different warring states of japan

Chapter 1200 The benefits cannot be less

Chapter 1200 The benefits cannot be less

Sanyuan Qingyuan glared at his daughter and cursed.

"Watch your tone of voice!
With your meager ability, you can become the guardian of Beihanoi and control the territory of more than ten thousand stones, all thanks to the kindness of the imperial platform!
You have to know how to be grateful! "

Sanyuan Tengying muttered.

"Of course I remember Odaisho's grace, but Odaisho makes mistakes too.

You see, he was also caught off guard this time, allowing the Oda family to come out on top, which caused us to fail in the Battle of Shangluo.

The shogunate is re-established, and we have no merits in hand. How can we invite credit and rewards to stabilize the status of the two families in the shogunate? "

Sanyuan Qingyuan was speechless by his daughter, so he could only become angry from embarrassment and cursed.

"It's not your fault!

Just because you made a mistake first, our two families had to participate in the crusade in Nanhanoi, and make up for your mistakes, so you have the nerve to complain! "

Sanyuan Tengying pursed her lips and said nothing, but she was dissatisfied in her heart.

Any samurai sitting in her position would make the same choice as her.Her own interests are the most important thing, how could she go out of the way for Hatakeyama Gaozheng.

Ke Sibo Yiyin oppressed others with righteousness and insisted on pointing her as the wrong party, what can she do?The other party is the great benefactor who made her become the Guardian of Hundred Thousand Stones, she can only be wrong.

Thinking of this, Mibuchi Tengying couldn't help feeling resentful.

Although she is the Guardian of Hundred Thousand Stones, the two family governors and their retainers don't think she has the ability to control the overall situation.Everyone believed in her sister, Hosokawa Fujitaka.

Mibuchi Fujihide secretly glanced at Hosokawa Fujitaka beside her, she was frowning as if she was thinking about something.

Sanyuan's mother and daughter stopped arguing, Hosokawa Motochang opened his eyes and looked at them both helplessly.

This mother and daughter are very different. They have quarreled many times these days, but they can't offer any useful opinions.Can't solve the problem, what's the fuss about?

Moto Hosokawa looked at Fujitaka Hosokawa and asked.

"Fujitaka, what do you think?"

Hosokawa Fujitaka shook his head and said.

"The current situation is indeed somewhat obscure, making it hard to see through.

Oda Nobunaga took the lead and took all the credit for Shangluo.We were empty-handed, and the Imperial Palace was also embarrassed.

The Kyoto shogunate seems to be in a fog, making people unable to see the future direction clearly.Our two families must be careful not to fall into it easily.

The only thing that is certain now is that His Royal Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki will inevitably become a general.

Both Oda Nobunaga and Odaisho have promised this, and this is the only fact that will not change. "

Moto Hosokawa frowned.

"What do you mean, let us show our favor to His Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki?"

Before Hosokawa Fujitaka could speak, Mibuchi Haruyuki was already in a hurry and spoke first.

"The Royal Tower has been kind to Hosokawa Mibuchi and his family. He was not around a few days ago, and we can explain it with some small actions. There is still room for maneuver between the two parties.

Now that he is in the capital, if we continue to circumvent him and go our own way, the relationship between the two parties will no longer be maintained! "

Hosokawa Fujitaka looked at Mibuchi's mother who was anxious, and said with relief.

"Please rest assured, I have no intention of turning my back on the Imperial Palace.

Although the strength of our two families is not small, it is not very important.If we break away from the groups of local powerful factions, we will not be able to win more benefits in the shogunate.

Only this time, we got nothing in the battle of Shangluo because we participated in the Southern Hanoi Crusade Army in response to the call of the Imperial Palace.

As the leader of the local power faction, Yutaisuo always has to give us an explanation.

Sister Tengying's mistake has been made up for in the crusade in Nanhani.

Then, he should also give some comfort to the losses our two families suffered in the Battle of Shangluo due to the mistakes made by the Royal Tower.

I haven't figured out what benefits I want specifically, but it won't make our two suffer. "

Hearing that Fujitaka Hosokawa just wanted to seek some benefits, and was not betraying the Shiba family, Haruyumi Mibuchi's face became much better.

The Hosokawa and Mibuchi families have benefited a lot from Shiba Yoshiyin, and Mibuchi Haruto is a staunch pro-Shiba faction in the family.

As Hosokawa Fujitaka said, the local power faction as a whole can ask for more benefits from the shogunate.Turning against Shiba Yoshigin will not benefit the Hosokawa Mibuchi family, only disadvantages.

If the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families leave the Shiba family alone, they will easily be looked down upon by various factions in the shogunate.

After all, wooing needs to be worth wooing.The [-] stone territory of the Hosokawa Sanbuchi family is not small, but their previous record is not good.

But if there is Shiba Yoshigin, the Ashikaga Army God, leading the way and cooperating with Shiba's [-] koku territory in recent days, the Hosokawa Mibuchi family will have an influence far beyond their own strength.

