different warring states of japan

Chapter 1182 On the way to the capital

Chapter 1182 On the way to the capital

Feeling upset, but Song Yongxiu didn't dare to show it on his face.

Fortunately, because she was afraid of Mitsuhide Akechi, she had indeed been paying attention to the situation of the other party, so she could tell at this time.

"Your Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki, it might be inconvenient to summon her for an audience.

As far as I know, when the Imperial Palace returned to Siba, before entering the city, Akechihime was whipped and punished, and then she was ordered to close the door and think about her mistakes.

If you want to see her, you have to ask the imperial court first. "

Ashikaga Yoshiaki's expression froze and he was speechless.

Although Shiba Yoshiyin did not get the first merit of Shangluo, as a widow of the ancestors, he holds the golden seal of the sword, which is the orthodox position of the Hanoi Genji descendants.

Don't look at Ashikaga Yoshiaki being hugged by all the concubine, so happy.But if Yoshihiko Shiba is here, she has to be obedient.

It was impossible for Yoshiaki Ashikaga to disobey Shibo Yoshigin before ascending to the throne of General Ashikaga.This is the difference in status, her status is much lower than Sibo Yiyin's.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki was too embarrassed to speak, and his heart was full of resentment.She is clearly of the Ashikaga bloodline, but she will always be inferior to Yoshinami, why?
But then again, she was also a little curious, why did Yoshihiro Shiba treat Mitsuhide Akechi like this?

No one would tell Ashikaga Yoshiaki that Akechi Mitsuhide was behind the Kyoto Incident.Even if someone knew about it, he was probably not clean, so he naturally didn't want to make a fuss if he had nothing to do.

No one mentioned it, Ashikaga Yoshiaki could only figure it out by himself.

Akechi Mitsuhide wrote to himself to make suggestions for himself.He also arranged for Ninagawa to make trouble for the Miyoshi family who are entrenched in Kyoto, so as not to allow the Miyoshi family to sit firmly in the Yamashiro country.

All of this was considered for the interests of the shogunate, but not necessarily in the interests of the Shiba family.

So, Akechi Mitsuhide was rejected and punished by Shiba Yoshigin because of his loyalty to the shogunate?

Ashikaga Yoshiaki thought for a moment, and had a sympathetic thought, and couldn't help making up his mind.

She still has to rely on Shiba Yoshiyin now, but in the future, she must give Akechi Mitsuhide, a loyal minister of the shogunate, a decent explanation.

On the other side, Oda Nobunaga also showed interest.

Shiba Yoshigin has always shown others with a generous and benevolent face, and he treats his followers more preferentially, so the retainer group will be loyal.

Who is this Akechi Mitsuhide that makes Shiba Yoshiyin so afraid? Judging from her actions, she is a talent.

Starting from Maeda Toshie, Oda Nobunaga has intentionally placed people in Shiba's house.The collapse of fortresses is often not due to external forces, but from internal strife.

Since his debut, Yoshigin Shiba has been invincible in all battles and won every attack.He was wary of Oda Nobunaga, and Oda Nobunaga was also extremely afraid of him.

Especially Goodbye Owari, the Oda retainers were overwhelmed by Yoshigin's aura, and some even had a diabetes collapse on the spot, which was regarded as a great shame by Oda Nobunaga.

Such a powerful man, even if he had been toyed with by himself at the beginning, Oda Nobunaga did not dare to despise him in the slightest.She must go all out to deal with Shiba Yoshigin's threat.

Although Oda Nobunaga paid a lot of money to buy information, he spied on the inside story of the shogunate.But the black material of killing the general is avoided by everyone, and of course they don't know the disgraceful role played by Mitsuhide Akechi.

She asked Song Yongxiu.

"This Mitsuhide Akechi seems to be a character, but it's a pity that he offended Kenshin."

Seeing that Oda Nobunaga is also interested in Akechi Mitsuhide, Matsunaga Hideo is more careful when speaking.

What Akechi Mitsuhide did during the Kyoto Incident, Matsunaga Hide is very clear.It's a pity that she herself has a bad debt, so she didn't dare to show the slightest.

It would be too stupid to try to give Mitsuhide eye-salting instead of stealing chickens, but to bring out his own scandal.

