different warring states of japan

Chapter 1193 Yiyin Loves Yihui

Chapter 1193 Yiyin Loves Yihui

While waiting for the door to open, Yagyu Muneyan explained.

"Godaisho, His Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki wanted to welcome you.

It's just a coincidence that people from the Tiantai sect came to visit and explain some of the previous faux pas and misunderstandings. "

Yi Yin looked back at Yagyu Munegan with a humble smile, and said.

"Monemo Yagyu has worked for me and has done her best for the past two years. For the sake of her devotion to her duty, I will not make things difficult for you.

I know what Ashikaga Yoshiaki is afraid of, and I will explain this clearly to her.You don't have to, let alone get involved.

So, shut up. "

The smile on Liu Shengzong's face froze for a moment, and then he bowed deeply and stopped talking nonsense.

In Shangluo Zhiyi, the Tiantai sect left the arena without authorization, which Yiyin didn't know about.But even if he knew, he didn't care.

This group of snobbish eyes in Kyoto only saw the mighty military power of Oda Nobunaga and Ashikaga Yoshiaki's successor general, but they didn't take Yoshigin, the widow of the ancestor, seriously at all.

Yiyin despises and despises these scumbags who fail to achieve success and fail to achieve success, and have nothing to do.

If it weren't for Oda Nobunaga's difficult situation, who would waste time with these shogunate teammates?
Although those bastards in Kanto are difficult to manage, they do things fairly straightforwardly.On weekdays, he cares about every detail, but on the battlefield, if he dares to fight and fight hard, he will really earn his future with his life.

In comparison, the women in the shogunate are nothing.Unreliable at ordinary times, and a thief in war.All the benefits, no sacrifices, no responsibility at all.

Yiyin was too lazy to talk nonsense with Yagyu Zongyan, after all, she was not worthy.

A former intelligence chief who was kicked out by Ashikaga Yoshiki, now worships under Ashikaga Yoshiaki, and only asks for the reinstatement of the official. Is this kind of greedy person reliable?

Ashikaga Yoshiaki would like to use even this kind of person, Yoshigin really feels sad for the Ashikaga General's family.

At this time, the gate opened, and Yiyin walked straight in.Liu Shengzong followed closely behind him, leading the way for the imperial platform.

Gamo Shigo gave Naomasa Ii a look, and kept her and half of the congregation inside and outside the door, beware of closing the door.

Sibo Yiyin's righteousness is awe-inspiring, and he is not afraid of Xiaoxiao.But Gamo's Township, as the head of a group of people, must guard against malicious intentions from outsiders.

She arranged for Naomasa Ii and half of them to guard the gate strictly and guard the horses, just to leave a way out.

After arranging this matter, she hurriedly led the other half of the group to follow Yiyin's pace.

At this time, Takata Yukino, who had been accompanying her all the time, was already walking behind Yanagi Mongyan, staring at her back like knives.

Yanagyu Zongyan, a swordsman of Yan's generation, could naturally feel the warning from Takata Yukino from behind, and suddenly his hair stood up.

She shook her head and smiled wryly, she really just wanted to lead the way, this little ancestor of the Sibo family must not misunderstand.

Although Takata Yukino is weak, her swordsmanship is different and can be called the fastest in the world.

On the battlefield, the two sides put on a sharp edge, and Takata Yukino's advantage is not obvious.

But when swordsmen are fighting without armor, the only thing they can do is to be fast. Who would want to be an enemy of Takada Yukino, a jerk who draws his sword?
As the group walked forward, Liu Shengzong was careful to guide Yiyin in the direction.

Suddenly, Takada Yukino said something.

"Wrong way."

Yoshihiro stopped in his footsteps, his eyes turned to Yagyu Muneyan, Gamo Shigo's right hand was already holding the handle of the knife.

Liu Shengzong said in a cold sweat.

"That's right, the Imperial Palace, this is the road."

Yiyin looked back at Takata Yukino, who pointed to the other side and said.

"The main hall is there. The general and I defended against the enemy and resisted to the end."

Liu Shengzong came to his senses and quickly explained.

"The Imperial Palace and the Nijo Imperial Palace were captured once by the Miyoshi family. When the vassals rebuilt it, some of the seriously damaged courtyards were abandoned.

Please follow me to the current chamber, which is right here. "

Yi Yin glanced at the direction Takata Yukino was pointing at, his heart was suddenly touched, and he said.

"I'm going to have a look over there."

Liu Shengzong was stunned for a moment, and said.

"His Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki is still waiting for you..."

Before she could finish speaking, Yi Yin interrupted her.

"Didn't you say that she is receiving people from the Tiantai Sect? Why is she waiting for me again?"

Liu Shengzong was speechless and dared not say anything more.

In fact, the old hall was not seriously damaged, but it was captured by Miyoshi's family once, which is not auspicious.

