different warring states of japan

Chapter 1185 The Beginning of Jingdou

Chapter 1185 The Beginning of Jingdou

Ise Zhenjiao replied.

"His Majesty Oda, you don't know.

At the beginning when Miyoshi Changqing went to Luo, the Danbo country was quickly conquered by Miyoshi Yoshiken with his ingenuity.

In Tamba, there are some shogunate territories, and Ninagawa is the leader of the local shogunate.

During the negotiations between the Odaisho and the Miyoshi family, they tried their best to protect the territory of the vassals of the Tamba Kingdom. Ninagawa was very grateful and had a very friendly attitude towards the Odaisho.

Because of this, Ninagawa was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the previous generation to take charge of the political power.

As far as I know, Ninagawa has always been in close contact with the Shiba family.Even the strategy to deal with Miyoshi's family this time was planned by Mitsuhide Akechi, a senior member of the Shiba family. "

Ise Zhenjiao talked eloquently, with the intention of breaking the boat.

Among the vassals behind her were people from Ninagawa's family.She told Ashikaga Yoshiaki in public that Ninagawa's own life is Shibo Yoshigin's, what does that mean?
Others are not fools. The embarrassing orthodox relationship between Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Shiba Yoshigin will inevitably have a profound impact on the future political situation of the new shogunate.

Ise Zhen taught the dog to jump over the wall in a hurry, and pointed out that Ninagawa's own life was Shiba Yoshigin's person.This is a fig leaf for ripping off the internal conflicts of the ministers, making the secret struggle between the two sides public, and flattering the new master.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki looked at the sincere Ise Joshin, a little embarrassed.

The evidence of Ise Zhenjiao's rebellion is conclusive, and it is actually the best target for killing chickens and monkeys.Taking her down is enough to make the ministers obedient.

But now, Ashikaga Yoshiaki hesitated.

The core institution of the shogunate is the government office. The leaders of the two factions leading the shogunate are the deacon of the government office, Ise Sadakyo, and the acting official of the government office, Ninagawa Okino.

Ninagawa was a puppet supported by Ashikaga Yoshiki to seize power from Ise Sadako.But now Ashikaga Yoshiki is dead, and Ninagawa has received great favor from Shiba Yoshigin, and the relationship between the two parties is very deep.

If Ise Zhenjiao is taken down at this time, then the future operation of the shogunate must be presided over by Ninagawa himself.

In other words, Shiba Yoshigin, the leader of the powerful local faction of the shogunate, has a very large influence on Ninagawa, the future chief of the shogunate.

The local power faction and the shogunate have joined hands, what is the meaning of Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the new general?
The ruler would rather the subordinates attack each other and divide and rule.I also don't want to see them get along in harmony and harmony.

If all the people below vent their breath through one nostril, wouldn't the ruler be emptied?
What's more, Shiba Yoshigin also has a more orthodox Kawachi Genji family name than Ashikaga Yoshiaki, stepping on Ashikaga Yoshiaki's vitals, making her uneasy all the time.

Compared with Ashikaga Yoshiaki who was hesitant, Oda Nobunaga looked at the eloquent Ise Sadako with deep eyes.

This old fox, who has experienced ups and downs in the shogunate, is indeed capable. She accurately grasped Ashikaga Yoshiaki's psychology.

Compared with avenging the ancestors, the political needs of liquidating the rebellious party.Ashikaga Yoshiaki is more concerned about the real threat of Shibo Yoshin in the future in the shogunate.

In the face of the main contradiction, the secondary contradictions are of course irrelevant.

Whether or not Ise Sadakyo participated in the killing of Ashikaga Yoshiki is not important.The important thing is whether she has the ability to help Ashikaga Yoshiaki deal with Shibo Yoshiyin.

When Ashikaga Yoshiaki hesitated, Oda Nobunaga asked with a smile.

"It sounds like Master Ise Zhenjiao still has some grievances in his heart?"