Therefore, whether it is for the previous kindness or the bargaining chip based on reality, the Hosokawa Mibuchi family needs the tiger skin of the local power faction, and even more needs the outstanding leader Shiba Yoshigin.

The benefits that were not obtained in the Battle of Shangluo can be obtained from Shiba Yiyin to make up for it.

Crying children have milk. As long as Shiba Yoshihiro still wants to be the leader and maintain the unity of the local power faction, he must give some benefits to appease the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families.

This is Hosokawa Fujitaka's little calculation. The local powerful faction cannot lose the hat that protects them from wind and rain, and the benefits of Shiba Yoshigin's side are also indispensable. Hosokawa Mibuchi and his family will not suffer at all.

Hosokawa Motochang couldn't help but shake his head at Mibuchi Haruhito's speech. Her younger sister is too emotional. This is her advantage and the reason why she cannot become an outstanding house governor.

On the contrary, Hosokawa Fujitaka made Hosokawa Motochang very satisfied.Facing Shiba Yoshiyin, whom she admired, she remained calm, judging the situation and striving for the best interests of Hosokawa Mibuchi and his family.

The Izumi Hosokawa family was able to stand firm in all the political turmoil of the shogunate because they did not miss the team.In the shogunate, the ability to stand in line is more important than the ability to fight.

Hosokawa Fujitaka can be a good family governor, I hope she can lead the Izumi Hosokawa family through this troubled times safely.

Moto Hosokawa looked at Fujitaka Hosokawa and asked.

"Fujitaka, you said that the only constant thing is that His Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki will inevitably succeed to the throne. Do you have any ideas?"

A trace of sadness flashed between Hosokawa Fujitaka's eyebrows.

In fact, she never thought that Ashikaga Yoshiaki was so lucky.Just relying on a face that resembles Ashikaga Yoshiki, Shibo Yoshin is tolerant everywhere.

This makes Hosokawa Fujitaka, who has been encouraging himself, telling himself that Yoshihiro Shiba doesn't love Yoshiki Ashikaga and that he still has a chance, feel overwhelmed.

Ashikaga Yoshiki was dead, but Hosokawa Fujitaka just couldn't get rid of her shadow and let Shiba Yoshigin fall into his arms.

And that Akechi Mitsuhide. .Hosokawa Fujitaka bit his lower lip and couldn't help snorting.

All his plans failed, and Yoshihiro Shiba returned even stronger this time.Akechi Mitsuhide was whipped and confined, and the small actions of Hosokawa Mibuchi and his family made him even less fond of Hosokawa Fujitaka.

Hosokawa Fujitaka couldn't help but feel a little desperate, is it useless for him to do anything?There is no chance to be with him again in this life. .Not reconciled, not reconciled.

Hosokawa Moto noticed that Hosokawa Fujitaka was distracted and reminded.


Hosokawa Fujitaka woke up from self-pity, forced a smile, and said.

"His Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki has received the military support of Oda Nobunaga, and the title of the Imperial Palace is guaranteed. There is no obstacle to succession to the throne of General Ashikaga.

Although we are a member of the local power faction, we cannot abandon the common position of the local power faction.But as a minister of the shogunate, there is nothing wrong with showing respect to the new Ashikaga shogun.

I believe that the Imperial Palace also hopes that we will support His Royal Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

That being the case, why not do it? "

Hosokawa Moto often applauded softly, Hosokawa Fujitaka really got the essence of shogunate politics.

This little cunning, on the one hand, she wants to use Shibo Yoshihiro and the local power faction to raise her family's influence.

On the other hand, maintain respect and friendship with the new Ashikaga general, and give the other party room to maneuver in order to win him over.

In this way, no matter what happens to the political situation of the shogunate in the future, the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families can calmly switch positions and remain invincible.

This is the powerful folly, the real tumbler of the shogunate.

The mother and daughter of the Izumi Hosokawa family are too good at calculating, but they haven't realized that the times have changed.

With Oda Nobunaga going to Luo, the Ashikaga Shogunate, which has stood in Kyoto for two hundred years, has come to the brink of collapse.

Until now, whether it is Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the future general, or the courtiers of the shogunate, they have not yet realized the threat of Oda Nobunaga, and they are focused on fighting for the power of the new shogunate.

The shogunate was hit by turmoil again and again, and it returned to the right track again and again, which gave the shogunate samurai an illusion.

I thought that this time, like the previous turmoil, the shogunate would be able to stabilize its foothold again.


Located in Omi, Lake Biwa is the largest freshwater lake in central Japan, surrounded by mountains.

The Kyoto Basin and the Omi Basin are separated by mountains. The Seta River is a tributary of Lake Biwa and a water transportation hub connecting the two basins.

With the Yamashiro country where Kyoto is located as the core, the most quintessential parts of Japan are the Omi Basin in the east, the Nara Basin in the south, and the Osaka Plain in the west.

