different warring states of japan

Chapter 1198 A New Breakthrough

Chapter 1198 A New Breakthrough

Oda Nobunaga glanced at Gepani, with a heroic demeanor like a samurai, and asked.

"Knights? Is it your military organization?"

Bautista nodded.

"Yes, she belongs to a military order of monks fighting the heretics."

Sitting on the tatami, Gepani gave a knight salute to Oda Nobunaga, which seemed a bit nondescript.

"I salute you, Your Excellency the mighty Lord of the East."

Oda Nobunaga nodded and asked Bautista.

"What can she do for me?"

Bautista laughed.

"Allow me to introduce myself first, I was born in a faraway place called the Liberian Peninsula. Before dedicating everything to *, I was a Spaniard.

In my homeland, my fellow countrymen began to fight with a combination of firearms and long guns very early on.

We were the ones who brought the arquebus here, and we're clearly more experienced than your locals are with this weapon. "

Bautista said, pointing at Gepani.

"Gepani's knights have been fighting against heretics all year round, and she has solid military accomplishments.

She will come to the east, and she will be the retinue sent by the military monks she belongs to protect us servants of the gods. "

Oda Nobunaga narrowed his eyes and asked.

"So? What do I have to give you to get Gepani to work for me?"

Bautista shook his head and said.

"I am here this time not for trading, but for friendship, to gain your friendship."

Oda Nobunaga looked at the woman in front of him in surprise, her expression was pious, yet cunning.

"My friendship?"

Bautista nodded.

"Yes, for your friendship.

Gepani will provide free services to your army, training them to use iron cannons correctly and how to cooperate with pikemen. "

Oda Nobunaga looked at Giepani, Giepani said.

"Yes, Your Excellency.

I will teach your men everything I know about the light arquebus.

I have carefully observed the geographical environment of the island country. There are many mountains, few plains, and lack of conditions for shock cavalry activities. It seems that you do not have the tradition of using throwers and artillery on a large scale.

This is very suitable for the combat method of matchlock guns and long guns. Liberia's tactics have almost no natural enemies here and can be completely replicated.

The only trouble is that you lack full-time soldiers.It is not difficult to train soldiers, but it is not easy to keep them fighting.The hand holding a gun is different from the hand holding a hoe. "

Oda Nobunaga smiled and said.

"Of course I know, so you came at the right time, you are very useful to me.

Bautista, right?I accept your friendship. "

Oda Nobunaga shouted to the servants outside who were hard at work scrubbing the black girl.

"How's it going?"

The servants bowed respectfully and answered.

"Report to the hall, it can't be wiped off, it's really dark skin."

Oda Nobunada was overjoyed and shouted.

"Pull her here!"

The black girl was pulled out of the pool and returned to the room trembling.The water droplets on her body wet the tatami, but Oda Nobunaga didn't care, instead he happily circled around her.

"Interesting, interesting.

He is very tall and strong, next time he will show Lord Kenshin wearing the clothes of a warrior Ji, and he will surely be able to surprise him. "

Oda Nobunaga went around three times, thinking about how to scare Shiba Yoshigin's prank, and finally pointed to the black girl and said.

"From today onwards, your name will be Yasuke!"

The black girl couldn't understand what she was saying at all, and looked at her with a confused face.

Oda Nobunaga frowned, looked at Gepani, and said.

"She has to learn Japanese, and I taught you that."

Gievanni turned his gaze to Bautista, who nodded slightly.

Oda Nobunaga was very dissatisfied when he saw their communication, and said.

"If you do things for me, you must abide by my rules!

From today onwards, you are no longer a member of the knight order, you must serve me like a Ji warrior.

I will bestow upon you the identity of the Wu family, do you understand! "

Bautista laughed and said.

"Your Excellency the mighty lord, Gepani cannot fulfill your request.

She is a religious knight sent by the church to protect the missionaries. Her mission is to protect us missionaries who are active in Kyoto.

You may not know that in this city there is a lot of malice against us missionaries.We must be careful to escape the persecution of the pagans. "

Oda Nobunaga said coldly.

"I know very well, isn't that why you want my friendship?"

Bautista was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Oda Nobunaga to be so kind.

