different warring states of japan

Chapter 1260 Oda Map Sakai Port

Chapter 1260 Oda Map Sakai Port

Takenaka Shigeharu said in a deep voice.

"My lord, do you know the iron cannon workshop established by the believers of the Nichiren sect?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded.

"of course I know."

Takenaka Shigeharu said again.

"Then do you know which materials are the most important to equip a large number of iron cannons?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi was taken aback.

"That's not clear."

Takenaka Shigeharu snapped his fingers and said.

"The gunpowder and projectiles of the iron cannon are the biggest consumables. The gunpowder is mainly charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter, and the projectiles are mainly lead.

There are many forests in the island country, so there is no need to worry about charcoal.Volcanoes are everywhere, and the acquisition of sulfur is not troublesome.The output of nitrate produced by local method is very small, mainly relying on the import of Nanman.Lead is also imported from the Nanban.

Therefore, if the Oda family wants to use iron cannons on a large scale, the most troublesome things are saltpeter and lead.And these two things can only rely on the Nanban trade.

Nanban trade entered the island country from Kyushu Island, traveled the Seto Inland Sea to Sakai Port, and then entered Jinji, Kanto.

If you want to equip iron cannons on a large scale, you must not only rely on the iron cannon workshop to manufacture iron cannons, but also need to obtain a large amount of saltpeter and lead to make gunpowder and projectiles to meet consumption.

Yamashina Katsunari used this to convince the main hall to make the main hall pay attention to the role of Sakai Port. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi frowned.

"Sanshishi is a southern barbarian, why is he so concerned about the Oda family?

It is the tradition of the Wu family to serve the public and be loyal to the Lord.This southern barbarian seems to be doing more work than Ji Wushi, which is a bit weird. "

Takenaka Shigeharu laughed.

"You don't know.

The Nanman Sect followed the Nanman trade and had already established a firm foothold in Kyushu.But this foreign religion has been unable to open up the situation for a long time in recent days.

The reason lies in Ishiyama Honganji Temple.

Ishiyama Honganji Temple is near the port of Sakai. The Ichigo sect is also famous for its extreme fanaticism among Buddhist sects, and it never hesitates to cut off heretics.

The Southern Barbarian Sect confronted the Yixiangzong in the Setjin Kingdom, but could not gain the upper hand.The letters between the two sides have set off bloody massacres many times, and the hatred is as deep as the sea, and they have long vowed to be incompatible. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi suddenly realized.

"So, Shanshishi Shengcheng seems to be doing her best to help the main hall to form the Iron Cannons, but she is actually seeking foreign aid for the Nanman Cult?"

Shigeharu Takenaka nodded.

"Bautista, a priest of the Nanban religion, consecrated Yamashina Katsunari and Yasuke, received the friendship of the main hall, and was sheltered by the Oda family.

Master Xianru of Shishan Hongan Temple sent congratulatory congregations to Beijing to massacre the members of the Nanban sect in Beijing.

The Nanban people, including Bautista himself, were killed, and these people were active in the area around Tofukuji Temple. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi narrowed his eyes and said.

"You mean, Bautista did it on purpose?"

Takenaka Shigeharu said.

"For these religious lunatics, being able to open up the situation for their sect is far more important than saving their own lives."

Hashiba Hideyoshi suddenly became disgusted with the Nanman Sect, which he didn't know well, and shook his head.

"These lunatics."

Takenaka Shigeharu continued.

"Katsunari Yamashina persuaded the main hall, and the Oda family must fight for control of Sakai Port. The attack on Ishiyama Honganji made the main hall lose face and feel dissatisfied.

If the power of the Oda family enters the Settsu Kingdom, the conflict between the Ichiko sect and the Nanman religion will inevitably be mixed in.

Most of the main hall will be inclined to the Nanman Cult, because she needs the materials and technology of the Nanban trade, which is beneficial to the Nanban Cult to do business with the Oda family.

However, Ishiyama Honganji Temple has always been expanding, arrogant and domineering. It can be called a famous religious name, and even the shogunate is unwilling to offend it.

The main hall needs Sakai Port, but he is unwilling to consume the strength of the Oda family, enter the Settsu Kingdom, and fight against the two great forces of the Miyoshi family and the Ichiko clan. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi understood and said.

"So, the main hall will be brought to the shogunate.

In the name of revenge for the ancestors, he coerced the shogunate into the Settsu country, plotted against Sakai Port, and used the shogunate to share the pressure. "

Oda Nobunaga is not ignorant of what Yamashina Katsunari and the Nanban Cult behind her want.Both sides take what they need, but Oda Nobunaga will not let people be used as guns for nothing.

Pulling Ashikaga Yoshiaki and entering the Settsu Kingdom under the name of Dayi can make the most of the shogunate, ease the hostility between the Ichiko clan and the local samurai, and facilitate the Oda family's plot to take down Sakai Port.

Takenaka Shigeharu said.

"Just after the shogunate was established, the general used disgraceful means to drive away the Great Imperial Palace. All the samurai families in Kyoto saw it, and there were countless slanderers.

