different warring states of japan

Chapter 1165: Punishing Hearts Not Killing People

Chapter 1165: Punishing Hearts Not Killing People

Maeda Masayoshi looked confused, not understanding Takada Yukino's meaning.Then another person walked up to her, and it was Yamanaka Yukimori.

Yamanaka Yukimori saw that she was so ugly and disgusted by the lord, he couldn't help being happy from the heart, and teased.

"Maeda Ji, I haven't seen you for two years, but you still have the same demeanor."

Maeda Masayoshi glared at Yamanaka Yukimori. The two were competitors for marriage, so they were naturally unwilling to be seen by their love rivals in their ugly appearance.

She snorted coldly.

"Don't dare.

In the past two years, he has beaten the disobedient Liujiao family, and achieved a little insignificant record.

I heard that Yamanaka Ji did a good job in Kanto, with repeated defeats and battles, and she was mighty and unyielding. "

Maeda Masayoshi made a lot of noise, and instead of mentioning himself, he laughed at Yamanaka Yukumi's disheveled face during the Kanto War.

Yamanaka Yukimori's complexion turned ugly for an instant. After all, the samurai family still takes military merit as its glory.

She wanted to belittle Maeda Yili a few words, but it was a pity that the record in the battle was not good, but Maeda Yili took advantage of his weakness and ridiculed him.

Yamanaka Yukimori squinted his eyes at Maeda Yoshiki, this guy is close to him, but he knows everything about the Kanto so well, and his mind is impure.

Maeda is not afraid to look back, the Lord is fighting in the Kanto, of course she has to care about the situation in the Kanto.

Yamanaka Yukimori's little scandal made her laugh out loud several times.Just such an idiot who doesn't know how to fight, but wants to join Shiba's house, I am!
The two looked at each other coldly, and there was a moment of stalemate.

Gamo Shigo behind him had no choice but to hand over the reins of the war horse to Ii Naomasa, stepped forward to ease the atmosphere, and she bowed.

"Master Maeda, long time no see."

Maeda Yoshiki nodded to her and said.

"Pu Sheng Ji, I heard that you did a good job in Kanto, and you are an excellent Ji warrior."

Gamo Shigo smiled wryly and shook her head. She came up to ease the atmosphere, but Maeda Yoshitoshi directly used her as a gun.

Seeing Yamanaka Yukimori's unkind expression, Gamo Ujigo coughed and changed the subject.

"Maeda-sama, the lord has gone far, let's follow quickly."

She stretched out her hand to Maeda Yili, and Maeda Yili looked back to see Yiyin walking quickly into the city gate, and suddenly became anxious, holding her hand and being pulled up.

Maeda benefit got up to take the wind, the two of them frowned in front of them, this is. .Alcoholic?
Gamo's hometown did not speak, while Yamanaka Yukimori pretended to be ignorant and shouted loudly.

"It smells so strong, Maeda-sama is very interested, drinking and having fun during the spring plowing, so happy."

Yiyin, who was about to enter the city in front of him, froze. He looked back at Tian Yili in front of him, and then at Maeda Toshihisa who was leading the way beside him.

Maeda Riku smiled awkwardly, nodded and bowed.


Yiyin sighed and walked into the city.Maeda Toshihisa turned his head and gave his daughter a hard look, and followed into the city.

With trembling fingers, Maeda pointed at Yukimori Yamanaka, too angry to speak.Just because of this villain who stabbed people in the back, Chun Han's hard work squatting in the fish pond was for nothing, and his achievements fell short!

Yamanaka Yukimori ignored Maeda's anger and said to Gamo Ujigo with a smile.

"Let's go into town quickly."

After finishing speaking, she went to direct the actions of the Kanto Ji Warriors on her own, ignoring Maeda's interests.

Maeda Mashiro made a rude gesture behind her, then trotted into the city to explain to the lord.

Gamo Shigo shook her head helplessly, and Naomasa Ii who was beside her watched the whole process silently, and only asked after the song ended.

"Master Gamo, have they always gotten along like this?"

Gamo Ujigo sighed, she saw Ii Naomasa blinking her big curious eyes, and didn't know how to explain to her.

Could it be telling her that these guys are crazy about getting married, and they don't even want the minimum decency.


In the residence of His Excellency the Tenshu of Ueno Castle, Shiba Yoshigin sat on the main seat, receiving the visit of the Iga Maeda family headed by Maeda Masayoshi.

His expression was indifferent, and he was annoyed.

It's the spring plowing season, and the South Omi region is still in full swing, but Maeda Yoshikado is drinking and having fun in Ueno Castle. Does this guy have any brains?
Fortunately, she is still the governor of the Iga Maeda family, the number one champion of the Shiba family, she is not at all reassuring, what a bastard.

But in front of all the concubines, Yiyin couldn't be angry, and he spoke politely, holding back his nausea and praising Maeda Yiyi's military achievements in the past two years.

With a few words of reassurance, Yiyin paused and said.

"I'm a little tired from the journey, let's stop here today. Maeda Hime stays for a while, and the others go down first."

