different warring states of japan

Chapter 1171 Making money is easy

Chapter 1171 Making money is easy

The Wu family is a group of warlords who are famous and divided. The small warlords follow the big warlords for the sake of righteousness?It's for dinner!

The small warlord followed the big warlord, and the big warlord followed the super big warlord. Everyone went out to kill people together, just to eat more.

Now that the super-big warlords have spoken, I will give the small warlords an extra portion of hard-core crops, and I will solve the problem of food for the family.

Do the little warlords still care what the big warlords think?They can only hate that the super warlord came back too late, and they lost two years of hard-core crops.

Nizi Shengjiu figured out the logic behind it, and knew that Yiyin's method was bound to succeed. In recent days, the important ministers of Siboling had been pulled out of the pot.

The only loophole in this matter is whether the Sibo Zhong Fund can really send out enough money and food to buy the Ji warriors in the entire Sibo area.

Seeing Nizi Shengjiu's respectful attitude, but hesitant to speak, Yiyin smiled understandingly.

Nizi Katsuhisa has reservations about the income of the Shibazhong Fund because she still doesn't know how big the potential of the Hokuriku Road trade route is.

Lending the copper coins from the earth warehouse at low interest rates is actually the same as Yiyin's previous interest rate cut.He just took pictures of cats and tigers and used them.

The trade route of Tokaido was cut off due to the war, and the rugged mountain road of Zhongshan Road was not smooth, and the trade route of Hokuriku Road is now in a near-monopoly market position.

As long as the Hokuriku Road business route can be guaranteed unimpeded, there is only one thing that will limit the rapid expansion of the Shibazhong Fund, and that is the amount of funds.

Modern countries use interest rate cuts, release a large number of low-interest loans, and release water to stimulate economic development.

Yiyin lends the copper coins deposited in the earth warehouse at low interest rates, turning dead money into living money, and injecting vitality into the Sibozhong Fund. This is similar to the interest rate reduction policy of modern countries.

The Sibazhong Fund can take advantage of the explosive period of the Hokuriku Road trade route and become a flying pig on the wind.

Part of the copper money earned was sent to Sibo’s retainers as welfare, and the other part was deposited in the loyalty fund, where it continued to make profits, money begets money.

Before the development of the Hokuriku Road trade route enters a stable and mature stage, the Sibazhong Fund will only grow bigger and bigger, enough to support the loyalty of the recent Siba leaders, and even the entire Siba retainer group to Yoshihiro in the future.

Nizi Shengjiu didn't understand what a huge cash cow the Sibozhong Foundation had become, but Yiyin needed her to understand in order to cooperate with his own economic policies.

Yi Yin nodded Ishida Mitsunari and said.

"This is Mitsunari Ishida, the person in charge of the Shibachu Foundation."

Ishida Mitsunari bowed respectfully to Nizi Katsuhisa, and Nizi Katsuhisa returned the gift.

Yi Yin continued.

"Ishida Hime, show Niko Hime the first version of the Shibachu Foundation's trial plan."

Ishida Mitsunari handed out a document with both hands, Nizi Katsuhisa bowed slightly, took it with both hands, and looked at ten lines at a glance.

The lord was waiting on the throne, and Nizi Shengjiu didn't have time to think about it carefully, so he took a rough look first.But even so, she was taken aback by the huge expenditure of retainers' welfare.

After Nizi Katsuhisa finished reading, he looked up at Ishida Mitsunari and said hesitantly.

"Master Ishida, is the annuity part written here a bit too large, can the income of the loyalty fund support such a large expenditure?
According to your plan, the first batch of annuities at the end of this year will need to give each Ji warrior two stones of brown rice as a guarantee of his loyalty fund?Is this a bit too hasty? "

Nizi Shengjiu was completely dumbfounded at the trial plan of the Sibozhong Fund in front of him.

According to Ishida Mitsunari's plan, the Chung Foundation will issue two annuities at the middle and end of each year, tentatively set at two stones of brown rice each time.

What is this concept?

The Wu family mobilized [-] soldiers with [-] shi to form a reserve team.Each reserve team has about [-] ashigaru and [-] to [-] Ji warriors.

Warrior Ji is the backbone of the samurai territory. He manages the territory in peacetime and kills people in battle.

According to a rough calculation, there are fifty Ji warriors serving in the [-] shi territory, and more than [-] Ji vassals have received [-] shi in recent Sibo.

Of course, the specific situation must be more.The actual number of small samurai families who have knowledge and practice, land servants in various villages, and low-level Ji warriors who only take jobs and have no land.

But even if there are only [-] Ji warriors, [-] shi of brown rice will be distributed as an annuity, and [-] shi of brown rice will be paid twice a year.

Even though the quantity is not huge, it is a hard-core crop that guarantees the harvest from drought and flood. The harvest must not be less in disaster years, and wars and man-made disasters must also be paid.

Once the annuity is given, it must be a never-ending source of living water, otherwise it will cause turmoil in the hearts of the people.

