different warring states of japan

Chapter 1254 Murder in the dark

Chapter 1254 Murder in the dark

Isamu Kondo was secretly pondering the real reason for Mori Shige Dohashi's visit, when the passionate singing of mercenaries suddenly came from the courtyard outside the door.

"The sea is rough...my blood boils..."

Dohashi Mamoru turned cold, stood up, opened the sliding door, and scolded.

"Ba Ge Ya Lu! Shut up! You bastards, restrain me in Kyoto! Tighten your tail!"

Isamu Kondo glanced at Hijikata Toshizo, and Hijikata Toshizo approached her ear and said.

"A ballad about Kii pirates going to the Seto Inland Sea to beg for a living."

Isamu Kondo smiled.

It turned out to be the song of robbery, no wonder Dohashi Shouzhong reacted so strongly.These pirates are really lawless, dare to sing this at the foot of the Kyoto shogunate.

The song sounds majestic and full of passion, but it's a pity that the singers are a group of beasts who never do anything human.

Dohashi Mamoru returned to his seat, bowed and said.

"excuse me."

Isamu Kondo saluted back.

"Tuqiaoji has a way of governing the army, and I admire it."

Dohashi Mamoru smiled, naturally he wouldn't take it seriously.Ji Yi's mercenaries have always had a bad reputation, so there is no need to take such polite words seriously.

she asked.

"Kondo Hime, when do we start to act?"

Isamu Kondo glanced at the sky outside and said.

"Act when it gets dark."

Hijikata Suisan frowned.

"The secrecy team hasn't found out where the shogun Ji warriors who attacked Takada Yukino-sama are. Let's use an alternative plan?"

Isamu Kondo nodded.

"Odaisho has left the capital, we must act immediately to let the shogunate feel the anger of Odaisuo.

Those rats hide deep, so they will be killed first from the list of rumormongers, and they will be killed to make an example to others.Let's solve the first four on the list tonight and see the reactions of all parties.

Dohashi Hime, tonight's action is to go to the four mansions to launch Tianzhu.

I will bring Mibu Wolf in to do things, and your team will support you outside. Just in case, I will ask Okita Hime to bring a few people to assist you. "

Okita Souji on the side bowed slightly, and Dohashi Mamoru bowed back, knowing in his heart.Isamu Kondo was still worried that these mercenaries would mess around, so he sent the overseer.

Isamu Kondo also had no choice. She originally thought that Hijikata Toshisan would not be able to bring back many people, and that the supervisory team of Chief Commander Okita was enough to control the overall situation.

Who would have thought that Yono Takada would provide such generous support, let alone that the tyrant Dohashi Shoushige would be willing to personally lead the team to Kyoto.

Mibu Wolf has three leaders and thirty tribes, and Dohashi Mamoru brings fifty tough pirates.

Adding up the two sides, there are more than [-] desperadoes, and they are also equipped with sufficient ordnance such as iron cannons, bows and arrows. This strength is a bit too strong.

Eighty ronin skilled in martial arts, fully equipped, even if one or two samurai troops coming in reserve, they may not be able to defeat them.

Okita Shoji's supervising team couldn't suppress fifty pirates, and Isamu Kondo sent her to watch the Dohashi people, betting that Dohashi would not mess around and restrain his subordinates.

Tuqiao Shouzhong understood and said with a smile.

"Kondo Hime, I have accepted the money, so I will naturally listen to your arrangements. It's just that I have a small personal request, and I ask you to help me."

Isamu Kondo calmed down and said.

"Please say."

Dohashi Mamoru said leisurely.

"I heard that some exotic Nanban people are active in the lower town of Kyoto. Can you help me find out where they live, how many people are there, and where they are active."

Dohashi Mamoru is willing to cooperate with Isamu Kondo because he values ​​the information network of the Shiba family in Kyoto.

Mibu Wolf's actions were supported by the secrecy team and the Yagyu team. The pirates like Dohashi Mamoru have no channels to inquire about news in Kyoto, and it is inconvenient to do things blindfolded.

Isamu Kondo saw Dohashi Mamoru's serious face, and suddenly came back to his senses.Zahezhong is a follower of Yixiang sect, looking for Nanman people. .Southern barbarians?

Just before Tianzhu was launched, Dohashi Shouzhong's request came out of the blue. Is this a request or a threat?

Hijikata Toshizo interjected.

"Dohashi Hime, this seems to be a little different from what we said before."

Dohashi Mamoru bowed and said.

"This is my personal request. It is indeed a bit abrupt. I owe Mibu Wolf a favor."

Isamu Kondo and Toshizo Hijikata looked at each other, maybe this group of southern barbarians was the intention of Mamoru Dohashi's insistence on entering Beijing.

The matter of Tianzhu was on the line, and it was indeed too much for Dohashi Shouzhong to make a request at this time.But her posture was very low, and she promised this favor, which made Isamu Kondo hesitate.

Logically speaking, Misheng Wolf shouldn't get involved in anything other than Tianzhu.Both San Taifu of the Hundred Lands and Zongju Liusheng didn't like Misheng Wolf, which caused criticism.

