different warring states of japan

Chapter 1213 Oda is in action

Chapter 1213 Oda is in action

Ise Zhenjiao inadvertently broke the scandal between Shiba and Oda, and she also counted on Oda Nobunaga to be a bull and horse for the shogunate and become a bargaining chip to suppress Shiba Yoshiin.

The organ's calculation was too clever, and it cost Qingqing's life instead.If you do too many crimes, you will really die in a coincidence.

Shibo Yoshigin will pay the price for his innocence, and only after paying a painful price will he understand that the Ashikaga Shogunate is so rotten that it is not worth looking forward to.

As for Ise Zhenjiao, don't even think about having a good end.Oda Nobunaga has never been a good man and a faithful woman, her patience is just waiting for an opportunity before the beast hunts.

When she bared her fangs, the shogunate samurai would understand Shiba Yoshigin's good intentions.It's just that at that time, where will Shiba Yoshiyin, who has already been severely slapped in the face by reality, stand?
The broken mirror is reunited, but the cracks are still there.Can't go back, can never go back.

Shibo Yoshiyin is destined to abandon this decadent old shogunate and embark on his own path.


No matter how deep the night is, it will eventually fade away. When the first ray of sunshine blooms from the east in the morning, the world will always usher in a bright new day.

In Tofukuji Temple, Oda Nobunaga and Asai couple had breakfast together.Spring and summer socializing outside the door, the day is getting warmer, the sun is shining on the body, making people lazy and not wanting to move.

Asai Nagamasa was obviously still angry about yesterday's ceremony treatment, and his expression was not good.

She is a daimyo of hundreds of thousands of stones in Beijinjiang, she is young and promising, and she is superior to all females.In this Battle of Shangluo, the Asai family mobilized against the season and suffered heavy losses.

But what about the shogunate?To arrange her in the second seat is simply too deceitful.

It is common for martial arts to draw their swords for face.The descendants of the declining Kyogoku family sit in high positions, but they themselves occupy a corner. Asai Nagamasa wanted to get mad at that time.

It can be seen that Oda Nobunaga, the [-] million-dollar daimyo, also received the same treatment as himself, and Asai Nagamasa was stunned, no longer angry at what happened to him, but shook his head at the arrogance of the shogunate.

There are sixty-six countries in the world, and the stone height is [-] million.The Oda family occupies core fertile lands such as Owari, Mino, Kita Ise, and Minami Omi. The stone height is two million, which is one-tenth of the world.

Shan Mingjia, one of the four positions in the shogunate, occupied the eleven countries of the Western Kingdom, and was known as the Sixth Palace, which means the daimyo who owns one-sixth of the neighboring countries.

The western country has many mountains and little land, and it sounds scary that the mountain masters own eleven countries, but in fact there is a lot of water, and it may not be stronger than the Oda family who owns the Nobi Plain.

Oda Nobunaga was staring at the side of Kyoto, Ashikaga Yoshiaki was so arrogant that he made her the second seat at the succession ceremony, and Asai Nagamasa didn't know what to say.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the new Ashikaga general, does he really think his fame is too high?The Wu family are all obedient and obedient little white rabbits who are ranked according to their seniority.

Seeing Asai Nagamasa's unsightly face, Oda Nobunaga said with a smile.

"Asai Hime, are you still angry about what happened yesterday?"

Asai Nagamasa sighed.

"That's all for me. I'm nothing more than a small foreign vassal. But you also received such cold reception. I never expected it."

Oda Nobunaga shrugged, indifferent.

"You are wrong to blame Mr. Gongfang, she has not been vulgar for a long time, and she doesn't know much about martial arts etiquette.

The important tasks of the ceremony must be arranged by the shogun who is proficient in etiquette.In this matter, our new general is also a marionette, and was put on a line.

Even if she saw us in the second place that day, with her personality, she would not stop the ceremony and stand up for us. "

Asai Nagamasa narrowed his eyes and said.

"What do you mean, are the vassals playing tricks?"

Oda Nobunaga sneered.

"These shogunate ministers are not good at fighting, but it is not a thing to live in the shogunate to eat and drink.

You and I have done a great job in assisting the general Shangluo, but they didn't get any benefits, so they are naturally dissatisfied.I am not surprised to beat us on the occasion of the ceremony.

After all, we are foreign vassals, and we don't understand etiquette, so we are naturally at their mercy.If you want face, you have to know how to donate money and respect.

The vassals relied on this method to extort bribes and lived comfortably in Kyoto. "

Asai Nagamasa's face turned cold, and he already understood.

After she came to power, she has been busy with war and housekeeping. Even when she helped Ashikaga Yoshiki repel Miyoshi Changqing, she never set foot in Kyoto.They are almost ignorant of these black-box operations by the shogunate.

But Oda Nobunaga is different. She intends to become a member of the world, but she spends a lot of money to buy information, so she can clearly spy on the ugliness of the shogunate.