So the vassals re-arranged and deliberately avoided the old hall, which can be regarded as a new look for newcomers, so as not to make Ashikaga Yoshiaki feel unlucky.

But Shiba Yoshigin is the widow of Ashikaga Yoshiki, so you can't say this in front of him, isn't it just looking for trouble?
Seeing that Yoshigin insisted on going to see the place where Ashikaga Yoshiki died in battle, Yagyu Zongyan nodded helplessly.

"What Yutai said was that I will lead the way for you."

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"No need, Xue Nai, lead me to take a look. Gamo Clan Township, you take someone to guard outside."

Yagyu Zongyan stepped forward and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Gamo Shixiang.

She could only helplessly watch Shiba Yoshigin follow Takada Yukino and disappear into the courtyard of the old hall.After thinking about it for a while, Yanagyu Zongyan walked away to ask Ashikaga Yoshiaki to come over.

Yoshihiro Shiba went to remember his fiancée, and Yoshiaki Ashikaga, Yoshiki Ashikaga's younger sister, happened to come over to have a look. His sister-in-law and brother-in-law could also get in touch with each other, paving the way for future political negotiations.

Yiyin just didn't allow Yagyuzong to follow strictly, and didn't restrict her from leaving.Pusheng's Township didn't stop her and watched her go away.


In the courtyard, Yiyin followed Takata Yukino and walked forward.

Stone steps, stone lanterns, stone squatting, the general's residence is naturally carefully constructed, and every landscape is carefully designed.

Going around the autumn trees and moss, walking along the stone steps into the courtyard, Takada Yukino pointed to the front and said.

"In front is the meeting hall, where the general holds his daily deliberations and handles official business."

Looking ahead, Yiyin always felt that there was some disharmony in the court, but he couldn't say anything.He squatted down, and could see traces of faint red from the cracks in the stone path.

After a fierce battle here, even after careful cleaning, there are still some clues left.

Takata Yukino sees that Yoshinori won't leave, so he turns around and stays by his side.

Yiyin raised his head and smiled, and asked.

"She has been working here? Why don't you go out for a walk?"

Yukino stared blankly at the lord's smile, and replied.

"The general always said that she wanted to restore the glory of the Ashikaga family, and she couldn't slack off.

She used to go to the sword room to practice in the imperial palace.After I came to Erjo Castle, I buried my head here and didn't go out very much. "

Yi Yin nodded.

The layout of Ertiao City is based on the military city, guarding between Ertiao and Santiao, entrenched in the north of Kyoto, and looking at the central hinterland of the south.

Ashikaga Yoshiki built this city to gather the power of the shogunate and suppress the dissatisfaction of the shogunate with military power.

This guy's method is really rude.

Coming to Nijo Castle shows that Ashikaga Yoshiki's layout has entered a critical stage, and she must always be careful of counterattacks from forces inside and outside the shogunate. Of course, she has no intention of practicing kendo.

Yiyin looked at the meeting room and murmured.

"What's wrong with you?"

Takata Yukino thought the lord was asking himself, so he said.

"The general always talks about you."

Yiyin didn't move his eyes, and asked with a smile on his mouth.

"What do you say about me?"

Takata Yukino followed and looked at the chamber, as if recalling the past.

"The general said that you don't understand the rules, you take off your clothes in public for the first time when you meet, you don't have any restraint of a man.

You also said that you looked down on her and never took her, the Ashikaga general, seriously. "

Yiyin laughed.

"I can't tell, she is also a person who likes to gossip behind her back."

Takada Yukino shook his head.

"No, the general never said that to others, just complained in front of me.

She said that she must restore General Ashikaga's family, make you look at her differently, and make you marry her willingly. "

Yiyin's eye circles were slightly swollen, and he felt a little sore. He blinked and said helplessly.

"The fool."

Ashikaga Yoshiki is such a proud fool, who does she think she is?The goals set are too unrealistic.

The Ashikaga family has been in decline for a long time, and it has long been hard to return.The samurai inside and outside the shogunate only want to use General Ashikaga to make profits for themselves. Who really takes General Ashikaga seriously?
She Ashikaga Yoshiki is the clay bodhisattva in the temple. When it is useful, she will come to worship you, but when it is useless, who cares about you!
The foreign minister wants to shit and pee on your head, and the shogunate wants to get more benefits by relying on the shogunate's signboard, each takes what he needs.

But Ashikaga Yoshiki really took himself as a clay bodhisattva as a dish, forging ahead and offending everyone at once, and died inexplicably as a result.

Yiyin felt his heart was blocked.

If it weren't for himself, Ashikaga Yoshiki might have calmed down a little bit, and slowly figured it out.But it was his own appearance that made Ashikaga Yoshiki eager to prove it to himself, and that's why he ended up like this.