Ise Zhenjiao said solemnly.

"I don't dare, I'm just a little worried.

The samurai world, the shogunate government, should be led by Ji Wushi.

When the ancestors were alive, my lord Ninagawa and I were just fighting over government affairs, but everyone was thinking about the foundation of the shogunate.

There may be disputes in business affairs, but in private communication, we are still friends. "

Oda Nobunaga laughed.

"Oh? Isn't it the same now? The vassals are still working for the shogunate."

Ise Zhenjiao shook his head.


The first Ashikaga shogun established the teeth, and the shogunate has been based in Kyoto for two hundred years. Whenever a man interferes in politics, it will inevitably lead to chaos.

Back then, Hino Gotai's involvement in politics was just under the banner of a general, causing a lot of discussion in the world, and chaos inside and outside the shogunate.

Ninagawa is loyal, and the Odaisho is a genius. Naturally, it is very different from the Hino Odaisuo, but I still can't help worrying.

A man intervening in politics is a sign of troubled times.The lessons learned from the past, the teacher from the past, should be cautious. "

As soon as Ise Zhenjiao's words came out, the audience was in an uproar, this old lady really went all out.

Although the examples she gave were cryptic, all of them were high-ranking warriors present, so they naturally understood the malice in her words.

In the imperial office of the eighth shogun, Fujun Hino was involved in politics and business, causing the eighth shogun's rebellion, which can be described as the turning point of the shogunate from prosperity to decline.

Ise Sadakyo uses Fukun Hino to talk about the matter, implying that Shiba Yoshigin will also mess up the government and have evil intentions.

Tomokun Hino joined forces with Masato Hosokawa, the leader of the shogunate at the time, to control the administration.

Ise Sadakyo's Shiba Yoshigin and Ninagawa's relatives are analogous to Hino Tomiko and Hosokawa Masato.This is tearing up the face in public, smearing Shibo Yoshihiro and Ninagawa's parents to death.

The old woman is really crazy.

Ise Zhenjiao also had no choice, she knew that this metaphor was absurd.

How can that villainous man Tomiko Hino compare with Yoshigin Shiba, the incarnation of righteousness?
How can a mediocre person like Ninagawa compare to Masato Hosokawa, the outstanding governor of the Hosokawa clan?

She has completely disregarded logic in her speech, imitating Song Yongxiu's shamelessness and bottom line, biting like a mad dog.

But the key point is, Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga, the two of them love to listen!

Ashikaga Yoshiaki's eyes lit up, the corners of Oda Nobunaga's mouth curled up slightly, and the eyes he looked at Ise Sadako softened at the same time.

Shiba Yoshigin is a peerless man, and in recent days he has become known as the God of the Ashikaga Army. He is invincible, and no one wants to offend this strange man in the world.

Ise Sada taught this mad dog to talk nonsense and dare to pour dirty water on Shiba Yoshihiro. He is the talent Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga need.

Like this kind of old dog with ability, experience and status, the two of them will never find another one.Pass by, not to be missed.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga's eyes met, and they both nodded slightly.

The accusation of collusion between Ise Chakyo and the Miyoshi family can be put aside for now.Since she is so sensible, let her try to deal with Yoshihiko Shiba.

If it fails, it will not hurt the two of them.If you get away with it, it's really a lot of money.

The thinking of the two is the way of Ise Zhenjiao's survival.

The Ise family has no other way out, and the only way to survive is to do what others dare not do.Ise Sadakyo used Ninagawa's own life as an introduction to bite Shiba Yoshigin in order to show her worth.

As long as the two Highnesses are willing to let the Ise family go, the Ise Jodaka will use the lessons learned by Hino Tomi-kun as an excuse to attack Shiba Yoshihiro and let the two of them enjoy the benefits of fishing.

What she gambled on was that Yoshiaki Ashikaga and Nobunaga Oda's fear of Yoshihiro Shiba surpassed all other political needs.

