different warring states of japan

Chapter 1169 Radical and Conservative

Chapter 1169 Radical and Conservative
Yiyin didn't bother to explain, and couldn't explain clearly, so he could only speak with a straight face.

"You are eloquent, it seems that this whip has been lightly whipped, and I will make it up for you later."

Akechi Mitsuhide pretended to turn pale with fright, begging for mercy and acting coquettishly.

"Please forgive me, my lord. I'm not a warrior woman like Yukinori Yamanaka, who can't bear severe punishment."

Yamanaka Yukimori gritted his teeth behind the screen, this embarrassing fox knew he was hiding behind, and flirted with the lord, he deserved to be killed.

Yiyin also frowned.

"Speak well, why did you suddenly mention Yamanaka Yukimori?"

Akechi Mitsuhide stuck out his tongue in a playful way, which made Yiyin's heart itch.This black-bellied fox is the one who plays the craziest and has the most tricks among the Ji warriors she has ever raped.

But when Yoshigin thought of the tragic death of Ashikaga Yoshiki, his expression turned ugly, and he scolded.

"Akechi Mitsuhide! Correct your attitude! Do you really think I won't kill you!"

Akechi Mitsuhide looked at Yiyin with infatuation, and said slowly.

"I am not afraid of death, when I was determined to kill Ashikaga Yoshiki, I put life and death aside.

The supreme being in the world should be home to the virtuous. The Ashikaga family has enjoyed the world for two hundred years, but they can't make the world peaceful. General Ashikaga is guilty!

This is one of them.

You restored the family business as a man, restored the lintel with benevolence, righteousness and courtesy, and made all the daughters of the world ashamed.

Ashikaga Yoshiki is greedy for your family business, and in order to annex the revived Shiba family, he used disgusting means to force you to accept the Ashikaga confluence, she deserves to die!
This second.

Zhizhi's family business declined, and I became a wanderer, displaced, and what I saw and heard were all rituals and music, and I led beasts to eat people.

The incompetent Ashikaga shogunate shogunate, the shogunate samurai only know about self-interest, but ignore the misery of the Ji warriors in the world.The shogunate won the world with the samurai family, but they couldn't treat the samurai family well, so they deserved this catastrophe.

This is the third.

The world of the Wu family should not be like this. The shogunate is already dead, but the body left behind is still rotting in this world.

All I wish in my life is to restore the order, to make the world orderly, to make Ji warriors settle down to their duties, and to restore peace to the Wu family!
I am wise Mitsuhide, no mistake! "

Yi Yin squinted his eyes and looked at the impassioned Mitsuhide Akechi who was speaking at length.There was a twinkle in her eye, she was. .Showdown?

After a long silence, Yiyin asked lightly.

"So? You disobeyed my order, arranged to kill General Ashikaga, and made a mess of the past, just for the ideal in your heart?"

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded with a frenzied expression.

"That's right, Ashikaga Yoshiki has given you the Yujian. As long as the Ashikaga General's family dies, you will be recognized as the descendant of the Kawachi Genji.

I didn't expect that she would hand over the golden seal to Takata Yukino before she died, and handing it over to you is the icing on the cake.

Now that you are wearing the golden seal of the Yujian, the Ashikaga Yoshiaki that Wada Yoshimasa and the others want to support cannot be compared with you at all. You are already the most honorable person in the world.

As long as you preside over the re-establishment of the shogunate, this troubled world will definitely end.Use your righteousness to give the Samurai a new and better world. "

Yiyin looked at Akechi Mitsuhide coldly, and understood in his heart.

She doesn't feel that she is wrong at all, she is a true idealist, and she is willing to sacrifice everything in order to realize her ideal.

But Yiyin couldn't agree with her approach.

Ashikaga Yoshiki really wants Ashikaga to join him, but her heart is not only for utilitarianism, but also for love.Otherwise, she would not have given the golden seal to Takada Yono and handed it over to herself before she died.

Akechi Mitsuhide killed Ashikaga Yoshiki and caused chaos in recent times. Her actions were too drastic and cruel.

She didn't even think about discussing it with Yiyin, so she did such a terrible thing ruthlessly.Her ideals are higher than her loyalty, and Yiyin cannot tolerate this counselor she cannot control.

He said.

"Mitsuhide Akechi, don't be so self-righteous!

who do you think You Are?Do you think you can make choices for all martial artists in the world?Do you think you are sacrificing for righteousness?

You are just touching yourself!
For your ideals, countless lives have been sacrificed, and you make me sick.Do you know how long it has been since you saw peace in the nearest place?