From ancient times to the present, the transportation method with the lowest logistics cost is water transportation.

In the northern part of Kyoto, there is the Danba Highland, the Hira Mountains as a barrier, the Yodo River connecting the Osaka Plain in the west, and the Seta River leading to the Omi Basin.

With the help of this superior geographical location, the Kyoto Basin succeeded the Nara Basin as the center of recent history, radiating its influence to the four islands of Japan.

At this time, Asai Nagamasa was passing the Seta River on a boat with her husband, Mr. Ichi, to Kyoto.

Looking at his wife who was frowning, the city lord couldn't help feeling distressed and complained.

"What did Oda Nobunaga ask me to go to Kyoto? She caused you to be complained by the retainers, and made me in a difficult situation in the Asai family.

This kind of person, why pay attention to her! "

Asai Nagamasa shook his head helplessly, persuading in a low voice.

"After all, she is your own sister, how can you call her by her first name, don't be rude.

As I have already said, His Highness Oda sent a letter saying that he misses you a little bit, and I hope that when I go to Luo, I can take you with me to relieve the pain of missing you. "

The mayor hummed.

"Didn't she slap me just now in Xiaogu City?
miss?If she really thought about my younger brother, she wouldn't press you every step of the way.

This time I go, I just want to tell her that I don't have her sister, and let her stop bothering me in the future! "

Asai Nagamasa smiled slightly, she knew that the city lord cared about her and comforted her.It's just that the expression of this proud husband is quite unique.

Before going to Los Angeles, Asai Nagamasa had already explained the situation, and the mayor complained about Oda Nobunaga all the way to relieve Asai Nagamasa's depression.

In this battle of Shangluo, Asai Nagamasa made Oda Nobunaga very difficult.

First, the Minami Omi Raiders, the Asai family did not hesitate to delay the spring plowing, but was blocked by Oda Nobunaga, and did not get any benefits.

Minami Omi's hexagonal vassals had been infiltrated by Oda Nobunaga long ago.When the war officially started, most of them defected in an instant and fell into the command of Oda Nobunaga.

Asai Nagamasa cooperated with Oda Nobunaga's anti-seasonal campaign and forcibly mobilized farmers and soldiers, resulting in a shortage of manpower for spring plowing. This year's harvest in Kita Omi counties will inevitably be reduced.

He didn't eat meat, and he put on fat himself. The Asai retainers were very dissatisfied with Asai Nagamasa.

Asai Nagamasa went back to appease the retainer group, Oda Nobunaga launched an offensive without authorization, and took all the credit for Shangluo, which made Asai Nagamasa even more inhumane.

Not only was she questioned by Asai's retainers, but even Shi Jun, the married Oda son, was also made to cry several times by the gossip, resenting that ruthless sister.

Now, the restoration of the Kyoto shogunate is imminent, and all meritorious ministers have received invitations from Shangluo, and Asai Nagamasa is no exception.

Oda Nobunaga privately asked Asai Nagamasa to take the mayor to Luo with a letter from his family. Although Asai Nagamasa didn't know what this sister-in-law wanted to do, he still felt that Oda Nobunaga's attitude was softening.

Asai Nagamasa thought over and over again, and finally decided to take the mayor to Luo, to explore Oda Nobunaga's intentions.

In Otani Castle before, Oda Nobunaga slapped the mayor, and Asai Nagamasa tried his best to defend the mayor, and he did not hesitate to sweep Oda Nobunaga's face.

The mayor is just a young husband in a boudoir, he doesn't understand politics at all.I only think that it is because of myself that Oda Nobunaga has a bad feeling for Asai Nagamasa, which makes his sister trip up his wife.

In his heart, he was full of guilt for his wife.I couldn't help but make up my mind, even if I saw Oda Nobunaga this time, even if I knelt down and begged her for forgiveness, I couldn't let her bully my own woman like this again.

Asai Nagamasa knew the mayor's thoughts clearly, and just laughed it off.

How can military affairs be trifling with?
Asai Nagamasa actually understood Oda Nobunaga's intentions.This matter has nothing to do with the city lord, it's just that my sister-in-law is too ambitious to allow the Asai family to compete with her for Nanjinjiang.

Now Minami Omi has fallen into the hands of the Oda family, and the Asai family has no harvest.On the contrary, Asai Nagamasa was looking forward to seeing how Oda Nobunaga was going to face his ally and his younger siblings.

Compared with the mayor's tough outside and soft inside, Asai Nagamasa is actually very clear about his value to Oda Nobunaga.

If the Oda family eats and wipes clean this time, and doesn't give the Asai family any benefits, I will have a hard time as the supervisor of the Asai family, and it will not be a good thing for Oda Nobunaga.

The Oda family has just entered the past few years, and their foothold is not stable, and they still need the help of their younger siblings.

Oda Nobunaga specially asked himself to bring the mayor to Shangluo this time, and he would probably give himself a face in order to maintain the long-term relationship between the two families.

(End of this chapter)

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