But Tuqiao Shouzhong is not a good stubble, if he refuses forcefully, this group of unruly pirates may not be willing to give face.It is easy to ask God to send God away, which makes Isamu Kondo a little embarrassed.

Hijikata Toshizo glanced angrily at Dohashi Morishou who seemed to be pleading, she was the one who lured Dohashi Morishou to Kyoto, and a sudden accident at this time was tantamount to causing trouble for Mibu Wolf.

She was about to say something, but was stopped by Isamu Kondo's eyes, and Isamu Kondo said.

"Is it a Southern barbarian? I will check and give you an answer."

Mamoru Dohashi bowed again and said thank you.

"I am very grateful, I will go out first to see if those bastards have finished eating, and prepare for the night."

After finishing speaking, Mamoru Dohashi wisely left, leaving the room to the three of Mibu Lang.

After she left, Hijikata Toshizo said to Isamu Kondo angrily.

"It's because I don't know who I am, and I'm causing you trouble. I didn't expect Morishou Dohashi to make a request at this time. This guy is too much."

Isamu Kondo shook his head.

"I don't blame you. With Dohashi Shouzhong's strength, she is following you in Sakai Port, and other mercenaries dare not accept your money. The last ones who come to Beijing must be Dohashi."

Hijikata Sui Sanyin nodded and said with a frown.

"I heard that Shigehide Suzuki was also in Kyoto, and after the general's enthronement ceremony, she has not returned to Kinokuni.

Both Suzuki and Dohashi are here. I should have thought that Dohashi has a different purpose. "

Nami Mibu was a ronin who lived in Sakai Port before, and he knew the details of the mercenaries like Kii very well, Isamu Kondo frowned.

"Suzuki Dohashi has never dealt with them. They are all in Kyoto. Are they going to deal with the group of southern barbarians?"

Hijikata Toshizo said.

"There is a group of Nanban missionaries operating in the castle town, and they are protected by the Oda family.

If we allow Dohashi to act recklessly, I'm afraid it will cause trouble for the master, and the Imperial Palace will not know how to treat us. "

Isamu Kondo said coldly.

"After Tianzhu is finished, send the news to Tuqiao Shouzhong. The two matters of Tianzhu and the killing of the Nanman people are completely separated. No matter what happens afterwards, it will not do our business."

Hijikata Tsuisan nodded, this is also a solution, she asked.

"What about the information?

San Tai Fu and Yagyu Somo are not friendly to us, what if they connect the two matters and sue us in front of the Imperial Palace, what should we do? "

Isamu Kondo pondered for a while and said.

"We don't ask them for information about the southern barbarians. I'll ask Fujibayashi Muku."

Hijikata Toishan squinted his eyes and repeated.

"Fujibayashi Muku..."

Mibu Lang had also heard a little about the dispute between the Baijitenglin family.If you find Fujibayashi Muku, you must sell her a favor.

According to Isamu Kondo's original plan, the Mibu wolf is a sword of the Odaisho, closely following Takada Yukino's eagle dog, regardless of the nasty infighting of the Shiba family.

But if he asked Fujibayashi Muku for help, it would be impossible to be uninvolved in the future.If you help me today, and I will help you tomorrow, you will not be able to clean up.

Hijikata Toshizo hesitated, looking at Isamu Kondo, Isamu Kondo said frankly.

"Tuqiao Shouzhong is right outside the door, and Tianzhu is here tonight, so there is no delay. No matter what troubles you may have in the future, let's go through this barrier first."

Hijikata Toshizo nodded unwillingly, and Isamu Kondo smiled.

"If you think about it better, at least Tuqiao Shouzhong has something to ask us, and he will definitely restrain his subordinates and cooperate with us to complete Tianzhu.

The danger and pressure of Okita Hime following them will be much less, isn't this a good thing? "

Okita Souji coughed lightly and cursed with a smile.

"You two just talk about things, why did you suddenly involve me?"

With one word from her, Hijikata Toshizo's worries were allayed, and the three of them laughed together.

Kondo Yusuke said in a deep voice.

"Our sisters have come to this day step by step, and there has never been a good road for us to walk, so let's take one step at a time.

Don't worry if there is too much trouble, Hijikata Hime, don't think too much. "

Hijikata Toishan nodded slightly, glanced at Dohashi Shoushige outside the door, and stopped talking.


In the dead of night, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps on the streets of Kyoto.A group of Ji warriors dressed in Yamagata haori came to a courtyard.

Isamu Kondo glanced at the courtyard and asked.

"Is it here?"

Under the moonlight, Hijikata Toshisan looked at the map in his hand and nodded.

Isamu Kondo walked up the steps and knocked on the door. After a long while, there was a response from inside the door, and the door opened for a gleam of light.

"Stop knocking! It's so late, who are you?"

The servant leaned behind the door and looked at the swordsmen outside through the crack of the door, his eyes were a little uneasy.

Isamu Kondo asked softly with a kind face.

"Excuse me, is this the residence of Mr. Matsuda Fujihiro?"

The servant looked at her and nodded.