Beginning with the Rebellion of Eight Generation Generals, it has been in chaos for nearly a hundred years.The king's banner changed at the top of the city, the people were displaced, and the livelihood of the people withered.

After the shogunate signed a contract with the Miyoshi family, it has been a year and a half of peace in recent days.Yes, only a mere year and a half.

Just because of your own opinions, there has been another chaos in recent days, and you still have the nerve to say that you are for the world of Wu Family?

Look at the people who died tragically in the Kyoto Incident, look at the people who died in vain in the Battle of Minami, how innocent they are! "

Akechi Mitsuhide said lightly.

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and it is better to rot than slowly rot.

Sacrifice a few people to achieve a new shogunate.After all, innovation will kill people. The sooner the innovation is made, the fewer people will die. "

Yiyin sneered.

"You self-righteous innovators always like to represent others, but have you ever asked others if they want to be represented by you?

did you ask meDid you ask the rest of the Shiba family?Have you asked recent days, or even martial arts in the world?Innovation has a price!
Who will pay the price?It's you?Or them?You tell me, who is paying for your ideal?
I'm not you, Akechi Mitsuhide, you misread me.

I am a stubborn conservative, and I can watch the shogunate slowly decay.As long as I don't see tragedy happen in my lifetime, I will try my best to cover this lid.

I know that an innovator like you looks down on a conservative like me the most, but you should understand a truth.

Xing, the people suffer.die, the people suffer.

As you walk into the future with high spirits, look at the corpses under your feet and think about the price they paid.

I have no ideals, I just want to protect the moment of peace in front of me.I don't want to see the price of innovation, no matter who pays the bloody price. "

Akechi Mitsuhide looked at the angry Yi Yin, and suddenly laughed, his eyes were full of love.

"I know, I've always known. You're a soft-hearted man, and you don't want others to suffer.

Your kindness is the last ray of sunshine in this endless dark and chaotic world, which makes me feel warm and cherished.

That's why I am willing to love you and die for you.Even if you order me to be killed now, I have no regrets.

It's just that you made a mistake.It's not that you don't have ideals, you protect everyone's ideas, that's your ideals.

Your ideals are more unrealistic than mine.No one will approve of you, and a benevolent prince like you will be more ostracized than an innovator like me.

When everyone is fighting for power and profit, when everyone is leading beasts to eat people.Your benevolence, righteousness and courtesy will be a thorn in their hearts.

They will do all they can to destroy you unless you become like them.Otherwise, they will definitely destroy you. This is the darkness of the human heart.

They don't want to see a human when all are beasts.This makes them unable to anesthetize themselves and convince themselves that everyone is the same, and everyone is a beast.

I don't want you to take such a desperate step and be killed by those people you want to protect.I will lead the way for you, and remove the thorns and stumbling blocks in your path, those fools who don't want to be human.

You are the glory, you are the mercy.The sin is mine, the viciousness is mine.

This is what I want for the rest of my life. "

Yiyin shook his head.

"Don't continue to be intoxicated, you are not so tragic, and I don't need you to sacrifice like that.

You still haven't understood what terrible thing you have done. You have released an innovator who can truly overthrow the martial arts world.

Mitsuhide Akechi, you are aggressive.

But have you ever thought about, if you meet a more radical innovator, would you follow in her footsteps, or would you not be able to stand her radicalism and want to stop her?
It is too easy to destroy an old world. Destruction is far easier than construction.No one likes to be restrained, and everyone in the world loves freedom.

But you have to know that the reason why the rules are accepted by most people is because the rules are the bottom line and the contract that allows most people to live.

If there are no rules, the strong can plunder the weak at will, the winner can take everything from the loser, and Wujiatianxia will cease to exist.

Therefore, even if the rules are unreasonable, most people are still willing to abide by the rules, because most people are weak.

You have destroyed the order of the shogunate and disrupted the original rules.Before the new rules are established, everyone will lose their sense of security, and the darkest troubled times will really come.

Discord is a paradise for the strong, and if there is a more radical innovator that even you can't stand, you become me, a conservative.

At that time, how should you choose? "

Yoshigin said, Oda Nobunaga appeared in his mind.

He didn't care about the island country in his previous life, let alone the Warring States of the island country.The only thing I know is a game called Nobunaga's Ambition.

After coming to this world, he regretted that he didn't play that game back then.

Otherwise, he can at least be targeted, instead of being like a headless fly, he can only cross the river by feeling the stones.

But even a person like him who lacks historical knowledge knows about Nobunaga's ambitions and the samurai daimyo Oda Nobunaga who became a man of the world.