Promote mien, fight michou.If there is a discord, the kindness of the lord did not bring loyalty, but instead caused resentment without pay, and the gain outweighed the loss.

In the territory of [-] shi, there are four men and six people, and the annual land income is no more than [-] shi.Based on the consumption of martial arts preparations for wars all year round, if there is no one out of ten, that is, there is no less than [-] shi for food reserves every year.

In other words, in the past few days, every year when the Siboling squeezed through the gaps between the teeth, it could not squeeze out [-] shi, and even [-] shi of brown rice could not be saved.

Ishida Mitsunari waved his hand, and every household distributed grain, no less than [-] shi per year. Did this grain fall from the sky?How can it be so easy?

Nizi Shengjiu's question was not to tear down the situation, but out of the instinct of an internal affairs official. She felt that the amount of annuity sent this time was unreliable.

But what Ishida Mitsunari said next left her even more stunned and speechless.

Ishida Mitsunari bowed slightly to Yoshinori who was on the seat, and then said to Nizi Katsuhisa.

"Master Nizi, the annuity amount of four stones per person per year should be considered after the establishment of the Sibozhong Fund just now, after compromise and simplification.

According to the requirements of the lord, every warrior Ji who served in Shiba's family must ensure that the family behind him has food.

A Ji warrior eats about two stones a year, and each household is given four stones, which is based on the ration of two Ji warriors.

Two stones are given to Ji Wushi herself, and the other two stones are given to her husband and children.Husband and children have small appetites, so they are not as good as Ji Wushi, and it is calculated as one stone per person.

Therefore, this four shi grain annuity can only guarantee the consumption of a family of three.

According to the lord's wishes, after the Shibozhong Fund is on the right track, it must guarantee an annuity of six shi per household, which is the rations for one husband, one wife and three children. "

Nizi Shengjiu was speechless and looked at the lord.Yiyin nodded silently, admitting that this was his own idea.

Knowing that this is the request of the lord, Nizi Katsuhisa looked at Ishida Mitsunari with a little sympathy, and this request was too much.

The annuity of the Sibozhong Fund is not just sent to the nearby Sibolings.According to the plan, this is a welfare system that will cover the entire Shiba retainer group sooner or later.

The six-stone brown rice standard set by Yiyin is too high, and it is actually unnecessary.

Ji Wushi himself has a job or know how to make a living, and in a family, there may be more than one Ji Wushi who has become an official.

When mother and daughter soldiers are in battle, the Wu family does not support idlers. In wars, they always bring relatives and friends together to kill people.

Yiyin is an algorithm based on a single household. In real life, small households do not exist in agricultural society.

Wouldn't this kind of small family with only one woman in charge be bullied to death by a big family with many women?More women and more blessings is the norm in rural villages.

Seeing Nizi Sheng puzzled for a long time, Yiyin smiled slightly.

Of course he knows that if the annuity is issued at this amount, there will be a large amount of ration overflow, but this is the effect he wants.

When the samurai under his command wanted [-] points, Yi Yin directly increased the reward to [-] points.The surprise that far exceeds expectations is the guarantee of loyalty, and it is also what Yiyin urgently needs now.

Food is hard currency, and if you can't finish it, you can exchange it for copper coins, salt, cloth, firewood and other daily necessities.

What Yoshigin has to do is to improve the quality of life of Shiba's retainers and widen the gap with other samurai families.The bigger the gap, the stronger the cohesion of Shiba's retainers.

Just like Yiyin's previous life, only poor countries desperately immigrated to rich countries. How can rich countries envy poor countries?

People yearn for a better life, shouting slogans is one thing, but who really likes to live a life of starvation and poverty?
Matter is the foundation, and development is the last word.

The development of the Hokuriku Road trade route in the past two years has exceeded Yoshihiro's imagination, and it can be said that the right time, place and people are in harmony.

The close alliance between Yoshihiro Shiba and Terotora Uesugi, the years of war in the Hokuriku region and the expectation of gaining benefits through trade routes, the commercial expansion of Yoshino Takada in Sakai Port, and the turbulent changes in Tokaido.

This series of factors finally fermented the Hokuriku Road Commercial Road Interest Group where everyone worked together to make money and did not hinder or cause trouble.

Even if the Miyoshi family and the Shangluo Allied Forces were at war, they did not hinder the operation of the Hokuriku Road trade route. It can be seen how many beneficiaries are silently maintaining this trade route.

Yoshihiro was not worried that the Shibachu Fund would not be able to make money. Ishida Mitsunari was in charge of the Hokuriku business route in Naoejin for two years, and he was confident in the operation of the entire business route.

He presides over the Shibazhong Fund, and Takada Yono is behind the scenes.The various houses along the trade route will definitely give Shibo Yiyin, the founder and maintainer of the trade route, face.

Combining so many favorable conditions, Yiyin couldn't think of the possibility of Sibozhong Fund losing money.

Unless Oda Nobunaga had a brain twitch and ran to attack the Asakura family of Echizen Kingdom, who would be able to stop the operation of the Hokuriku Road trade route?
Without the strength of more than two million shi, the monolithic Hokuriku Road trade route interest group cannot be moved at all.