Isamu Kondo asked again.

"Is your lord there?"

"Yes, you are..."

Before the servant finished speaking, Isamu Kondo kicked the door open and rushed in after getting the answer.

The servant was left aside by the kicked open door, and got up angrily to shout something.

Hijikata Toshizo, who was behind him, covered her mouth with a smile, wiped the knife on her neck, then pushed her aside, followed in the footsteps of Isamu Kondo, and walked inside.

The servant clutched his cut neck and couldn't cry out. He struggled and slipped to the ground, twitching and gradually becoming silent.

Dozens of swordsmen filed in and went straight to the dormitories in the inner courtyard.Warrior Ji encountered along the way was quickly dealt with by them, but the screams of servants and Warrior Ji's shouts of killing had already spread to the inner courtyard.

The Misheng wolf rushed into the inner courtyard, and a resolute Ji warrior stood in the courtyard, protecting his husband behind him, and shouted sharply with his sword drawn.

"Who are you!"

Isamu Kondo stepped forward and bowed, asking.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Matsuda Fujihiro?"

Matsuda Fujihiro nodded.

"it's me."

Isamu Kondo made a gesture to Toshizo Hijikata, and the pipe of the three iron cannons was fired at Matsuda Fujihiro from behind, and Isamu Kondo in front was still talking respectfully to Matsuda Fujihiro.

"Isamu Kondo, the leader of the Mibu wolves, has been ordered to execute Tenchu. Please Matsuda Fujihiro on the road."

Matsuda Fujihiro raised his eyebrows and was about to say something when he saw three black muzzles approaching and exploding.

She looked horrified, unable to dodge in time, her body seemed to be hit by a hammer, she groaned, and fell backwards.

Isamu Kondo stepped forward to make up the knife, but Matsuda's husband cried and threw himself on Matsuda Fujihiro, refusing to leave.

Isamu Kondo drew his sword and whispered softly.

"Husband Matsuda, please let go and don't make things difficult for us."

Matsuda Fujihiro was shot three times and vomited blood.Matsuda's husband was tearful, hugging his wife tightly and refusing to let go, shouting loudly.

"If you want to kill me, kill me together! I am friends with Odaisho! We attended the brotherhood tea party together, we are friends!"

Tianzhu was the nightmare of the shogunate samurai family. Although Matsuda's husband was deep in his boudoir, he heard about it.

He knew that it was useless to say anything at this time, if he wanted to keep his wife, he could only rely on Shibo Yoshihiko's relationship.

He did know Shiba Yoshigin for real. When Shiba Yoshigin first came to Kyoto, he conflicted with the interests of the vassals because he privately granted the status of the royal family members of Fujido.

At that time, Ashikaga Yoshiki's father, the brotherhood tea party held by the previous generation Odai, specially invited Shiba Yoshigin to ease the antagonism between him and the shogunate through the relationship of the brotherhood.

And Matsuda's husband was the one who contradicted Shiba Yoshigin at that time.

The ronin like Mibu Lang won't know about this matter.Seeing that Matsuda's husband swore that he had a good relationship with Oyutai, they were not sure.

Hijikata Toshizo looked at Isamu Kondo, and Isamu Kondo took a closer look at Matsuda Fujihiro who was vomiting blood, and he probably couldn't survive.

Since the person was about to die, Isamu Kondo didn't want to bet that what Matsuda's husband said was true or not, so he simply bowed and said.

"Let's take our leave first, please rest well."

Mibu Wolf bowed politely, and did not forget to close the gate of the inner courtyard when he left.

Walking outside the door, Isamu Kondo asked Toshizo Hijikata.

"Who else is behind?"

Hijikata Suisan said in a low voice.

"Iio Akiren, Ueno Kiyonobu, Odate Harutada, and Matsuda Fujihiro just now, tonight is the four of them."

Isamu Kondo nodded and said.

"Next time, do it more neatly, and don't let people stop you.

The relationship between these nobles of the capital is intricate, if they really have some contacts with the Great Royal Platform, it would be troublesome to ask for mercy. "

Hijikata Suisan nodded.

"I see."

In the distance, Dohashi Mamorushige and Okita Souji, who were responsible for the response, led a large group of people and scanned the surroundings from a high place.

Mrs. Okita couldn't hold back his cough, so she asked Dohashi Mamoru, consciously or unintentionally, in one direction.

"Dohashi Hime, is there any problem there?"

Dohashi Mamoru smiled and said.

"No, it's just that an old friend of mine lives there, and I plan to visit in a few days."

Okita Souji nodded and said nothing.

In the distance, the candlelight in front of Shigehide Suzuki was suddenly extinguished by a gust of wind, and she looked at the candlestick with a feeling of foreboding.

The operation to kill the Nanman missionaries must be started as soon as possible, but those people are always active near Tofuku Temple, where Oda Nobunaga is located, and it is the focus of the Oda family's defense.

Killing the person she protected under Oda Nobunaga's eyes?Shigehide Suzuki was a little hesitant, but she always felt that something bad was about to happen, and she had to make a decision.

Take a chance and do it.

(End of this chapter)

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