi, she mobilized a large number of farmers and soldiers, and even delayed the spring plowing. The Asai retainers were very dissatisfied.

With the Koga people serving as the new master, it is a foregone conclusion that the Oda family will annex the land of Minami Omi.Asai's family got nothing in Minami Omi, and Asai Nagamasa didn't know how to explain it to his retainers when he went back.

She came out and bowed, and said.

"Royal Terrace, the North Omi River has been mobilized for too long, and now the South Omi River has calmed down, I hope to continue going to Luo after the spring plowing.

Before the solar term has passed, let the farmers and soldiers go home to assist in the spring plowing. "

Asai Nagamasa couldn't stand it anymore, and Minami Omi couldn't get the benefits, so at least let the farmers and soldiers go back and finish the spring plowing first.Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to do it as a supervisor.

The Miyoshi family is not the Liujiao family. The Miyoshi army is entrenched in Kyoto, relying on the Yodogawa water transport and the Kyoto shogunate to supply logistics. The anti-seasonal battle is not as good for the Miyoshi army as the Liujiao family.

That being the case, it is better to go back and replant spring plowing first, so as to reduce the loss of autumn harvest.

(End of this chapter)

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