Maeda benefited a bit in his heart, knowing that the show meat was coming, his head began to sweat.She secretly looked at her mother, but Maeda Riku didn't bother to care about her.

In Maeda Riku's view, this little bastard ruined his own pool of good fish, and he deserved to suffer.

From the attitude of the lord, she keenly felt that he did not want to belittle the Iga Maeda family, so she endured discomfort and comforted the Maeda family concubines.

Since it doesn't hurt the family business, the lord can do whatever he wants with this little bastard.Always let the lord vent his anger, otherwise the evil fire will be suppressed, and it will be unlucky for the Iga Maeda family.


After everyone walked out, Yiyin said softly.

"come here."

Maeda benefited timidly, not daring to approach, and said with a flattering smile.

"You said, I can hear it here."

Yiyin raised his eyebrows and shouted.

"I asked you to come over!"


Maeda Yili scrambled to the front of Yiyin, kowtowed to the ground, as pitiful as a defeated dog.

Yi Yin frowned, he could already smell the alcohol on Maeda Rishi's body, it lingered for a long time, it seemed that he drank a lot.

he said coldly.

"I'm in a good mood. You can sing about wine. How much life is there. Would you like to play another Waka Sape Music for me? I heard that you are very artistic?"

Maeda Yoshiki laughed dryly.

"My lord misunderstood, how can there be such a thing, it's just a little hobby to pass the time."

Yiyin stared at her coldly until he looked down at her.

"Is there anything you want to say to me?"


Yoshihiro sneered, looking past Maeda Yoshiki who fell to the ground to apologize, and looked into the distance.

"I told you that I would not marry Ashikaga Yoshiki, why didn't you believe me?"

Maeda Masayoshi hesitated for a moment, and summoned up his courage to speak.

"I really didn't do anything..."

Yiyin roughly interrupted her and said.

"Of course I know you didn't do anything! You don't dare to do anything! Do you have the guts to kill the king? You don't!
You are just opportunistic, watching Akechi Mitsuhide act out of control, waiting for her to take all the charges.

Do you think you are smart?

Someone helped you do what you want, all you need to do is do nothing and watch General Ashikaga die! "

Yiyin yelled at him sharply, but Maeda Yili had nothing to say, and could only plead guilty and accept punishment in the posture of sitting down.

Seeing that she was silent, Yiyin spoke slowly.

"You don't trust me, but you trust that bastard Mitsuhide Akechi. Tell me, can I still trust your loyalty?"

Maeda Yoshiki raised his head abruptly and said.

"I'm guilty, please punish me! But my loyalty to you is undeniable!"

Maeda Yoshihiro looked at Shiba Yoshigin with fiery eyes, and after two years of not seeing each other, the lord was taller, mightier and more handsome than in his dream.

The person he yearns for day and night is right in front of him, but he behaves so embarrassed, selfish, and addicted to drinking and pleasure.

Maeda Yili didn't know what to say. In her heart, the reunion of the two should not be like this.

The disappointment in Yoshihiro's eyes hurt Maeda Yoshiki's heart.Yi Yin denies her loyalty, which is a question that Maeda benefits cannot accept.

The blood in her heart surged up, and she wanted to dig into her heart and show the lord her loyalty.

Yiyin shook his head and sighed, and said.

"Keep showing the sun and the moon? Really?

Then tell me, how did you promise me when I was away for a few days? "

It was as if Maeda Mashiro had been hit on the forehead with a hammer, and his femininity was instantly shattered, and he became sluggish.

"That... I'm very sorry..."

Yi Yin's eyes were shining brightly, and two tears slid down his cheeks. He stared at Maeda Yili and said every word.

"Maeda Masaru, you bastard. You were hugging me, you were on top of me, you were panting heavily and wouldn't stop.

Then you tell me that you will be loyal to me, you will obey me, and you will keep the security of the near future for me.

do you remember that dayHave you forgotten your promise? "

Maeda Masayoshi stared dumbly at Yoshigin's tears, feeling her heart twitching, she slammed her forehead against the tatami and said.

"I'm sorry, very sorry, very very sorry..."

Yiyin saw regret and apology in her eyes, and sneered.Can't take it anymore?The good show is yet to come!
He soared his acting skills, tears kept streaming down his eyes, but he didn't wipe them away.Staring fiercely at Maeda Yoshiki with both eyes, he bit his lower lip and remained silent.

Maeda Yili was so frightened by his silent crying, watching his beloved man cry face to face, this torture made Maeda Yili feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

She said sarcastically.

"My lord, you can kill or cut as you like. I don't regret the death of Maeda Yili. Please don't cry anymore."

Yiyin looked at her coldly and said.

"Kill you? I have to reward you!

Can I bear the scandal of killing the general?She is my fiancée, you bastards are doing evil without telling me, have you ever thought about what will happen to me?
I can't let outsiders know that someone from the Shiba family colluded with the Miyoshi family to kill the general, and I have to reward you for your achievements in the past two years.I didn't even dare to cry, I could only cry silently.