With the reputation of being mean, ungrateful and ungrateful, the general must show some performance and reunite the shogunate.External expansion is the best way for her to ease internal conflicts and gain military power.

The main hall proposed to avenge the ancestors and attack the Setjin Kingdom, the general will definitely be tempted. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi asked.

"so what should I do?"

Takenaka Shigeharu said.

"The main hall is unwilling to enter the shogunate to participate in politics, even if it is for the sake of greater plans in the future, but at this time, it is indeed a concession to the general. The Oda family has no intention of getting involved in the shogunate, which is enough to make the general feel at ease.

Coupled with the main hall's proposal to attack the Settsu country, the strength of the shogunate is not enough to overwhelm the Miyoshi family, so it must rely on the strength of the Oda family.

Therefore, on the matter of Luozhong's legal system, the general will probably compromise and show some kindness to the Oda family.

There has been news before that the shogunate will set up two guards in Kyoto, one of which will be arranged by the Oda family. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded, feeling a little relieved.

Takenaka Shigeharu continued.

"In addition, the policy of raising the bandits to be self-respecting has not been abandoned by the hall.

The attack on Setjin was not to attack Miyoshi's family.With the foundation of the Miyoshi family, even if the Settsu Kingdom is lost, it will not perish immediately.

The family background left by Miyoshi Changqing is too strong, and if Miyoshi Yoshitsugu loses his family again, it will be enough for him to lose for a few more years. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi said.

"After listening to Ji's words, I feel relieved."

Takenaka Shigeharu shook his head.

"My lord, you can't just be at ease, you have to be more active.

At the beginning, you went to Luo to buy iron cannons for the main hall. No one in the Oda family is more familiar with the situation in Kyoto and Sakai Port than you.

Most of the palace will give you the garrison of Kyoto, but you still need to try your best to fight for the management power of Sakai Port affairs.

The military achievements in Omi, the connections in Kyoto, and the money and food in Sakai Port are the foundation of your life.

You must become the blade at the forefront of the Oda family's development, so that the hall will continue to reuse you, and the retainers will not criticize your origin. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded.

"I understand."


A gust of wind blew up from the bank of the Kamo River, and the smell of blood made the crowd watching the beheading in the distance couldn't help but cover their mouths and noses.

Hashiba Hideyoshi and Takenaka Shigeharu lowered their heads and were talking, while in the distance, Kondo Isamu led several people to look at the execution place.

Hijikata Toshisan beside her said regretfully.

"It's still a step too late."

Isamu Kondo glanced at her and said.

"Don't be too greedy, we have already caught a living person, and it is clear that the mastermind behind the scenes is Ise Zhenjiao, which is enough to satisfy Odai.

His Highness Oda borrowed the head of Ise Sadako's family to intimidate the shogunate.We can't get involved in this matter, let's call it a day.

I will take a few people with me to go to Tamon Mountain Castle to do business, and ask the Odai Office to allow us to go to Sakai Port to serve Mrs. Takada Yukino who is ill.

You and Okita Hime restrain the people left behind, and wait for me to come back. "

Hijikata Suisan nodded, the two looked at the blood-stained river bank together, and stopped talking.


Shiba Yoshigin retreated to his residence, and the situation in Kyoto not only did not ease, but became more intense.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki drove away Shiba Yoshigin just now, and was content to create her dream of being the lord of the world.

However, Oda Nobunaga raised the butcher knife at this time, and the shogunate was shocked to find that this powerful foreign vassal who had been hiding in Tofuku Temple was not as easy to deal with as they imagined.

While Ashikaga Yoshiaki resented Oda Nobunaga's brutality, on the other hand, he was moved by the Miyoshi crusade she outlined.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga's mutual exploration, friction and cooperation will continue.

At this time, Yoshihiro Shiba, who had just returned to Duowen Mountain City, welcomed his first visitor.

To his surprise, the first people who came here were not the two concubines in Nizi Mountain, nor the three concubines sent by the generals led by Maeda Lili, but Master Changjue of Xingfu Temple.

In the tea room, Yiyin received Master Changjue, whom he hadn't seen for several years, and looked at this Buddha-like Taoist Goni in a dusty suit, and couldn't laugh or cry.

he quipped.

"Master Changjue, I just want to become a monk and practice, and I don't want to die forever. You don't have to hurry."

Changjue smiled slightly and looked at the handsome young man in front of him.I haven't seen him for two years, but he has become more and more handsome, and his temperament is beyond dust.

Changjue, who had marveled at Yiyin's appearance back then, couldn't help feeling sorry for himself.

The peerless beauty has become a surviving person, and now she is about to become a monk to worship the Buddha.Even her years of Buddha heart could not hold back, and she sighed for Yiyin.

Of course, Changjue dared to come here in a hurry, not because he was seduced by Yiyin's beauty, but for the benefit of Xingfu Temple and Shingon sect.

The two made an agreement to become a Taoist back then, and Changjue emptied the family property of Xingfu Temple to provide supplies and help Yiyin win the battle of Yamato.

And Yiyin sold his faith to the Shingon sect, promising to join the Shingon sect and protect Xingfu Temple.