Originally, her idea was to get closer to the Oda family first, and then find a way to guide the Oda family's favor towards the Nanman Sect.In the end, relying on Oda Nobunaga, he fought for the missionary right of Nanmanism from the shogunate.

Now it seems that Oda Nobunaga's intentions for her are very clear and straightforward.

The local lord of the island country, doesn't she know about the conflict between Nanbanism and Buddhist sects?Such a clear statement by her offends the local religion of the island country very much.

Bautista asked cautiously.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?"

Oda Nobunaga looked at her and said.

"Let this knight called... um... what kind of knight become my Ji warrior, and you will gain my friendship. Within my sphere of influence, I will guarantee your safety.

Since her mission is to protect you, you are safe with me, so you don't need her protection. "

Bautista asked, his heart pounding.

"The missionary..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Oda Nobunaga.

"I only keep you safe because you got my friendship.

Don't ask too much, it's not good for our friendship, you understand?

I am a very generous person, but only to those who are of use to me.If you want more, just think about it, what else can you do for me? "

Bautista's pupils shrank.

Oda Nobunaga's meaning is already very clear. The issue of the missionary rights of the Nanban Cult is not impossible to discuss. It only depends on how valuable the Nanban Cult is to her.

Bautista is the only one that Giepani can exchange for.If you want more, get more benefits in exchange.

To meet such a utilitarian and powerful lord, Bautista is not worried but happy.

Oda Nobunaga does not seem to care about the sentiments of local religions, he is a secular power holder who is only interested in profit.

Such a person is a ruler that missionaries like very much.As long as they can win the right to preach, the Nanman Cult is willing to pay the price.

But Bautista needs to take a closer look at the Oda lord to see what her needs are and what else the church can offer to entice her.

At this time, Bautista decisively spoke to Gepani in the southern barbarian language.

"Knight, I order you as a Japanese parish priest.

In order to spread the glory of God, you have to become the Ji warrior of this lord and serve her, understand? "

Geoffrey nodded.

"All peoples should praise ***, I understand."

After speaking, Gievanni imitated the posture of the samurai, bowed stiffly, and said.

"Willing to serve you, powerful Eastern Lord."

Oda Nobunaga nodded in satisfaction.

"You speak Japanese well, I will send someone to teach you the etiquette of warrior Ji.

Your first task is to teach Yasuke to speak Japanese, understand?

I named you Shengcheng, um, Miao Zi Shanke, from now on you will be called Shanke Shengcheng! "

Geppany. .No, Yamashina Katsunari nodded.

"Your will."

Yasuke looked around in confusion, not knowing that he had changed to a new master.

Bautista smiled and said nothing, thinking about what kind of reaction the various sects in Kyoto would hear about today's incident.

Oda Nobunaga laughed.

Doesn't she understand what Bautista is up to?No, she understands the thoughts of these religious fanatics too well.But what Nanman taught just tickled her itch.

The Nichiren Sect wants to use her, and the Nanban Sect also wants to use her. As long as these two sects can bring her enough benefits, she can bear the hatred of other sects.

Fifty years of life is like a dream and an illusion.

If Oda Nobunaga wants to rapidly expand his power, he must make a choice.If you are afraid of offending others, you might as well go back to Owari to nurse your child!
Life is short, seize the day and night.The Wu family prospers and falls suddenly, and only by seizing all the available help can they achieve the hegemony of the people in the world.

Oda Nobunaga's eyes were burning with ambition, and she accepted the friendship of the Nanman Sect in Tofuku Temple. She is also a daring fanatic.


Outside Tofukuji Temple, Bautista's priest's black uniform is particularly eye-catching.

But she no longer maintained the low-key and cautious approach when she came, she did not cover her cloak, and walked out of the temple with the strange eyes of the nuns in Tofu Temple.

Shan Kesheng, who sent her out of the temple, saw that she was so careless and couldn't help reminding her.

"Dear Bautista, although Lord Oda is willing to guarantee your safety, the local religion here is very fanatical, and you should keep a low profile."

Bautista said with a smile.

"Dear Gepani, in order to spread the glory of the Communist Party, you are willing to serve the lord of this remote island country. I am moved by your sacrifice.