Therefore, seeing that the two Highnesses were very concerned about Mitsuhide Akechi, Matsunaga Hide did not dare to talk nonsense.Ashikaga Yoshiaki can be perfunctory, but Oda Nobunaga is his new master, so he has to be cautious.

She thought about it and said flatteringly.

"His Highness Oda, in fact, this Akechi Mitsuhide has something to do with you."


Oda Nobunaga suddenly became interested, and listened to Matsunaga Hide with great interest.

In order to serve the Oda family, Matsunaga Hide asked a lot about Oda Nobunaga, and also knew that Oda Nobunaga's husband, Nokun, was the son of the Mino Saito family.

She said.

"Akechi Mitsuhide comes from a branch of the famous Toki family in Mino, and is the heir of the Akechi family. The Akechi family and the Saito family are both rich in Mino, and they have been married in the world.

As far as I know, your husband and Mitsuhide Akechi are cousins.It was only Saito Yoshiryu who killed his mother to seize the throne, Akechi's family was wiped out, and Akechi Mitsuhide fled, so the relationship between relatives was cut off. "

Oda Nobunaga nodded, looked at Matsunaga Hide with a half-smile, and said.

"You know my family affairs very well."

Song Yongxiu's heart twitched, and he broke out in a cold sweat.My desire to show off is too strong, and I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse to expose the details of the investigation of the Oda family.

Oda Nobunaga smiled.

"You have put your mind to it. It seems that you are sincerely making friends with me. I can understand."

Oda Nobunaga doesn't care about Matsunaga Hideo investigating herself, as her status gets higher and higher, there will be countless people secretly observing and analyzing herself.

Matsunaga Hideo will do this, which shows that she really intends to join the Oda family.Oda Nobunaga can use her now, so naturally he won't bother with her.

Song Yongxiu wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, secretly thinking that he was lucky.

A group of people were chatting vigorously, so the speed of riding Maluo slowed down, and he walked slowly along the Kamo River.At this moment, a fast horse came running ahead.

Oda Nobunaga frowned and scolded first.

"Who! How dare you bump into Luo Zhiyi!"

Seeing her speak, several Oda Hime warriors stepped forward to stop her, Ashikaga Yoshiaki squinted his eyes and did not speak.

Oda Nobunaga stepped in and shouted first, revealing a hint of disrespect.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki is also somewhat dissatisfied with this arrogant Owari daimyo, but her top priority is to succeed General Ashikaga, and many things can only be put aside for now.

Yoshihiko Shiba has to endure, Oda Nobunaga has to endure, and those obviously disloyal shogunate samurai also have to endure. Only by forbearance can become gold can one become the world's people.

Wait until he is firmly seated as a general, and then start with Shibo Yoshiyin, who is the most threatening, and deal with them one by one.

Oda Nobunaga didn't know what Ashikaga Yoshiaki was thinking, even if he knew, he didn't care.

This former nun who has not received a samurai education has never been in the eyes of Oda Nobunaga. How big a wave can she make?

Although Oda Nobunaga pretended to be respectful for a while, she couldn't hide her temperament, and she would always show domineering unconsciously.

The messenger Fan from a distance ran close, and when he saw a warrior Ji blocking him, he reined in his horse and walked forward, bowing.

"The main hall, the queue in front of us is in some trouble."

Oda Nobunaga asked displeased.

"What's wrong? Are the ministers dishonest?"

Ashikaga Yoshiaki glanced sideways at Oda Nobunaga and asked.

"What happened, please explain clearly."

Oda Nobunaga saw Ashikaga Yoshiaki interrupted, subconsciously wanted to laugh, and thought about Shiba Yoshigin who was coming to Beijing soon, so he chose to bow his head and gave Ashikaga Yoshiaki face.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki saw that she suddenly backed away, he was satisfied, he still knew the rules.

Shi Fan didn't know about the secret fight between the two Highnesses, she was the one who summoned her, and said bluntly.

"I report to Your Highness Ashikaga that it has nothing to do with the vassals. It is the Tendai Sect. The mages they came to greet have left and returned to Mount Hiei."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki looked at Shifan in astonishment, not knowing why.