As long as the trade routes are running safely, this is a gold mine that is open to digging.At least until the development of Kanto and Kansai logistics is saturated, the income of Sibo Zhong Fund will be like a snowball, and it will get bigger and bigger.

Yiyin's real worry is how to spend the huge amount of profits he has earned as soon as possible, and use the money wisely.

Copper coins earned without spending them are just piles of stones.Yoshihiro is not a miser. After guaranteeing the funds for the operation of the Shibazhong Fund, he wants to throw all the money on Shiba's retainers.

Lacking a genealogy, as a man, Yiyin not only sells meat, but also wears the tiger skin of Hanoi Genji's descendants to scare people.

But these bargaining chips are vain. Every time he goes to war, he always begs his grandpa to sue his grandma, soliciting connections everywhere to seek support, and all he has to do is kneel down and beg for help from those bastard warriors.

The territory owned by the Shiba family itself is divided into Jinji Shiba Territory, Owari Shiba Territory, and Kanto Shiba Territory, which are geographically alienated and people's hearts are alienated.

Before the plan of the dove occupying the magpie's nest succeeds, and before the territory is kneaded together by bloodline heirs, Yiyin must control the territory through other means.

Relying on certain tools, turn Siba's retainers from all over the world into a united Siba Wu family group, and follow him wholeheartedly.

And this tool, he found, is the Sibozhong Fund.

Yoshigin glanced at Ishida Mitsunari and nodded slightly.Ishida Sancheng understood, and said to Nizi Katsuhisa.

"Your Majesty Nizi, you don't have to worry about the profitability of the Sibazhong Fund, as long as the Hokuriku Road continues to trade, the income of the Sibazhong Fund is enough to cover the annuity payment of the entire Sibazhong family.

In the first year of the Hokuriku Road trade route, the value of materials transported from Sakai Port to Kanto was about [-] kan.In the second year, the material value increased to one million guan.

Recently, when the goods arrived in Zhijiangjin, the selling price was at least doubled.And the materials transported to the ten countries of Kanto and Ouyu through Naoetsu will double again.

This price is still the wholesale price controlled by Zhijiang Jinguan. In fact, the market price fluctuates more, only high but not low.

I have been in charge of the Shiba family at the Naoetsu Customs Office for two years, and I know very well which goods are more valuable and easier to transport.

The Sibo Zhong Fund, which I chair, will select the most profitable commodities.With the cooperation of Mr. Takada Yono, he guaranteed to provide enough commodity shares.

As long as the funds in the soil warehouse are in place, I am confident that I can earn more than five times the profit of the Shibazhong Fund goods sent from Sakai Port to Naoetsu, and the annual interest on the loan itself is only [-]%.

Moreover, before I returned to Japan, the Tokaido trade route was almost cut off.

Not only Kansai goods have started to take the Hokuriku Road commercial route in an all-round way, but even Kanto merchants have taken the initiative to deploy Naoetsu, hoping to ship from Hokuriku Road to recent days.

Before the turmoil in the Tokaido calmed down, the Hokuriku Road trade route was of irreplaceable value to the caravan exchanges in the Kanto and Kansai.

As the initiator of the Hokuriku Road trade route, the Shiba family cannot stop the Shiba family from making money on the Hokuriku Road trade route.

Whoever dares to interfere with the interests of Shiba's family, let her get out of the Hokuriku trade route! "

Nizi Shengjiu was speechless.

In the past two years, Takada Yono has been in charge of the affairs of Sakai Port, and has always been secretive about the profit of the trade route. Nizi Katsuhisa really didn't know that the Hokuriku Road trade route developed so well and made so much money.

As soon as the lord came back, Takada Yono sold out to the lord with a stern face.On the contrary, Nizi Shengjiu was at a loss, and he didn't know the inside story of the trade route, so he made a big or small embarrassment today.

Ishida Mitsunari made it so clear, what else could Nizi Katsuhisa say?
First, the cargo throughput of the Hokuriku Road trade route will increase in the future. One million guan is the beginning, and there will be more opportunities to make money in the future.

Second, Takada Yono is the person in charge of the Sakai Port, and Ishida Mitsunari used to be in charge of the Naoetsu Customs Office. They know best what goods to transport to make money, and the share must be given priority to the Shibazhong Fund.

Third, all forces must give the Shiba family face, and the pioneer and defender of the trade route is Shiba Yoshiyin.What happened to the Shiba family making some money?Who dares to be dissatisfied?Who dares to mutter?Just fuck off!
If this were compared to a football game, the Spoch Zhong Foundation would no longer be considered as a referee pulling the fence and blowing black whistles.This is how the Football Association plays on its own, how can it lose?Who dares to win?
To be partial to this point, let alone let Ishida Mitsunari, a veteran who has been in charge of the Naoetsu Checkpoint for two years, manage the Shibazhong Fund.

Even if you put a dog in the position of the person in charge, you can't lose money, you have to make a fortune, a fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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