Now it seems that both parties have kept their promises, which makes Master Changjue very pleased.Trading with Yiyin was the most successful choice in her life.

Now, Shibo Yoshiyin is determined to become a monk, and he also chooses her to preside over the ceremony, which gives enough face to Master Changjue.

Master Changjue didn't dare to neglect, just now when he received the news, he rushed to Duowen Mountain City in a hurry.

Xingfu Temple is not far from Duowen Mountain City, so she became Yiyin's first visitor after returning.

At this time, hearing Yiyin's ridicule, Master Changjue bowed solemnly and said.

"The wind and dust in spring and summer are a bit heavy, and the poor nun is in a mess."

Yiyin laughed.

"Is it the wind on the road, your clothes, or your heart?"

Glancing at the leisurely Yiyin, Changjue knew that Yiyin didn't do it on purpose, but it didn't make sense for her to accept it, and it didn't matter if she didn't.

Yiyin thought he was educated, so he changed a famous saying of the sixth patriarch Huineng, thinking that he had a heart for Buddha.

But the problem is, the Shingon sect belongs to the Tantric sect, and what Yiyin said is the famous saying of the Zen sect, which is so embarrassing.

Zen Tantra, is that a thing?If someone else was so confused, Chang Jue would have put on a straight face and walked away.

But when facing Yiyin, she couldn't easily refute.

Yiyin has a high position and authority, and is also a big figure who actively joins the religion. How can she refute this lord who does not understand the teachings and speaks nonsense.

If Yiyin's desire to seek the Tao from the Buddha is weakened, wouldn't it be a loss to Shingon Sect?The Buddha also had to consider secular influences, so he naturally had to be more tolerant of important people.

Changjue laughed dryly twice, but didn't answer.

Yiyin came to his senses, probably because he was uneducated and talking nonsense, which made Master Changjue laugh, so he had to shut up in embarrassment.

The eight sects of Chinese Buddhism that formed a system in the Sui and Tang Dynasties are classified into Zen, Jiao, Vinaya, and Jingtan.The four sects of Tiantai, Sanlun, Huayan, and Weishi are all called Buddhist language, also known as Zen.

Japan's Tantra is Tang Mi, which was introduced to Han in the Tang Xuanzong era, and was brought back to Japan by Master Kukai who studied in Tang Dynasty. It is called Dongmi, also known as Mantra.

The Tang Tantra of the Celestial Dynasty was dying after the Sanwu exterminated the Buddha. On the contrary, the Tantric Buddhism of XZ developed and prospered, which is called Lamaism, also known as Tibetan Tantric.

Yiyin used the words of Huineng, the sixth patriarch of Zen, to show off in front of Master Changjue of Shingon Sect.This is enough to prove that he is a hypocrite who knows a little about Buddhism.

Changjue doesn't care whether Yiyin understands or not, as long as he is willing to continue to protect Kofuku Temple, the Shingon sect will recognize him as a devout believer.

The king of Chu is so thin-waisted that many people starved to death in the palace.When Yoshigin officially became a monk and practiced, there would be a large number of Shibajiaji samurai who believed in the Shingon sect to express their loyalty to the family governor.

The Shiba family's family business is booming, and the Shingon sect can receive a group of powerful samurai to become believers. She feels that the mage's skills are so great that she even has the qualifications to compete for the position of suzerain master of Mount Koya.

In the face of such great benefits, Master Changjue didn't care about Yiyin's little mistakes.The most important thing now is to get down to the matter of becoming a monk as soon as possible, and not to let the cooked duck go.

Yiyin was still a little embarrassed, Master Changjue had already changed the subject and asked.

"Everyone in the Great Royal Terrace intends to become a monk and practice. Dare I ask if there is a family temple in Duowen Mountain City?"

Yi Yin nodded.

Nizi Katsuhisa is a particular person. When building Duowen Mountain Castle, she considered that Nara is a Buddhist country, and the special relationship between Kofukuji Temple and Jinshibaling, so she set up a family temple in the city.

Master Changjue wished that Yiyin would become a monk immediately, cook raw rice and make a great contribution to the Shingon sect.But if you should ask clearly, you have to ask carefully to avoid future troubles.

she asked.

"Dayudaisuo, my Shingon sect is not those deviant people of the Ichigo sect who want to cut off the secular marriage as soon as they enter our sect.

You are still young and have no heirs. Do you need to think carefully about the matter of becoming a monk? "

After Master Changjue finished speaking, he looked at Yiyin anxiously, afraid that he really changed his mind.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you become a monk or return to vulgarity, as long as Yiyin is willing to go through the process, Master Changjue is going to finalize the reality of his belief.

The Shingon School does not want him to devote himself to worshiping the Buddha, but wants his family to be big enough to protect Xingfu Temple.Koyasan can also take advantage of the Shiba family's east wind, so as not to lose the wind in the sectarian dispute.

Yiyin smiled, looked at Master Changjue, and said.

"Who says I have no heirs? Mrs. Hachiman gave me the imperial white flag, and I am the husband of Ashikaga Yoshiki, and my father respects the world.

As the elder of Genji, all the samurai in this world are my children, isn't it? "

(End of this chapter)

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