General Ashikaga controls the world with a balanced hand, and the appearance of a powerful daimyo is the most taboo.The generals of all dynasties have the bad habit of conniving and acquiescing to small surnames, sidelines, shogunate ministers and other shogunate ministers to extort bribes from foreign vassals.

On the one hand, by humiliating self-esteem and belittling local warriors.On the other hand, it also weakens the strength of local warriors by asking for a large amount of donations.

It's just that in recent years, the shogunate has weakened badly.There are fewer and fewer local samurai who are willing to put hot faces on cold asses and donate money to the shogunate.

However, the methods of soliciting bribes passed down from generation to generation by the vassals have not kept up with the changes of the times.They are still living in the old dream, fishing out the water, recklessly reaping benefits, and offending many people.

The local samurai no longer fear the generals and hate the shogunate, and they also have a share of the credit.

Oda Asai assisted General Luo Yougong, but this matter is not good for the shogunate. Of course, they have to beat the two ignorant local vassals to let them know the rules of the shogunate.

Oda Nobunaga was unwilling to respond, and Asai Nagamasa really didn't understand, neither of them donated money to win over the vassals, so this ceremony humiliated.

Since the three generations of shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu slaughtered the emperor's court, the ceremony of the samurai family has been presided over by the performer.

Yoshida Harusuke, whom Yoshigin met in Kanto, was from the Kamakura Ashikaga family.Because the Tian family understands etiquette and can preside over various ceremonies, they have a privilege that is different from other samurai families.

And there are also such players in the shogunate, who will help the ministers repair the ignorant foreign vassals, and make the country bumpkins who don't understand etiquette suffer from being dumb.

It was too late for Ashikaga Yoshiaki to learn etiquette and cope with the ceremony by himself, so he had no time to pay attention to these small movements.

Even if Ise Zhenjiao, Wada Yuimasa and others knew about this, they would not care, because this is an old rule that has been accumulated over the years.

They will not offend their colleagues in the shogunate for the sake of strengthening the vassal in the place where they will leave sooner or later.Most remind Oda Asai, make a small fortune and maintain decency.

When no one cares, Oda Asai is belittled to the second place, and nothing will happen.From the perspective of etiquette, there is nothing wrong with this matter, because the families of the two families are indeed not enough.

Asai Nagamasa cursed with hatred.

"These villains, the shogunate will be destroyed sooner or later in their hands. I will write a letter to Lord Gongfang to expose their evil deeds."

Oda Nobunaga shook his head and said.

"Master Gongfang won't care.

What did our new general rely on to turn from Daogaoni to become the supreme under heaven?Isn't it the old rules of the guardian system of family blood?
Even if she knew this, she would still cover up the ministers.Because this is the foundation for her to become a general. "

Oda Nobunaga didn't seem to care, but in fact he held grudges far more than Asai Nagamasa.

She has a surly temper. She likes big scenes and cares about face.If it weren't for Shiba Yoshiyin, she wouldn't have resisted her femininity and pretended to be a good baby.

Asai Nagamasa was suffocated when he heard it, he couldn't hold his breath, but he had to swallow it.

What Oda Nobunaga said was right, Ashikaga Yoshiaki was able to succeed to the general, not because of her personal ability, but because of the blood of Kawachi Genji's descendants flowing on her body.

She must firmly grasp the point of status, and the set of order of honor and inferiority, in order to guarantee her majesty and power.

Seeing Asai Nagamasa's disdainful face, Oda Nobunaga secretly smiled.She wasted so many words today to make Asai Nagamasa give up on the shogunate.

The shogunate was already rotten, and besides Shiba Yoshigin, a naive man, who else really took the shogunate seriously.

The vassals also fished a little more, and didn't want to look up to see if the boat would sink.

Oda Nobunaga looked at the courtyard outside the door and said leisurely.

"Hime Asai, today is the first day of the new general's ascension. The crime we suffered yesterday, Mr. Gongfang, don't think about it.

Believe it or not, the vassals will find ways to temper the general's temperament, this is their way of survival.

If the general wants to show his majesty by showing his majesty, they must be respectful and respectful, but if they want to do something practical, heh.

The legal system in Luozhong that I wrote will also be discussed over and over again by the vassals, and changed beyond recognition until I don't know it myself. "

Asai Nagamasa felt tight in her chest, she put down her chopsticks and sighed.

"This is the shogunate that we fully support Shangluo, the restoration of the shogunate."

Seeing that his wife was too sad to eat, the city lord at the side glared at his sister in dissatisfaction and said.

"The whole family happily eats breakfast, so why are they talking about things that they can't eat?"

He didn't understand the big politics of the shogunate, but he just loved his wife.Putting down the bowls and chopsticks heavily, the city lord looked at Nagamasa Asai and said.

"I'm going to visit the castle town today, will you accompany me?"

Asai Nagamasa glanced at Oda Nobunaga and said.