Therefore, he has always been deeply jealous of Oda Nobunaga.

That woman is a ruthless utilitarian, her goal is everyone in the world, as long as there is a way to help her achieve her goal, she will try to do it.

Oda Nobunaga is the most radical innovator in the world.

The foundation of the Wu family world is the Wu family's monopoly on military power.However, in order to suppress the world, Oda Nobunaga actually began to reuse the ashigaru who was born as a commoner to open up a channel for them to ascend.

Although it is only a small gap, it has already made the traditional martial arts feel like a formidable enemy.It's just that she lives in Owari, a rural area that the samurai family despised recently, so the shogunate ignored her threat.

Akechi Mitsuhide couldn't help laughing when he saw Yoshigin's seriousness.

"An innovator who is more radical than me? Hearing what you said, I am a little curious. Does such a person really exist?"

Yiyin looked at her coldly and said.

"Thanks to you, she has come.

You will soon see her subvert the old world, and I will do my best to stop her. "

Akechi Mitsuhide slowly suppressed his smile and asked solemnly.

"You mean, Oda Nobunaga?"

Yi Yin put the wound medicine in Akechi Mitsuhide's hand and said.

"You don't need to know anything anymore, it has nothing to do with you.

I won't kill you, but I won't use you again either.In the next review, I will cut your territory and deprive you of your power.

Mitsuhide Akechi, you're out. "

After some conversation, Yiyin saw the crazy side of Akechi Mitsuhide, this lunatic is useless.

Akechi Mitsuhide twitched his eyebrows and said in a low voice.

"So, is that plan to be terminated as well?"

Yi Yin gave Akechi Mitsuhide a sideways look.

Of course he was reluctant to part with the plan to occupy the magpie's nest. Siba's data center was divided out, and it was easy to get it back. The future political layout of the entire Shiba family was equivalent to being kidnapped by Akechi Mitsuhide.

But Yiyin would rather think of other ways than continue to use Akechi Mitsuhide.

This lunatic should team up with Oda Nobunaga, their ideals are very consistent, smashing the original order to pieces.

I just don't know, can Akechi Mitsuhide stand the crazier Oda Nobunaga?Radicals meet more radicals, this scene is exciting.The French Revolution?Wave after wave.

Yiyin sneered.

"You don't need to care about this, for the sake of the monarch and his ministers, I will give you a face.

Just guard your reduced territory and live a good life. "

Although I feel a little sorry for Ashikaga Yoshiki, Akechi Mitsuhide is a beauty who has had sex with him twice, and Yoshigin really can't be so cold as to kill her.

In this case, let's deal with it coldly.

After speaking, Yiyin got up and left without looking back.Akechi Mitsuhide stared at his leaving back, dazed in a daze, and did not keep him.

After Yoshihiro left, Yamanaka Yukimori came out with a complicated expression behind the screen, looked at Akechi Mitsuhide with a calm expression, and said.

"You lunatic."

Yamanaka Yukimori always believed that Akechi Mitsuhide planned to kill Ashikaga Yoshiki because Ashikaga Yoshiki tried to marry Shiba Yoshigin.

did not expect. .As Shiba Yoshihiro said, Akechi Mitsuhide is crazy.She actually wanted to support Shiba Yoshigin to the throne, to calm down the world, and to be an unprecedented male shogun?
Yamanaka Yukimori shook her head. Being bound by the tradition of the samurai family, she really didn't understand what was going on in Akechi Mitsuhide's mind.

Akechi Mitsuhide threw back the wound medicine given by Yamanaka Yukimori to her, looking infatuatedly at the wound medicine given by Yoshigin, which still had the lingering fragrance of his fingertips on it.

Yamanaka Yukimori took the wound medicine and snorted coldly.

The lord really has true feelings for this lunatic, not only gave her medicine, but even planned to leave a little territory for her to raise, it's a pity. .

Yamanaka Yukimori smiled.

"Senseiji, congratulations.

How does it feel to enjoy your old age early?Arranging to kill General Ashikaga, such a horrific act, can still retreat unscathed.

You should be grateful to the lord for your kindness, and stay in your own territory obediently in the future, and take care of yourselves. "

Akechi Mitsuhide glanced at the triumphant Yamanaka Yukimori and sneered.

At this moment, she was in a very bad mood because of the fierce debate with Yiyin on the concept, and she didn't have the heart to continue to play the hypocrisy in daily life.

She chased the guest.

"Hime Yamanaka, do you like to stay here and chat with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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