Seeing the suddenly ambiguous attitude of the two of them at this time, Ise Zhenjiao felt that he should have won the bet.She was emotionally agitated for a while, and couldn't help coughing heavily.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki pretended to be concerned and said.

"Your Majesty is still sick, but has been blown in the wind for a long time, how come the people here don't know what's going on?

Mr. Ise has served the shogunate for many years and has always been loyal.The chaos in Miyoshi Shangluo is something that no one wants to see.

The boss can abandon his own honor and endure humiliation to protect the capital.I also deeply admire this thought.

It's just that Miyoshi's act of rebellion and regicide is really shocking.If the vassals don't have an explanation, it will always be difficult to justify. "

Ise Zhenjiao covered her mouth and coughed, a stern light flashed in her cloudy eyes, and she quietly gestured behind her.

Seeing Ise Zhenjiao's hint, the two vassals looked at each other with determination.

They went out together and bowed, saying.

"Miyoshi goes to Luo, harms Kyoto.

Mrs. Ise didn't want to wade into this muddy water at first, but she felt the kindness of the shogunate because of our coercion, so she had no choice but to deal with Miyoshi's family.

Now, the boss is being harshly criticized for my advice, and my reputation has been damaged. What face do we have to live in the world.

There is only one death! "

After finishing speaking, the two of them lifted up their shirts at the same time, drew a cross on the stomach with the swords they had prepared, and cut them hard.

Their movements are not fast, if someone is willing to stop them, they will naturally be able to stop them.But the scene in the meeting hall was peaceful.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga watched them cut their seppuku coldly, Ise Sadaka shouted no, but his eyes were fixed on the two highnesses above.

As long as the two above do not stop them, they will accept the conditions of the Ise Zhenjiao and acquiesce to the Ise family to pass the test.

But after that, the Ise Joshin Church will inevitably try to bite Shiba Yoshigin.Make it impossible for this imperial court to gain a foothold in Kyoto and complete the political transaction that the two parties cannot expressly say.

Sure enough, the ministers of the two acts successfully cut their stomachs, and no one stopped them.Ise Zhenjiao felt relieved, and then wept bitterly, and shouted.

"My lords, don't want to apologize, why are you doing this? Why are you doing this!"

Oda Nobunaga applauded twice and said.

"A true loyal man!"

Then she ordered two Ji warriors to intervene for the seppuku.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki didn't speak, and watched the meeting hall beheaded and spattered with blood.She sighed only after the body was pulled away by the guarded Banner outside.

"Master Ise, my condolences."

Ise Zhenjiao was in tears, kowtowed to the ground and said.

"It was me who did not do things properly, which caused them to feel ashamed and hara-kiri, and lost their dignity in front of the imperial court.

I implore His Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki to severely punish me and set the record straight. "

Ise Zhenjiao compares the emperor to Ashikaga Yoshiaki who is on the throne, which is treating her as the Ashikaga general.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki's face softened, and he said with concern.

"My lord is sick, how can I have the heart to punish you severely.

That's all, the matter of Kyoto's obedience will be discussed in another day. "

Ashikaga Yoshiaki did not talk about forgiveness, but only said that we will talk about it another day, which is to leave behind.

If Ise Jodaka doesn't deal with Shiba Yoshigin, Ashikaga Yoshiaki will turn his face, renegotiate the matter of Ise Jodaka's rebellion, and let the Ise family die.

In fact, she was overthinking.

A political deal was reached without saying a word, and all the girls present were witnesses.There are also people from Ninagawa's faction among the vassals, and news of today's events will soon spread.

Ise Sadao offended Shiba Yoshihiro and Ninagawa so badly this time, even if she didn't do it, those two would not let her go.

Politics is the art of compromise, and most of the time it is a smile on the face and a knife in the dark.But if the face is torn, it will be life and death, cutting grass and roots.