"His Highness Oda and I still have something to discuss, you can go by yourself. Bring more money and silk, and have fun."

Oda Nobunaga nodded.

"Fuck you, our daughter's family still has business to talk about.

Hideyoshi is currently in charge of the castle town, and you are familiar with it.Play casually, and if you meet someone who doesn't have long eyes, ask Hideyoshi to help you stand up. "

Shi Jun tilted his head in displeasure, glanced at the two most important women in his life, and left muttering.

"It's boring, I know how to talk about things all day long.

Hideyoshi is doing well, and he is in charge of the castle town of Kyoto.I want to go and see how capable and majestic this little monkey is now. "


Disgusted by the vassals, they couldn't eat a few mouthfuls of food, so they simply withdrew their breakfast. Oda Nobunaga and Asai Nagamasa sat cross-legged in the quiet room of the meditation room, chatting about business.

Oda Nobunaga said.

"I've already made arrangements, Fujido Tiger will not survive the summer harvest.

Afterwards, you can propose to the samurai families of the three counties who have not obeyed you all the time, to collect military food and service from this year, starting from the summer harvest.

I will let the people of Nanjinjiang go north to assist you in putting pressure on you.Under the deterrence of our north-south attack, I believe those people will understand the truth.

There is no free food in the world, and they have been free for two years. If they want to be content, they should return to the right track of paying food and taxes. "

Asai Nagamasa hesitated.

"Do you really want to attack Fujido Toraka? How should I explain it at the Odaisho?"

Oda Nobunaga laughed.

"Fujido Tiger High is not dead, Takashima County is okay to say, the samurai family of the two counties pushed her out as a shield, how do you deal with it?

To make the Wu family of the three counties give up their allegiance, they must work hard.If you let them see your hesitation and play tricks, this matter will be repeated again.

The Battle of Shangluo is over, and my army cannot be placed in the south near the river forever, consuming food and grass.

If you want to do it once and for all, you can use the head of Fujitang Hugao, supplemented by a large army to suppress the situation, keep the three counties' samurai clothes softly, and pay food and tribute. "

Asai Nagamasa bowed his head and remained silent.

Of course she knew that the opportunity must not be missed, but once this matter was done, there would be no room for maneuver between her and Yoshihiro Shiba, and cracks would inevitably appear in the friendship between the two parties.

She had already married her husband, and it was impossible for her to have any further problems with Yoshihiko Shiba.But just friends, can't you go on?
Oda Nobunaga squinted at Asai Nagamasa.

She used Asai Nagamasa's desire to actually control the three counties, and encouraged her to kill Fujido Toraka, so she naturally had her own intentions.

Fujido Toraka is not only a trouble for the Asai family, but also a thorn in the side of Oda Nobunaga.

Although Shiba Todo leader only has [-] koku, with his influence over the samurai families in the two counties of Aichi Inu, Todo Toraka can do too many things.

If this thorn is not pulled out, it will be a hidden danger buried behind Nan Jinjiang.

Of course Oda Nobunaga could kill Fujido Toraka by himself, but she insisted on obtaining Asai Nagamasa's consent before doing it, in order to put the blame for the murder on Asai Nagamasa's head.

This is killing two birds with one stone.

First, to alienate the friendship between Shiba Asai and his family.Second, unplug Shibo Yoshiyin's hidden stake in Minami Omi.From then on, Shiba Asai's comrade-in-arms friendship formed from the Norada battle will inevitably turn cold.

Asai Nagamasa pursed his lips and said nothing, Oda Nobunaga said with a smile.

"I understand the friendship between the Asai family and Mr. Kenshin. Asai Hime is a person who knows how to reciprocate, and I appreciate it very much.

It's just that if the Asai family doesn't control the three counties for a day, there will be no peace in Kita Omi.

The land of the three counties has not paid the military food and service for a long time, how long can the Asai retainers tolerate it?If things go on like this, big things will happen sooner or later, you have to make a decision early.

Don't worry, you won't be involved in the matter of killing Fujido Hutaka, and someone else will naturally do it.

It's just that you have to give me a letter of approval, otherwise how can I mobilize soldiers and horses to help you subdue the three counties' Wu family? "

Asai Nagamasa smiled wryly.

What a wise person Oyodaisuo was, once Fujido Toraka died, the Asai family relied on the Oda family to forcibly swallow up the three counties, of course he could understand what was going on.

It's just that Oda Nobunaga was right. If the matter of the three counties is not resolved for a day, the contradictions within the Asai family will continue to intensify, and one day it will explode.

Asai Nagamasa thought and thought, and finally sighed.

"Your Highness Oda, what exactly do you want to do?"

Seeing that she finally let go, Oda Nobunaga laughed and said.

"After the land of Nanjinjiang surrendered, some Jiahe people joined me. This small matter just allows me to test them and see if they are worthy of my care.

Assassination is the specialty of Ninja, but they really have a way to plan a round for me. "

(End of this chapter)

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