Yiyin sighed and repeated.

"Fool, big fool."

Takata Yukino didn't know the bitter and complicated emotions in the master's heart, pointed to an open space, and continued.

"I remember the words of the lord, to protect the general, so I practice sword here.

Sometimes the general came to bother me when he was done with work, making me unable to meditate. "

Yiyin asked with great interest.

"She came to bother you? How can she bother you?"

Takada Yukino frowned, pouted her small mouth, and said while snapping her fingers.

"He kept asking those questions over and over for more than two years, what a nagging general.

Ask what you like to eat, what clothing and jewelry you prefer, and what you usually like to do.

It is really annoying to have to ask repeatedly, obviously she can recite it by herself. "

Yiyin felt that he couldn't control his emotions, so he pointed at the corners of his eyes with his hands and pulled them out.Then slightly to the temple, gently comforting his trembling forehead.

His eye circles were red, and there was a faint glint in his eyes, and he sighed.

"It's really annoying."

Yi Yin finally found out where the sense of disobedience in the courtyard came from, and asked.

"Here, there are no sliding doors?"

Xue Nai glanced at the courtyard and nodded.

"By the way, when Miyoshi's family attacked, the general led us to kill them several times.

The Sanhao family couldn't beat us, so they tore down the doors and used them as shields, hiding behind the door panels and stabbing us with long spears.

We only had knives, and our weapons were not as good as theirs, so we had to retreat to the meeting hall. "

Takada Yukino pointed to the meeting room in front, and Yoshihiro said with his eyes fixed.

"Go, have a look."

The two stepped onto the porch and entered the room.

Takada Yukino pointed to the main seat and said.

"At that time, I was withdrawn under the protection of the general, and she put me down there, and handed me the golden seal and Sanriyue Zongjin, and asked me to leave through the secret path."

Yiyin walked slowly to the main seat, half-kneeled on the tatami, stared and asked.

"and then?"

Takada Yukino was in a daze, and said for a while.

"I don't know, the general said he wanted me to protect you from what happened to her, and then I left.

General, it should be. .dead. . "

Yiyin slowly stretched out his hand, fingertips stretched forward, as if he wanted to touch someone's cheek across time and space.

His voice was a little low.

"Big fool, I'm not you, how could I die? You killed yourself, you know?
If you are doing your duty, who can do anything to you?What's wrong with being a general in name only?Just want to be brave, just want to make the dog jump over the wall in a hurry!
Do you think you are stupid?Ashikaga Yoshiki, do you think you are a fool?Big fool! "

Takada Yukino took a step forward.


Yiyin lowered his head.

"Xue Nai, can you go out for a while? I want to be alone for a while."

Yukino looked at Yiyin's trembling shoulders, turned her head and left the room.

The sound of her footsteps gradually faded away, and drops of water appeared on the tatami in front of Yiyin, falling and splashing in all directions.

"Yoshiki Ashikaga, you idiot!

Do you know that I have been using you all the time, I never thought of marrying you!

Do you know, I have been planning in Kanto, and I will regret the marriage as soon as I come back, I am not worth so much from you!

Do you know why Akechi Mitsuhide wanted to kill you?It's for me!I slept with her, but you and I were innocent, you said you died unjustly or not!

Do you know that there is no way for me to avenge you when I come back this time!Those people who conspired to kill you, I can't move!
I still want to win them over, give them benefits, and continue to live in this world of bastards, with those bastards who killed you!

Do you know that your death is in vain!You big fool! "

Yiyin felt that he couldn't breathe. He retched a few times and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

He was going to see Ashikaga Yoshiaki soon, he had a lot of things to do, he didn't have time to cry here.

Finally, Yiyin wiped his eye sockets vigorously, gently embraced the air in front of him into his arms, and whispered.

"In this life, I am sorry for you. In the next life, if there is another life, I promise, I will be with you!
I will marry you, and I will revive the Ashikaga Shogun's house with you.What I owe you, I will pay you back in my next life!
Now, it's time for me to go.

There are a lot of people I care about, they believe in me, they follow me, I have to be responsible to them, I have to keep going.

I really envy your pride, your determination.

I can't do it, I can only live in this troubled world, and continue to play this boring game with those disgusting people.

Yoshiki Ashikaga, I've slept with a lot of people and it's been great.Are you angry that I will sleep with many, many women in the future?
But I still want to tell you that I will be your husband all my life.No one can take your title away.

You see, am I being hypocritical?Come, let's get to know each other again.

Hello, Ashikaga Yoshiki.I am the most hypocritical man in the world, Yoshihiro Shiba, and I want to be your husband.

Shiba Yoshigin loves Ashikaga Yoshiki, and he has fallen in love with him since he doesn't know when.

This time, it's my truth. "

(End of this chapter)

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