Ashikaga Yoshiki pushed me, Akechi Mitsuhide pushed me, and you pushed me too, none of you would let me go.

It's fine now, let me clean up a mess.Let me ask you, what do you want me to do? "

Yiyin's words become weaker and weaker, contrary to the previous toughness, like a weak man who is willing to compromise.

Maeda Yili had never seen him so weak, and felt even more uneasy.

She wanted to reach out her hand to wipe away his tears, and say some responsible words to comfort him, but halfway through her hand, Yi Yin avoided him with a look of disgust.

Maeda Yili was saddened, and sighed as if his heart was ashamed.

"It's my fault that I put you in such a situation. I'll go back and apologize to you, so as not to embarrass you."

Yiyin pointed at her and cursed.

"Then get out! Get out and die!"

As soon as Maeda benefited, he bowed and was about to leave, proving his love and loyalty with actions.

Of course, Yoshihiro would not really let Maeda Yili die, his Youyou voice was neither happy nor angry, his eyes looked up at the sky, empty as if he had lost his soul.

"When you die, you are free.

what should I do?do you know?Oda Nobunaga is here. . "

Maeda Masayoshi hesitated for a moment and said.

"I heard that you took the initiative to invite His Royal Highness Oda to Luo, and the progress is rapid."

Yiyin pulled a wry smile from the corner of his mouth and said.

"Invitation? I can't help it.

Wada Yoomasa's old ministers of the Ashikaga General found the Ashikaga Twins, and wanted to join forces with Oda Nobunaga to support her and go to Luo to establish a general.

Maeda Toshiie risked his life to send a message, so I had to hurry back from Kanto so that I could participate in Shangluo.

If they get rid of Shiba's house, they will complete Shangluo.You said, how can I gain a foothold in the shogunate in the future? "

Maeda Yili was silent for a while, feeling remorse in his heart, kowtowed to the ground and said.

"Thousands of mistakes are my fault, please take care of yourself, I will use blood to prove my loyalty to you."

Maeda Yoshiki's heart was filled with annoyance, and she never thought that the death of the general would make Shiba Yoshiyin's situation so difficult.

At this time, she no longer thinks about getting married, she just hopes to prove herself by harakiri, so that the lord will not doubt her true love for him.

Seeing Maeda Yoshiki's disheartened look, Yi Yin secretly relieved his hatred.

However, he didn't want Maeda Yili to die.He is not willing to give up this kind of warrior Ji who can go to battle, go to bed, is reliable, and is easy to use.

Seeing that the fire is almost ready, the final blow is short.

Yi Yin took the initiative to reach out and took Maeda Yili's hand, and put it on his cheek, covering his tears.

Maeda Yoshiki looked at the lord with desperate eyes, revealing a trace of nostalgia.

Yi Yin said lightly.

"You are dead, what about Maeda Toshihisa? What about the Iga Maeda family? What about the Shiba family?"

Yiyin looked at her affectionately, and finally said.

"what should I do?"

Maeda Yili was originally impulsive, and was speechless when asked by Yi Yin, and bowed his head in silence.

With his fingers, he could feel his fair and tender skin, as well as the wet tears on it, and Maeda Masayoshi couldn't help rubbing his fingertips.

Yiyin threw her hand away, gave her a blank look, and said angrily.


Maeda Masayoshi scratched his head, feeling ashamed.Just now he wanted to die and live, but now he is making a move on the lord, and his heart is not dead.

She was already dazed by Yiyin's tricks, and she didn't know what expression to use to face him.

Yi Yin said softly.

"hug me."


Yoshihiro looked at her resentfully, Maeda Yoshiki approached slowly, and hugged him into his arms like a dream.I just feel that even if I die at this moment, it is worth it.

But Yiyin's next words completely tore apart her fantasy, like a basin of cold water pouring her to the bottom.

"The way Oda Nobunaga looked at me made me afraid. I thought that after going to Luo, I would never have any interaction with her again, and I never wanted to play tricks on people.

I've been having nightmares these days and can't sleep well every night.I always dream about what happened when I was in Owari that year, when Oda Nobunaga summoned me to go. . "

Startled, Maeda benefited, grabbed Yoshigin's arms with both hands, looked him in the eyes, and said nervously.

"What did she do to you?"

Yiyin smiled sadly and said.

"I am Odaisho, the widow of General Ashikaga, what can she do to me?
Oda Nobunaga finally took advantage of the opportunity of Shangluo to enter Jinji and took the land of Nanjinjiang.The Oda family already has a territory of [-] million stones, which is ten times that of my recent Shiba territory.

If one day, things will be discordant.Maybe I really want to use my body to beg her, as before, to beg for the continuation of the Shiba family.

All this is thanks to you. "

Yoshigin's tone was indifferent, he didn't seem to care about his chastity, and he could exchange his body at any time, just like what he did in Owari back then.

But this word was like a sharp knife, piercing into Maeda Yili's heart, making her eyes turn red and her heart ache like twisting.

"Do not!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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