The relationship between the Tendai Sect and the shogunate has always been good, especially the Daigodai, which devoted itself to worshiping the Buddha, and the family of the Ashikaga Shogun and Mount Hiei have been very close over the years.

Because the Miyoshi trio did not understand the sectarian dispute in Kyoto, they made a mistake by sending Ashikaga Yoshiki's body to Shokoku Temple, which led to the Rinzai Sect getting a trump card.

This incident annoyed Mount Hiei, and the Tiantai sect even took the initiative to contact the Shangluo Army, intending to let the Ni Corps come down the mountain to help.

The northern part of the Kyoto Basin is protected by the Tamba Highlands in the northwest and the Bira Mountains in the northeast.

Entering Kyoto from Minami River, one land route is through Otani from the Otsu area through the cracks in the mountains, and the other water route is to take a boat on the Seta River and float through the southeastern hills.

Sakamoto Castle is north of Otani and Seta, and sending troops can cut off the main passage from Minami Omi to Yamashiro Country.

Mount Hiei is just behind Sakamoto Castle, overlooking Kyoto to the west and the west bank of Lake Biwa to the east.

The Ni Corps on the mountain is called the Mountain Master. From ancient times to the present, they have intervened in the political situation in Kyoto many times to fight for the benefits of the sect.

This Tiantai Sect's initiative to show favor this time is also because Miyoshi's family is ignorant and offended the Buddha's milk on the mountain.

The Rinzai Sect was the mainstream sect when the Ashikaga Shogunate was established. Although it has declined over the years, its heritage is still there.

If the Rinzai sect was allowed to take advantage of Ashikaga Yoshiki's funeral and use the opportunity of the reconstruction of the shogunate to rise to the top, the influence of the Tiantai sect on the shogunate would inevitably be greatly reduced.

That's why the Tiantai Sect tore up the fig leaf of the sect's neutrality towards the Wu family's political situation, and wanted to send the Ni Corps to join the war.The intention is to strive for the initiative when the shogunate is re-established after the war.

It's a pity that the Miyoshi family collapsed in the first battle, and Oda Nobunaga took advantage of Ashikaga Yoshiaki to go to Luo soon, cutting off the good plan of the Tiantai sect.

However, why did the Tendai sect suddenly withdraw from the welcome ceremony, embarrassing Ashikaga Yoshiaki so much?
Ashikaga Yoshiaki is the future Ashikaga general. If she holds grudges in her heart, how will the Tendai sect maintain a harmonious relationship with the shogunate in the future?
This matter is really incredible.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki looked back at Wada Yuimasa in the queue, a little confused.

She doesn't have a deep understanding of the intricate relationships between all parties in Kyoto. Could it be because she is from the Shingon sect?

But she has already returned to vulgarity. Even if the Shingon sect has an old relationship with her, the Tiantai sect should not be so decisive and slap her in the face without leaving any room.

The relationship between Tiantai Sect and Shingon Sect is not so tense, and this matter cannot be justified both emotionally and rationally.

Wada Yuimasa in the queue also couldn't figure it out. Seeing Ashikaga Yoshiaki's eyes asking for help, she came out and said.

"Tiantai Sect has always been aware of the general situation. This time the behavior was too radical. Did something happen that stimulated Mount Hiei?"

Wada Yoomasa looked at Oda Nobunaga, but did not speak.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki has no power or influence, and he has never been to Kyoto. The Shingon sect and the Tendai sect are still harmonious in face.Even if she wanted to deliberately annoy Tiantai Sect, she didn't have that ability.

Could the problem be with the Oda family?

Oda Nobunaga frowned, also puzzled.At this time, another person came galloping on horseback, it was Niwa Chohide who entered Beijing last night to preside over the ceremony.

Niwa Changhide's identity is different, and Ji warriors dare not stop her.

She ran to him before dismounting and walking, glaring at Shi Fan.This person was not her subordinate, but the other members of Oda's tribe who were anxious and dispatched first.

Seeing her sweating profusely, Oda Nobunaga asked softly.

"Mi Wuniang, what's going on?"

Niwa Chohide didn't want to make this matter public at first, but it's a pity that he was robbed and couldn't cover it up.