Ise Zhen taught herself to do everything right, and she couldn't regret what happened afterwards.If Yoshihiko Shiba doesn't kill her, no one will care about the feelings of Shiba's family in the future.

Oda Nobunaga looked at Ashikaga Yoshiaki's preparation, and faintly wanted to laugh.

It is impossible for Ise Sadakyo to go back on his word, and Ashikaga Yoshiaki's intentional backhands seem to be superfluous, and his political methods are young, which inevitably makes people look down upon him a bit.

Ise Zhenjiao bowed down to thank her, and she used the blood of two vassals to temporarily pass the test.

Oda Nobunaga glanced at Ashikaga Yoshiaki and said.

"His Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki went to Luo and arrived in Beijing smoothly, which is the blessing of the shogunate.

It's just that the original order in central Beijing was disturbed by Miyoshi's rebellion, and the Isshiki family who was in charge of the waiter had long fled back.

Sincerely, I have the legal documents of Luozhong, and I implore Your Highness to allow Samurai Oda Iehime to come forward to maintain the law and order in Kyoto. "

After the establishment of the Ashikaga Shogunate, it gradually transitioned from the royal family system of the Kamakura Shogunate to the guardian system headed by General Ashikaga.

The shogunate's military organization, the servants, used to manage the imperial family, has also shrunk power because of this, and has gradually been reduced to an existence that maintains public order in Kyoto.

In the early days of the Ashikaga shogunate, the four famous families of the waiters, who were also known as the three leaders, fell one by one as time went by.

Before Miyoshi went to Los Angeles, one of the four positions in charge of the Kyoto servants was Isshika.

The Isshiki family inherits Tango's guardianship and controls Tango's country.Tango country stone is [-] high, located in the northwest of Danba country, not far from Kyoto.

The Isshiki family heard that Miyoshi's family went to Luo, and the warrior Ji who was stationed in Beijing quickly fled back to Tango country.Although the strength of the Yishi family is far inferior to that of the Miyoshi family, it is too embarrassing to be in such a mess.

Oda Nobunaga proposed the legal system in Luozhong in order to re-plan the defense of Kyoto by taking advantage of the poorness of the Isshiki family, and replace the already rotten waiter with his own troops.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki hesitated.

The performance of the servants controlled by the Isshiki family in this Kyoto incident is indeed very disappointing.But in fact, the Isshi family is no wonder.

The real force responsible for the defense of Kyoto has never been the servants, but Ashikaga Huizhong.

How could General Ashikaga allow the Isshiki family to control the military power inside and outside of Kyoto? The five hundred Ashikaga Huis are the main body of the military in Beijing.

If it weren't for Ashikaga Yoshiki, who thought he had taken control of the situation, he would transfer all the five hundred Lima back to Sakamoto Castle.The fate of General Ashikaga's family may not be so tragic.

There are only three or two kittens in Isshiki's family in the service office, and they are purely coming to the castle town of Kyoto to reap benefits.Facing the Shangluo army of the Miyoshi family, with no soldiers and no generals, of course they could only run away.

Oda Nobunaga excused the incompetence of the servants and presented Luozhong's legal system, proposing that the Oda family be in charge of the defense of Kyoto, in order to get a hand in the military power in Kyoto.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki definitely couldn't agree, but she didn't know how to refuse Oda Nobunaga.

Miyoshi's family has just retreated, and Shibo Yoshihiro is about to go to Los Angeles.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the future lord of the public, is now just an embarrassing figure with no name or distinction.She also needs to hold Oda Nobunaga to stand for herself, reject Miyoshi externally, and fight Shiba internally.

But Oda Nobunaga's request is too much. If she is given the right to defend the capital, she may not be able to lose it in the future.

Reject wolves at the front door, but enter tigers at the backyard.Ashikaga Yoshiaki made a wrong choice no matter what, and suddenly he frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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