Please don't worry about me, I have already dedicated everything to Almighty God.If a heretic were to take my life, it would be my great honor to meet *. "

Seeing her being so overbearing, Shan Kesheng frowned.

"Dear Bautista, I have to remind you that your actions are suicidal. You should be aware that this is *not allowed."

Bautista shook his head and said.

"I am walking on the road to sanctification, and now I am looking forward to the fanatics of local religions coming to take my life.

But unfortunately, according to my observation, the Tiantai sect in Kyoto does not have the courage.If Yixiangzong is willing to send followers to assassinate me, I will be very happy.

You know, dear Gepani, the lords of the islands are very concerned about appearance.Killing me would be a serious provocation to His Excellency Oda.

Your Excellency Oda is a powerful lord with one-tenth of the military power of this island country.If she can hate Yixiangzong and be hostile to Yixiangzong, my death will be very valuable. "

Katsushige Yamashina understood Bautista's intentions.

The priest of the Nanban religion already planned to be martyred. She will use the protection of Oda Nobunaga to carry out high-profile missionary activities until the last moment of her life.

The only way to stop her from spreading the glorious glory is to kill her.And whoever kills her will be hated by her protector, Oda Nobunaga.

Bautista said solemnly.

"Dear Gepani, I need you to dedicate all your strength to your lord like a true Hime warrior.

The better you do, the more valuable we are in the heart of His Excellency Oda.

I will write to Floys in Sakai Port and tell her that I have finally found a new breakthrough in Kyoto.

We need to take a closer look at Lord Oda to see if she can continue to maintain a strong presence in this chaotic island nation.

On the other hand, we also need to help her as much as possible so that she can value my value.

Only when she values ​​me, the local religion's persecution of me will make her feel angry.

I can see that she is a utilitarian through and through.The only effective way to communicate with her is interest.

As long as I still have use value, she will not give up on me.Any persecution imposed on me will harm her interests.

I don't care about my own life or death, if my life and death can create a powerful enemy for Xiangzong.This is really beneficial to our business.

Thanks to **, we finally found an effective way to go further into this wild island. "

Yamashina Katsunari nodded.

"Good luck, dear Bautista.

I will try my best to make this lord satisfied. As for you, sacrifice is the last choice. I hope you can live to see the glory of God blooming in this land. "

Bautista solemnly drew a sign of the cross on his chest, and said solemnly.

"Use the cross to kill me, kill us, save me is my enemy. In the name of the father, the son, and the ****, ****."


Tofuku Temple, the Nanban religion began to contact Oda Nobunaga.

At the same time, in the Nijo Imperial Palace, Gao Ni of the Tiantai Sect bid farewell to Ashikaga Yoshiaki, returned to the mountain contentedly, and went to report the good news to Venerable Jueshu.

After the nuns of the Tiantai Sect left the conference hall, Ise Zhenjiao kowtowed to the ground and said.

"Congratulations to Your Highness Yizhao, with the support of Tiantai Sect, your position in Kyoto will be more stable."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki said with a smile.

"Thanks to Master Ise running around for me, I went to Mount Hiei when I was sick, and contacted Enryakuji Temple."

Ise Zhenjiao shook his head.

"Master Jue Shu accepted my mediation because of your face. I just took advantage of your prestige to do some small things within my power."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki grinned.

Her background is embarrassing, and she is the most taboo for others to look down on her.Ise Zhenjiao is cunning and cunning, and it is easy to figure out people's hearts.Everything she said scratched her itch.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki saw the old woman getting more and more pleasing to the eye, and gradually forgot about her colluding with Miyoshi's family to kill his sister.

To put it darkly, if Ashikaga Yoshiki hadn't been murdered, how could it be Ashikaga Yoshiaki's turn to take the position of General Ashikaga?

Ise Zhenjiao is useful and sensible, and she is Ashikaga Yoshiaki's good assistant in the shogunate, so why bother with those small mistakes in the past.

Compared with the shameless spirit of the Ise Joshin Church who dared to do anything with no retreat, people like Wada Yoshimasa and Niki Yoshimasa still had some integrity.

In some cases, they are indeed not as easy to use as Ise Zhenjiao.

(End of this chapter)

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