She glanced at Ashikaga Yoshiaki and the vassal minister behind her, and sighed.

"Among the troops in Shangluo in my family to maintain law and order, someone erected a Buddhist flag with the Lotus Sutra written on it."

Oda Nobunaga's expression changed drastically, and he couldn't help cursing.

"Bold! Who dares to act without authorization..."

Her voice stopped abruptly, and Honnoji Nichigen, the leader of the Nichiren sect who had negotiated with her, came to her mind, and she gritted her teeth angrily.

It must be this bald ass!It must be her!
Seeing Oda Nobunaga suddenly not speaking, Ashikaga Yoshiaki suddenly realized.The problem is not with me, a former nun of the Shingon sect, but with the Oda family.

Is Oda Nobunaga a follower of the Nichiren sect?Ashikaga Yoshiaki's eyes became strange.

Although he doesn't understand samurai politics, Ashikaga Yoshiaki used to be one of the two gates of Kofuku-ji Temple.When it comes to sectarianism, that's what she does.

Among today's Buddhist sects, the Nandu Six Sects have long since declined, and among the three Zen Sects, the Linji Sect, which is most valued by the shogunate, has also lost its prestige.

The most prosperous sects are none other than the two Heian sects, namely the Tiantai sect and the Shingon sect.However, the two courts have been contending for many years, and there are signs of decline.

The old and new sects of the Shingon sect split, and the new sect left Wakayama.The Koyasan old sect managed to take down the Fa Xiangzong, one of the six sects in Nandu, and annexed the Yamato Buddhist Kingdom, so they barely stabilized their position.

The situation of Tiantai Sect is even more difficult.

Talented people came out of Mt. Hiei, the Tendai sect gave birth to the Pure Land sect, and the Nichiren sect was the embryonic form of Buddhism, and the disputes over the teachings were fierce.

The Pure Land Sect was forced to leave the Kanto, and split into a more extreme Pure Land Sect, the Yixiang Sect.

The Nichiren Sect is developing the fastest, and its presence in recent days has made the Tiantai Sect intolerable.Taking advantage of the turmoil in the shogunate, the mountain mage of Mount Hiei went down the mountain and wiped out the gate of the Nichiren sect in Kyoto.

The teachings of the Nichiren sect and the Ichiko sect both follow the bottom line, and the competition is cruel and fierce.In order to snatch the believers, the two sides fought hard.

Throughout the dynasties, what sects fear most is not heretics, but heretics with different orthodoxy.In order to eliminate heresies, all factions like to use the method of physical elimination, which can be said to be as deep as the sea.

The Nichiren Sect was cut off from the foundation of the mountain gate in Kyoto by the Tiantai Sect, and was counterattacked by the Yizuo Sect, which suffered heavy losses.

In the end, they can only shrink back to the lower town of Hong Kong Mall, develop craftsmen and merchants as believers, and linger on.

The Nichiren sect most respects the Lotus Sutra of the Miaoho. Believers use the Nanmo Lotus Sutra as the name of the Buddha, and write the Sutra of the Lotus on the white banner as the Buddha banner.

This time when the Oda army went to Luo, the army even blatantly pulled out the Buddha flag of the Nichiren School's Miaofa Lotus Sutra, how could the Tiantai School bear it.

No wonder, the mages of Tiantai Sect couldn't even care about the face of the shogunate, and returned to the mountain angrily.

Whether the relationship with the shogunate is good or not is at most related to whether life will be better in the future.But the dispute over Buddhism is a total destruction from the spirit to the body. It is black and white, and there is no room for ambiguity.

Hieisan tried to offend the shogunate, but he had to show his position and leave the scene decisively.

Oda Nobunaga's face was ashen, unable to speak.

She used the influence of the Nichiren sect in the commercial town to attract business and develop iron cannon technology.The Oda Army is equipped with a large number of iron cannons, and naturally there are iron cannon craftsmen who are believers of the Nichiren sect in charge of weapon maintenance.

It must be those Nichiren sect believers acting as demons, arbitrarily erecting Buddhist flags in the Oda army, provoking Tendai sect.

I just don't know whether this accident was the believers' own idea, or Honnoji Higen was behind it.

(End of this chapter)

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